KLSE (MYR): PLS (9695)

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Today's Change

-0.02 (3.45%)

Day's Change

0.56 - 0.56

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2 people like this.

252 comment(s). Last comment by cheeseburger 2 weeks ago


2,152 posts

Posted by 7300 > 2019-05-27 16:14 | Report Abuse

if u like musangking QR code, every 5 sen down just buy in slowly

Sifu Wang

114 posts

Posted by Sifu Wang > 2019-05-31 22:32 | Report Abuse

durian trees took 5 years to mature. wait la


3,967 posts

Posted by Growth > 2019-06-10 12:44 | Report Abuse

Both Ekovest and Iwcity showed their power.
when is PLS?


490 posts

Posted by 劉尹光 > 2019-06-10 12:54 | Report Abuse

PLS only show power when their durian trees is on harvest... wait for 7 years , you'll be big earner...

Posted by Ling Kee Man > 2019-06-11 14:05 | Report Abuse

Pls big kangtao,MACC no serbu meh?big corruption counter


19 posts

Posted by Jhl23 > 2019-06-18 17:37 | Report Abuse

Just dropped another QR bomb again


3,967 posts

Posted by Growth > 2019-06-18 18:27 | Report Abuse

just an adjustment in NTA.


3,967 posts

Posted by Growth > 2019-06-19 13:03 | Report Abuse

Will PLS follow IWCITY?


3,967 posts

Posted by Growth > 2019-06-19 15:16 | Report Abuse

Its coming!


1,873 posts

Posted by k6ii > 2019-06-20 11:45 | Report Abuse

Growth: mana ada coming...


3,967 posts

Posted by Growth > 2019-06-20 12:56 | Report Abuse

compare to previous price 0.940,its increasing.
volume is big, too.


1,873 posts

Posted by k6ii > 2019-06-20 18:02 | Report Abuse

Dato and Ekovest keep buying...


3,967 posts

Posted by Growth > 2019-07-02 19:07 | Report Abuse

Ekovest shareholding exceeds 30%!


10 posts

Posted by AFMGT > 2019-07-03 11:17 | Report Abuse

Imagine that each Chinese eats a crap of durian. The prime minister encourages the peasants to change their thinking.

"China has a population of 1.3 billion. If everyone eats a durian, I will see the durians in the country eaten."

Prime Minister Tun Mahathir believes that farmers should change their minds, not just planting single crops, but also developing other markets to increase additional income.

For example, farmers who used to plant oil palm and rubber have now planted durians and yellow pears, and some have even turned into "millionaires."

Therefore, he suggested that farmers can grow a variety of crops, such as fruits, vegetables and flowers.

He said that the total amount of vegetables imported from abroad each year is as high as RM60 billion. Therefore, if farmers grow vegetables, they can not only be self-sufficient but also reduce their dependence on foreign vegetables.

“In Malaysia, we have seen that most of the farmland is planted with a single crop, like palm trees in the oil palm plantation and rubber trees in the rubber plantation.”

"In addition to vegetables, the demand for fruits in various countries is increasing day by day. The cats and kings of China are also rushing to enter the country."

Mahathir said this when he promoted the rural development platform at the Putra International Convention and Exhibition Center on Thursday.

He disclosed that the Chinese people are very fond of our country's Maoshan Wang durian, in addition to durian, yellow pear is also very potential. In the past, China's yellow pears were very sour, but today's yellow pears are very sweet.

“I heard about farmers who used to plant oil palm and rubber. Nowadays, they have been planted with yellow pears. Today their yellow pear gardens are very large, with 20 to 30 acres of land, each of which has become a millionaire.”

Participants included the Minister of Rural Development Datuk Seririna Harlan and the Deputy Minister Xihua Lasha.

Mahathir also pointed out that there are two main reasons why Chinese farmers face poverty for a long time, that is, the agricultural land is small and the crops grown are too single.

“To ensure that farmers have high incomes, we must have detailed development plans. Why are foreign farmers richer than our farmers? The main reason is that they have a large number of assets (farm), ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 acres of land, and It is managed by professionals and uses the most advanced technology to improve the harvest."

“However, our farmers still need government subsidies. Why is this? Because our farmland is very small, some farmers only have 1 acre, 2 acres to 3 acres of farmland, how can such a small farmland bring high yields? And draft profit?"

He suggested that farmers can work with their neighbors to expand 1-3 acres of farmland to 1,000 to 2,000 acres of farmland.

