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Posted by BILLC > 2023-06-09 15:54 | Report Abuse
Better wait for 4 Sen when you see good234 counters,,,,
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-09 15:54 | Report Abuse
5.4 The Board is collectively and ultimately responsible for making any decisions after
having received recommendations from the Board Committee. The Board shall not
delegate matters to a Board Committee to an extent that would significantly hinder or
reduce the Board’s ability to discharge its functions.
6.1 The proceedings of Board meetings shall be in accordance with the Constitution of
the Company.
6.2 Board meetings shall conduct at least four (4) times on a quarterly basis in each
financial year, with additional meetings to be convened as and when necessary. The
Company Secretary shall in advance prepare and distribute to all Directors a timetable
for the meetings for the year.
6.3 Each Director is required to attend at least fifty per cent (50%) of the total Board
meetings held in a financial year. A Director shall vacate office if he/she absent for
more than 50% of the total Board meetings held during the financial year.
6.4 The notice of a Directors’ meeting shall be given in writing at least five (5) business
days, or shorter period where it is unavoidable, prior to the meeting. The Chairman,
in conjunction with Senior Management and the Company Secretary, shall undertake
the primary responsibility for preparing the Board’s agenda. The agenda shall include,
amongst other things, matters specifically reserved for the Board’s decision, highpriority strategic issues and where required, operational issues.
6.5 To allow sufficient time for Directors to consider the relevant information, Board
papers together with the materials required for the meeting are to be circulated at
least five (5) business days, or a shorter period where unavoidable, prior to the
meeting. Where there is a need to table a report, a brief statement of findings and/or
recommendations is prepared by Management.
6.6 Each Director will, prior to attending the meetings, review all materials provided by
the Company relating to matters to be considered at the meetings.
6.7 Senior Management and external advisers may be invited to attend Board meetings
to provide additional insights and professional views, advice and explanations on
specific items on the meeting agenda.
6.8 The Chairman shall ensure that there is enough time for discussion. The Board shall
record its deliberation, in terms of the issues discussed, and the conclusions thereof,
in discharging its duties and responsibilities.
6.9 Minutes are prepared following a Board meeting and are circulated in draft form. The
draft minutes will be re-circulated with the Board papers in readiness for signing at
the following meeting. The practice is for minutes to record processes and decisions
rather than a historical narrative of the discussion or concluding remarks of final
decisions made. If one or more Directors request their opinion to be noted, the
Company Secretary shall comply with the request. If any Director holds dissenting
views to those of any of the other Directors on a matter discussed at a Board meeting,
the Board minutes will be clearly reflected, including the rationale for the conflicting
6.10 The board minutes of each Board meeting shall be kept at the Registered Office of
the Company and be available for inspection by any Director during office hours.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-09 15:55 | Report Abuse
6.11 Where there are Executive Directors on the Board, the Non-Executive Directors are
encouraged to meet among themselves at least annually to discuss among others
strategic, governance and operational issues.
6.12 The Chairman shall ensure that Board Committee meetings are not combined with
the main Board meeting as to enable objective and independent discussion during
the meetings.
7.1 Pursuant to the Constitution of the Company, a new Director appointed by the Board
to fill a casual vacancy or as an addition to the Board shall hold office only until the
next Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) at which he/she will retire and be available for
7.2 One-third of the Board, or if their number is not a multiple of three (3), then the near
number nearest to one-third, shall retire from office and be eligible for re-election at
every AGM. All Board members are subject to retirement by rotation at least once in
every three (3) years and be eligible for re-election. The re-election of a Director shall
be subject to satisfactory evaluation of the Director’s performance and contribution to
the Board.
7.3 The tenure of an Independent Director shall not exceed a term limit of nine (9) years.
Upon completion of the nine (9) years, an Independent Director, may continue to
serve on the Board as a Non-Independent Director.
7.4 If the Board intends to retain an Independent Director beyond nine (9) years, the
Board shall provide justification and seek annual shareholders’ approval through a
two-tier voting process.
8.1 A Director shall not hold more than five (5) directorships in listed issuers as prescribed
by the MMLR of Bursa Malaysia.
