anybody still have this counter be caution,Chemical used in glove only contribute very small portion of Texchem revenue,this can be show in latest quarter report.2 Industry segment revenue still drop fr 215Mil to 190Mil compare previous year quarter,if glove chemical contribute significant to the revenue,the revenue should be up.I 'm not said this counter not good,but current performance drive by Restoran (Shusi King)segment which still incurred hugh loss.Beside,please check back the Dow Jones Index status,than you will know how to invest.
When Texchem reply Bursa-Unusual Market Activity,they not even mention the improvement of Industry segment,but only refer to statement from Calvintaneng,.This is the fact!
(吉隆坡5日讯)巴世立(PASDEC,6912,主要板房产)若无法在周五(7日)或之前向马证交所提呈截至2019年12月底的年报及已审计财报,该公司股票将从下周...This is a good lesson for all the retailer who like to play contra./short term. Chinapress05 Aug, 2020 19:20pm - 5 minutes ago
yes, this is chemical counter rotation goreng.when you analyst 1 hour MA,on 3pm-4pm syndicate only used 224K to push the price fr 68 cents to 755 cent,on 4pm to 5pm syndicate used 366K to push price from 0.74 to 0.83 ,if you follow them,you wil get trap,unless Texchem intend to dispose any of the company factory,then share price sure up to the sky.(Example Fumakilla few years ago )
face essential,but do you know how many competitor around the world they will face ,espeacially in term of price.This is the good example face mask,Jan-Feb 2020 demand is hugh in china, so many new factory start manufacturing,but when come to Jun-July 2020,due to supply is bigger than demand,the price already drop to RM11.50-RM13.50 per 50 pcs,i think this will happen to our country manufacturer. So do you think SCGM( face shields manufacturer) worth RM3-RM4 ?
Has Texchem registered with the Medical Device Authority (MDA) of Malaysia for the establishment license to commence the sale of its PPE products? This is very important for supplier. If everyone can venture into this business, end of the day, the distributors eventually will select who is qualified to be the supplier. Consumer will choose reliable product and it involves in "life and death"
Don't chase too high......according to thestar, face masks are facing glut in China, due to low barrier of entry...
A report by AFP stated that in China, the tens of thousands of mask-making companies that mushroomed following the coronavirus pandemic are now struggling to survive.
This has come about after some 73,000 companies registered as mask makers in the first half of the year – including over 36,000 new companies in April alone – as prices and demand soared, the report indicated.
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by calvintaneng > 2020-07-21 12:02 | Report Abuse
Ok hi guys
Finally Texchem is below 60 sen
When Texchem was around 44 sen to 46 sen nobody was interested
After it crossed 60 sen then only people chased to over 90 sen
The time to buy Texchem then was when nobody was interested
Not when it is hot
Ok now Calvin wants to bring your attention to another value stock with potential