“After expanding the agricultural land, we can find professionals from local universities to manage these agricultural land and develop their own strengths. This will not only improve the harvest, but also help farmers get more profits.”

He explained that the cooperation between farmers and professionals is mainly to allow farmers to save more time in studying existing regulations and laws.

"At present, different laws and regulations are different from those of 2 years ago. Therefore, we must find professionals to manage. After all, some farmers are old, just like me. Therefore, we need to change our minds. By working with professionals and using new technologies, we can increase the harvest of crops."


1,304 posts

Posted by LaoTzeAhSir > 2019-07-09 19:36 | Report Abuse

con stock. sell n run for life


1,300 posts

Posted by chamlo > 2019-08-04 17:01 | Report Abuse

Ekovest stop buying when price cheap why?


211 posts

Posted by BringMeFly > 2019-08-05 11:56 | Report Abuse

Dump with small volume.. gap a lots between the price. When up also up fast. Hopefully can get a lower price before that happen


211 posts

Posted by BringMeFly > 2019-08-05 16:25 | Report Abuse

But everyday drop like tat is very scary. Not really dare to buy even 80sen

Posted by No right Nor wrong Only to Win > 2019-08-05 16:31 | Report Abuse

0.84 and 0.750 is possible.

Long term PLS is a silent black horsie.

Doesnt mean , one shud hop in now.
Wait for better entry.

Posted by No right Nor wrong Only to Win > 2019-08-05 16:31 | Report Abuse

0.57 lagi best


1,304 posts

Posted by LaoTzeAhSir > 2019-08-08 14:44 | Report Abuse

with rm35k value volume it can drop 3.5%. fking con stock. karma awaiting for the manipulators behind

Posted by PotentialGhost > 2019-09-11 11:44 | Report Abuse

Sohai semua ikan bilis Kasi durian hantam kepala semua masuk icu. Kekeke hahaha

Where are you 散户? Continue goreng a


1,300 posts

Posted by chamlo > 2019-10-02 07:41 | Report Abuse

Why QR always loss? Musang King not yet plant is it?


1,189 posts

Posted by chia88 > 2019-10-25 22:25 | Report Abuse

Right issue


156 posts

Posted by tm9999 > 2019-10-25 22:27 | Report Abuse

Botak share better dont touch.
Invest until moneh also botak.


4,247 posts

Posted by Jeffreyteck > 2019-10-25 22:38 | Report Abuse

Haha, continue to make them richer but minority SHs to be poorer, at least in the ST. LT prospect, by then .... excuses... weather conditions, price drop due to over supply including Thai and Viet supply, no foreign workers to pick fruits and left feeding squirrels... Speculative play at best.


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-10-29 09:17 | Report Abuse

AFter acquired Dulai Fruit - a durian export company early this year, PLS most properly will turn around very soon it bottom line earning. This is becasue there is 10M of profit guarantee from Dulai to PLS. Also, with the increasing of palm oil production from month to month (thier palm oil trees majority young & just mature for crop!) & increase of CPO price recently, this will bold well for it oil palm plantation sector's earning! It's good to have free warrant issue but nothing to be paniced with redeemable preference share, if it really happen, as investors, we can choose not to subscribe but sell the right in open market.


3,184 posts

Posted by aiaili > 2019-11-04 13:14 | Report Abuse

botak take over is good lol.. by the way just sold & get handsome profit lol..


3,184 posts

Posted by aiaili > 2019-11-04 15:39 |

Post removed.Why?


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-11-10 10:09 | Report Abuse

The cost of Ekovest invested into PLS is ~RM106M with ~107M shares (30.44%), which means the average cost is ~RM1/share. Futhermore, with it increase palm oil production for the last 3 months and increase of oil palm price and the expected contribution of Dulai fruit from it durian business, the company earning may has a turn around story in this or coming quarters.


1,304 posts

Posted by LaoTzeAhSir > 2019-11-10 13:13 | Report Abuse

rm2, big money into durian biz n to china market. n palm oil price and plantation sector are in rly good looking tone right now. no wonder boss n ekovest picked up so much PLS since then


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-11-20 09:59 | Report Abuse

Fresh fruit bunches for coming quarter Q2 FY2020 increase by 43% compare to last Quarter. This is becos PLS oil palm tree is young and just mature for crop! The latest reported month Oct fresh fruit bunches break the record high again! The oil palm plantation of PLS is very bullish!