8.2 A Director may accept other board appointments (outside the Group) so long as the
appointment is not in conflict with the business of the Group and does not detrimentally
affect the Director’s performance as a Board member. The Director shall notify the
Chairman before accepting any new directorships and the notification should include
an indication of time that will be spent on the new appointment.
9.1 Each newly appointed Director is expected to participate in an induction program on
appointment and undertake ongoing education and training to maintain the skills and
knowledge required to perform his/her role effectively.
9.2 A newly appointed Director is to undergo the Mandatory Accreditation Programme as
required by Bursa Malaysia within four (4) months of being appointed as required
under the MMLR if he/she is appointed for the first time as a director of a listed issuer.
9.3 The Board, facilitated by the Nomination Committee, shall evaluate and determine the
training needs of the Directors to help determine the upskilling or development needs
of the Directors. The summary of training programmes attended by the Directors in
each financial year will be disclosed in the Annual Report.
9.4 The costs of the induction, Mandatory Accreditation Programme and/or continuing
education programmes shall be borne by the Company.
Progressive Impact Corporation Berhad – Board Charter
10 | P a g e
On an annual basis, the Board, wi
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-09 15:55 | Report Abuse
On an annual basis, the Board, with the assistance of the Nomination Committee, shall
evaluate the performance of the individual Directors, the Board as a whole and the Board
Committees to assess their performance and effectiveness.
11.1 The Remuneration Committee is responsible for recommending to the Board the
remuneration framework and packages of the Directors and Senior Management.
11.2 Executive Directors shall not be involved in discussions to decide their own
11.3 Directors who are shareholders and controlling shareholders with a nominee or
connected Director on the Board shall abstain from voting on the resolution to approve
directors’ fees and benefits at the AGMs.
12.1 In presenting the financial performance during quarterly reporting and at the end of
the financial year, the Board aims to provide a balanced, clear and meaningful
assessment of the Group’s financial performance and prospects.
12.2 The Board shall ensure that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with
the approved accounting standards and the Companies Act, 2016, so as to give a true
and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and the Group.
13.1 The appointment or removal of Company Secretary or Secretaries of the Board shall
be the prerogative of the Board as a whole. The Secretary appointed should be
suitably qualified and competent and hold practicing certificate issued under the
Companies Act and is a member of professional body or a person licensed by
Companies Commission of Malaysia. The Company Secretary should also undertake
continuous professional development.
13.2 The key role of the Company Secretary is to provide unhindered professional advice
and services to the Directors, enhance the effective functioning of the Board and
ensure regulatory compliance. The Company Secretary must keep abreast of, and
inform the Board of current governance practices.
13.3 Other primary responsibilities of the Company Secretary shall include:-
(a) advising the Board on its roles and responsibilities
(b) advising the Board on corporate disclosures and compliance with the Act and
MMLR of Bursa Malaysia
(c) ensuring that Board procedures and applicable rules are observed during
(d) attending and recording minutes of the Board and Board Committee meetings
and facilitating communications
(e) maintaining records of the Board and Board Committees and ensuring effective
management of the Company’s statutory records
(f) monitoring corporate governance developments and assisting the Board in
applying corporate governance practices to meet the Board’s needs and
stakeholders’ expectations
(g) serve as a focal point for stakeholders’ communication and engagement on
corporate governance issues
Progressive Impact Corporation Berhad – Board Charter
11 | P a g e
(h) manage processes pertaining
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-09 15:56 | Report Abuse
(h) manage processes pertaining to the AGMs and/or Extraordinary General
Meetings (“EGMs”), and
(i) carrying out other functions as may be directed by the Board from time to time.
14.1 The Directors, collectively or individually, have unrestricted access to the advice of
the Company Secretary and Senior Management and may also seek independent
professional advice and information in the furtherance of their duties and
responsibilities at the Company’s expense, so as to ensure that the Directors are able
to make independent and informed decisions.
14.2 Independent advice sought shall exclude those of personal interests relating to the
Director’s personal disputes in matters that are not related to or affect the Board or the
Company as a whole.
