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112 comment(s). Last comment by UMNO2HANGUS 2013-11-06 04:39
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 15:51 | Report Abuse
Good to see this new Star...something good for our beloved Malaysia.
But not UMNO as even Tun Mamak Kutty said UMNO are for stupids. The seniors in UMNO do not want bright young people to join them, it will risk their position, aka "rice bowl" of rent seeking, stealing and corruption! Bright young people are now joining PR. UMNO days are numbered!
Hidup Malaysia.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 15:54 | Report Abuse
Before we have Rafizi and now Akmal whom I believe will bring our beloved Malaysia to become a Great Nation. Hangus UMNO Hidup Malaysia.
Posted by tc2012 > 2013-11-03 16:12 | Report Abuse
umno new blood ==> Tun mamak kutty mukhriz,
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 16:24 | Report Abuse
Another UMNO star? 'What has Shahrizat done for Malaysian women?
Her hubby got RM250 million loan? Can yours?
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 16:33 | Report Abuse
Another UMNO new off course.
so, my Malay brothers & sisters, what say you?
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 16:37 | Report Abuse
351 penduduk Sungai Limau termasuk ahli dan penyokong PAS menyertai UMNO. -BERNAMA
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 16:42 | Report Abuse
Another Star for PAS
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 16:53 | Report Abuse
Another Star for DAP..
Govt not showing fiscal discipline
Posted on 02/11/2013
Hazlan Zakaria
PETALING JAYA: Despite Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's assurances that Budget 2014 was specifically designed to stave off Malaysia's burgeoning fiscal deficit, the government's planned spending portrays not a hint of austerity.
"The government has no sincerity in addressing the issue of austerity," DAP Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming told theantdaily.
He pointed to the spending budgeted for the Prime Minister's Department in Budget 2014 as evidence that there is no slowing down in BN's spending spree.
Ong also lamented the formation of overlapping agencies like Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (Magic) and Yayasan Hijau, in addition to Malaysian Innovation Agency, Land Public Transport Commission, Talentcorp and others.
All the agencies,he pointed out, employed high-powered individuals as upper management with high salaries that bleed our budget.
"The salaries of these CEOs are higher than that of the Chief Secretary to the Government...This is the main reason why the Prime Minister's Department guzzled huge expenses, rising 13 per cent from RM14 billion in 2012 to RM16.5 billion in 2013," he had said in in his speech while debating the budget in the Dewan Rakyat earlier this week.
Ong also rubbished measures to rein in leakages in procurement highlighted by the Auditor-General's Report as announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak during his budget speech as mere wool over the public's eyes with no real bite behind the bark.
Posted by AdamNajeebMohideen > 2013-11-03 16:59 | Report Abuse
These expensive NFC cows drive ard in Merc n stay in the various condos...they still argue this is related to the cow bizness?? they assume we stoopid fools or wot?? macha give up dah..
Aiyoyo..this macha family got the NFC RM250 mio, Sons-Directors, Daughter-CEO, spend 62 mio on cow related buying spree as follows..
2 units of condominiums One Menerong RM13,800,000
Mercedes Benz CLS 350 CGI RM534.622
2 plots of land & PT1887 PT1886 Precinct 10, Putrajaya RM3,363,507
1 Orchard Scotts condominium units RM9,900,000
2 condominium unit Marina Bay Suites RM34,562,784
TOTAL RM62,160,913
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:04 | Report Abuse
Another Star...UMNO members.
Ini bukan lakunan atau sandiwara tetapi adalah berita bergambar fakta betapa para ahli UMNO sendiri kata UMNO parti lanun, penipu dan sampai sanggup nak pastikan UMNO kecundang tumbang pada PRU 14 akan datang.
Ertinya rakyat termasuk ahli-ahli UMNO sendiri sudah bosan dan muak dengan penipuan UMNO bukan saja kepada rakyat tetapi dengan ahli-ahlinya sendiri dia sanggup tipu.
Apabila ahli sendiri sudah menyampah dan benci maka UMNO bakal menjadi parti taraf alas kaki.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:07 | Report Abuse
The True PAS Star that even the non-Malays & non-Muslims respect....our Tok Guru
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:14 | Report Abuse
Another PKR Star...Pakar Perlembagaan, Profesor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari , another True Malay.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:17 | Report Abuse
PRK Star Profesor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari vs UMNO star compare
RESPECT a 2-party system before calling for shadow Cabinet - Aziz Bari ticks off Khairy
BN should accord due respect to the opposition before demanding that it name its shadow cabinet, says constitutional expert Abdul Aziz Bari.
This, he said, includes respecting all rules pertaining to parliamentary proceedings and to give the opposition leaders all the rights and privileges that go along with the post.
NONEHe was responding to Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin (left) who had urged Pakatan Rakyat to name its shadow cabinet.
