Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-10 09:30 | Report Abuse

A case for the root cause It sounds like you stumbled upon an intriguing situation! To lodge a report about the words in your coffee and the taugeh forming Arabian words, you might want to contact the appropriate authorities, such as food safety agencies or local health departments. They can investigate the matter further and determine if any action needs to be taken regarding coffee drinking or marble cake sales. It's essential to provide them with as much information as possible to ensure a thorough investigation.

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14 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2024-04-18 20:04

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-10 10:14 | Report Abuse

Fanaticism, by its very nature, is often deeply ingrained in an individual's beliefs and identity. It can manifest in various forms, from religious fanaticism to political extremism, and addressing it can be incredibly challenging. Here are some arguments in favor of prevention over trying to cure fanaticism:

1. **Complexity of Fanaticism:** Fanaticism is not just about holding strong beliefs; it often involves rigid, uncompromising attitudes that resist change or dialogue. This complexity makes it difficult to address through conventional means of intervention or therapy.

2. **Resource Allocation:** Trying to cure fanaticism after it has taken root requires significant resources in terms of time, money, and expertise. Preventing it from developing in the first place can be a more efficient use of resources.

3. **Social Impact:** Fanaticism can have far-reaching social impacts, leading to division, conflict, and even violence. Preventing individuals from becoming fanatics can contribute to a more harmonious and cohesive society.

4. **Long-Term Strategies:** Prevention strategies can focus on education, critical thinking skills, promoting empathy, and fostering open-mindedness. These approaches not only help prevent fanaticism but also have broader societal benefits in promoting tolerance and understanding.

5. **Ethical Considerations:** Attempting to cure fanaticism can raise ethical questions, particularly regarding individual freedoms and autonomy. Prevention strategies, such as education and early intervention, can be implemented in a way that respects these principles.

6. **Adaptive Approaches:** Prevention allows for adaptive approaches that can address the root causes of fanaticism, such as social exclusion, ideological indoctrination, and identity crises, before they escalate into full-blown fanaticism.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-10 22:05 | Report Abuse

When one's mind is poisoned, their perception of the world becomes tainted with negativity. This distortion can lead them to see evil where it may not exist.

1. **Filtering Information**: A poisoned mind filters information through a lens of suspicion and distrust. This means they are more likely to interpret neutral or even positive events as malicious or harmful.

2. **Confirmation Bias**: Poisoned minds often suffer from confirmation bias, where they actively seek out evidence that supports their negative beliefs. This leads to a reinforcing cycle of seeing evil even in situations where it doesn't exist.

3. **Exaggeration and Misinterpretation**: Small, innocuous patterns, comments, jokes,actions or statements can be blown out of proportion or misinterpreted when viewed through a poisoned mindset. This can create unnecessary conflict and tension.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-11 07:39 | Report Abuse

Only by awakening to the struggles of our medieval past, acknowledging past follies and irrationalities, can we start focusing on charting a meaningful and progressive course towards a brighter future. It's in differentiating problems of the past from the presence ones that help us to gain the wisdom to build a better tomorrow, leaving behind the shadows of medieval chaos to embrace a more enlightened path forward.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-12 07:39 | Report Abuse

Not a joke. We are just too caught up with the 3Rs issues, problems and challenges of the medieval past - until we can neither focus on dealing with contemporary issues, problems and challenges of the hypermodern era; nor chart a meaningfully universal course forward as a nation to be first world

Posted by icecool > 9 hours ago | Report Abuse

malaysia is a joke country mah

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-12 07:48 | Report Abuse

Don't play play with heavily public funded moral police force. Look at Iran, Gestapo, etc. Learn from history - they themselves with get absolute.power to corrupt absolutely and turn barbarically brutal, ruining the universal humanism value in the whole nation mercilessly

Posted by Income > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Jakim coming…

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 08:50 | Report Abuse

Internal conflicts and power struggles have indeed been significant factors in the weakening of civilizations throughout history, including Malaysia. These conflicts can stem from various sources, such as political disagreements, social tensions, or ideological clashes.

1. **Political Differences:** In Malaysia's history, political rivalries and power struggles have often resulted in internal conflicts. Competing factions within the political landscape vie for control and influence, leading to polarization and division within society. This can manifest in various forms, from government instability to partisan clashes that hinder progress and development.

2. **Social Tensions:** Societal divisions based on ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic status have also contributed to internal conflicts. Malaysia's diverse population brings together people from various cultural backgrounds, but these differences can sometimes lead to tensions and misunderstandings. Issues related to identity, representation, and social justice can become focal points for conflict if not addressed effectively.