15.1 AGMs and EGMs (collectively “General Meetings”) of the Company are to be
conducted in an efficient manner and serve as important channel for shareholder
communication. Key elements for this include the supply of comprehensive and timely
information to shareholders and the encouragement of active participation at the
General Meetings.
15.2 The Board will focus its efforts on the following best practices to enhance the
effectiveness of the General Meetings:-
(a) ensure the notice of AGM is given at least twenty-eight (28) days before the
date of the AGM
(b) all Directors are to attend the General Meetings
(c) ensure that each item of special business included in the notice of AGM is
accompanied by an explanation of the effects of the proposed resolution
(d) ensure that the notice of AGM states which Directors are standing for election
or appointment, with a brief description on their age, relevant experience,
designation in the Company, list of directorships, date of appointment to the
Board, membership in any Board Committees, details of any interest, position
or relationship that might influence, or reasonably be perceived to influence, in
a material respect their capacity to bring an independent judgement to bear on
issues before the Board and to act in the best interests of the Company as a
whole and whether the Board is in support of the re-election or appointment and
the reasons
(e) ensure that the Chairman provides reasonable time for discussion at the
General Meetings
(f) ensure the conduct of virtual General Meetings (fully virtual or hybrid) support
meaningful engagement between the Board, Senior Management and
(g) ensure that the resolutions set out in the notice of General Meeting are voted
by poll
(h) leverage on technology to facilitate voting (including voting in absentia) and
remote shareholders’ participation at General Meetings
(i) ensure that at least one (1) scrutineer is appointed to validate the votes cast at
the General Meetings. Such scrutineer must not be an officer of the Company
or its related corporation, and must be independent of the person undertaking
the polling process
(j) ensure that there is a channel of communication through the Company
Secretary on feedback and queries from shareholders, and
(k) ensure minutes of the General Meeting will be circulated to shareholders or
uploaded onto the Company’s website no later than thirty (30) business days
after the General Meeting.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-09 15:56 | Report Abuse
15.3 The Board shall ensure effective, transparent and regular communication with its
stakeholders to facilitate mutual understanding of each other’s objectives and
15.4 The Company will use its website as one of its primary communication conduits to
enhance existing modes of disseminating information, but not as a substitute for
existing modes. The website provides an avenue for communication with the
Company, and for stakeholders to register for email alerts for information about the
16.1 The Board has in place the Code of Conduct which is formulated to enhance the
standard of corporate governance and behaviour.
16.2 The Company is committed to conduct its business fairly, impartially and in full
compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in Malaysia and in countries where
the Company has operations. The Company’s professionalism, honesty and integrity
must at all times be upheld in the Company’s business dealings with customers,
vendors, suppliers, contractors, government, regulators, investors, the business
community as a whole and in the relationship of its own employees.
The Group has adopted a zero tolerance policy against all forms of bribery and corruption
as spelled out in its Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and No Gift Policy. It is the Group’s
policy to conduct all its business activities with honesty, integrity and the highest possible
ethical standards and vigorously enforce its good business practices.
18.1 The Group is committed to the values of transparency, integrity, impartiality and
accountability in the conduct of its business and affairs. The Board has adopted the
Whistleblower Policy to provide an avenue for Directors, officers, employees and
other individuals who are engaged by the Group to disclose information pertaining to
disclose their concerns involving any improper conduct within the Group in
accordance with the procedures provided therein.
18.2 The Board has overall responsibility for this policy and shall be assisted by the Audit
Committee in the implementation of this policy.
19.2 The Board recognises the need for strategies and plans to promote and contribute
towards sustainable development, with particular focus on the environmental, social
and governance aspects of the business.
19.2 The Board together with Management, takes responsibility in setting the Company’s
sustainability strategies, priorities and targets and these are communicated to internal
and external stakeholders via Annual Report and engagements.
19.3 Sustainability would also be taken into account when developing and implementing
strategies, business plans, major plans of action and risk management.