“Khairy as a member of the government should make sure that it plays a vital part in laying the foundation for a functioning of the two-party system,” said Abdul Aziz in a statement today.
He pointed out that Pakatan has led by example in states it rules by allowing the state opposition to head the Public Accounts Committee, but BN had refused to take up the position.
“Here, Khairy has other things to do - make sure that Umno plays a positive role as the opposition in the state,” he said.
He added, Khairy should instead also "go public to defend the right of Perkasa Youth chief (Irwan Fahmi Ideris) to urge PM Najib to resign".
"That is more urgent and fundamental than asking Pakatan Rakyat to form shadow cabinet," he said.
PAS Youth 'naive'
Abdul Aziz also criticised PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan as “naive” for first raising about the shadow cabinet without understanding other prerequisites for a two-party system.
azlanHe said a free press and willingness to debate are among the prerequisites, which the ruling coalition is not keen on.
Furthermore, he said the government must ensure the Registrar of Societies stop delaying the registration of Pakatan Rakyat and the Election Commission must ensure free and fair elections.
“There is no point asking the opposition to form a shadow cabinet when the government keeps running away from public debate with the former.
“And here we are talking about (Prime Minister) Najib Abdul Razak taking on (Opposition Leader) Anwar Ibrahim, not Khairy or (Communications and Multimedia Minister) Shabery Cheek,” he said.
Ultimately, Abdul Aziz said Khairy, who is also Youth and Sports Minister, is putting the cart before the bullock.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:20 | Report Abuse
See what our PRK Star Profesor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari says..
Power over religion in wrong hands?
Constitutional expert Prof Dr Aziz Bari says the federal government has more or less usurped the authority of Malay rulers over matters pertaining to Islam.
This, he says, is reflected in the Home Ministry’s order to ban the Catholic Church from using the word “Allah” in its publication 'Herald'.
“It is clearly stated in the Federal Constitution that any matter related to religion is for the heads of state – in our case the sultans – to decide.
“Since when did the federal government have the power to decide on religious issues? The Home Minister may have the power to take action to maintain public order, but in this case it is also a religious matter,” Aziz points out.
In the Federal Constitution, the powers of the rulers as head of state and religion are enshrined in Article 181, which means a ruler’s prerogative on matters of religion is absolute and guaranteed.
Unfortunately, Aziz says, the role of the rulers has been drastically reduced. The weakening position of the rulers can be traced back to the Mahathir era.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:24 | Report Abuse
yes, adek AdamNajeebMohideen, the Wanita Stas says this..OMG
PAS pentingkan isu remeh, kata Shahrizat
Tindakan PAS membangkitkan isu tarikh luput susu sumbangan Barisan Nasional (BN) kepada penduduk menunjukkan parti itu hanya pentingkan isu remeh, kata Ketua Wanita Umno Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (gambar).
Beliau berkata desakan PAS agar Anggota Parlimen Baling Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim memohon maaf berhubung perkara itu juga satu cubaan PAS mengalih perhatian daripada isu poster palsunya.
"Saya pun dapat rungutan daripada akar umbi macam-macam tentang barangan yang diberi oleh PAS, tapi kita tak gembar-gemburkan, sebab kita nak tengok pembangunan untuk rakyat di Sungai Limau. Kita nak tengok perkara yang amat mustahak," katanya kepada pemberita, di sini hari ini.
Shahrizat yang sebelum itu merasmikan Program Tabung Ekonomi Kumpulan Usaha Niaga (Tekun Nasional) Bersama Ibu Tunggal, diminta mengulas laporan portal berita HarakahDaily yang memetik Pesuruhjaya PAS Kedah Datuk Mahfuz Omar mendesak Abdul Azeez bertanggungjawab terhadap insiden susu tamat tempoh berkenaan.
"Mereka (PAS) dah termalu, macam-macam angkara mereka dah buat dengan autanya, faktanya... apabila orang dah dapat tahu, mereka ambil isu tin susu (tamat tempoh) tu pula," kata Shahrizat.
Sementara itu Abdul Azeez dalam satu kenyataan di sini, berkata tindakan PAS berkenaan merupakan satu pendekatan terdesak dalam menagih sokongan dan simpati rakyat di Sungai Limau menjelang hari pengundian 4 November ini.
"Ini adalah satu isu yang sengaja diadakan untuk mewujudkan sentimen kebencian pengundi. Ini kerana saya dimaklumkan hanya seorang sahaja tampil, kononnya menerima pemberian bungkusan makanan yang mengandungi satu tin susu telah tamat tempoh," katanya.
"Dalam pilihan raya macam-macam perkara boleh terjadi, perkara yang tak ada pun boleh diadakan. Contohnya gambar-gambar 'superimposed’ menggunakan teknik photoshop antara calon PAS dengan Allahyarham Tan Sri Azizan," katanya lagi.
Beliau juga menempelak PAS kerana menggunakan isu bapa Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom yang dikatakan menyokong calon PAS.
