KLSE (MYR): KOTRA (0002)

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Today's Change

+0.13 (2.98%)

Day's Change

4.39 - 4.49

Trading Volume



Last 10 FY Result
AQR T4Q 30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
Revenue 262,364 238,836 226,554 242,199 207,917 159,622 171,727 172,550 178,476 166,368 160,230 145,174 5.06%
PBT 46,792 54,276 56,474 66,076 58,279 26,273 25,926 21,364 15,903 12,524 7,865 1,178 53.66%
Tax -7,840 -13,602 -11,878 -842 3,816 -1,883 3,631 831 -154 -127 -104 -118 66.85%
NP 38,952 40,674 44,596 65,234 62,095 24,390 29,557 22,195 15,749 12,397 7,761 1,060 51.45%
NP to SH 38,952 40,674 44,596 65,234 62,095 24,390 29,557 22,195 15,749 12,397 7,761 1,060 51.45%
Tax Rate 16.76% 25.06% 21.03% 1.27% -6.55% 7.17% -14.01% -3.89% 0.97% 1.01% 1.32% 10.02% -
Total Cost 223,412 198,162 181,958 176,965 145,822 135,232 142,170 150,355 162,727 153,971 152,469 144,114 2.62%
Net Worth 284,580 284,580 275,830 270,841 244,153 206,568 189,587 167,230 152,884 142,021 130,892 121,900 9.48%
AQR T4Q 30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
Div 74,109 56,342 37,815 37,740 14,057 2,950 6,512 4,180 2,658 2,654 - - -
Div Payout % 190.26% 138.52% 84.80% 57.85% 22.64% 12.10% 22.03% 18.84% 16.88% 21.41% - - -
AQR T4Q 30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
Net Worth 284,580 284,580 275,830 270,841 244,153 206,568 189,587 167,230 152,884 142,021 130,892 121,900 9.48%
NOSH 148,219 148,219 148,314 148,064 147,974 147,944 145,470 143,961 133,601 132,730 132,214 132,499 1.25%
Ratio Analysis
AQR T4Q 30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
NP Margin 14.85% 17.03% 19.68% 26.93% 29.87% 15.28% 17.21% 12.86% 8.82% 7.45% 4.84% 0.73% -
ROE 13.69% 14.29% 16.17% 24.09% 25.43% 11.81% 15.59% 13.27% 10.30% 8.73% 5.93% 0.87% -
Per Share
AQR T4Q 30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
RPS 177.01 161.14 152.77 163.65 140.51 108.18 118.66 123.82 134.25 125.34 121.19 109.57 3.75%
EPS 26.28 27.44 30.07 44.08 41.96 16.53 20.42 15.93 11.85 9.34 5.87 0.80 49.57%
DPS 50.00 38.00 25.50 25.50 9.50 2.00 4.50 3.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 -
NAPS 1.92 1.92 1.86 1.83 1.65 1.40 1.31 1.20 1.15 1.07 0.99 0.92 8.12%
Adjusted Per Share Value based on latest NOSH - 148,219
AQR T4Q 30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
RPS 177.01 161.14 152.85 163.41 140.28 107.69 115.86 116.42 120.41 112.24 108.10 97.95 5.06%
EPS 26.28 27.44 30.09 44.01 41.89 16.46 19.94 14.97 10.63 8.36 5.24 0.72 51.34%
DPS 50.00 38.00 25.51 25.46 9.48 1.99 4.39 2.82 1.79 1.79 0.00 0.00 -
NAPS 1.92 1.92 1.861 1.8273 1.6472 1.3937 1.2791 1.1283 1.0315 0.9582 0.8831 0.8224 9.48%
Price Multiplier on Financial Quarter End Date
AQR T4Q 30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
Date 30/09/24 30/09/24 28/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 28/06/19 29/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 -
Price 4.20 4.20 4.25 5.12 4.00 2.37 2.91 1.76 1.82 2.08 1.04 1.13 -
P/RPS 2.37 2.61 2.78 3.13 2.85 2.19 2.45 1.42 1.36 1.66 0.86 1.03 11.65%
P/EPS 15.98 15.31 14.13 11.62 9.53 14.34 14.25 11.05 15.36 22.27 17.72 141.25 -22.55%
EY 6.26 6.53 7.08 8.61 10.49 6.97 7.02 9.05 6.51 4.49 5.64 0.71 29.08%
DY 11.90 9.05 6.00 4.98 2.38 0.84 1.55 1.70 1.10 0.96 0.00 0.00 -
P/NAPS 2.19 2.19 2.28 2.80 2.42 1.69 2.22 1.47 1.58 1.94 1.05 1.23 7.09%
Price Multiplier on Announcement Date
AQR T4Q 30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
Date 27/11/24 27/11/24 19/08/24 23/08/23 29/08/22 02/09/21 14/08/20 22/08/19 21/08/18 23/08/17 29/08/16 27/08/15 -
Price 4.32 4.32 4.03 5.45 4.09 3.02 3.05 1.78 1.70 2.00 1.08 1.01 -
P/RPS 2.44 2.68 2.64 3.33 2.91 2.79 2.57 1.44 1.27 1.60 0.89 0.92 12.41%
P/EPS 16.44 15.74 13.40 12.36 9.75 18.27 14.93 11.18 14.35 21.41 18.40 126.25 -22.04%
EY 6.08 6.35 7.46 8.09 10.26 5.47 6.70 8.95 6.97 4.67 5.44 0.79 28.30%
DY 11.57 8.80 6.33 4.68 2.32 0.66 1.48 1.69 1.18 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
P/NAPS 2.25 2.25 2.17 2.98 2.48 2.16 2.33 1.48 1.48 1.87 1.09 1.10 7.83%