19.4 The Company shall constantly strive to maintain a safe and conducive work
environment for its employees and adopts documented policies and procedures as
part of its commitment towards Quality, Health, Safety and Environment.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-09 15:57 | Report Abuse
world class , ada board charter yang sempurna ... tabik
The Board Charter shall be periodically reviewed and updated in accordance with the needs
of the Company as well as any development in rules and regulations that may have an impact
on the discharge of the Board’s duties and responsibilities.
This Board Charter shall be available on the Company’s website at www.picorp.com.my.
Adopted : 21 April 2014
Amended : 27 February 2017
20 November 2017
28 February 2020
1 December 2021
Posted by BILLC > 2023-06-09 16:07 | Report Abuse
Should wait for 3 Sen when you see goo233 almost gone gila,,,,,wakakaka,,,,
Posted by cicakman > 2023-06-09 19:05 | Report Abuse
There are 6-7 cts indicators.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-10 10:07 | Report Abuse
SOME analysts and fund managers are adamant that the local bourse is undervalued and most importantly, has been underperforming.
A cursory search on Bloomberg reveals that the FBM KLCI’s current price-earnings ratio (PE) has generally kept pace with its regional peers.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-10 10:09 | Report Abuse
Kawan2 haji akan sapu syer picorp anytime. Sabar ya!
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-10 10:11 | Report Abuse
Giliran msia dan Asia bila2 masa
World shares at 13-month peak as Wall St scales 2023 highs
Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 10 Jun 2023, 08:57 AM
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-12 16:49 | Report Abuse
Tunggu gang haji masuk untuk naikkan harga sampai 30sen lagi
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-12 16:50 | Report Abuse
Peluang terbaik untuk masuk kini..
Strategi haji dengan gengnya akan mombawa pulangan tak terbatas. Good luck guys
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 08:59 | Report Abuse
NEW YORK: US stocks are back in a bull market and the American economy has consistently outperformed expectations, leading some firms to suggest the threat of recession has eased, if not altogether passed.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 09:00 | Report Abuse
Strategy to buy is now while retailers are fearful
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 09:06 | Report Abuse
4h ago
Nasdaq 100 up almost 2% in run-up to CPI report
Rita Nazareth, Bloomberg News
BNN Bloomberg's closing bell update: June 12, 20233:25
BNN Bloomberg's closing bell update: June 12, 2023
Now ShowingStrategist on S&P near new bull market and probability of stocks retesting October lows6:21
Strategist on S&P near new bull market and probability of stocks ...
Up NextMarkets in 3 Minutes: Stocks to Keep Rallying Throughout June3:09
Markets in 3 Minutes: Stocks to Keep Rallying Throughout June
Large cap tech stocks look overbought and risky: CIO4:46
Large cap tech stocks look overbought and risky: CIO
The stock market kept its bullish momentum as traders geared up for a pause in one of the Federal Reserve’s most-aggressive tightening campaigns in decades.
Big tech led equity gains, with the Nasdaq 100 up almost 2 per cent and the S&P 500 topping its closely watched 4,325 mark. Both gauges closed at the highest levels since April 2022. Tesla Inc. climbed for a 12th straight session — a record winning run — and Apple Inc. rose to an all-time high. Oracle Corp. rallied about 6 per cent ahead of its results. KeyCorp and Citizens Financial Group Inc. led losses in banks after disappointing updates at an industry conference.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 09:14 | Report Abuse
KUALA LUMPUR: Bursa Malaysia has expanded its criteria for approved securities by reducing the daily market capitalisation requirement to RM200mil from RM500mil.
The revision is part of Bursa’s ongoing commitment to foster a dynamic and vibrant market by offering market participants a broader selection of approved securities, it said in a statement.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 09:20 | Report Abuse
Closing Market Update: New Highs as Fed Pause Seen.
The S&P 500® Index (SPX) and Nasdaq Composite (COMPX) indexes climbed to 14-month highs Monday as investors awaited a Federal Reserve policy meeting expected to yield a pause in the central bank's rate-hiking campaign, as well as monthly inflation data.
