KLSE (MYR): SWIFT (5303)
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Last Price
Today's Change
-0.005 (1.10%)
Day's Change
0.445 - 0.455
Trading Volume
Midf research says taking into account current expansion the target price is only 54c.
Long time more will tell.
2024-10-09 09:34
Good one INCOME..
Jepun trading stock for 5c gains. While all others hold believing and waiting for MR2.…
2024-10-11 21:46
Never mind , u can just laugh out load at me just like those did in vstec before it skyrocket !
2024-10-14 08:34
"Trust me , this stock minimum worth rm 2 ! "
Hehe 😂, who said above since so many moons.
To go up to 2, needs institutional strong support lar.
Don't joke 🤣 lar
2024-10-24 14:05
Bagus beli PA stok di Bursa。
Mcyc kata terlebih bagus stok Nama PA kat bursa。
2024-10-27 08:50
More sbb coming to push share price instead of dividen pay out ! Rm 2.xx
2024-10-29 08:37
In this era of instant gratification, our mind is taught to want things to happen fast or we lost all the reasons for it. Big rewards awaits those who have patience in the end.
2024-11-05 08:11
Be patience , u will be paid later ! The boss is smart investor wont bring u to holland ! More SBB is good for shareholders ! Trust me !
2 months ago
Commercial n Natsukomisai...
You might be shorting...
We are all smarter..
We also take profits 5c onwards, before you could sell..
It's all in the game of being "Swifter " than anyone else...
Haha 😂😆
2 months ago
I will follow mr loo hui keat foot steps n growth together wit taylor swift haulage ! Trust me , this stock atleadt worth rm 2.xx when US CHINA tensions arise !
2 months ago
The boss is smart buy in dip not like some bodoh boss big in high n lost few hundred million of money !
2 months ago
Our Services. Our commitment to providing world-class logistics solutions is backed by our state-of-the-art infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and a team ...Mr Loo Yong Hui is a substantial shareholder of the Company through his substantial shareholdings in Persada Bina Sdn. Bhd. He is the son of Mr Loo Hooi Keat, the Non-Independent Non Executive Director Advisor of the Company. Gottfried Leibbrandt is former Chief Executive Officer of SWIFT. Gottfried joined SWIFT in 2005 to focus on the development of the SWIFT2010 strategy. Upon completion of the strategy, he was appointed Head of Standards. In 2007, he was promoted to Head of Marketing.
1 month ago
Swift is in its expansion mode especially its warehouses business. It takes time. Rome is not build in one day.
2024-10-09 09:20