"Apabila saya bertemu dan bertanya sendiri kepada beliau, pakcik Baharom menafikan dakwaan tersebut," katanya.
HarakahDaily melaporkan satu tin susu yang diberi bersama-sama tepung gandum, beras dan gula kepada penduduk di Sungai Dedap didapati terluput tiga hari lepas, manakala pada bahagian luar beg
plastik tertera nama dan gambar Abdul Azeez. - Bernama, 29 Oktober, 2013.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:27 | Report Abuse
Another Star....this time it's a Sg Limau voter
EVEN BEFORE A SINGLE VOTE IS CAST! I was paid RM100 to join Umno - Sg Limau voter
Sungai Limau - A 53-year old man from Sg Dedap claims that he was offered RM100 cash after he "handed in" an Umno membership form to Jerai MP Jamil Khir Baharom at a ceremony in Kg Kabu 10 late last night.
"I did not know what I was signing, I just thought they wanted to give me money. I took the money but I will still vote for PAS," said Ismail Said, a father of six from Sg Dedap.
Ismail, who works in the sea business says several of his friends were also at the event.
He said a BN worker gave them cash after they handed the so-called membership forms to Jamil.
At the function, Jamil is believed to have received 351 forms from five divisions from Sg Limau but the numbers are not yet confirmed.
Ismail was accompanied by PAS veep and Poko Sena MP Mahfuz Omar (above), Anak Bukit assemblyperson Amiruddin Hamzah, and PAS election director Hatta Ramli.
Full article:
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Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:36 | Report Abuse
Yet Another fine PKR Star....YB Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin
Terbongkar lagi.. NAJIB TIDAK SEBUT pun pemotongan beberapa dalam Bajet 2014 dalam ucapannya... Akhirnya DSAI bongkar satu persatu pemotongan tersebut..
Pembangunan kesihatan luar bandar DIPOTONG RM130 juta.... DIPOTONG PULA Institut Kemahiran MARA RM50 juta, HIDUP MELAYU!!!... DIPOTONG LAGI bekalan elektrik luar bandar RM47 juta... DIPOTONG LAGI bekalan air luar bandar RM136 juta... DIPOTONG LAGI Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli RM24 juta.. Nampaknya bulat2 meLAYU Kena Tipu Sama meLAYU.....
Sebab tulah Najib lari ke London kerana tak berani nak bersemuka dan bersidang di Parlimen nak menghadap pembangkang terutama dengan Ketua Pembangkang DSAI dalam Bahas Rang Undang-Undang Peberkalan 2014...
Ini la sebabnya tidak disiar dalam dlm RTM 1, RTM 2, TV3 atau media elektronik lain perbahasan penuh di Parlimen kerana UMNO takut informasi yg telus rakyat dapat menilai, media2 dari suku sakat UMNO hanya ambil sekerat dan di reka ulasan sehingga rakyat jadi keliru.
Kalau dah sifat pemimpin yg mereka pilih hanya berani fitnah bila ajak berhujah semua pakat kecut apa lagi Geng Otak Karat Biru saban masa duk jaja auta putar belit fitnah berpisah tiada..
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:40 | Report Abuse
A funny UMNO star??? hahaha
SO FUNNY! Utusan calls others RACIST over its dwindling ads revenue from GLCs
Utusan Malaysia has blamed government-linked companies (GLCs) for using allegedly “racist” advertising agencies that placed a low priority on advertisements in Malay-language newspapers, claiming that it would affect the national language.
In an opinion piece under the name of Awang Selamat, the moniker used to represent the Umno-owned paper’s collective editorial voice, Utusan suggested that such GLCs were risking the “sovereignty” of the national language in the local advertising industry by opting to take their business to English-language and vernacular newspapers.
Utusan also suggested that consumers should withdraw their support from such GLCs.
“Awang is worried thinking about the future of the national language in the advertising industry including through the mass media. What is more when touching on the attitude of GLCs that no longer prioritise advertisements for the Malay-language papers,” it said in its column published in its Sunday edition called Mingguan Malaysia.
Utusan claimed that many of the leaders of GLCs had handed over decisions on advertisements to the advertising industry, which in turn have many “racists” and foreigners calling the shots.
“They give up the determination of advertisements, for example, to the industry, especially the agencies that are mostly controlled by expatriates, racists and liberals that are not bertunjangkan (based on) the Constitution,” it said.
Although Utusan noted that advertising agencies often say that their choices are based on commercial considerations, the Malay paper said such a justification could be open to “manipulation”.
Utusan also cited Malaysian Muslims Consumers Association (PPIM), which it said had questioned several GLCs involved in the banking and telecommunications industry for their alleged lack of advertisements in Malay-language papers.
“Among the names mentioned are Celcom, CIMB and Petronas. CIMB, for example, although the majority of consumers are Malays, puts more advertisements in English papers and vernacular papers.
