2014-01-23 Short Term Active Stocks Trading. (EOD) - Watch list for 2014-01-24.

Publish date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014, 08:25 AM
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- I filtered out the stocks below RM0.200 to avoid trading with BIG Swing

# Code Stock Swg Swg% Open High Low Last Chg Chg%
1 7070 ASUPREM 0.010 5.00 0.205 0.215 0.205 0.210 0.010 5.000
2 5134 SAB 0.400 11.49 3.800 4.200 3.800 4.000 0.520 14.943
3 5078 SILKHLD 0.115 20.54 0.560 0.665 0.550 0.650 0.090 16.071

(a) Buy NEAR the value of "Cur Avg Price" AFTER AT LEAST ONE HOUR market open, using "General Info"data in ExcelForce trading platform.

(b) Cutloss level if "Cur Avg Price" below value of "Prv Avg Price", use the average of Previous HIGH and LOW as the "Prv Avg Price" value. (or in afternoon session the last traded price is lower than previous 2 days lows whichever lower).

(c) The daily chosen Short Term Active Stocks list will be valid for 3 trading days monitoring; and if bought, the stocks can be hold until the Cutloss level hit (For performance results, the stock bought will be sold by T+3 or Cutloss whichever earlier).
(UserID password protected website, will publish contents earlier, if interested contact me at ).

p/s: Pathological Gambling / Compulsive Gambler
(Life is more beautiful without gambling 戒赌生命更亮丽)

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