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17 people like this. Showing 50 of 15,729 comments


Hoho more dividend ???

1.) Total Assets is Reducing…

2.) Replanting cost : RM 1.74 billion..

as the company said 3% planted area 69589 is > 18 years , averagely 14 years .

Oh this year Averagely 15 year ….

1 day ago


Hoho Replanting is started on 2002 ….

1 day ago


Hoho the recent Replanting is on Miri plantation at 21 years old trees … > 18 years is considered old tree..

1 day ago


Hoho Repost :

Dividend comparison:

Jtiasa : RM 1.38

2020 : Nil
2021 : Nil
2022 : 4.83 % ( payout 20% )
2023 : 4.51 % ( payout 20% )
2024 : 5.41 % ( payout 41 % )

Kimloong : RM 2.58

2020 : 3.05 % ( payout 68% )
2021 : 6.94 % ( payout 98 % )
2022 : 7.14 % ( payout 98 % )
2023 : 8.52 % ( payout 89 % )
2024 : 5.99 % ( payout 85 % )

Inno : RM 1.65

2019 : 1.33 % ( payout 35 % )
2020 : 6.07 % ( payout 84 % )
2021 : 10.84 % ( payout 121 % )
2022 : 11.94 % ( payout 104 % )
2023 : 6.76 % ( payout 90 % )

Scicom : RM 0.83

2020 : 5.46 % ( payout 81 % )
2021 : 5.31 % ( payout 83 % )
2022 : 7.00 % ( payout 79 % )
2023 : 7.02 % ( payout 88 % )
2024 : 7.07 % ( payout 95 % )

1 day ago


Hoho today No show … see see look look tomorrow :

Date Price Open High Low Volume
2024-12-19 1.32 1.33 1.35 1.30 9,006,200

2024-12-18 1.35 1.39 1.40 1.34 11,934,600

2024-12-17 1.40 1.40 1.43 1.38 5,332,900

1 day ago


Hoho why 底牌也打開了 ?

All plantation companies are making more and more profit. I have used all my money to buy Jaya Tiasa.

一個人最好的活法 : 上半生拿得起, 下半生放得下.

1 day ago


If you believe a certain old, old, OLDE man's bullish noises can help you earn $ buying the promoted stock, then I have a bridge over Niagara Falls to sell to you...😊

1 day ago


The palm oil market continues to face significant uncertainties heading into 2025, with supply-side challenges exacerbated by adverse weather conditions and a slower pace of replanting


1 day ago


I don't believe in an old man who has lost all credibility but I believe in the numbers JTiasa produced this FY1Q and expected to produce next Q. Excellent profits/cashflow begets another generous dividend.

1 day ago


MPOC:产量与库存吃紧 棕油价可企稳4800以上









1 day ago


中国出口退税新制 可能打击棕油需求









Kaleesuwari Intercontinental交易和对冲策略负责人格纳纳塞卡·蒂亚加拉詹表示,中国取消废弃食用油出口退税的消息,打击了市场对棕油的情绪。


1 day ago


Hoho Recap on why Indonesia is urgent to implement Biodiesel from B35 to B40 to B50 by 2025-2026 :

1.) EUDR :

Postponement of EUDR's entry into application

The Commission is proposing an amendment to the EUDR that would postpone (a) its date of entry into application from 30 December 2024 to 30 December 2025 (and till 30 June 2026 for small and micro-enterprises) and (b) benchmarking deadline to 30 June 2025.

2.) Indonesia is the world's largest exporter of palm oil. In 2023, its total palm oil exports amounted to 27.5 million metric tons, indicating a slight increase from the previous year.

3.) In 2013, India (29% of exports) and the EU (17% of exports) were the biggest importers of Indonesian palm oil. By 2022, exports to India (12%) and the EU (10%) had declined, and China had become the largest importer of Indonesian palm oil, increasing its market share from 11% of exports in 2013 to 14% in 2022.