“Awang’s feelings of loyalty towards Celcom have also abated. There are many choices. Why continue supporting GLCs that are weak in the agenda of upholding the national language and strengthening the Bumiputera’s economic empowerment?” it said.
The Umno-controlled paper also agreed with PPIM’s leader Nadzim Johan who had purportedly voiced his view that these GLCs had richly rewarded media outlets with anti-government reports.
“Media that were excited over carrying the aspirations and the agenda of those who want to topple the government, were given lucrative rewards via advertisements by GLCs,” it quoted Nadzim as saying, with the activist also reportedly saying that the advertising profits would then be used as “weapons to threaten and weaken the government”.
“Awang agrees with Nadzim. The message is that GLCs have empowered the wrong quarters because they have allowed themselves to become trapped in a vicious cycle that has been dicaturkan (planned) by the advertising industry. Obviously we did not learn the lesson,” Utusan concluded while continuing to blame the advertising agencies.
According to Awang Selamat, AmResearch’s latest findings showed that advertising expenditure (adex) for Malay-language papers had fallen by 1.8 per cent until this September, despite a growth of 3.7 per cent in the adex for the industry.
Citing RHB Research, it said that the adex for Malay-language papers this September had fallen by 26 per cent compared to the same period last year, with RM154 million dropping to RM116 million.
This is in contrast to the Chinese-language papers and English-language papers’ adex growing by 8.9 per cent and 7.2 per cent, Utusan said.
Malay Mail
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:49 | Report Abuse
And the greatest UMNO star, the Mamakutty star of Kerala, lol
Oh God! This old man forgot to take his meds again!
Anwar has to be thankful for what? Spending years in jail only to be ACQUITED for such false charges using false witnesses against him in court TWO times? Being beaten-up by the then Chief of Police and given a 'black-eye' and slandered by UMNO on an almost DAILY BASIS?
So much to he 'thankful' for eh?
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 17:59 | Report Abuse
And MCA proudly presents another Star...a porn star, haahaaha
the sex story here..
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 18:05 | Report Abuse
And we say good bye to MIC star Samy Velu see this youtube Goodbye Samy Velu video, take a look please as I assure that you will laugh till your pants drop, lol
Goodbye Samy Vellu
Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 19:21 | Report Abuse
And the old star of UMNO
Someone said...
If Mahathir is a racist and caused inequaility, one should trace its root to Kerala, the origin of extreme caste system.
Mamakutty, the serial liar who looted the wealth of the country for his family and cronies. Just name me any other country in the world where the country roads running north to south and east, and almost all roads in the capital city have been privatised to cronies. Just name any other country in which cronies are given licence to generate electricity at tariff rate ensuring of more than 25 percent return on their capital. Whilst all utility services have been privatised at cut-throat prices garnered through his OSA apparatus, Mamakutty has uprooted almost all institutions, law and order to subdue to his satanic ends during his 22 years of tyranny rule.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 00:24 | Report Abuse
An UMNO Star?
UMNO caught LYING to the Public once again when PAS member for LIFE was trapped, by being told that there was a CONTRIBUITON OF RM100 for Free!
All he has to do is hand in some pieces of paper...
Next thing he knew, he was forced on STAGE where infront of the Press UMNO announced him as one of the so called 'MANY' PAS members who so called JOINED UMNO...without even HIM knowing it himSELF!
We could EXPECT news of this SAME load of BS again and again repeating the SAME lying and cheating tactics to Create 'PERCEPTIONS' about UMNO and the opposition...
'PERCEPTION'... because that's the ONLY thing that UMNO is good at...creating MIRAGE's and ILLUSIONS!
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 00:37 | Report Abuse
Another fine PAS Star...
Mahfuz: Stop dirty campaigning, I saw Azizan suffer
Published on 2013-11-03 18:29:40
PAS deputy president Mahfuz Omar says disrespecting the family of former Kedah Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak by hanging mannequins with amputated legs in Sg Limau was out of line - especially given how much Azizan suffered from the diabetes that led to him losing his legs.
...see the video please.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 00:42 | Report Abuse
Another Star...dirty UMNO politics?
Replika potong kaki permainan politik KEJI
JERAI - PAS menyifatkan tindakan pihak tertentu mengantung replika patung dipotong kaki sekitar kawasan Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Sungai Limau sebagai tindakan tidak beradab.
Pengarah Jawatankuasa Induk PRK Sungai Limau, Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab itu bukan sahaja menyedihkan seluruh penduduk di sini, malah paling terasa adalah ahli keluarga Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak sendiri.
"Saya sangat sedih, ini tidak bertanggungjawab, pokitik keji, tidak bermoral serta memburukkan orang yang telah meninggal dunia. Kita mahu kekalkan politik damai ini.
