Hi fire38211, it is never too late to learn. Just for your info. Inix had recently acquired 25% of HyperQB, 49 % of Galactic Maritime , and a new vessel for sand dredging and environmental protection. Just launch Virtual Mall using BizApps for UiTM graduates, a business which will grow tremendously. Tp 20s short term.
http://www.hyperqb.com/ HYPER.QB help businesses to enable its payment channel via our secured payment gateway (QB.CONNECT) to local well known payment gateway.
last quarter report, Inix suffer so much losses before tax. How does a non-profitted company can still have cash flow positive without good profits ? If business is excellent, losses after losses, what does it show you?
Hi Daily8, please study the Cash Flow Account in detail. The net cash generated from operating activities are very important. The net cash is positive almost RM 3 m.
Daily8 What is your problem actually. I enter 0.085 on 7/12/17. Sell yesterday @0.125. 20 days ROI almost 50% within 20 days only. Do your homework before comment. Pity.hahha
Agm story almost the same as what B4B4 says here, read la urself im quite lazy to type all.....but many of the shareholders quite impress bout the bizapps...usage of the apps increase beyond the company expectation (i forgot the figure)...else some celebrity such as Rozita Che Wan also using this apps...this what Dr Azman says bit....
Many penny stock was 5s last few months ago. Today 30s above, eg PUC, Palette, Huaan, etc. Next stock moving up will be the 'new' Inix. Looking at 30s in a couple more months. Stay HAPPY guys.
yup acquisition of hyper QB did mention by Azman today...this bizapps is somethin good..if there are celebrities involvement, even more better for promotion purpose...
Hi michaelwong, generally the AGM today was ok. We asked some questions about BizApps and Virtual Mall which the directors gave a very positive outlook, espeicially on the recent purchased of 25% HyperQB. The members also asked questions regarding Galactic Maritime. Basically, Inix is very happy about these two new business.
Empat faktor beli Inix. 1. PMB , pemegang saham yang terkini, 2. Tiada hutang bank atau bons, 3. Aliran tunai dari aktiviti operasi ialah positive RM 2.99m , 4 . Bisnesnya yang berpotensi dan cemerlang.
For the past 5 years from 2013, Inix finally made the right investments. The most recent dividends received of RM 1.175m shows that more good news are coming.
based on agm need some times to limit up, al least next qr report to verify dr azman claim of next profit. it might be sideway w/o any news. need holding power here. not for contra
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
7,597 posts
Posted by B4b4 > 2017-12-26 19:48 | Report Abuse
You are welcome kahsoon888.