KNM original Net asset value at RM1.38, Please check financial report 2013 dec. So director push it back to RM1.10++ is absolutely logic. Or else KNM will sell his RM1.38 value thing to outsider at RM0.80 that is not fair to company before right issue. no One will sell rm1.00 apple for 80cent to you.
Second reason: Mother company wish to issue right issue share at RM1.00 , so director have no choice but must push it to at least RM1.00 within 2 weeks.
Third reason: 18th March Share will be review to split half. It target after split at RM0.50 , so before 18th march target price RM1.10 is logic.
Forth reason: Project is confirmed within the company, but this infor is subject to personal believing. But i got it correct anyway.
Finally, this all lead to the warrant conclude at 50 60 cent.
Sorru HC Lee boss, i'm here because of my friends are here. Sad to say that no body want to give commend in daughter's page...same same la. Info will help mother & daughter climax. Don't worry ya
asakura. After split wont affect warrant. They have few way to adjust it exercise price but yet to be confirm by the company. Either reduce the exercise price to rm0.50 or ratio 1:2 . This will be confirm after 18th march. but no worry for sure unaffected ur warrant holding.
For mother share, after split to half. Let say RM0.50 , in normal condition, it will continue shooting up bcoz more ppl think it was cheap and more purchasing power for small investors.
Bro and Sis, dont be so worry and panic. Time is still early. Show will be perform in this week. Today is monday blue ma. I expect it drop abit but wa still up 4% is magic oredi. Tomoro tuesday is expected a big Green coming.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
809 posts
Posted by tomok81 > 2014-04-07 15:52 | Report Abuse
don worry knm tomorrow shoot high rocket sky......