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-11-20 10:02 | Report Abuse

Log production for coming quarter Q2 FY2020 increase by 60% compare to last quarter. This definately will give support to the revenue and profit of PLS in coming quarter.


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-11-20 10:06 | Report Abuse

Furthermore, with the income flow in from Musang King export to China, we can anticipate that the coming Q2 FY2020 result will be a turnaround story!!


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-11-20 10:18 | Report Abuse

With current oil palm price rally and with increasing of fresh fruit bunches for PLS in OCT, we can foresee that Q3 FY2020 could be another good quarter for PLS!


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-11-23 23:30 | Report Abuse

This is lag behind oil palm plantation stock. Don't miss it!


1,304 posts

Posted by LaoTzeAhSir > 2019-11-26 20:32 | Report Abuse

long news for PLs


1,304 posts

Posted by LaoTzeAhSir > 2019-11-29 23:44 | Report Abuse

turnedover in green after many years. good sign


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-11-30 23:46 | Report Abuse

Thanks to PLS FFB production volume increased tremendously in this quarter due to young and matured oil palm trees it owned, thus bring the company earning turn to green! As Oct 2019 FFB keep on increasing (it's the highest and CPO price keep at high level, anticipate that PLS will show better results in the next quarter!


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-12-06 15:51 | Report Abuse

The last seriously lag behind plantation stock => PLS...FCPO Feb now is above RM2800...


896 posts

Posted by aikinlai > 2019-12-12 11:54 | Report Abuse

Invest 168, do you know where is Dulai Fruit enteprise processing plant located?


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-12-17 16:18 | Report Abuse

Processing plant located @ Raub, Pahang.


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2019-12-18 00:32 | Report Abuse

Despite turnaround quarterly result for PLS, but it share price seem still stagnent if compare to other plantation stocks. The reason behind should be due to the corporate exercises which announced on 25 Oct 2019. Company has proposed:

(I) PROPOSED ISSUE OF NEW FREE WARRANTS (1 Warrant for every 2 ordinary shares);


=> Proposed free warrant indeed is a good news for shareholders, thus, this should be positive point to PLS.

=> Proposed right issue of redeemable preference shares, this look terrible once glance as company is asking for money again! If you have 1000 units of PLS, there will be 2000 units RPS waiting for you. You need to take out RM2000 for the RPS! This is once glance bad impression. But the thruth here is as shareholders, we no need to subscribe the RPS but can sell the right of RPS during it start trading in the market. Basically, as shareholders, we got nothing to loss but can gain some free tickets on RPS right.

There will be no price adjustment on PLS during ex-date of both proprosal if warrant excercise price and RPS issue price of RM1 is higher than PLS share price.


286 posts

Posted by LouiseS > 2020-01-03 16:26 | Report Abuse

PLS's main business segments include oil palm plantations and sale of FFB, not involved in milling.

Its earning performance has been overall fluctuating in last five years, whereby its earning per share overall fluctuated from -4.53 sen to 2.06sen.The reported pre-tax loss of RM24.8 million in the 2019 financial year was mainly attributable to the significant drop of approximately 27% in the average selling prices realised for Fresh Fruit Bunches (“FFB”) despite of the marginal increase in the FFB harvested. The volatile selling price has immensely impacted to the Group’s performance under the plantation segment. There was no dividend paid to shareholders in the last five years.


1,378 posts

Posted by linheng > 2020-02-14 03:53 | Report Abuse

Resolution pass without change in share price. Ekovest to buy preference share at $1.00
Now only 71 cents.


3,216 posts

Posted by williamtkb > 2020-02-14 06:57 | Report Abuse

China lockdown and Covid-19 spreading, musang king who want to buy now? Maybe buy musang king free surgery masks, gloves, etc.... LOL


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2020-02-14 12:51 | Report Abuse

2 for 1 free warrant approved yesterday with conversion price of RM0.80. Ex-Date 27 Feb 2020. This is really a 'free' warrant. If you have mother share, then you can enjoy to get the free warrant. This for sure is to reward shareholders.


251 posts

Posted by Trader1188 > 2020-02-16 11:33 | Report Abuse

@Invest_168, may I know how much is the warrant listing price if conversion to mother share is RM0.80? How do they count actually?


549 posts

Posted by Invest_168 > 2020-02-17 08:56 | Report Abuse

Normally, warrant has premium 10-20%. Based on current PLS price of 0.775, It free warrant may worth 5 to 10 sen.

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