"Tan Sri Muhyiddin sebelum ini juga sudah mintak maaf. Keluarga Allahyarham pun sudah maafkan. Kedua-dua pihak berjiwa besar," katanya pada sidang media hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya berhubung pendirian PAS terhadap isu replika patung kaki yang dipotong yang mencemar kepen hari-hari terakhir di Sngai Limau ini.
Mengulas lanjut, Mahuz berkata PAS bersetuju untuk membuat laporan polis, namun akan berbincang dengan peguam terlebih dahulu.
Ditanya berhubung kenyataan Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi bahawa tindakan tersebut strategi "reverse psychology" pihak lawan untuk memburukkan Umno, Mahfuz berkata hanya orang yang biasa dan berpengalaman berbuat demikian tahu perkara itu.
"Saya tak tahu siapa yang buat, tapi saya hairan dia kata reverse psychology. Hanya orang pernah buat dan berpengalaman sahaja tahu," katanya.
Mukhriz jangan bermuka-muka
Dalam pada itu, Mahfuz turut membidas Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir sebagai menteri besar yang bermuka-muka.
Beliau merujuk kepada kenyataan Mukhriz yang menggambarkan Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan tidak berbuat apa-apa pembangunan sepajang sepenggal memerintah Kedah.
"Saya gembira semua orang ucap simpati pada Allahyarham.
"Tapi Mukhriz kononnya simpati, tapi di belakang, menghina Ustaz Azizan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, rekod menunjukkan bagaimana Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan sebelun ini berjaya menarik pelaburan ke Kedah dengan rekodnya yang baik.
"Dia (Mukhriz) sebelum ini timbalan menteri waktu dia jadi Ahli Parlimen Jerlun, apa yang dia bawa (pembangunan) di Jerlun.
"Mulut dia jangan celupar sangat," tegas Mahfuz.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 00:54 | Report Abuse
“Sudah Ditipu Oleh BN 55 Tahun
Apa Salahnya Saya ...... Tipu 1 KALI”
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:14 | Report Abuse
The ever shinning Star of PKR, YB Nurul Izzah Anwar
Maybe the UMNO cowgirls should emulate here fine behaviour & her heart of gold.
In the last analysis we must be judged by what we do & not by what we believe. We are as we behave..
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:19 | Report Abuse
And here's the Indian star???
Reporting about 'PAS MEMBERS' leaving PAS to join UMNO/BN reported by TV3 fron Sungai Limau...
......OK?!...alright I can't HOLD IT IN any longer...
Posted by anbz > 2013-11-04 01:21 | Report Abuse
bingo...amedia is umno-related...takkan tak tau
bingo..gpacket...the chairman...bekas penasihat sains mahathir...takkan tak tau
amedia from 28 cents (minimum price u paid , if not above RM 1)...apa macam? haha
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:27 | Report Abuse
akito As a Malay-sian, I feel ashamed to see a fellow Malay anbz using all dirty tactics to scold members here, what a shame indeed. If anbz wants to buy, then carry at what price your so fancy and not to bring people down. Be good adek anbz.
19/10/2013 01:32
akito and one more thing anbz, no money don't play shares. you go round hitting members below the belt so as to get a cheap price, too bad indeed. Please abnz, learn to trade like a gentleman.
19/10/2013 01:35
ZenJane This anbz causes trouble in every forum he is in.. I agree with Akito
19/10/2013 02:25
akito Come on masternol, please do not bodek anbz as he is not worthwhile. Do such a person like abnz receive our sympathy? The answer is a BIG NO, NO, NO.
An ass is also a donkey & a leopard cannot change it's spot. Ask yourself why this stingko anbz behaves in such a way in all the forums? As I had said earlier, no money don't play shares and don't try to play on members emotions to gain some profit!!!!!
I had said it again & again that I as a Malay-sian feel disgrace & shameful to see another Malay anbz behave in such a silly & cunning way, just he anbz thinks that he knows everything and when members couldn't agree with him, then he start scolding members them all sorts of names. How shameful indeed as I have so many Malay, Chinese & Indians friends who don't behave in such an idiotic way. Normally the Malays are a very humble people & race & very polite too but NOT this Malay skunk anbz who is a REAL SHAME to the Malay race. Now you understand. Period.
Cheers & have a great weekend too.
19/10/2013 13:16
saddiqsepakraga yes akito, i'm a malay and I agree with you...this guy is really a nuisance and a malay that we can do without !!!
19/10/2013 13:24
johnchong Forum is for friendly exchange. To avoid pitfalls thru' sharing info & advise NOT TO CONFUSE. Would be stupid to think that playing with emotion HERE can gain some profit. We are just a pinch in the broad market.
Be good dirty anbz, Salam.
23/10/2013 23:28
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:28 | Report Abuse
asshole & thick skin anbz, last year old stinking news you also want to bring up to frighten members here. Why you so jealous that members make money. As I had said, you anbz, no money don't play & don't try to use dirty tactics and play on members emotions to make a few lousy ringgit.
see this stinko anbz....
saddiqsepakraga yes akito, i'm a malay and I agree with you...this guy is really a nuisance and a malay that we can do without !!!
