Sslee blog


Publish date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018, 01:01 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Of late I have been pondering the meaning and purpose of life;

  • Do we live in this world for a purpose?
  • Is life on planet earth happen for a purpose or merely a meaningless accidental random cosmic phenomenon?
  • Is there such a thing as fate or pre-determined destiny?
  • Can a man with his own determination change his own fate?
  • If there is such a thing as time machine, can we travel back and change the course of history???

I too had my regrets as I looked back on my life. I had many IF ONLY ...  incidence that I felt need answers.

  • If only Dato’ Onn Jaafar had been successful in opening up UMNO to all races ...
  • If only the Singapore Chinese had treated Dr. Mahathir well in his formative year ...
  • If only I had helped my fourth brother in his primary study ...
  • If only my parent had send his fourth son to Chinese primary school ...
  • If only I can prevent the motorbike accident that started the downfall of my late father's health ...(The image of my father's frail body on his sick bed in his last fews months lives vividly in my mind and it pains me very much)

Recently I had read a very interesting story about a young man, who after a few failed relationships and business venture started to think life is no more worth living, thus becoming very depressed. Fortunately he went to consult his psychiatrist and the good doctor immediately took the young man into his professional consultation. The young man started to pour out his life mis-adventure and misery. The good doctor listen emphatically and then said to the young man, “I would like you to listen to this tape record of my former patient who is about the same age as yours when he came to see me downtrodden but now has a successful business and a happy family”.  

At the end of the tape, the good doctor asked the young man, “Do you notice there is one common phrase in both of you?" The young man asked, “What common phrase?” The doctor replied, “Both of you had used the phrase IF ONLY more than 14 times. Do you want to know how he recovered and turned around his life” The young man eagerly replied, “Yes of course.”

The good doctor replied, “If only belongs to the past and you can’t do anything about it anymore. Whenever you have the tendency to use IF ONLY, instantly change it to Next Time”. With that the good doctor look at the wall clock and said to the young man, “It is already past 5 evening, I will call it a day and please walk me down and get a taxi for me”. Both of them walked down the office block and to the main road. There is one taxi parked about 10 meters away and both of them walk slowly towards the taxi. Just about 2 meters from the taxi, another man overtook them from behind and got into the taxi first. The good doctor said to the young man, “IF ONLY we had come down 14 seconds earlier we would have caught that taxi.” The young man replied, “No doctor, NEXT TIME I will run.” From the corner of the young man's eyes he notices there is another taxi parked 50 meters away and he made a dash towards the taxi as if he is being chased by a tiger and his life depended on his speed. That 50 meter sprint is worth an Olympic medal. Holding the taxi door and panting heavily from exhaustion, the young man waited for the good doctor. The good doctor stride up and after sitting comfortably in the taxi, turned towards the young man and gave him a big smile and exclaimed “You had been cured.” The young man watched the taxi disappears into the sunset and started to notice the beauty of a sunset that was always there but he had never noticed. The young man had found his life purpose and yes he would eventually become a successful businessman and surrounded by a happy family.

The IF ONLY belongs to the past and the answer I seek will never exist.  My time is NEXT TIME and the next time is NOW. I will do my level best to help my children to develop their full potential. As for their future I will tell them it is their life and they are free to decide where they want to work, to live and to stay in this global village.  As for me, my place is here, I will be forever a Malaysian and when I had earned enough for my family; I would like to serve Malaysia in whatever way I can and help to bring about social well-being/justice to all Malaysian.”

Now at the age of 57, I do not have any hatred in my heart. I do not forget the past (if you forget the past then most likely you will repeat the same mistakes), but had learned long ago  to forgive all whose had wronged me and especially I had forgiven my own sins, mistakes and regrets (committed during my untamed reckless years) because by forgiving, I can free myself of my past baggage and start to do the RIGHT THING NOW .

I felt this burning desire and divine calling that I need to do something NOW to prevent my beloved Malaysia from falling into an un-returnable failed state if UMNO/BN under MO1 continues with this current course. UMNO/BN has to be defeated by all means comes GE14.


Dear all,

Let us build bridge of friendship across all our society, strengthening and renewing our ties with old friends and winning as many more new friends and hearts to our Cause. Let’s forgive each other of our past mistake, misdeeds and misunderstandings. Set aside all our differences and concentrate all our efforts to oust the corrupted and shameful UMNO/BN, led by MO1 this GE14. Malaysians deserve a much better government. PH is our best hope to reform and rebuild our country, and set it on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity.

Yes, PH suffered some upsets on Nomination Day as BN caretaker government is abusing the rule of law to deny PH candidacy but we shall have the last laugh on 9th May 2018 when Malaysians make clear their Final Decision.

I quote below a poem for everyone:

Jangan Menyerah

  • When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
  • Ketika segalanya tidak berjalan dengan baik, seperti yang kadangkala terjadi,
  • When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
  • Ketika jalan yang Anda lalui dengan susah payah tampak begitu berat,
  • When the funds are low and the debts are high,
  • Ketika penghasilan begitu sedikit dan utang menumpuk,


  • And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
  • Dan Anda ingin tersenyum, tetapi Anda harus berkeluh kesah,
  • When care is pressing you down a bit
  • Ketika kesulitan mengecewakan Anda
  • Rest if you must, but don’t you quit
  • Beristirahatlah bila perlu, tetapi jangan menyerah


  • Life is queer with is twists and its turns,
  • Hidup dan segala seluk beluknya kadang tampak aneh,
  • As everyone of us sometimes learns,
  • Seperti yang kadangkala kita alami,
  • And many a failure turns about
  • Dan sering kali seseorang berbalik arah


  • When they might have won, had they stuck it out.
  • Ketika mereka mungkin dapat menang, andai saja mereka bertahan
  • Don’t give up though the pace seems slow,
  • Jangan menyerah, meski jalannya lambat
  • You may succeed with another blow.
  • Anda dapat berhasil dengan mencobanya lagi.


  • Often the goal is nearer,
  • Terkadang sasaran tampak lebih dekat dari yang kelihatan,
  • Than it seems to a faint and faltering man,
  • Bagi seorang yang bimbang dan lesu
  • Often the struggler has given  up
  • Sering kali seorang terlanjur menyerah


  • When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
  • Ketika ia mungkin dapat merebut piala kemenangan
  • And he learned too late when the night came down,
  • Dan ia terlambat untuk menyadari ketika malam telah tiba
  • How close he was to the golden crown.
  • Bahwa sebenarnya ia berada begitu dekat dengan mahkota emas.


  • Success is failure turned inside out,
  • Keberhasilan ada dibalik kegagalan,
  • The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
  • Warna perak dari awan keraguan
  • And you never can tell how close you are,
  • Dan Anda tidak akan pernah tahu seberapa dekat sebenarnya


  • It may be near when it seems so far;
  • Ketika tampak jauh, sebenarnya sudah dekat
  • So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,
  • Jadi bertahanlah saat Anda menghadapi kesulitan yang tersulit
  • It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit!
  • Ketika segalanya tampak begitu buruk, jangan menyerah!

                                                        -Author Unknown-


Thank you

Yours truly,


2 people like this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


Thank you for sharing.
Next time i will also do better.

2018-05-02 08:48


Unfortunately, by choosing mahathir-PH, you are asking your father to ride motorcar instead of motorbike. It does prevent the accident. Inly a safer bet.

2018-05-02 09:04


correction: It doesn't prevent the accident. Only a safer bet.

2018-05-02 09:05


y dont u send this article to newspaper?

2018-05-02 09:07

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