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP to SH = Net Profit Attributable to Shareholder, Div = Dividend, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, ROE = Return on Equity, NOSH = Number of Shares, RPS = Revenue per Share, EPS = Earning Per Share, DPS = Dividend Per Share, NAPS = Net Asset Per Share, EOQ = End of Quarter, ANN = Announcement, P/RPS = Price/Revenue per Share, P/EPS = Price/Earning per Share, P/NAPS = Price/Net Asset per Share, EY = Earning Yield, DY = Dividend Yield.

NOSH is estimated based on the NP to SH and EPS. Div is an estimated figure based on the DPS and NOSH. Net Worth is an estimated figure based on the NAPS and NOSH.

Div Payout %, NP Margin, ROE, DY, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; RPS, EPS & DPS's figures in Cent; and NAPS's figures in Dollar.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

4 people like this. Showing 50 of 282 comments


from slow and steady to bullet train..

2022-12-13 11:37


Wow 6.60 now. BI/split soon?

2022-12-13 11:59


Kotra is worth at least RM7.50. Solid stock even in recession times..

2022-12-13 12:12



2022-12-13 19:58


Harap esok boleh naik RM7.00.

2022-12-13 22:46


Sold some to go to Europe for travel next year. let's go

2022-12-14 09:25


Can go to Italy three times haha. can't go if you don't sell

2022-12-14 09:26


pang72 when are you going to bring your wife to Europe for holiday?

2022-12-14 09:29



2022-12-14 20:24


10% take profit rule

2022-12-14 20:24


up 10% take profit

2022-12-14 20:24


pang72, Kotra management almost wants to cash out already. In times of crisis like this, it is better to sell and take profit

2022-12-18 21:22


Kotra is a downgrade from Overweight to Equal-weight, still a Hold but no longer trading at attractive valuation

2022-12-18 21:23


Kotra will reach blue chip status by 2025, but short term trader will want to exit the stock by year-end

2022-12-18 21:30


This stock will probably perform like PMBTech

2022-12-18 21:30


Sell some for Christmas dinner

2022-12-23 10:24


Bye kotra

2022-12-28 17:01



2023-02-02 14:29


Time to get back to the real companies like Kotra Healthcare

2023-02-02 14:30


Kotra is still a Trading Buy

2023-02-02 14:30


Coming back!

2023-02-17 09:41

Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

Security LastPr PE DY% Divcts ROE ttm-marg
KOTRA (Pharmaceuticals) 5.6 12.2 4.6 25.5 26.68 29.4

2023-03-30 16:09


Bila mahu naik?

2023-06-25 11:17


Will shoot up when u close your position..

2023-07-22 15:38


Final QR expected to be very good. Also final dividends, expect to be superb. ESOS 202k @ 4.99, ur guess. Leaps & bounds, the results.

2023-07-27 20:42


Baru nak naik.
Harimaugajah, what is your source?

2023-07-30 01:33


It’s reported in bursa, the esos

2023-08-08 20:26


I mean regarding the final QR.

2023-08-10 01:05


Result out.

2023-08-24 03:47


15.5 cents dividend, read it properly, it’s not final dividend. There’s another final dividend coming soon

2023-08-24 19:04


Harap-harap ada final dividend.

2023-08-24 22:36


Previous preceding Quarter, the 0.16 was declared as final dividend but this 0.155 was declared as 2nd interim. So very high chance there’s another final

2023-08-25 14:02


My guess is 3 sen to 6 sen for final dividend. Hopefully.

2023-08-30 23:09


If there’s final dividend, probably after the X of the 0155 cents. Probably November

2023-08-31 12:24


I just bought 5.21 and now dropped to 5.13 suddenly? What they're playing?

2023-10-04 10:25


Rasanya tiada dividen akhir.

2023-11-07 08:58


gg.com , cheated by rakuten haizzz

2023-12-07 16:32


Hi, can buy this stk or not?

2024-01-19 11:53


Look at its issued capital and its profit, probably can declare bonus issues..
very quiet here.
pp said go to quiet place is safer..
what is your opinion?

2024-01-19 11:55


Hi Nepo, I’m still holding my shares.

2024-03-06 17:58


Hi Dakewlest
Good to see rare supporter here. i bought and hold, probably can get bonus shares..

2024-05-20 16:07


this Q ysp QR better than kotra nova

2024-05-23 08:00


at last people eyes on this low liquidity counter ..

2024-05-23 08:28


hmm..what happen?

2024-06-04 17:13


slump because of poor QR..

2024-06-26 14:04


just bought 100 lots at RM4.17. Cheap!

2024-07-16 15:30


Bought last week @3.92

2024-08-10 22:35


I bought it during the worst day of covid at 1.60 :p.. Unfortunately not manage to get the amount I ask for as the panic selling come at the noon session, by that time, others already queuing same price as mine.

2024-11-07 23:52


that's a good price to enter. Attended their AGM, sounds like they got good plan ahead just whether if they are able to execute it successfully

2 months ago

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