Sslee blog

Post GE14: Creative Writing: Vernacular Schools

Publish date: Fri, 18 May 2018, 07:58 PM
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Dear all,

I would like to share the below articles I received from my WhatsApps’ group with i3 community.

I’m very impressed by the writer of the article below: He or She possesses a great deal of critical thinking, imagination, creativity, humor, political satire, a good command of English, writing flair and thought provoking. It is a refreshing read from the mainstream political articles as many writers were trying their best recording historical narrative as events unfolded on GE14.

  • Dr M's unnaturally long life was the result of a curse placed by the Spirit of the Moon, Nik Aziz, that he may walk the earth forever till he sees the Monster of BN fall. In his later years the doctor would grow weary of life, yet life would not leave him. His heart had stopped beating on multiple occassions, and yet by the power of the IJN, it continued.
  • When the Rainbow Avatar, Anwar Ibrahim, found his powers outmatched by BN in the satay fields of Kajang, Dr M realized that salvation will never come from the hands of Heroes, no matter how Bersih they are. For no hero can oppose the might of the C4 Detonation Lady Rosmah, or the armies of the Federal Reserve Unit.
  • I built this monster, Dr M realized. Through it I ruled the Multiracial Land by Divide and Conquer. I have moved on, but the monster continues. Only in me is there power to unmake it.
  • Visiting the citadel of the Lims, Dr M apologized for all the blood he has spilled. And for putting both of them in jail previously. "If I save the country from the God of Negativity, Najib, will I finally rest in peace?"
  • The Lims answered.
  • "For half a century we have fought the likes of You. We've always lost. Yet now is no time to revisit past quarrels. You are the only one of us who cannot be killed or imprisoned. For you are 92 years old. The protective magic of Public Opinion will not allow BN to harm you."
  • And so Dr M received the Flaming Sword of 1MDB to fight the darkness.
  • "You cannot win," the prophets at Merdeka Centre said. "The monster has grown too strong even for the likes of you. And there is a Spoiler, the Taliban fanatics, who will complicate things for you."
  • "If I lose, I die. Which is good. I have been trying to rest for some time. But the spirits of those I murdered won't let me join them. I am cursed. A terrible curse."
  • Dr M drew his sword and struck the gates of Johor. The birthplace of BN has never been breached, and yet it could not hold back the doctor's tsunami. The water overflowed into the Nine Pocket Realms, and they too were overcome despite not being the target. Najib could only look on in shock.
  • BN's own BR1M counterattacks in Selangor and Penang were easily stopped. The Lims could not be bribed. And Azmin Ali could, but the price was not high enough.
  • The God of Negativity, Najib, called out to Dr M. "You cannot win. For I have gerrymandered the crap out of Sabah and Sarawak. They will keep my power alive."
  • Dr M answered.
  • "Oh my sweet summer child, my former apprentice, I taught you everything you know about gerrymandering. You will need more skills than that to deal with the likes of Me."
  • Najib looked at Sabah again, and was surprised to see an unknown army of Warisan natives suddenly materialize out of the forest to wreak havoc. Where did these natives come from, Najib wondered. Now I cannot retreat there.
  • "Take me north", Dr M commanded his UberGrabCar driver. "Take me to Langkawi."
  • As he travelled along the North-South Highway Dr M saw a commotion. He asked his taxi driver what is going on.
  • "The people have rebelled against BN rule, doctor. They heard about what you did in Johor and overthrew their masters here."
  • "And where exactly is here?"
  • "Malacca." At this Dr M's aged lips curled into a smile. The oldest state in the Multiracial Lands. Fitting tribute to an old man like him.
  • "Reports are Perak is in rebellion too, doctor." Dr M scoffed. "Perak is always in rebellion. But did they win?"
  • "No doctor. They destroyed BN there but were unable to take over. So it's lawless now."
  • "That works. Anarchists remaining in anarchy. Many frogs there. You can never stop a frog from jumping."
  • Dr M arrived in Langkawi, Kedah to be welcomed by a massive crowd of Hopeful Warriors. "Citizens, I was born in this state. Hence here is where the final battle will take place."
  • BN's forces soon arrived. A huge army of water cannons, riot gear, and corrupt lawyers. Even the third force, the Taliban, appeared. Everyone is here, Dr M realized. He looked into the shadows and realized even the dead are here. He could almost see the face of the late Nik Aziz.
  • Dr M raised the sword of 1MDB against the darkness, sighed, and then casually dropped it. For righteousness, hope, love, none of these have power here. This is my birthplace. The Rice Shadow Lands. I cannot fight using 1MDB.
  • "How will you defeat two armies without a weapon, Dr M?" Najib sneered.
  • "You think Death is your ally, Najib. And yet Death runs from me. I cannot be killed. I've tried, and yet it eludes me."
  • Dr M then took on the combined armies of BN and the Taliban by himself. As the minions soon discovered, they could not do anything to him. Their ranks slowly dwindled. The fight went on all night. BN still had power in the morning but they realized it would be an endless war against the doctor.
  • "Its time to surrender. You know how this ends. Drag it out if you want, but you've already lost everywhere except in two states. Perlis, the tiny kingdom. Pahang, the national park. It is almost cute."
  • Dr M even allowed himself the privilege of laughing like a super villain for a bit. Hey, I am not a hero. Saving the Multiracial Lands is just an ironic twist of fate.
  • Najib trembled in fear as he knew what had to be done. The doctor was far too powerful for him and there was no weapon evil enough to unseat him. The master of evil, now the master of good also. The only man fit to rule the Multiracial Lands.
  • "I surrender. Now do I go to jail?"
  • "No. At least, not yet. I am finally free of my curse. I declare a day of Rest."
  • As the two Lim knights appeared in the horizon, coming to escort the victorious Dr M to the capital, the doctor had one last thought.
  • "Actually make that...two days of rest."

