Wow, what a charm dnex is ! Has attracted a investment sifu, military expert and poet to join here. But i remember when dnex was hovering between 20-30 sen, our newly found Master i3lurker was here, giving negative comments.After less than a year, this apparent extreme leftist (judging by the pic of Che Guava he used) turned into a capitalist/stock analyst/military strategist /poet . What wonderful changes do dnex bring to its holders when its price gone up from 30 sen to 109 sen !!! I remember when it first hit RM1 intraday, some ppl here start talking about buying bangalow, Porche,FErrari , marrying second or third wife etc etc. Haha!!
btw, would lady Mabel give a hint about her age ? (FranklyI believe > 50, cos young beauty never bothers to make money in stock market. she believes she will provided with lots of money !!)
Master lurker, would u predict opening and closing price of dnex tomorrow please ?
Another question ,What changes would dnex bring to ppl here if it were to hit 10.9 ? Surely many would feel like at the top of the world, Warren Buffet II, Bill Gates The Second etc etc. Haha !!
What changes would dnex bring to ppl here if it were to hit 10.9 ?
Answer: More social ills Mahatma Gandhi listed the seven social ills of modern society as: Politics without principles. Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice.
dnex core value,....60% siltera value at rm160mil,.......90% ping petrol. value at rm490,.......others value at rm50mil., rm700mil., dnex market capitalization rm3.4bil.,.........almost 5X the core value.
Any relation between share price and core value? Appreciate your comment. TQ.
Posted by 8899EL8899 > Feb 13, 2022 6:57 PM | Report Abuse
dnex core value,....60% siltera value at rm160mil,.......90% ping petrol. value at rm490,.......others value at rm50mil., rm700mil., dnex market capitalization rm3.4bil.,.........almost 5X the core value.
USA want to push down market, that why Bristh, Canada, Japan follow her to action, but Ukarine say nothing happen see , again 5 eyes want to control media to lie to the world......
Hi @zeroknowledge420, @kfliau, The 891M pp most probably will not be utilised as confirmed by the management in the news in the link below. Initially the purpose to use the pp to buy silterra, however almost 100% Warrant D conversion plus the 100% 2020 pp, covered the cost for ping & silterra purchase and silterra upgrade.
SINGAPORE: Singaporeans in Ukraine are advised to leave the country as soon as possible, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) on Sunday (Feb 13) night
China will not invade Taiwan,same as Russia will not invade Ukraine ,US and its 5 eyes allies are the ones who making drama ,asking American to depart from.Ukraine,sending troops and war ships close to Ukraine,making ho ha to the world like war going to happen soon.
USA is the world's trouble maker. Stirring shit in Taiwan , Hong Kong now in Ukraine. USA have lost their credibility when they pulled out in Kabul. Remember the invasion of Iraq, Vietnam war, Laos & Cambodia. Their toothless stand in Mymanmar. The pullout & withdrawal in Iran and Philippines. Their failed invasion in Cuba. Do you still trust Uncle Sam
The general consensus from most western countries is that if Russia does invade into Ukarine, it will be Wednesday. If nothing happens, then bull (DNeX) will act accordingly. Now still in control but moving sideway till the situation is clear.
do you think US want war,.......they need money to built their infrastructure,.......they can`T afford war,...that is why putin put pressure on them,......the inflation is running high now in US,.....war will destroy US economy,...... may facing another recession
The current US administration needs diversion from their current high inflation environment. The purpose is the mid term election. War or no war makes no difference to US administration, as long as people focuses on Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
1,514 posts
Posted by mkmk > 2022-02-13 11:49 | Report Abuse
What 3c 30c….. tmr 30pc up ok….