After attending the AGM yesterday, I felt so much happier and more relax. Nowadays , can spend more time with wife and children . Drink more teh tarik and eat roti canai. Go for movies too in the afternoon, got discounted tickets. So just buy, keep and hold for 2018 . I am waiting for the two new business (HyperQB and Galactic Maritime) to mature and for the profit to come in. Stay Happy and Cheers.
With good business partners from HyperQB and Galactic Maritime, the New Inix is now moving forward into year 2018. Tp 20s short term. Buy , keep and hold.
Jangan bimbang bang, tunggu sebentar lagi. Inix akan masuk ke tahun 2018 dengan sempurna dan cemerlang. Bisnes Inix tetap mengkagumkan . Inix 'baru' ini tidak akan menghampakan semua para pelabur Inix. Inix sekarang di pimpin oleh Dr Azman dan PMB yang akan mengiring kita semua ke peringkat yang lebih menggalakkan sambil memberi banyak faedah kepada semua .
1st QR 2018 sudah keluar. Not bad. The administration expenses sudah turun dengan banyaknya. Kerugiannya hanya RM 740,000. Revenue untuk 3 bulan Ogos ke Okt RM 860,000. Jika di bandingkan dengan 1st QR 2017 ada banyak peningkatkan. Jika di bandingkan dengan 4th QR 2017 , juga ada banyak peningkatan. Trade receivable bertambah RM 1 m.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by moneypedia > 2017-12-28 09:47 | Report Abuse