Wow, getting so many big contracts... thanks erkongseng for the info ! Like that Jiak bueliao lor ! Like that KNM tommorrow will spike up to closed at 0.13 (+0.025)(+23.8%) T.p by end of June 2019=> break 0.50 T.p by end of June 2019=> break 0.80 Huat ah! Heng ah ! Ong ah !
6 bulan sudah turun 7 sen, tak kan lepas dapat projek, peterborough n borsig tak boleh naik 10 sen. Presbhd, iwcity, etc belum dapat projek pun sudah nik 15 sen dlam 1 minggu. Sardin n kevin do something...
KNM Group Berhad (“KNM”) is pleased to announce that its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, FBM-KNM FZCO (“FZCO”), had on 7 March 2019 received and accepted the terms and conditions of the Letter of Award from TTSJV WLL (“TTSJV WLL”) dated 5 March 2019 for the supply of Carbon Steel Pressure Vessels for BMP Modernization Program-Bahrain, amounting to USD4.865 million (equivalent to approximately RM19.885 million based on the exchange rate of USD1 : RM4.087) (the “Award”).
(吉隆坡1日讯)科恩马(KNM,7164,主板能源股)获得总值2487万2000美元(约1亿135万3000令吉)合约,负责为缅甸的城镇项目打造液化天然气设备。 e) 科恩马颁19亿EPCC合约 中国华西建英再生能源厂 2017年10月10日 (吉隆坡10日讯)科恩马( KNM,7164,主板工业产品股)颁发价值3亿4600万英镑(约19亿令吉)的工程、采购、施工和调试(简称EPCC)合约,予深圳上市公司华西能源。 ~该厂房预计将在2021年开始营运,为公司贡献净利。产能也将从18兆瓦,提升至36兆瓦。 考虑到厂房的土地面积,预计产能可达最理想的80兆瓦。 根据初步分析,假设该项目有25年的使用权,便可提供10%的内部投资回酬率(IRR)。 基于该公司80%的股权、3亿7000万英镑(约20.75亿)的资本开销及85%的使用率,该项目在2021年至2025年,有望贡献1400万至2500万英镑(约7700万至1.35亿令吉)的年净利。 依据9%的加权平均资本成本(WACC),预计该项目的净现值(NPV)达每股27仙。 ~油气下游业务方面,于10-10/2017止公司订单高达22亿令吉,料可维持公司忙碌长达2年。 “但是,公司的收入来源正在转型,所以会将重心放在可贡献经常性收入的再生能源业务。 ~7/3/2019 OTHERS Award of Contract by TTSJV WLL to FBM-KNM FZCO amounting to USD4.865 million(RM19.88M) for the supply of Carbon Steel Pressure Vessels for BMP Modernization Program-Bahrain, ~Knm 从2/11/2018至近期7/3/2019总共取得马币近2亿的订单。
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by erkongseng > 2019-03-04 15:37 | Report Abuse