> In 2023, Indonesia exported around 4.82 million metric tons of palm oil to China, indicating an increase from the previous year. Indonesia exported a total of approximately 27.5 million metric tons of palm oil in that year.

ie : 17.5 % CPO is exported to China on 2023 .

4.) Indonesia, the world's largest palm oil producer, likely consumed 11.9 million mt, or 26.6% of its total production, of the vegetable oil as a biodiesel feedstock in the marketing year 2022-23 (October-September), according to a US Foreign Agricultural Service report released August 2023.

For MY 2023-24, the agency expects Indonesia's industrial use of its palm oil supply to rise to 12.7 million mt, or 27.6% of its production for the year.

1 day ago


JAKARTA (Dec 19): Indonesia will increase its export levy for crude palm oil (CPO) to 10% from the current 7.5% to finance higher biodiesel subsidies, its chief economic minister said on Thursday.

The levy will be implemented once the relevant finance ministry regulation has been issued, Airlangga Hartarto said.
Indonesia, the world's top palm oil producer, collects levies to help subsidise its mandatory biodiesel programme, in which bio-content will be increased to 40%, called B40, starting Jan 1 from the current 35%.

The higher blend is expected to increase the subsidy requirement.
BPDPKS, the agency in charge of collecting and managing the palm oil funds, estimated in November that increasing the mandatory blend of biodiesel to 40% would increase the subsidy requirement by 68%.

"There will be funding from BPDPKS ... First, we will increase the levy to 10%," Airlangga said when asked about the subsidy financing.

Palm oil currently costs around US$400 per metric tonne more than crude oil.

1 day ago


Hoho 👉👉👉 Palm oil currently costs around US$400 per metric tonne more than crude oil.

1 day ago


Nov 28, 2024 6:35 AM | Report Abuse

Biodiesel is a loss making business. Indonesia governmemt used palm oil export lavy and duty to support biodiesel.

Indonesia government B40 is to take up excess palm oil from market to support price. So please forget about B100 or palm oil at RM 8000.

If market is short of palm oil, Indonesia government as a responsible government should and will reduce the biodiesel blending mandate

1 day ago


Hoho KonLee “ 2024 Tikuss Trapp “ :

1.) Serba 🐍n 🐉story Teller buy what u Not understand: RM 1.18 to RM 1.41

2.) Who bought Jtiasa : RM 1.42 to RM 1.53

1 day ago


A reasonable price for CPO is on par with soybean oil. Anything above that is unsustainable.

1 day ago


Indonesia Mau Pakai Biodiesel B100? Mahalnya Minta Ampun!
Ardhi Suryadhi - detikFinance
Minggu, 18 Feb 2024 14:00 WIB

Bandung - Penggunaan bioenergi atau energi terbarukan yang berasal dari bahan baku organik terus digaungkan di berbagai negara, tak terkecuali Indonesia.
Namun usai euforia B30, apakah Indonesia benar-benar bakal melompat ke B100? Ya jika ditanya ada keinginan tentu saja pengin, namun berani bayar mahal?
Menurut literasi Kementerian ESDM, B30 merupakan program pemerintah yang mewajibkan pencampuran 30% biodiesel dengan 70% bahan bakar minyak jenis solar, yang menghasilkan produk Biosolar B30.

Program ini diberlakukan mulai Januari 2020 sesuai Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Nomor 12 tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan Ketiga atas Peraturan Menteri ESDM nomor 32 tahun 2008 tentang Penyediaan, Pemanfaatan dan Tata Niaga Bahan Bakar Nabati (Biofuel) sebagai Bahan Bakar Lain.
Sementara B100 adalah istilah untuk biodiesel yang merupakan bahan bakar nabati untuk aplikasi mesin/motor diesel berupa ester metil asam lemak (fatty acid methyl ester/FAME) yang terbuat dari minyak nabati atau lemak hewani melalui proses esterifikasi/transesterifikasi.

Proses transesterifikasi adalah proses pemindahan alkohol dari ester, namun yang digunakan sebagai katalis (suatu zat yang digunakan untuk mempercepat laju reaksi) adalah alkohol atau methanol.

