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Exclusive IPO Investor Briefing Alert: Unveiling the Mysteries of Mercury Securities Group Berhad (MSGB)

Publish date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023, 08:07 PM
12Invest(“Want-to Invest”)是一个主要以中文媒介分享股票资讯、知识和投资心得的平台。

Why should MSGB be on your investment radar?

Behind the Regulatory Barricade: MSGB is a licensed "1+1 broker," operating in a stringent, highly regulated market. A truly unique business model that is scarce in Malaysia market. 

Financial Highlights: With RM43.4 million in revenue and RM17.7 million in net profit for Financial Year 2021, MSGB boasts an astounding 40.7% net profit margin. According to the Independent Market Research (IMR) report, this is the highest net profit margin amongst its peers. 

Future Plans: What's next? MSGB aims to raise funds for enhancing margin financing facilities, accelerating digitalisation, and expanding marketing efforts. 

Event Details:

Time: 8:00 P.M.

Date: 29th August 2023 (Tuesday)

Venue: 12Invest Official Facebook Page

Mark your calendars, and don't miss this revealing session that could shift your investment perspectives! 

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. Always consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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