-Writer remains anonymous-

Please also read the Beautiful Essay from the Malaysian Girl that Got Accepted into All 8 Ivy League Universities.

I refer:

Facebook user Ariv Chelvam said that the level of English must be improved drastically in all public schools. “The Form 5 English text book is hilarious!" Ariv also proposed to have music lessons in public schools, saying that "music really helps with students’ minds". He added that vernacular schools should be abolished, saying that this will ensure that racism is curbed at a young age.

My respond to people like Ariv Chelvam; please read what were written by Mr. Wan Saiful,

“Note that their desire for unity has nothing to do with education. Their focus is on schooling. And this is where the hypocrisy creeps in. Many of the people who want to promote their mould of unity have never attended any of our government schools. They don’t even send their own kids to our schools.

They step into our schools perhaps for a few hours a year for hyped-up visits, yet they speak as if they really know. More amazingly, they speak as if they actually have faith in our school system when their actions show otherwise.

In reality, these elites campaign for something that will never affect them. When it comes to their own families, they send their children for a “better” education elsewhere.

They want to limit our choices on schools because they know that they can always pay their way out and send their own children to a school of their choice.

This is the tragedy of some of the privileged. Instead of looking for ways to make sure everyone can afford school choices like them, they want to kill choice for everyone who cannot afford to pay.

Let me pose a rhetorical question.

If unity can only be achieved by making students from different backgrounds come together in one school, then why do they just want to close vernacular schools?

To be specific, data shows that Chinese schools have higher ethnic diversity than other schools. I can think of many non-Chinese schools that are completely mono-ethnic. If we are objective, it is not the Chinese schools that need to be closed down”

I am wondering why thestar mainstream newspaper still carried article singled out Vernacular schools as racism by quoting Face-book user Ariv, “Vernacular schools should be abolished, this will ensure that racism is curbed at a young age.” Haven’t they learned anything why Malaysian rejected the BN racism government?

I refer the freemalaysiatoday article on the same subject:

Please read the above link to have a better understanding on the problems besieging our schools and why Tun Dr Mahathir wants to come back as Education Minister to address the issue. GE15 will be a battle on education that opens the mind against religious dogma/extremist.

I refer my previous blog:

For a country to be successful, the country must have an enlightened group of leaders with high moral value, true patriotism, selfless devotion to duty, and complete willingness to dedicate their lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living. We can only produce an enlightened group of leaders with high moral value from the quality of our education and what is imparted into our children in our schools. Does anyone have any idea what had been taught in our school, our university and BTN nowadays?

I wish all our Muslim Brothers and Sisters a Happy and Blessed Ramadan. May peace transcend the Earth.

Thank you.

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2018-05-18 20:27

All Toh

I think these writer may have part of their education in OVERSEA, hope I am wrong.