Proses pembuatan biodiesel umumnya menggunakan reaksi metanolisis (transesterifikasi dengan metanol) yaitu reaksi antara minyak nabati dengan metanol dibantu katalis basa (NaOH, KOH, atau sodium methylate) untuk menghasilkan campuran ester metil asam lemak dengan produk ikutan gliserol.
Menurut Santosa, CEO Astra Agro Lestari, penggunaan sawit untuk biodiesel B35 diperkirakan bakal meningkat hingga 2 juta ton ke depannya.

"Namun kalau pertanyaannya, apakah kita bisa bikin dari B35 lalu lanjut ke B100? Jawabannya, bisa! Namun biayanya yang jadi soal," ujarnya saat berbincang dengan media di Bandung, Jawa Barat Jumat (16/2/2024).

"(Sebagai perbandingan) saya pernah uji coba produksi 100 liter E100 (bioethanol) untuk (pameran otomotif) GIIAS. Ini sengaja kita lakukan untuk riset, dan berhasil. Tetapi itu saja jika dihitung rata-rata, biaya per liternya Rp 15 juta," Santosa melanjutkan.

Jadi secara teknis, Indonesia mampu membuat biodiesel B100 ataupun E100. Tetapi soal biaya ini yang menjadi PR besar, berapa harga jual ke konsumen? Ataupun akan jadi seberapa bengkak subsidi yang harus dikeluarkan pemerintah?

1 day ago


Hoho KonLee mau tanam Tikuss ke as u posted much earlier….

1 day ago


market not healthy ..please increase cash level .. dont follow KYY ...

1 day ago


Hoho KonLee abg in Insas PB n WC , Netx Wayang ke … stockraider ke …

Posted by > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

market not healthy ..please increase cash level .. dont follow KYY ...

1 day ago


next week back to 1.50. last call😅😅

1 day ago


Hoho just usual Kon tricks as u cannot post with the actual id if u copied …

1 day ago


they found GOLD

1 day ago


🎅Ho Ho HO! Old Kon never change his chronic double-crossing spots!
Keep buying as the old fogie sells into your buy Qs & buys himself a sumptuous X'mas dinner complete with roasted turkey...YOU guys!🦃🦃🦃 Remember Hengyuan, Eversendai, Carimin, Dayang, JAKS, Subur & KSL! My last warning on this thread!

1 day ago


👉👉👉2.) Replanting : 2002 to 2023 is 21 years .

👉👉👉Hoho Palm oil trees 19 years age is considered old trees … need Replanting latest by 25 years age . 

TSH : average Trees age 13.4 years … Jtiasa : average Trees age 14.0 years … ( 16 .0 years by 2025 ) .

👉 see Public Invest Research on TSH article: 

👉Jtiasa : 

All our palm trees have matured. Out of the Group's total planted area of 69,589 hectares, about 3% of the palms are more than 18 years of age. The average age of palms is 14 years, which is within the prime production bracket. 

👉TSH : 

PublicInvest ceases coverage on TSH Resource due to slow growth, sluggish FFB yield 
By Faiqah Kamaruddin 
May 21, 2024 @ 11:02am 

KUALA LUMPUR: Public Investment Bank (PublicInvest) is ceasing its coverage of TSH Resources Bhd due to the company's limited growth prospects and sluggish fresh-fruit bunches (FFB) yield. 
The firm said it is reallocating its internal sources to other sectors. 

Investors should no longer depend on any of our financial forecasts for TSH Resources in making investment decisions, nor infer any adverse opinion as a result of our decision to cease research coverage," said PublicInvest. 

In a research note today, PublicInvest said FFB pr13,214 hectaresoduction growth is anticipated to be subdued this year due to the sale of plantation assets in Indonesia and Sabah () over the past two years. 

"Additionally, the average age of the plantations is increasing (currently 13.4 years old), and FFB yield remains low due to insufficient replanting activities in recent years," PublicInvest said.

