Publish date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015, 11:54 PM
A personal opinion in stock trading

Unique troubled times need unconventional understanding and toolkit of investment strategies. Everything that is currently seen as permanent,.financialized economy, cheap energy is visibly unsustainable. 

Personal finance strategies - buy and hold and global diversification are doomed by their reliance on increasingly unstable global markets and a myopic focus on the rear view mirror-- the recent past is no longer an accurate guide to the future. 

A great deal of people defeated in advance by money and economics.

It's virtually like a magnetic repulsion from the subject. I recognize it sounds weird, but I have come to think that a lot of people don't feel that they have that permission to understand deeper money languages.

In fact, it's probably not for most people, there are times when the whole process feels a little bit like learning Chinese, figuring the meaning, word by word.

A typical sentence would be something like this; 

" Investors and eeconomists are concerned, although the RPI is still comfortable in positive territory, stripping out the effects of non-core inflation reveals strong deflationary pressures "

When I began to learn more about money, my reaction is " You what?? " But then I learned first what the RPI is, and then why, as part of the way they view inflation,  what would regard as comfortable and then come to know why deflation terrifies them so much. And then what core inflation is. By then how to take that number out of the overall inflation numbers and, Bingo!, I understand the whole sentence. 

The notion of knowing money and economics.

From the composition point of view, what was excited about economics. I knew that I didn't know more than I knew and was utterly and definitely no expert.

At the same time, I also felt that was keeping me closer to friends that shared the same sensation of being curious and intrigued, and slightly baffled and having to figure out this stuff as we went along.

And yet all the time without fully realising it our understanding of the vocabulary and ideas behind it was growing, to understand and to become one of them.

You hold an option to avoid nervous breakdown.

We bear to accept there are wealth inequality. The source of a nervous breakdown is for those who benefiting from the current economic arrangement -- the privilege few and the vested interest skimming personal wealth from the political machinery and the economy. Discover and listen only rosy statistics that verify their own privilege perspective, that's everything is going great, but;

That's something happening here, but what it is isn't exactly clear is not coincidence. The ambiguity is the direct consequence of the war on our intuition, which is signalling us that the propaganda driven narratives are false despite being heavily backed by statistics and the ceaseless reassurances of political officials and " trusted " media sources. 

Apart from patience, determination, passion and commitment, learn and notice, every sentence from the elites,.media and privilege few, the way they skim the wealth from the average people. Their language that allows them to continue giving false propaganda and vested our wealth. 

For a person who does not understand Chinese, learning the language is not impossible. Likewise investing in financial markets will be perfectly meaningful if we fully understand every sentence from the few privileges "elites" and those embarrassingly "trusted" media.

Learn about the other, more importantly, correct side of a story. This is a game about common--sense and a small piece of money vocabulary to face the certain changes in our future with confidence.

Or there's another option, to gain a nervous breakdown. 





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Kevin Wong

It's all there already, writen in the books of those legendary billionaire market players. Just correctly practice and diligently apply their methods, strategies, discipline...with a little luck on your side - $$$ will come! Not likely to become a billionaire like them yourself though, lol!

2015-01-17 18:36

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