19/10/2013 13:24
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:28 | Report Abuse
fireball Posted by George Richard > Oct 14, 2013 10:52 AM | Report Abuse
14/10/2013 09:31
fireball Akito, could not agree with you more, i repeat, he is just one of those F@#$k%$&G di@#Heads with C@#$faces who goes around every forum posting sarcastic remarks which they think r clever but actually only reveals themselves as worthless fleabrains as#$holes with pitiful low self esteem. They like to pass retarded jibes in every forum with nothing useful to share..a realF@#$$%%g nuisance to all.These KNNMCCBLchiao dogshits shud be scrapped off the roads...
14/10/2013 09:31
23/10/2013 23:54
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:29 | Report Abuse
dirty and thick skin abnx, this id not old stale posted this
If this is NOT OLD STALE NEWS, that what is it, now it's 2013 and you want to bring 2010 new for whatg?????
year 2010 years you also want to put here to frighten members here , you trying to frighten members by playing up emotions to try to gain a few ringgit.
as I said a a malay and I agree with you...this guy is really a nuisance and a malay that we can do without !!!
24/10/2013 00:01
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:30 | Report Abuse
ireball Posted by George Richard > Oct 14, 2013 10:52 AM | Report Abuse
14/10/2013 09:31
fireball Akito, could not agree with you more, i repeat, he is just one of those F@#$k%$&G di@#Heads with C@#$faces who goes around every forum posting sarcastic remarks which they think r clever but actually only reveals themselves as worthless fleabrains as#$holes with pitiful low self esteem. They like to pass retarded jibes in every forum with nothing useful to share..a realF@#$$%%g nuisance to all.These KNNMCCBLchiao dogshits shud be scrapped off the roads...
14/10/2013 09:31
23/10/2013 23:54
yes, brainless & idiotic abnz, you are one stinking member who everyone calls you F@#$k%$&G di@#Heads with C@#$ get lost asshole abnz & get a life, better still go & jump yourself into the sea to cleanse your body & soul.
24/10/2013 00:05
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:31 | Report Abuse
dirty and thick skin abnx, this is not old stale news?????? posted this
If this is NOT OLD STALE NEWS, that what is it????? now it's 2013 and you want to bring 2010 new for what?????
year 2010 year news you also want to put here to frighten members here , you trying to frighten members by playing up emotions to try to gain a few ringgit.
as I said a malay and I agree with you...this guy is really a nuisance and a malay that we can do without !!!
24/10/2013 00:08
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:32 | Report Abuse
fireball D@#$heaD anbz,go back to u stoopid novamsc thread which is dead as a DODO.U make a bloodyfool of yourself promoting this cancer stricken stock for ages but it is still trading 0.06-0.07 cts. dont u feel stoopid? u thick skinned lowlife d@#$khead???
24/10/2013 00:12
yes brother fireball, this F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz promote his worthless counter that he bought alot and want members to foolishly him but members here are smart enough to see his OLD DIRTY TRICKS long ago.
so get lost F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz , still go & jump yourself into the sea to cleanse your body & soul.
24/10/2013 00:19
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:33 | Report Abuse
akito fireball D@#$heaD anbz,go back to u stoopid novamsc thread which is dead as a DODO.U make a bloodyfool of yourself promoting this cancer stricken stock for ages but it is still trading 0.06-0.07 cts. dont u feel stoopid? u thick skinned lowlife d@#$khead???
24/10/2013 00:12
yes brother fireball, this F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz promote his worthless counter that he bought alot and want members to FOOLISHLY FOLLOW him but members here are smart enough to see his OLD DIRTY TRICKS long ago.
so from here we all know that this F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz trying to play dirty emotions to gain some profit. That's why I call him a dirty old lying asshole.
24/10/2013 00:21
fireball u wanna disturb ppl taking potshots..running down ppl, laughing at ppl who lose money.but what do u contribute but shit stock like Novamsc.LOL>>as stoopid as u LOL..nincompoop dogshit dickhead...
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:36 | Report Abuse
Posted by fireball > Oct 28, 2013 12:44 AM | Report Abuse
Fleabrain ANBZ, so many ppl condemn u as a trouble maker.. for ur many attacks on ppl.. commenting on stks u dont have , laughing at ppl like a retarded jackass that u to make fun of misfortunate ppl. Then u turn n try make it into a racist issue...accusing ewryone , even OTB as a racist..
Nobody make racist remarks agst u..only agst ur idiotic way on poking fun at ppl here..Yet u are the one who made racist remarks on the Chinese with ur SPM level of chinese history..Pls lah dont carry on and make a fool of us a favor, jump into the drain n drown in the puke...
