Yes, 1% of dividend payment only cost RM444,000, and large portion goes to the major shareholder. The major shareholder only own less than 40%, which work up to be less than RM170,000. For what? May as well retained in the Company.
The beauty of owning a 51% stake in the Company is that you paid half the price to own 100% resources. All the "value traps" like high NTA, PBA etc are just illusion unless you have the mean to take over the Company and unlock the value. Or else, it remains look good on paper.
For those who own the share, attending the AGM and questioning the Board and key executives will be much useful, meaningful and helpful towards your investment in MCEholdings. Executive Director Mr. Lee Ming Kee will turn 58 next year. His ability to drive the Company is very important. He is also sitting in a PLC to be listed soon as an Independent Director. Not too sure that will dilute his time towards managing the Company.
They have ambitious plan to develop medical centre at Setia Alam. The land is good since it is next to the Setia City Mall. But with Dr. Goh KC alone, and without a team of professionals possessing the necessary knowledge in Managing a private hospital, I am doubtful of the execution part. Maybe that's the reason why after almost 2 years since the incorporation of a subsidiary to own and operate the hospital project still nothing concrete to share with shareholders.
as 2nd generations taking biz. and major automotive player is base on klang valley till gurun. why they still want remain factory at jb? aren't transportation for deliver auto parts will higher?
Mr/Miss Stead, I have read your comments and the comments sound reasonable. You seems to have a good knowledge of what is going on. However there are some points I would like to raise.
1) I gained from you the knowledge that imported intermediate inputs made up 70%.. .Then there is issue of the impact from the depreciating ringgit. The question is will the ringgit keep on depreciating?. There are many determinants of the value of the ringgit such as the current surplus,fiscal deficit,national debt,amount of foreign reserves,interest rates,and others. I think the future value of the ringgit will largely be determined by the future price of petroleum other things remaining the same. Where will be the future price of petroleum is a million dollar question. Secondly there is a sensitivity analysis for foreign currency risk done by the company (pp.83,annual report 2015). The analysis seem to suggest that the effects are not that terrible. 2)As regards the payment of dividend, as an investor I would prefer to invest in a company that tries to maintain a minimum dividend if she can. What is that dividend of 1% compared to what the executive directors are receiving. Dr. Goh KC is the new managing director (company's website) and so maybe he should try to implement the minimum dividend policy if the company can to maintain the goodwill of minority shareholders who have suffered from the depressed market price of the company. 3)It is true that owning 51% allows you to control 100%. There are value traps in a sense but choice do minority shareholders have?. Unless one have insider information, most of us will look at the good figures as you say in making the choice. 4)I would agree with you that attending the AGM is good but sometimes it is not practical. I have a friend who is a shareholder but he is from Kuching. With all the modern technology, the company could have a site where questions can be posed and answered. As regards Mr. Lim Ming Kee, he is paid well as a managing director (currently executive director) before(pp.58 annual report 2015) and as such he should try to make MCE great again. The remunerations for an independent non-executive director is generally very small relative to what he is getting. 5)I do not know what is happening to the medical center at Setia Alam and I think you raised some valid points and issues.
The price of the company's share has reached quite a depressing level that maybe the company could set up a buyback scheme which will not cost much but yet greatly enhanced the nta of the share.
Their AGM will be somewhere January next year. Based on the past records, they would likely host it at some hotel in Johor Bahru again. Unless they wish to meet shareholders outside JB, or location where they own a factory/office i.e. Klang, Port Klang etc.
Mr. Lim only owns a fraction in the Company, 700k+ shares or 1.6%? I will assume that his shareholdings in the Company is relatively immaterial to his remuneration. It is not easy to make the Company great given the headwinds faced by the industry and external woes due to depreciating Ringgit.
However, it will be great if the Management can share the % in their revenue, made up by OEM and After-Sales market respectively. I only noticed that they would announce contracts secured with local automotive companies (which is quite impressive) and I assumed that it is mostly OEM. How about After-Sales segment which is recurrent in nature and should enjoy higher margin based on the information gathered from APM, NHFatt or MBMR. Would love to listen if anybody can share more info.
Share price wise, I wish not to comment. If the performance is good or improvement can be seen, share buyback scheme is redundant. In fact, if one is confident in the Company's prospects, one should instead take action in the market than urging people to buy into his/her belief in the Company based on fundamentals. Market and fundamental are two separate and distinctive things. Most known the latter while the former requires extraordinary nerve and temperament. No wonder so few investors can become or graduate to be super or great investor.
