Publish date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015, 01:31 PM
A personal opinion in stock trading

The reversal happened, it's a great time now for those sellers, and the future sellers.

However, how about to those buyers and the future buyers? 

The remarkable success of grand pronouncements, money printing programs and a serial expansion of credits raises a key question. How many more "saves" from major central bank fire power that will have the desired effects of maintaining perceptions of central banks omnipotence and pushing global markets ever higher?

Logical decision to make the choices that are consistent with both the realities and our goals. It supposes also our goals are non destructive too. 

1. Flipping a coin is not often the best solution, if only because it can fall into the sewer. 

Decision making, as a cognitive operation is how people choose several courses of actions in order to tackle an issue, whether it's a problem or an opportunity. And or to fulfil an opportunity. In order to fulfil effective outcomes, decision making supposes a sufficient point of accuracy and rationality. 

2. Strength and weakness in extended bullish situation.

Is it actually worth what it costs? The market value is the current monetary value of an asset, equity or other instruments. To detect out how reliable it is, transparently, reality, logical and not too erratic fluctuations are supposed to be a reliable benchmark. If it is from an expert valuation, there's always some uncertainty and elements of manipulation which to base the appraisal. 

3. When people take additional risk for extra returns, it's gambling.

Nobody knows what should be an ideal average level of specific equity premium. In bullish periods, it can still go negative as people speculate on risky assets. They not only tend to overvalue their potential return, but forget they are hazardous. When those assets become dramatically overpriced, will eventually, be backfiring in the end. 

4. Seeing from within or from the outside .

However, sophisticated are the valuation methods the expert use, determining the asset's value is still a guessing game or just probabilities.

-- Is that stock ok? 
-- A bubble or a bargain?
-- Or a highway robbery?

The marketplace is rarely fully or continually efficient, they can experience a situation of the market's anomaly or market's inefficiency frequently. 

5. What are the chances that it will happen again? 

What we perceive and observe are sensory impression and appearances, which could be differ from tbe realities behind the scenes. Statistical distribution can mislead by giving obsolete or insufficient data that do not match "new or rare" situations. What are the chances that will happen or not happen and hoping it does or not! To ignore their possibility and not to protect against visible bubbles might bring tragedies.

6. Detection and denial when prices are misleading.

Market's anomalies are not always visible. But however visible and obvious the dramatic price excesses can become, many players and pundits get so familiar with them that they usually deny their presence. They find good stories to justify the price level and go on feeding the buying and selling frenzy.

This is forgetting that few human institutions, in fact, none of them are really fully and always efficient. Administrations are sometimes seen are alternative to stock markets, are usually not too efficient in pricing things, far from it. 

Should not the probabilities be trusted or will skid off the road?

By all odds, there are always "the invisible hand " involves in all asset prices everywhere. 

Trade wise. 

P/s ; Meaningful work make a meaningful life, even the work is unpaid. To all friends, " best wishes to all and live a meaningful life "


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sewer = septic tanks - kikikiiiiiii


Market's anomalies are not always visible. But however visible and obvious the dramatic price excesses can become, many players and pundits get so familiar with them that they usually deny their presence. They find good stories to justify the price level and go on feeding the buying and selling frenzy.

2015-02-22 02:31


"Meaningful work make a meaningful life, even the work is unpaid."

This is nonsense. You are paid proportional to job's worth. Otherwise, you are underpaid and taken advantage of.

2015-02-23 07:55

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