1 day ago



Based on the 2 rounds of share price topped at 1.5, Mr. market could have offered a price tag RM41k/planted hectare at current price 1.29 or merely accounted own plantation planted area 30,761 hectares. The rented land planted areas are excluded from the valuation.

Rented land Planted areas: 37,808 hectares
1. Lepah - 4,099 hectare
2. Daro - 9,841 hectare
3. Sawai - 5,448 hectare
4. Lassa - 16,287 hectare
5. Kabang - 2,133 hectare

Here is the benchmarking in Market Cap per planted hectare:
SOP - RM 38k/ planted hectare - Share Price 3.04
TAAN - RM 38k/ planted hectare - share price 4.08
Jtiasa - RM 41k/ planted hectare - share price 1.29

PER valuation (excluded biological assets) comparison:
SOP - 6.2 times
Jtiasa - 7.4 times

1 day ago


Hoho Questions:

A.) Average Age of Trees 🌴 on 2024 :
1.) Jtiasa: 15 years
2.) Tsh. : 14.4 years.

B.) Own Planted Land Area :
1.) Jtiasa :
👉👉Compared to FY2021 = 35,865 hectares
>>> is reduced by 3,888 hectares or - 10.84 %

And on February 2024 , Pulau Bruit is identified by Sarawak Gov suitable for Hybrid Rice cultivation.

1.b.) Rsawit ( same RH group) : keep disposed Land assets: 2020 n 2023 .

2.) Tsh : sale of plantation assets in Indonesia and Sabah () over the past two years. 

1 day ago


Total rental payment for FY2024 = RM 9,519,760.8

Rental Area = 46,880 ha


>>> Rental per acre is SO cheap le , maybe my illustration is Wrong ???

👉Rental per Hectare = RM 203.1

👉Rental per acre = RM 82.2

Compared to Jaks signed MOU with TDM group to lease Land 1730 acres :

👉 Rental per acre = RM 578


2024 AGM minutes:

1. Top 10 Properties of the Group as at 30
June 2024 (Page 180 of Annual Report)
Can BOD rectify the description “Pulau
Bruit - Bruit Land District” and state clearly
the 46,880 hectares (ha) Rented Land are:

Lepah Plantation : 5,149 ha
Daro Plantation : 11,681 ha
Sawai Plantation : 6,050 ha
Lassa Plantation : 21,300 ha
Kabang Plantation: 2,700 ha
Total : 46,880 ha

We noted your comment. This is to clarify that those “rented” land are not in Pulau Bruit but near Pulau Bruit.

2. Who are the related party or third party
that currently owned the above rented
plantation land, rent rate and the FYE
2024 total rental payment to each of the
plantation land owners?

The related parties are:
(i) Rejang Height Sdn Bhd (Licensee of land at Lepah & Daro Jaya); and

(ii) R.H. Forest Corporation Sdn Bhd (Licensee of land at Sawai, Lassa & Kabang).

Total rental payment for FY2024:

(i) (ii) Rejang Height Sdn Bhd – RM2,830,891.20

R.H. Forest Corporation Sdn Bhd –

Rent rate depends on MPOB price and it ranges from RM5 per MT to RM30 per MT based on the sales of FFB produced from the land.

1 day ago

Philip ( buy what you understand)

John chew, are you willing to take a very that next quarter earnings and revenue will be more than this current quarter? If you dare take that bet, if you win I will praise you and be quiet and let you say whatever you want, if I win you be quiet and leave jtiasa thread forever?

Do you dare take this bet?

1 day ago


Hoho the Story Teller promoted Serba with 🐍n 🐉story even in Account Fraud… did not hold any Jtiasa shares … why suddenly so childish le …🤣🤔

1 day ago


In FY2023 : Mills utilisation is ard 50 % .. 10 % FFB is outsourced… FY2024 is expected to be 60 % .