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 01:51 | Report Abuse
F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz , this is for you, haahaahaa
As a Malay-sian , I am really ashamed of you as a Malay as normally all Malays are polite & humble people but you F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz is one Malay we can do without.
Posted by Fortunebull > 2013-11-04 01:52 | Report Abuse
Akito! We need more malays like you! All Malaysians are equal! Even Lim Guan Eng become PM, malays will have better future!
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 12:58 | Report Abuse
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
PM must either believe that majority Malays are moderate and sensible or he thinks they are the clones of Ibrahim Ali. He has to decide
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 13:00 | Report Abuse
BN menggunakan kanak-kanak bawah umur sebagai petugas... Berapa ringgit dapat..?
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 13:10 | Report Abuse
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
When will he learn that the country will be like Greece in not too distant future; where fascist party now has 18 seats in Parliament
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
In difficult times fascists will offer easy solutions , and will attract the disenfranchised and the young. Blame everything on others
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 13:21 | Report Abuse
SG LIMAU According to Faekah Sheikh Hamzah, the fake SMS contained a message purportedly from her urging voters to vote for BN.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 13:23 | Report Abuse
Stop embarrassing Malaysians, Najib told
Alyaa Azhar
| November 4, 2013
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was hypocritical when answering questions during the CNN interview hosted by Christiane Amanpour, says DAP's Tony Pua.
PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has been urged to “stop embarrassing Malaysians” with the global moderate statesman facade as his actions are to the contrary.
Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua was commenting on Najib’s 12-minute interview with Christiane Amanpour on CNN last week.
“At the interview, the Prime Minister’s facial expression tells the world how uncomfortable he was in answering the questions thrown at him which exposes the facade of a global moderate statesman,” said Pua.
The DAP national publicity secretary also pointed out how the Prime Minister sang a different tune when Amanpour directed the spotlight to Malaysia’s increasing religious conservatism and extremism.
Najib had said that his priority was to ensure peace and harmony in Malaysia.
“What the Prime Minister is telling the world is that while it is hunky-dory to make the glamorous pitch for moderation at international platforms, moderation takes a back seat to peace and harmony domestically,” Pua said.
Pua elaborated that the peace and harmony mentioned by Najib was merely euphemism for pandering to the religious far-right and restricting the rights of the minority.
“As an example, the Prime Minister told Reuters that the curb against Catholic weekly, The Herald, from using the word Allah was necessary to protect public security and national harmony, going as far as to describe The Herald as a publication with wide circulation,” he said.
However, Pua stressed that the wide circulation was a distribution of only 14,000 issues in churches in a country of 30 million people.
“Instead of justifying his peace and harmony priority, his defense only proved the persecution of minorities in Malaysia,” added Pua.
He then opined that Najib does not have any right to be a statesman for moderation at international forums if he cannot practise what he preaches.
“His pretentious call for the Global Movement of Moderates only leads to being easily exposed as a hypocrite at the global arena and become an embarrassment to the country,” Pua stressed.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 13:30 | Report Abuse
Balu kepada Allahyarham Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak, Puan Sri Faekah Sheikh Hamzah berkata beliau kesal dengan penyebaran SMS palsu yang mendakwa beliau menggesa pengundi memilih BN.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 17:24 | Report Abuse
A lecturer giving a talk on democracy and the constitution found it refreshing that the audience was a group of Malay youngsters.
Although those present may not represent the majority, they were proactive and outspoken. Could this signal change in the mindset of the Malays?
Democracy and the Constitution
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 17:52 | Report Abuse
Another fine Malaysian Star...THE BAR COUNCIL.
Threats don’t scare us, says Malaysian Bar
FMT Staff
| November 4, 2013
The Malaysian Bar brushes aside a threat allegedly made by the Muslim Lawyers Association in regards to the Allah appeal.
PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Bar today said it was undeterred by threats or intimidation in its task to uphold justice, adding that it was bound to act without fear or favour, and without regard for its own interests.
Responding to a media report on Saturday in which the Muslim Lawyers Association had allegedly warned the Malaysian Bar not to back Christian publication The Herald in the Allah ruling, Bar president Christopher Leong said he was disappointed with the Muslim lawyers association.
“It is strange for an association of lawyers to fear arguments taken in a court of law and to impel them to issue threats. It leaves one to wonder what it is that they are afraid of,” he said in a statement.
He stressed that the Malaysian Bar did not back any party, and that access to justice was for all who seek it.
“The Malaysian Bar and the Bar Council are secular bodies. We are not grounded in or partial to any religious belief. The Malaysian Bar does not stand for or against any party.
“The positions that we take are, and will always be, prescribed by the rule of law and premised on the Federal Constitution.
“We act for justice and truth and will not be swayed by partisan politics or religious belief. The Malaysian Bar will not be deterred in upholding the cause of justice by any threat or intimidation,” he added.
He said that it was unfortunate that some deemed it appropriate to resort to issuing threats or fear mongering as a means of getting their way.