It is because of the depressed price level and the good financial health that I suggest that maybe the company has a buyback scheme. I am neutral on the company's prospects currently. I support a buyback scheme based on the followings: 1)The current published nta is RM2.05 while the market price is RM0.66 .The nta is more than 3 times the market price. Any purchase at current price will enhanced the nta of the existing shares. 2)You do not require a big sum of money to buy and support the share at current price. At the current price of RM0.66 the market capitalization is just below RM30 million. An allocation of RM3 million will allow the company to buy back around 10% of the outstanding shares. 3) The market for this share is not liquid at all. As such any sudden 'big' purchase/sale will have a 'big' impact on the share price. Under such circumstances, the buyback scheme will come in handy when someone wants to liquidate his/her holdings due to his/her personal need of money. As an example you notice that the share of Yilai is very steady at around RM0.85 due to the company's buyback scheme. You will also notice that the gap between the nta and the market price of Yilai is not that drastic.
I do not think that market and fundamentals are mutually exclusive. I am inclined to believe that improving/deteriorating fundamentals set the trend of the price movement. It is the directors and/or syndicates who overplay the trend. Unless you are very good with technical analysis or have insider information like some of the privileged brokers, many will in the end be caught and overtime disappear from the market. Nothing beats the analysis of the fundamentals and prospects except situations when you have directors without principles and morals.
I am not sure if the current price is depressed enough or there are enough depressed shareholders to continue to let go their share at current price or lower.
Good financial health in terms of NTA but it's the free cash flow they're able to generate over the mid to long term that counts.
Since the market capitalisation is just below RM30mil, a 5% stake is only RM1.5 mil. Why isn't many people spot this "gem" if it's so grossly underpriced or undervalued? Are people mispriced this stock? or wrongly valued the Company?
Maybe by writing to the Board and ask them to consider putting an agenda for share buyback will be more pragmatic instead of rationalize the reasons here? AGM is somewhere Jan next year. It's not too late to write to the Board for additional agenda NOW.
Some observation:
1)The current published nta is RM2.05 while the market price is RM0.66 .The nta is more than 3 times the market price. Any purchase at current price will enhanced the nta of the existing shares. 2)You do not require a big sum of money to buy and support the share at current price. At the current price of RM0.66 the market capitalization is just below RM30 million. An allocation of RM3 million will allow the company to buy back around 10% of the outstanding shares.
>>The Company may have problem continued their listing if they do share buyback as they may not be able to fulfil the minimum listing requirements of issued and paid up capital of 40 mil shares if some shareholders are depressed enough to offload their holdings at current or lower price.
3) The market for this share is not liquid at all. As such any sudden 'big' purchase/sale will have a 'big' impact on the share price. Under such circumstances, the buyback scheme will come in handy when someone wants to liquidate his/her holdings due to his/her personal need of money. As an example you notice that the share of Yilai is very steady at around RM0.85 due to the company's buyback scheme. You will also notice that the gap between the nta and the market price of Yilai is not that drastic.
>>If someone want to liquidate their share at fire sale price, why should the Company be benefitted of such acts? Why not people like you and me who believe in the Company and to be profited handsomely of other people foolishness? I dun understand the logic. The Company's business is to drive the Company's revenue and improve margin. The share market and share price thingy leave it to market participants like you and me. Leave the Company alone.
I do not think that market and fundamentals are mutually exclusive. I am inclined to believe that improving/deteriorating fundamentals set the trend of the price movement. It is the directors and/or syndicates who overplay the trend. Unless you are very good with technical analysis or have insider information like some of the privileged brokers, many will in the end be caught and overtime disappear from the market. Nothing beats the analysis of the fundamentals and prospects except situations when you have directors without principles and morals
>>I am not good in technical analysis. In fact, I knew zero about TA. I always buy expensive and sell too early. But at least I profit from other people's foolishness. I don't like the idea of Company competing with its shareholders in buying their share. I like to take advantage of other people craziness or foolishness.
I meant not to offend anybody here. I will prefer if focus to be placed on the Company's performance and not the share price.
Just curious, KINGV, are you having a sizeable block when you suggest MCE is a good candidate for take-over and privatization and share buyback scheme?
Stead, This is just a forum where participants can exchange views/facts so that one will hopefully gain from the discussion .The limits of the discussion are determined by the administer of this site and not by any individual. The topics I brought up are to help myself and other minority shareholders hopefully. I am uncomfortable with the direction of our discussion and we should part in the spirit of agree to disagree.
Calvintaneng, The break up of a company into individual parts and sell them was a very common practice after the great crash of 1929. It was during this time many companies have very depressed prices and yet have valuable assets. Calvin, you should read the book entitled 'The Great Crash 1929' by J.K .Galbraith (Penguin Books) if you can lay hands on the book. It a good read for investors since it tells the dramatic fall in the share prices of many of the blue chips. It also tell the stories of many Wall Street tycoons who became paupers and some committed suicide not able to face the change in their fortunes.