2024 Annual report:
Our mill utilization improved from 54% in the previous year to 68% in FY2024. This was attributed to an increased volume of FFB received from our own estates due to higher FFB production. We were also able to source more FFB from external planters in the year. As a result, the processing cost per MT was reduced.

Latest AGM minutes:

8. FY2024 of the total 1,209,443 MT FFB
processing in Jaya Tiasa 4 mills, how many
MT were sourced from external planters?
And what will be the projected FY2025 MT
FFB sourced from external planters?
Less than 10% of the FFB processed in FY2024 were
sourced from the external planters. The situation is
expected to be similar in FY2025.

1 day ago


Hoho KonLee I am name dropping again le .. but nowadays only on this name le :

I did a study on Demand vs Supply of 7 local nitrile gloves companies posted on August 2020 that supply shl be fulfilled demand by netx 12 months from August 2020 .

And posted TG TP RM 3.40 on 4/12/2020 , ard 2 weeks earlier than JPM TP RM 3.50 .

1 day ago

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Talk so much nonsense dare to put your money where your mouth is? Or just like to troll without substance?

Date to take the bet?

22 hours ago


johnchew need serious medical attention. someone better call an ambulance for him

22 hours ago


Hoho Serba Story Teller buy what u Not understand… why suddenly mad n childish le since said did not hold any Jtiasa shares … taken wrong medicine ke ? 🤣🤔

15 hours ago


Hoho KonLee “2024 Tikuss Trapp “ ….mau Tanam Tikuss ke as u said much earlier, in Plantation ke ..

15 hours ago


LOL.. this Miketikus lost JAKs till gone cuckoo..

U realize the amount of gibberish you posting here? Or Maybe you don’t

That’s why 19c in Jaks is bottom fishing to you 🤣

Soon will be 19 months ya holding Jaks for you. Lost 30% capital, lost interest income and lost time.

Another put FD is better case 😁

Ps. Philip challenge also you No balls to take ? U don’t dare to take my curse bet, his also you don’t? 🤣

14 hours ago


Hoho TinKosong AuntieKonHuangbk blowing PMCORP with TP RM 2.00 , see its Value since November 2013 wow … must be loss naked liaw .. hibernated more than 7 years in cave since 2014 … 

And keep lying and twisting her PMCorp cost is RM 0.245

Ppl in PMCorp asked him is a F or M , he just bla bla bla want to share love wow ..🤣🤣🤣🤔


👉Posted by Huangbk72 > 2013-11-21 11:51 | Report Abuse

To mikekong55 

I have been a follower of your stock recommendations. 

You have been fairly accurate in your assessment of PMCorp movement.

👉 I am also in PMCorp as I believe in buying and holding long term. Been accumulating from .27 till .36 till .26 and today .28. Being involved in FMCG business, I understand and see the value in PMCORP.

After k awaken by Kon BobAxelrod on 2021 .. both as Pretending Negative Commentators in Serba … 

Her partner Kon BobAxelrod said will not recommend best stocks wow but used many aka id to promote.. 

👉 Kon Bobaxelrod

1.) Use many aka id to promote stock : Trevor777 , Trevor888 , Dr Michael

2.) Used id image to Axe Capital CEO Billionaire BobbyAxelrod and New Boss Michael .

👉 TinKosong AuntieKonHuangbk72 Twisted saying I am the One whom said will Not Promote stocks . 

Her Partner KonBobAxelrod is Missing in Action liaw … 

10 hours ago


>> TinKosongkonHuangbk joined the Kacukan 🐍sawa Tippu Tippu gang ( even Tippu newbies membership fees RM 100 ) in TopGlove on 2024 to promote HK/China and US stock ____. Beware ..

Hoho Konartistsslleee used to call 🐍Ularsawa “ Come to ROI competition forum to rescue him “ ___ beware 🤣😱🤔

10 hours ago


TinKosongKonHuangbk72 : aka id MrHuangbk />>

Aka ID Marry n MrHuangbk n jc963852 are Banned permanently.