Sometimes these threats are coupled with claims of ignorance or confusion or cries of hurt feelings and sensitivities, he added.
He said it was long past the time for Malaysians to shed such practices.
He also said the Malaysian authorities should cease pandering to, or legitimising such practices, as it only served to encourage those who resort to threats or violence as a means of getting their way or silencing others.
Last month the Court of Appeal had over-ruled a High Court ruling which had allowed the Herald to use the word ‘Allah’ in its Bahasa Malaysia edition. Since the the Catholic Church, which is the publisher of the Herald, has decided to seek a review at the Federal Court.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 18:01 | Report Abuse
The Rising DAP New Star...YB Liew Chin Tong
Their behavior in stopping Chin Tong and Hong Pin from Jalan Station was the most unIndian and unMalaysian attitude. You never chase even your worst enemy away from your home should they visit you on an auspicious day like Deepavali. Jalan Station is not the exclusive property or MIC and neither was there signage restricting entry to MIC members only.
In a festive season, more so in Malaysia, the behavior of those who barricaded the road to prevent a Member of Parliament and State Assemblyman from entering was despicable and not within the Malaysian spirit for Deepavali.
As an Malaysian of Indian origin, I am ashamed that some fellow Malaysians had behaved in such a despicable manner that Friday evening.
Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 19:16 | Report Abuse
7.05pm: That is according to PAS' Sungai Limau election operations director Amiruddin Hamzah, PAS is currently leading by 1,000 votes according to their unofficial count.
7.00pm: Unofficial results from PAS operation centre in Padang Lumat reveals that the party has a slim lead.
PAS - 5,250
BN - 5,120
Spoilt - 36
6:57pm: Unofficial results from Padang Lumat: PAS 363, BN 413, Majority BN 50
6.48pm: Unofficial results from Bukit Besar polling station:
PAS 1,415, BN 94, Majority PAS 472
Dulang Kechil: PAS 39, BN 1,337, Majority BN 939
Sedaka: PAS 702, BN 689, Majority PAS 13
No result.
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Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 15:46 | Report Abuse
Another FINE YOUNG TALENT in star-studded PKR - Akmal Nasir A funny thing happened to Akmal Nasir on his way to becoming an actuary. He shook the hand of a young American senator in Madison, Wisconsin, when he took a day off studying at the University of Wisconsin in the United States. Nine years on, the senator whose hand Akmal shook is into his second term as the 44th President of the United States of America. Akmal was never to work as an actuary. Today, he is director of Malaysia’s National Oversight and Whistleblowers (NOW) Centre, co-ordinator of the siasatPRU13 team, and head of opposition party PKR’s internship programme. He had been among those instrumental in uncovering the scandal of the National Feedlot Centre in 2011 that was run by the family of Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil who eventually left her ministerial post. “You could say America was my political awakening,” Akmal told The Malay Mail Online while on a private visit to Melbourne. The ambition and where Akmal ended up are not as divergent as might be imagined though. On finishing Form Five in Malay College, Kuala Kangsar, the intent of the Johor Baru-born boy from Sekolah Menengah Johor Baru was to help his nation. “There was a lack of actuaries in the country,” Akmal said, after meeting Malaysians at a forum organised by Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) Melbourne recently. “The insurance industry was at a critical moment, lacking in expertise on how to cover risk.” Akmal figured there might have been no more than 100 actuaries in the country at the time. He had a head for figures so after completing a preparatory year at Mara College, Shah Alam, he was off on scholarship to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The university was ranked one of Top 20 in the world by Shanghai’s Jiao Tong University. Akmal completed his double degree in actuarial science and economics in four years. In that time, he also read widely: politics, philosophy, practical economic theories, ways to improve society. “My purpose shifted,” said Akmal. “My personal goal had been to become an actuary. It dawned on me that being an actuary was closer associated with corporate goals.” In truth the purpose remained; to help his nation. It was the goalpost that had shifted. “There were more urgent matters in society issues than financial ones,” said Akmal. It was at that time that the young black senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, was starting to turn heads in the political establishment in Washington. “I looked up to him,” Akmal said, his eyes glinting in the spring sunshine. When Obama came to town in the run-up to the Democratic National Convention of July 2004, Akmal was pushing his way through the throng. “I got to shake his hand,” said Akmal of the then 42-year-old senator who was to go on to gain national attention with his keynote address at the Democratic convention. The handshake was to be as momentous an occasion as Akmal’s return to Malaysia in 2009, after Malaysia’s 12th General Election. He put in a call to the office of Malay College senior Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, then a first-term Selangor state assemblyman for Seri Setia, and went on to work with NOW founder Rafizi Ramli, who is now a Member of Parliament for Pandan and strategy director of PKR. But Akmal does not see himself as a politician. “I am a backroom person, working in support of others,” he said. Still, one could say he is finally fulfilling his purpose. To help the nation. Malay Mail