On Tuesday, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the Fed's policy-setting arm, begins a two-day meeting that will likely determine the market's tone into mid-summer. Investors appear increasingly confident the Fed will leave its benchmark lending rate unchanged at its current range of 5.0% to 5.25%.
The market is also waiting for an inflation update from the Labor Department. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) report for May is scheduled for release earl…
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 11:21 | Report Abuse
Haji & gang would take action anytime... grab while opportunity arises
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 11:29 | Report Abuse
haji & gang could push up the price back to 35sen too... just wait n see how haji do it again :)
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 11:59 | Report Abuse
After PRN, terbang kuat..
Japan’s Nikkei 225 and TOPIX were the best performers for the day, up 1.7% and 1.3%, respectively, and also moving back towards 33-year peaks hit earlier in the week. Positive economic readings from the country, chiefly an upward revision in first-quarter GDP, also helped sentiment towards local stocks.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 12:15 | Report Abuse
Investing.com -- Most Asian stock markets rose on Friday amid optimism over the approval of a deal to raise the U.S. debt ceiling and avert a default, with Chinese markets rebounding from six-month lows on renewed hopes of an economic recovery in the country.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-13 14:48 | Report Abuse
Stok china sedang terbang...kadar bunga diturunkan
Posted by BILLC > 2023-06-13 14:54 | Report Abuse
Makin lama good123 promote,,,makin cepat PI masuk 4 Sen,,,,
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 07:23 | Report Abuse
Mega-cap stocks have led market rally, while small-caps have lagged behind£$¥
see it as a buying opportunity
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 07:24 | Report Abuse
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Global shares rallied and the dollar eased on Tuesday after U.S. consumer price data showed inflation barely rose in May, increasing expectations the Federal Reserve will pause hiking interest rates when it concludes a two-day meeting on Wednesday.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 07:25 | Report Abuse
The S&P 500 and Nasdaq rose to fresh one-year highs, helping lift MSCI's U.S.-centric gauge of stocks across the globe up 0.84% on the day, and 11.8% for the year.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 07:27 | Report Abuse
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are becoming increasingly important in investment decisions globally, and Malaysia is no exception. The rise of ESG investing in Malaysia, the impact it's had on the performance of the stock market, and the sectors that are benefiting the most.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 07:29 | Report Abuse
China up, Malaysia would benefit as China is the largest foreign investor & trading partner of Malaysia.
"China is the key. If we start to see growth and stimulus out of China, the dollar will weaken again just like it was weakening in March and April when everyone was convinced China would see strong growth,"
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 07:29 | Report Abuse
Oil prices climbed more than 3%, recovering from steep losses in the previous session, after China's central bank lowered a short-term lending rate for the first time in 10 months.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 09:11 | Report Abuse
Semoga bukan dummy
PICORP is delighted to announce our new Chairman. The Group extends its warm welcome to Datuk Syed Hisham Syed Wazir, who has been appointed to take the helm of PICORP's BOD leadership, effective 30 May 2023. The Group is honoured to have someone of Datuk Syed Hisham's caliber and expertise to be part of the Group steering us to new remarkable heights. We look forward to working with him to achieve our goals. 🎉
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 09:11 | Report Abuse
Merafak Sembah dan Setinggi-Tinggi Ucapan Tahniah
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta'in Billah
sempena Sambutan Ulang Tahun Hari Keputeraan Rasmi Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku pada 5 Jun 2023 Bersamaan 16 Zulkaedah 1444H
Daulat Tuanku,
Menjunjung Kasih Tuanku.
Sembah takzim daripada,
Seluruh warga PICORP Group of Companies.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 09:38 | Report Abuse
Closing Market Update: Stocks Up, Inflation Falls
A report showing an unexpectedly large drop in the inflation rate sparked a broad rally Tuesday and raised hopes the Federal Reserve will leave its benchmark interest rate unchanged at the conclusion of its June meeting tomorrow. With Tuesday's gains, the S&P 500® Index (SPX) and Nasdaq Composite (COMPX) are at 14-month highs, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is at a five-month high.
