guess no ice cream from baskin robbins. Great marketing gimmick though!
Lee Chong Wei could never get the big ones against Lin Dan! Limpek's nemesis! LOL
2012-08-05 21:34
nail biter! better performance than last olympics, well fought datuk lee, but the best man won ever so slightly.
2012-08-05 22:10
Am reminded of that time Misbun lost to the great Liem Swie King in world championship or something like that. Heartbreak I am sure!
2012-08-05 22:16
something like 既生伟,何生丹? LD had a better mentality....but Datuk was great and consistent all the while, we were proud with Datuk's performance.....
2012-08-06 08:11
datuk lee dont let all the ice cream lovers down!
2012-08-03 17:33