2018-05-19 09:47


Dear SS Lee,

I was just told of this article on this blog. Firstly, thank you for your comments. You see, for a country like Malaysia, due to our history, the British's role in our country and years of racial politics, we seem to be comfortable with letting some things stay as they are. I am not specifically pointing at Tamil or Chinese schools but I still stay put and say its high time the country puts these schools behind and create a level playing field for every student in Malaysia. There is no need to divide students from young. You see, as these students move out from primary vernacular schools, a big number of them, sometimes, do not really get comfortable mixing with the rest in secondary schools or sometimes experience a kind of a “shock” of the difference in cultures between the two types of schools. Also, what is the use of preaching being one and being Malaysian when you’re still “dividing” students to their ethnic groups since young. I am not denying other ethnic groups do not send their children to vernacular schools but what I am stressing is, why the division, why give vernacular schools a separate education package which is different from National Schools and why are some vernacular schools, Tamil schools mostly, are in terrible shape.

You see, as much as some really love their schools, or some call these schools in Malaysia as “unique” when in comparison with other countries, I too love these schools and change is definitely not easy but deep inside of me, I believe when Malaysians, regardless of language, skin, culture, race and religion are put together, a new kind of generation will be created, a generation that will not identify Malaysians as “Indians,” “Chinese,” or “Others.” Why the need to stress “Indian” or “Others” in Malaysia when you are indeed Malaysian, I find this absolutely redundant.

Also, if people are worried that they would “lose their ability” to master their mother tongue, the ministry can always ensure all three languages are taught in schools. Whether you want to learn Tamil, or Mandarin, its there in the system for you to learn and the ministry shall not stop students from learning languages. Vernacular Schools is just the tip of the iceberg and there’s lot more to change in this country. Change takes time and sometimes, change is salty to many.

Thanks mate.


P.S: I am not “oversees” educated and I’m not from a non-vernacular school. It is because I have been in the system and have seen the effects of it, I am trying to change it.

2018-09-25 12:45


Dear Ariv,
Thank you for dropping in your comment to further elaborate in what thestar had quoted you as saying vernacular schools should be abolished.

If racial politics is the root cause of preventing Malaysians from achieving the united Malaysian Malaysia then why not fit the politics?
The British’s rule is non racial as British only care to extract as much natural resource from Malaya and shipped it to Great Britain thus started the mass migration of Mainland Chinese and India as cheap labor for the tin and rubber industry. After independent, British leave us a functional legal system, education system (English school), civil servant, army, police and government make up from the best of our multi races, culture and religion Malaysians.

As a new young nation, we start off well with guidance from our federal Constitution agreed upon by consensus from our multi race, culture and religion forefather anchored on the common spirit of give and take and win- win camaraderie. (Example: Right to mother tongue education with Bahasa Malaysia as national language and compulsory subject in all school)
There was a blemish in 1969 (May 13th 1969 racial riot) that was quickly nipped in the bud and we soldiered on but things started to go downhill from here onward as politicians for want of power and wealth were playing racial and religion politic to divide and rule.

Vernacular schools were the easy target and a convenient punching bag as a fall guy to blame for dividing students to their ethnic groups since young and thus deprived them of the opportunity to mix with other ethnic group and cause disunity when they growth up. How simplicity and naïve and hollow this argument is. Did anyone dares to say the same thing to the religious schools or Mara boarding schools or Mara institute for only catered for one particular ethnic/religion group?

And by the way did anyone care to find out what was taught in our national school nowadays?
Please read the below article from our newly appointed Election Commission (EC) chairman Mr. Azhar Harun (Art Harun)
And my previous blog:
Where I ask, “So now the entire parents in Malaysia which school do you want your children to study in? I get one response from below:

BabyHooligan Jan 4,2017 1:33 PM
Dear SS Lee,
To answer your question, I would like my children to go to integrated schools so that they don’t feel they are different and isolated to their own race at the very young age.
Happy new year to you and your family too.

As parent we only want the best education for our children. The only consideration is which schools can give our children the best education at a cost we can afford. Hence do not deprive our poor man choice of affordable neighborhood vernacular school that had been proven to produce excellent graduate and some of these schools already in existence even before independent.

So my question to you Ariv, “Are you prepared to send your children to National School?”

Thank you

2018-09-25 23:35

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