Early Tuesday, the Labor Department reported the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.1% in May from the month before. Economists had expected CPI to have risen 0.2%. The 0.4% increase in the core rate, which excludes volatile food and energy prices, met expectations. On an annual basis, CPI was up 4% from a year earlier, making May's the smallest year-over-year gain since March 2021. That means the headline rate has fallen by more than half from its peak rate of 9.1% in June 2022, though it is still double the Fed's long-term target rate of 2%.
Schwab Senior Investment Strategist Kevin Gordon says many components of the headline inflation index have slowed, which triggered some enthusiasm in the market Tuesday.
Moreover, investors now seem convinced the Fed has sufficient reason to forgo another rate hike at the conclusion of the meeting of its policy-setting arm Wednesday afternoon.
"The rally is more broad-based today, which is a bullish sign if it continues," Kevin says. "I also think this is an attempt to extend what started to look like a breakout last week for the 'unloved' parts of the market this year, such as small-caps and cyclicals."
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 09:39 | Report Abuse
Giliran small cap pula...terbaik
The rally is more broad-based today, which is a bullish sign if it continues," Kevin says. "I also think this is an attempt to extend what started to look like a breakout last week for the 'unloved' parts of the market this year, such as small-caps and cyclicals."
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 12:15 | Report Abuse
Hang Seng
117.11 (0.6 %)
Hang Seng Mainland 100
32.23 (0.6 %)
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 12:15 | Report Abuse
The Nikkei Stock Average is the average price of 225 stocks traded on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange where the most liquid issues are located. Base Currency: JPY
Latest Value
584.65 (1.8%)
Indices Information
Indices Name
Last Close
32,434.00168.83 (0.52%)
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 12:17 | Report Abuse
A report suggested that manufacturers in South Korea and Taiwan will be allowed to maintain infrastructure in China despite U.S. sanctions against the country.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 12:22 | Report Abuse
Technical indicators all suggest that the ringgit is in the oversold condition against the US dollar, so we could see ringgit appreciating today,” said Mohd Afzanizam.
Posted by fl888 > 2023-06-14 12:22 | Report Abuse
New Chairman also can uplift the price,,,,,,old better..
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 12:24 | Report Abuse
haji & hajjah tak bodoh kot? mesti tahu pengerusi baru pasti membawa berkat :)
New Chairman also can uplift the price,,,,,,old better..
0 seconds ago
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 12:31 | Report Abuse
pengerusi lama tak perform dah bungkus, new chairman new hope and chart new growth and prosperity :)
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 12:59 | Report Abuse
picorp pun boleh,., sabar ya!
Chinese e-commerce behemoth Alibaba (NYSE:BABA) is rebounding again after being weighed down by a myriad of headwinds. Over the past three years, BABA stock has taken a hit of more than 60% but is currently trading in the green. Analysts expect a whopping 74% upside from current price levels.
The firm is back, posting impressive numbers again and reshaping its business structure. In its first quarter, it sailed past top and bottom-line estimates.
Its strong growth was led by its international commerce segment, which clocked in an incredible 29% year-over-year growth. Moreover, as its cloud segment saw a minor dip in the quarter, it climbed a remarkable 4% YOY.
The company is preparing to spin off its Cloud division by transforming it into an independent entity through a stock dividend distribution to shareholders.
The segment has proven to be a goldmine for Alibaba, with the sector’s revenue growth from 2018 to 2022 at a staggering 451%. This flourishing titan is far from slowing down.
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 14:35 | Report Abuse
Syed Hisham bin Syed Wazir is a Malaysian businessperson who has been at the helm of 14 different companies and currently holds the position of Independent Non-Executive Chairman for Progressive Impact Corp. Bhd., Chairman of MSM Malaysia Holdings Bhd. and Chairman of Jaybee Drilling Pvt Ltd.
He is also Member of The Institute of the Motor Industry and Member-Beta Gamma Sigma at The Ohio University and on the board of 22 other companies.