Posted by Yipman > Nov 28, 2016 10:28 PM | Report Abuse
CALVIN, what about masteel? why i just keep silent with this counter. Everyone looking for ur explanation. Don't be clown here and there.
Masteel is the Master of Long Steel.
Longer term it should do very well due to High Speed Rail, East Coastal Rail, All MRT, LRT.
So just at on weakness.
At 72 cts Masteel is still up more than 100% from its 52 week low of 34 cts.
As I am a deep value hunter I now turn extra bullish on those counters that have fallen the most like this MCE Holding. I am bullish on coming GE14 stocks like DRB & MRCB. Also all oil palm plantation stocks as a group!
It is a good start for the shareholders. The company under the new leadership of Dr Goh is able to make money and declare an interim dividend of 1.5 sen which I have looking forward to.
Hello, company has higher trade payable yet to pay, and now shrinking cash balance, and they also need funding for hospital project, where the hell money to pay shareholders?
1. It has high Nta. 2. It pays dividend 3. It has contract with both Proton and Perodua. 4. Car sales expected to pick up this year. 5. Riding on Proton Mce holdings will even do more business when FSP injects CASH into Drb's Proton for export into 10 Asean Nations.
So the expansion of Proton jv with FSP will bring more business for Mce holdings
Calvin, i love your positiveness. But too many factors outside the control of board. I am not too confident about their execution. Some more the executive director has stepped down from the board... how la?
If change of shareholder happen to Proton, will there still use MCE products? Vice versa, will the new shareholder give MCE more jobs to do and benefit MCE in the long run? Very hard to say.
Personally I wish them not to develop the hospital and concentrate the business of automotive. Sell the land near SP Setia Conventional Centre and SP Setia mall for handsome profit and use the proceeds to develop the biz of automotive, i.e. Bluetooth technology, LED signal lights, reverse camera etc.
For the information of MCE holdings shareholders, according to MAA in total 53,717 sales units(passenger and commercial)were registered in March 2017,up 11,262 units or 26.5% from February 2017.The association expects April sales to continue at the level set last month(hat is March 2017)due to the continuation of "aggressive promotional activities." You can google to obtain this information.
As far I know, the Geely only need the facility of Proton (showroom, part center and service center), which they can immediately sell their car in Malaysia. As this car was fully developed in China, personally I don't think the part price offer by Malaysia parts maker can match. This response to Stead's comment, will "new" Proton give more job to local supplier? For Multico, it need a cutting edge product which not only impress Proton but also other car maker in Malaysia (as well as in overseas). This is the only way Multico can remain strong and grow steadily in automotive industry especially surrounded by majority Japanese influenced car makers.
One day during the lifetime of PANTECH-WA, WB price will surpass this MCEHLDG. When MCEHLDG become 88 sen in some future, this PANTECH-WA/WB will be RM 1.00
Decent earnings of 1.8 sen under difficult operating conditions for the latest quarter. One salient feature is that the cash holdings has increased from 13 million ringgit to 20 million ringgit. This is equivalent to 45 sen per share. The increased cash holdings is largely accounted for by changes in receivables and payables. Anyway I prefer a larger cash holdings to a larger receivables under current economic conditions. Borrowings has been slowly decreasing to the current level of 2.5 million ringgit which is negligible. The company should be able to pay a decent dividend assuming the earnings is there.
@Automan based on your knowledge in this industry, if the whole car, parts and engine of Proton is all imported from China, can it still be considered National Car? Will the new SUV model be taxed as the same like Honda HRV or Mazda CX5 then?
For those who were unable to attend the recent AGM and yet interested to know what transpired at the meeting ( especially the developments with Geely),you can go to the company's website under the heading Q&A Summary-20 December 2017 (Investor Relations). I must give credit to the new management for keeping the shareholders who were unable to attend informed.
Wasted 28 mil into an "investment property" which should be utilized to build more plant to strengthen their position as preferred vendor to the automotive companies.
It will be better to update Bursa and Securities Commission that the Board did not fulfil what they set up to fulfil in their circular to shareholder to build hospital.
@Go_Go_Goh, are you related to the Managing Director, Dr. Goh? ha ha.
Dun rope in shareholder to waste the opportunity cost in land. Focus on ROE. Get the Act together to improve the core competencies in automotive electronics parts supply.
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Posted by Stead > 2016-11-17 08:33 | Report Abuse
Yes, 1% of dividend payment only cost RM444,000, and large portion goes to the major shareholder. The major shareholder only own less than 40%, which work up to be less than RM170,000. For what? May as well retained in the Company.