Aka id MrHuangbk is banned permanent recently due to used many abusive / similar id to post abusive n unethical contents … will delete unethical posts n repost..

10 hours ago


LOL miketikus

What year u joined i3 ? 🤣

Now spewing nonsense here

U have time? Go back to Jaks. I promise I will continue to fact check you 😂

If not, take up Philip’s challenge. Don’t be a mouse with no balls 🤣

9 hours ago


Hoho KonLee yr KonPetHuangbk ke…

Hoho TinKosongHuangbk TinKosong Questions:🤣🤣🤣

Hahahaha.. Why Miketikus still cannot answer his own post? He woke up to the fact, he has been posting fake Jaks facts and figures over 18 months? 🤣🤣
He hasnt answered questions about his own post. All Miketikus can do is try deleting my post. Shameless again

1) How Jaks allocate FCF?
2) How is TNB rate 21.8 has anything to do with LSS4
3) How can Miketikus even got the generation rate wrong about Tier 1 and 2 ?

Latest Question in Jtiasa recently, what a TinKosong …🤣🤣🤣🤔
4) QR ended Sept 2024 unannounced. Why Miketikus post exchange rate for OCT and NOV? Neither here nor there. Year end and Quarter also useless- not complete. Why ?

8 hours ago


Hoho Sslleee must give a 👍 n a 👏to yr TinKosongKonPet questions…🤣🤣🤣

8 hours ago


Hahaha.. Miketikus back to reposting his gibberish

U havent answered all my questions in Jaks.. preferring to post it elsewhere where I wont fact check you. 🤣🤣🤣

Can answer here non Jaks question?

Why you are so terrified of challenges? Never want to stand up to your own so called facts? 😂😂

8 hours ago


Mike is a very interesting person...

7 hours ago


KYY in = game over ?
Such is his reputation

6 hours ago


my guess,
many well-known traders do not want to risk their reputation to come out during price is at rock bottomed
it is really an awkward moment if price does not go according to their direction
hence, they will only and always come out when price already shoot up and confirm it is shot up😂

2 hours ago


i would like to give Mr Calvin a like👍
Calvin come out either during price at rock bottomed and ofcoz at sky high
if Calvin can give precaution advice during price is at sky high personally i think it is perfect😂

2 hours ago


Hoho Callvin ? When he is introduced by Stockraider to i3 on 2013 … he is started as Negative Commentator until 2016 , then became Conartist ! Same as KonLee , after Xingquin is delisted on September 2019 , became Konartist on 2020 .

But Conartist Callvin had better Networking !

1.) Netx 2020 : he can knew when is the New Website shl be established after is Delayed. I had called to the Office .. there is No IR .. the lady Accountant passed me to the Lady PA whom is incharged of the New website. Conartist earlier did said the Lady name “P “ but didn’t want to disclose her position!

Conartist new Recruitment in Netx is thru Sandrakkc , that his hand phone is down .. given a New Hp No … after 9 days the old Hp is Up .🤣👍

He replied my call Happily Retired on December 2020 , ran Road for 3 months , Returned on March 2021 after Plantation Group is recruited by Wendy .

2.) is Texchem LU Superstar as the UMA replied is due to him !

3.) But nowadays his investing strategy is in Question, eg in TSH : he had promoted from RM 1.10 to above RM 1.80 ..then he asked his followers to Average Down on every 10 Sen step down until RM 1.10 … the then Top 3 & 4 ( 2 Sdn Bhd companies with 4.88 % & 4.92 % ) are No Longer in Top 30 the Next FY .

👉( Beware there r many TSH Principal Officers Resigned within 2022 to 2024 , 1 ED .. 1 MD .. 3 CFO ) .

Similar to Jtiasa ke .. 2nd Major Genine :

14.68 % keep disposed share until balance ard 6 % .

👉 Genine started disposed 8.6 % share from August 2023 to July 2024 … ie : RM 0.84 to RM 1.53 to RM 1.10.

👉👉 2nd Round Disposing is started on 16/12/2024 .

24 minutes ago

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