He previously was President, Group CEO & Executive Director at UMW Holdings Bhd., Managing Director & Director at Puncak Niaga Holdings Bhd., Chief Operating Officer at Naza KIA Sdn. Bhd., Chief Operating Officer at Naza Kia Services Sdn Bhn, Director & Senior Manager at Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn. Bhd., General Manager-International Business at DRB-Hicom Export Corp. Sdn. Bhd., Managing Director at Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd., General Manager of Proton Corp. Sdn. Bhd., President & Chief Operating Officer of Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Senior Manager-Business Division at Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn. Bhd., Director at Toyota Capital Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Deputy Manager-Marketing Service at HICOM Bhd.
Mr. Bin Syed Wazir received an MBA from The Ohio State University and an undergraduate degree from the University of Plymouth.
Current positions of Syed Hisham bin Syed Wazir
Name Title Since
Bermaz Auto Berhad
(Auto Vehicles, Parts & Service Retailers) Senior Independent Non-Executive Director 2016
MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad
(Food Processing) Chairman 2020
Progressive Impact Corporation Berhad
(Environmental Services & Equipment) Independent Non-Executive Chairman 2023
Jaybee Drilling Pvt Ltd. Chairman -
Umw Industries 1985 Sdn. Bhd. Director -
National Precision Tooling Sdn. Bhd. Non-Executive Chairman 2017
Sirim Sts Sdn. Bhd. Non-Executive Director 2019
UMW Development Sdn. Bhd. Director -
Pakar Citra Sdn. Bhd. Director -
KYB-UMW Steering Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Director -
Aman Brothers Auto Sdn. Bhd. Director -
Castwel Auto Parts Pvt Ltd. Director 2014
SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. Non-Executive Chairman 2017
Coldfusion Engineering Sdn. Bhd. Director -
Lubetech Sdn. Bhd. Director -
UMW Pennzoil Distributors Sdn. Bhd. Director -
UMW Australia Ventures Sdn. Bhd. Director -
Umw Industrial Power Sdn. Bhd. Director -
UMW (East Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Director -
UMW Dongshin Motech Pvt Ltd. Director 2014
Sathya Auto Pvt Ltd. Director 2014
United Seamless Tubulaar Pvt Ltd. Director 2012
UMW Oilfield International (M) Sdn. Bhd. Director -
UMW Corp. Sdn. Bhd. Director -
UMW Petropipe (Labuan) Ltd. Director -
The Ohio University Member-Beta Gamma Sigma -
The Institute of the Motor Industry Member -
Syed Hisham bin Syed Wazir: Personal Network
Name Linked companies
Choon San Yeoh Bermaz Auto Berhad
The Institute of the Motor Industry
Ahmad Fadzil bin Mohamad Hani SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd.
Abdul Hapiz bin Abdullah MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad
Azni Binti Ariffin MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad
Puan Adibah Khairiah Binti Ismail Bermaz Auto Berhad
Muthanna bin Abdullah MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad
Wen Han Low Bermaz Auto Berhad
Syed Feizal Syed Mohammad MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad
Kalsom binti Abdul Rahman Bermaz Auto Berhad
Kok Chuan Lee Bermaz Auto Berhad
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 15:10 | Report Abuse
at 8sen, 1mil shares = RM80K, 10mil shares = RM800K. 100mil shares = RM8mil
Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-14 16:17 | Report Abuse
CHINA's capital market will play a significant role in stimulating the vitality of rising Chinese technology companies, further nurturing the country's technological advancement and driving high-quality economic growth, experts said on Tuesday.
This is in light of the central leadership stressing the vital importance of the financial sector in serving the real economy, they added.
Of the 534 companies listed on the STAR Market, 218 are new-generation information technology companies, 108 are biomedicine companies and 88 are high-end equipment manufacturers, according to public data.
"Companies driven by scientific research results and technology innovation will be the pillar of China's high-quality economic growth," said analysts at Haitong Securities.
Zhao Xijun, co-president of the Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion at Renmin University of China, said that China has been on the right track of guiding more capital market resources toward technological innovation over the past few years.
The registration-based initial public offering mechanism, which was first piloted on the STAR Market four years ago, has enhanced the capital market's inclusiveness. While companies not reporting profits are allowed to list on the STAR Market as long as they meet certain requirements, high-tech companies' development requirements are better met at different development stages, Zhao said.
