BeSmaet, I don’t have the right or wrong answer for in..
I give some opinion:
Valuation will go to 69-70 sen… Add, better don’t above 60 sen to get some margin of safety…
This QR revenue 60% by mouse product but still can turn profit. Second half of the year , when more TWS kick in, they will achieve economy of skill… revenue will increase, margin and cash flow will improve too..
The highest record’s revenue.. from Malaysiastockbiz data is FY17. That time share price is 1.2-1.5…
They just at early stage of “regrown “, i put conservative put RM1-1.2 , is very good return for me already… Don’t simple sell if you buy in at low price …
Personal opinion, the affected area will be close for sanitizer will not a big issue. The good news is increase revenue and profitability and so on, eventually the share price will up.
2)BOOK VALUE(之前是34sen-35 sen) 然后,一般情况下,一家连续亏钱的公司,CASH FLOW已经不美,应该会跌穿34 sen以下的BOOK VALUE,可是它只试过几次,而且都是恐慌时期才有。所以我主观判断市场对这个转机股是有期待的。特别是你看回每次业绩出之前都上涨,过后差不多业绩出就调整到接近BOOK VALUE 1.5.. 所以我用一半的期待来估算,也就是0.34 sen x 1.5= 51 sen范围。
US market at all time high. Just a small crisis is needed to trigger a blood bath plummet across the globe.
It's a bit unusual this year due to absence of corrections in the US. Normally, there will be 2-3 corrections per year. This year hasn't seen any correction in Dow Jone in particular.
Margin finance used in the US market is topping USD1 trillion for the first time recently.
Salutica is an ODM company and not a typical EMS manufacturing OEM products. They are now into TWS earbuds for global brands in sports, teleconferencing and gaming and also into hearables for the hearing impaired such as Nuheara and Sonova. The recent quarter probably reflected the start of the turnaround and with the institutional participation in the PP recently, it is a sure thing that the coming quarters will show in the numbers. Research coverage by the banks and brokers is zero at the moment and the sharp cookies buy before the coverage starts. The upcoming Nov and Feb results will validate the above.
Philan.. Max annual capacity of 400m. Last qr they did 76m which almost doubled the quarter before that. In zoom briefing, md said they are mass producing new products in the next quarter and will be at max capacity later this year. They have also new customer Sonova who also happened to acquire significant ownership stake in Salute. The potential is already turning into reality.
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Posted by coolpe19 > 2021-08-23 11:11 | Report Abuse
QR when?