'Mahathir, an outstanding Asean stateman'

Publish date: Sat, 03 Aug 2013, 03:20 PM
BANGKOK: China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi has described
former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as a truly outstanding Asean stateman with a strategic vision for understanding that a bigger and stronger China will benefit its neighbours.

"As Dr Mahathir pointed out years ago, China's develoment brings benefits to the neighbouring countries. It is an opportunity, rather than a threat," Wang said in a speech at the opening of the High-Level Forum on the 10th Anniversary of the Asean-China Strategic Partnership here yesterday.

"I believe that Dr Mahathir did not make a casual comment here. He has a deep understanding of China," he said.

He said China is fully aware that although its rapid growth has generated tangible benefits for its Asean friends, it has, unavoidably, led to certain suspicion, concern or even misunderstanding.

This is nothing to be surprised at, because anyone could feel uneasy about a close buddy who has all of a sudden grown into a big fellow, he said.

He said China is getting bigger and stronger but its development is the strengthening of a force for peace and friendship.

He said in five years, China's imports will reach US$10 trillion and its outbound tourists will total over 400 million.

He said China and Asean should step up efforts to build an upgraded version of the China-Asean Free Trade Agreement, and advance regional economic integration.

He said both sides should actively engage in maritime cooperation and make good use of the China-Asean Maritime Cooperation Fund, adding that China welcomes more project proposals from Asean countries.-- Bernama
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sharp mind, but ....

2013-08-04 22:03


as good as mugabe.abang adik......

2013-08-04 22:14


Chinaman playing innocent or just being cynical.

2013-08-04 22:26

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy

Mahathir, an outstanding Asean stateman? really? hidung kembang & kembang 1000 times, bangga lah???

2013-08-05 07:55

King Kong73

China need oil and gas...malaysia got it...china needs it...and will be the next usa...warts and all

2013-08-05 08:01


Biggest bullshit in history.

2013-08-05 10:24


you guys definitely had nothing better to say and never had the courtesy of saying a single thank.

2013-08-05 10:49


Buy & Sell Sell & Buy Mahathir, an outstanding Asean stateman? really? hidung kembang & kembang 1000 times, bangga lah???

At least he had something to be proud of himself. How about yourself? What's your contribution towards the nation?

2013-08-05 10:55


I would add "was an outstanding..." Not anymore, it sucks reading him in the news nowadays....nothing but racist comments

2013-08-05 11:00


This old cock is a devil man.ONLY spew venoms from the bloody big mouth, nothing else.What courtesy to talk about.....

2013-08-05 11:03


Posted by tc2012 > Aug 5, 2013 11:03 AM | Report Abuse

This old cock is a devil man.ONLY spew venoms from the bloody big mouth, nothing else.What courtesy to talk about.....

care to elaborate?

2013-08-05 11:11


what more you chinese want ?????

2013-08-05 11:13


you chinese want to grab power or share power ???

2013-08-05 11:14

King Kong73

Dr M...the Great!

2013-08-05 11:15


I think almost every Malaysian is a racist and non of you can deny it.

2013-08-05 11:18


the biggest racist is this old cock

2013-08-05 11:19

King Kong73

My family from my great grandparents, grandparents, my father and me has benefited from UMNO leadership...Malaysia is a great country as a result. Thank you.

2013-08-05 11:20

King Kong73

Be proud of your race and roots...it is who you are...but tolerate others because it is human to do so.

2013-08-05 11:21


Dun spread racism sentimental at here. Tire of that.

2013-08-05 11:23


I'm tired of racism too. but wherever i go in Malaysia its all about racism. almost every malaysian is a racist i know for certain.

2013-08-05 11:31


Teddy , I agree with you that every m'sian is racist in some sense.It is because of the environment and no matter how, m'sian infested with this racist disease.
But this old cock is most evil because he is the one that spread this disease with great evil intent......

2013-08-05 11:33


I know that Dr M might be an ultra Malay and racist at some point. But no one can deny that everyone had benefited from his economic policy. I can swear on my guts he was way better than Abdullah and Najib. p/s: I won't be calling people names.

2013-08-05 11:44


I can safely say that NO ONE in ANY country is happy with their government. try and do some research.

2013-08-05 11:49


Mahatir dont like people smarter than him, be it in his own party or component parties.Only YES man can survive, smart man got slaughter. Malaysia still has a long way to go with him around.

2013-08-05 16:51

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy

Dr.M is not a great statesman. A great stateman never deny his own roots, atau keturunannya. A great stateman never campurtangan dalam pentadbiran Pak Lah dan PM Najib. Ex PM Pak Lah tak campurtangan hal pentadbiran PM Najib. Pak Lah tak campurtangan supaya anaknya naik jadi menteri kabinet & kemudian naik jadi Menteri Bsr. Leave PM Najib alone. Ex PM Pak Lah & PM Najib adalah Negarawan sebenar Malaysia. I love PM Najib & Pak Lah, not Dr. M lah. Hidup PM Najib. Hidup UMNO.

2013-08-05 20:06


One Indian One Malay One Chinese.. One Malaysia.. We can choose we can vote but don't break a Law.. Respect other religion.. then we safe.. be good be safe..

2013-08-05 20:32

Syahrizal Zainul

Remember the financial crisis 1998... be grateful that we have great man like him... & its becoz of him, msia had a great political stability during his time... at least, msia didnt become like egypt for now... when people no longer obey the law.. using force to change everythings, and just making thir own people suffer...

2013-08-06 09:50


What a f**k , this old cock is the actual culprit that created the perfect condition for the finicial crisis in malaysia.........
He is lucky that the internet is backward , this oldcock can hide
everything........As Soros say , he is a menance for his own country....

2013-08-06 09:57


Thank You Dr M. You safe Malaysia not only one time but twice.I think it somewhere is 1988 and 1998. You are also the who dare challenge British during that time BUY British Last.You developed our country into what we are now only in 41 years. Its wow enough for me. From your last day you in office, everybody will remember you direct or so call anti jews remark which rock the western country. You always be my first choice and it will be like that until a new Malaysian leader step forward and have a courage like you then i will change my choice. You truely a Doktor In The Office :-) . Thank You Dr. M.

2013-08-06 10:10



2013-08-06 10:17


I salute this old man as he can able to fool so many people for so long time.Is he a great stateman or conman ? only histtory will tell...

2013-08-06 10:40

Frank Soweto

I love bolihland - I also 'salute' you Dr M - till today you continue to have them fools under your spell :) well done Indeed! I hope someday when I grow up I can be like you. Tank You! Meanwhile, your ex deputy is talking bad about u here

Pls bring your machai Ali the great Perkosa chief to tarok this AB kau2 ya. Tank You first. By the way, any more contracts for your son ah - the Kencana fella - price drop a bit from high lah so I'm thinking of buying. Tank first again ya :)

2013-08-07 02:38

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy

Wow hebat perdebatan ini

2013-08-08 00:20


Malaysian conman of the century.

2013-08-21 19:17

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