To better facilitate China's economic recovery, more effective measures should be taken now, so that the capital market can better serve the real economy, he added.
Liu Feng, chief economist at China Galaxy Securities, said that the Chinese capital market should increase its efficiency in serving the real economy, as China stresses the importance of innovation-driven economic development.
At present, 80 percent of the capital directed to the real economy comes from banks. Although China is already the world's second-largest equities market, stocks and bonds still account for a relatively small part of aggregate financing to the real economy. This is the area that the Chinese capital market can improve to serve the real economy with greater efficiency, said Liu.
Gu Shu, chairman of Agricultural Bank of China, pointed out that traditional financial service providers, such as commercial banks, are more prudent in providing financing. But technology startups usually incur higher risks, making it difficult to attract traditional financing at the early stage, he said.
A multilevel capital management system should be established, said Wang Weidong, executive vice-president of China Development Bank.
Government investment should be mainly responsible for technologically innovative projects related to public welfare. For projects with clear market prospects, financial institutions should invest more by coming up with optimized financing products.
Policy banks can play a bigger role in getting projects that face temporary problems but ready for market operation, he said.
Qiu Yong, chairman of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, said the bourse will continue efforts to support the listing of companies with original technologies so that the companies can facilitate the development of emerging industrial clusters and the upgrading of traditional industries.
Richard Keers, chief financial officer of Schroders, said that China's further financial opening-up can facilitate the cross-border flow of venture capital and promote the country's technological innovation.
The expansion of qualified foreign limited partners, through which foreign investors can convert US dollars into renminbi and invest in RMB-denominated private markets, can provide more funding for early-stage innovation, Keers said.
The scheme can also facilitate the maturity of Chinese domestic venture capital companies, making them more proficient in evaluating Chinese startups, he added. - China Daily/ANN
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Posted by Good123 > 2023-06-09 15:53 | Report Abuse
Financial and
• The Company’s audited financial statements and interim/quarterly
financial reports.
• Dividend policy, interim or final dividends of the Company.
• Borrowings, financing arrangements and fund-raising exercises of
the Group.
• Any significant change in the accounting policies of the Group.
• Treasury policies, limits of authority, provision of guarantee and
creation or issuance of debentures, mortgages, charges or
securities etc. over the Group’s assets.
• Related party transactions of the Group.
• Risk appetite within which the Board expects Senior Management
to operate.
• Policies, frameworks and procedures governing compliance, risk
oversight and management to identify, analyse, evaluate, manage
and monitor significant financial and non-financial risks.
• Change in financial year end.
• Appointment, re-election, resignation and termination of Directors of
the Company.
• Formation of the Company’s Board Committees, appointment of
members of Board Committees.
• Evaluation of the Board and Board Committees.
• Succession planning for the Board and Senior Management.
• Appointment and termination of Senior Management executives,
their remuneration packages and compensation schemes.
• Long term or share incentive plans for the employees of the Group
and any changes thereto.
Stakeholders • Policies regulating the Company's relations with its primary
stakeholders and the significant issues arising from these
• Amendments to the Constitution and the Terms of Reference of
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• Appointment, re-appointment of removal of the external auditors of
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• Appointment and removal of the Company Secretaries.
• Issuance of circulars and notices to the shareholders of the
5.1 The Board may from time to time establish Board Committees as it may consider
appropriate to assist in carrying out its duties and responsibilities. Where a Board
Committee is formed, specific terms of reference of the Board Committee shall be
established in writing to cover matters such as the purpose, composition and functions
of the Board Committee.
5.2 The following Board Committees have been established to assist the Board in the
discharge of its duties and responsibilities:-
(a) Audit Committee
(b) Nomination Committee
(c) Remuneration Committee, and
(d) Board Risk Management Committee.
5.3 The Board Committees are authorised by the Board to deal with and deliberate on
matters delegated to them within their terms of reference. The Chairman of the
respective Board Committees shall report and update the Board on significant issues
and concerns discussed and where appropriate, make the necessary
recommendations to the Board.