3. **Ideological Clashes:** Ideological differences, whether related to governance, cultural values, or belief systems, can fuel internal strife. Malaysia, like many other countries, has experienced ideological conflicts that shape public discourse and policies. These clashes can hinder cooperation and collaboration, as differing visions for the future of society compete for dominance.

When a society becomes consumed by infighting, several negative consequences can arise:

- **Diversion of Resources:** Energy and resources that could have been allocated to constructive endeavors such as education, infrastructure, and economic development are instead diverted towards maintaining control or dominance within the society. This hampers progress and impedes the well-being of the population.

- **Loss of Unity:** Internal conflicts can erode social cohesion and unity, leading to fragmented communities and weakened national identity. This fragmentation makes it challenging to address common challenges and work towards shared goals.

- **Stifled Innovation:** In an environment of internal strife, innovation and creativity often take a backseat. When individuals and groups are focused on internal power struggles, there is less incentive and opportunity for innovation to flourish.

- **Diminished International Standing:** Internecine conflicts can also affect a country's reputation and standing on the global stage. Divisions and instability may undermine diplomatic efforts, economic partnerships, and international cooperation.

To overcome these challenges, societies need effective mechanisms for conflict resolution, inclusive governance, and fostering unity amidst diversity. Addressing root causes of internal conflicts and promoting dialogue, understanding, and collaboration are essential for building a resilient and cohesive society.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 10:43 | Report Abuse

Making a national issue of artistic designs of worm or pop song of namewe is an international joke!

Posted by speakup > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

in singapore, ppl are too busy with developing the country
in malaysia, ppl are too busy with 3R
see the difference

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 14:40 | Report Abuse

It's all part of the diversion strategy. When musangs are assigned to jaga reban, this is the end results: The staggering losses incurred by Felda in 2022, amounting to RM1 billion, nearly double the losses from the previous year, highlight the consequences of entrusting unworthy individuals with leadership roles. The auditor-general's report sheds light on the mismanagement and poor decision-making that have plagued Felda, ultimately leading to dire financial outcomes.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

From sockwars to shoewars to akmalkin-nga-war to Ramly burger to floor mat....

....and still counting on

Posted by StartOfTheBull > 2024-04-13 16:53 | Report Abuse

And more time and manpower allocated to these instead of emphasizing more on nation building. Sigh 😔!

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 16:57 | Report Abuse

Up from RM1 bil to close to RM 2 bil. The consequence is clear: from sockwars to shoewars to carpetwars (endless infighting as diversion strategy to cover their korek korek country coffer emptying actions)

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 18:43 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 18:51 | Report Abuse

A decent leader must possess the ability to extinguish toxic fanaticism effectively for several crucial reasons. Firstly, toxic fanaticism often leads to extremism, which can result in violence, discrimination, and social unrest. A leader who can curb fanaticism helps maintain peace and stability within society.

Secondly, toxic fanaticism hinders rational discourse and decision-making. It fosters an environment where emotions and extreme beliefs overshadow facts and reason. A leader skilled at extinguishing such fanaticism promotes critical thinking, evidence-based discussions, and informed decision-making processes.

Additionally, toxic fanaticism can create division and hostility among communities. A leader who addresses and counters fanaticism fosters inclusivity, respect for diversity, and unity among different groups, promoting social cohesion and harmony.

Moreover, extremist ideologies often hinder progress and development. By combating toxic fanaticism, a leader can steer society towards constructive goals, innovation, and positive growth.

In summary, a decent leader's ability to extinguish toxic fanaticism is essential for maintaining peace, promoting rationality, fostering unity, and driving societal progress.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-18 20:04 | Report Abuse

When a society becomes consumed by infighting, several negative consequences can arise:

- **Diversion of Resources:** Energy and resources that could have been allocated to constructive endeavors such as education, infrastructure, and economic development are instead diverted towards maintaining control or dominance within the society. This hampers progress and impedes the well-being of the population.

- **Loss of Unity:** Internal conflicts can erode social cohesion and unity, leading to fragmented communities and weakened national identity. This fragmentation makes it challenging to address common challenges and work towards shared goals.

- **Stifled Innovation:** In an environment of internal strife, innovation and creativity often take a backseat. When individuals and groups are focused on internal power struggles, there is less incentive and opportunity for innovation to flourish.

- **Diminished International Standing:** Internecine conflicts can also affect a country's reputation and standing on the global stage. Divisions and instability may undermine diplomatic efforts, economic partnerships, and international cooperation.

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