Tok Abah,will take years.Price 43 cents,maybe 30 cents range first.doubt will be up firsts. 30/10/23 10.50am I'm optimistic that DNex intrinsic value shd be above RM1 lorr. But it ia far far away....
The Board of Directors of Dagang NeXchange Berhad wishes to announce that Innovation Associates Consulting Sdn. Bhd., a sub-subsidiary of the Company had accepted the Letter of Acceptance (“the Letter”) from the Securities Commission Malaysia ("SC") in relation to the implementation a registration, licensing and authorization platform known as, Aras 2.0 Application onboarding and data migration (“the Project”).
The tenure of the Project is for a period of 27 months, starting from 24 October 2023 to 31 January 2026 with an option to renew for a further period as agreed by the parties. The total value of the Project amounts to RM3,094,034.00.
The Board of Directors is of the view that the acceptance of the Letter the Project is in the best interest of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “the Group”) and is expected to contribute positively to the earnings and net assets per share of the Group for the financial period ending 31 December 2023 onwards.
The Board of Directors do not foresee any exceptional risks other than the normal operational risks associated with the Project.
None of the directors and/or major shareholders and persons connected with a director or major shareholder has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Project.
Tok Abah,will take years.Price 43 cents,maybe 30 cents range first.doubt will be up firsts.Tht error on date no 30 but 31/10. 31/10/23 11.53pm I'm optimistic that DNex intrinsic value shd be above RM1 lorr. But it ia far far away....
Things that are going on and to look forward to with DNeX 1. JV EV Fab with Foxconn at N9 2. Solving arbitration with CGP 3. Ping Petroleum PSC for Meranti Cluster and A Cluster 4.Monetization of Tradeswift SuperApp 5. Collab with Strateq Sdn Bhd 6. Project JV with Saudi Company and China Company for projects at LINE,NEOM and MENA region. 7. Farm in agreement for Fyne Oil field 8. RM18 Million contract with Port Klang Authority (MMSW) 9. DNeX in talks with MAHB on handling airport cargo 10. Petronas awarded contract for Abu Cluster 11. Disposal of Ping Petroleum (after creating value) to become a pure play semiconductor 12.Proposal sent to the government for potential RM1billion NIIse Contract
At first, Jamal Jamban turned his tones around and became Toilet paper comic chart reader also cursing Dx.......hahahaha...... "Loyalty has no boundaries if money is lost" --------- Bobby Axelrod
Posted by scjm > 52 seconds ago | Report Abuse
a lot of hot air but nothing is happening, nothing !!!
Great news that the government will put more incentives on EV cars in Malaysia with the road tax benefits. This plays well into DNEX and FOXCON plans to build the EV chip Manufacturing plant in Malaysia
Scjm aka Hussien aka toilet paper chart reader has always either misses the bus or trapped at his 95c to 1.03 since many moon ago. Cannot get out alive.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
1,206 posts
Posted by TokAbah > 2023-10-31 10:39 | Report Abuse
I'm optimistic that DNex intrinsic value shd be above RM1 lorr. But it ia far far away....