Sslee blog

Unsolvable Enigmas of Mr. Koon and Tun Dr Mahathir

Publish date: Sat, 03 Nov 2018, 01:04 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Out of my concern about what is going on with Mr. Koon writing, I forced myself to pen my opinion how not to write a dead end letter that forced people with no choice but to retaliate? If you have read the book "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie you should have immediately foreseen what will be the respond from Mr. Koon’s following writing.

The articles:

The responds:

I am scratching my head and wondering what is the motive and Mr. Koon aim to achieve in writing such a hard-hitting, opinionated and accusation article? Can it be?

  1. Trying to force his way to get what he wants?
  2. Trying to find out the true and nothing but the true?
  3. Trying to stir up a hornet’s nest?
  4. Trying to win the public opinion?
  5. Trying to satisfy his ego?
  6. Trying to exercise his brains with his provocative writing?
  7. Trying to serve justices and public interest?
  8. Trying to get the attention of PH government by lighting a fire?
  9. Trying to be difficult and telling people they are beholder to him?
  10. Trying to achieve he only know what???

My opinion is whatever Mr. Koon trying to achieve, he had make the situation worse for himself and other and the fact is he had make more enemies for himself rather than winning friends and influencing people. Perhaps he should reread the book "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie again on how not to win a battle but lose the war.

I can only wish that Mr. Koon is able to see the message I try to convey to him is for his own good and please do not accuse me of attention seeking again.

Thank you

PS: Text of PM Keynote address at Transparency International Anticorruption Summit 2018.

And a very interesting comment from Sharudin Jamal:

Sharudin Jamal Nov 2, 2018 10:06 PM

Dear Chedet,

My short essay entitled: Regarding Chedet

Chedet is a hardy Old Coot. However he is a man with a big heart. Otherwise he cannot have so many children and adopted a couple on the side.

He likes people who are smart AND hardworking. The irony is he spent much of his energy trying to change the Malays. He tried the instant noodle approach and *no[t] he is seeing the colossal effect. Malays are lazy. I can say this because I am part Malay. So what I’m saying is I am part guilty of that too. Compares to the Chinese, the Malays are mares next to the thoroughbreds

*By now you realize that any misspelling is a cipher by external party.

Being lazy is fine, but they are a bunch of opportunists. The Malays LOOOVE easy money; MLM, get rich quick schemes, passive investments, taking bribes, Mr 10% and what have you.

Chedet on the other had closed one eye on all these because he wanted to see quick result. To him it is OK to have a few who are rich (with whatever means) because the wealth will trickle down to the masses eventually. Unfortunately these greedy Malays hogs the wealth to themselves. It only trickle within their circles; family, kin and cronies. Even scholarships and loans are for the taking of the greedy Malay elitists.

So in a way it is Chedet who created the monsters that we have now. During his 22 years reign, the Malays were pampered by handouts and subsidies. Those in the ruling normally have one hand on the policies and another hand on the projects. If you watch Malay drama, it is always about a rich Datuk or his kin involving in multi-million mega project.

Poor Chedet. He is good at giving the fish but not at showing how to fish.

What I like to see is Chedet acting as the pacesetter for a Malaysian Malaysia. I like the concept of Bangsa Malaysia as in Malay Malaysian, Chinese Malaysian and Indian Malaysian. I however don’t want to see the Malays favored over the other races. It should be egalitarian in nature because we are in a racial cauldron of multiple ethnicity. Our children are now hybrids.

It is my sincere request for Chedet to complete his full term. We need a nation builder. Not just a surgeon who dissects and leave. Please consider this option Sir.

Sine cera,

MSC 0072

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probability The human brain consists of 3 major components...(1) the id , (2) the ego and (3) the presented by sigmund freud

not reality both old men are cute and no enigma.

one is a stock market man, the other is Prime Minister/

2018-11-03 16:21

Kampung Boy

1) In Malaysia many Companies with Assets like Real Estate sitting on ancient book value which were taken private at a huge disadvantage to minority shareholders.

Tell SC to make it compulsory for all Listed Companies in Malaysia to do a Complete Up To Date Revaluation of All Properties before privatisation is allowed


Example is the privatisation of THE STORE. THE STORE was taken private below Rm4.00. But if THE STORE's prime assets were to be revalued it should at above RM10.00 a share - 100% AGREED WITH CALVIN TAN.

2018-11-03 16:22


Author trying to change other. Qqq3 can write as his wish. So do kyy. Why bother to change them? Let they play with themselves. Bo song ma teruk them occasionally. As datuk Calvin said, spend your time find next profitable stock n share better lo.

2018-11-03 16:46


we also need to exercise our brain slowdown ageing... to spur creativity....

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" ma....

2018-11-03 17:03


If that is the case, welcome back to the forum

2018-11-03 17:43


Dear Calvintaneng,
You can refer to below link on accounting standard on valuation of Investment property.
Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (MFRSs)
MFRS 140: Investment property.

As minority shareholders we are at the mercy of major shareholder thus what I can do is to attend the Annual AGM and trying my best to reason with the major shareholder to treat us minority shareholders as their equal business partner and share the wealth of the company with all. That is what I can possible do. By the way the company Act 2016 had empowered not less than 50 shareholders to send in their requisition to propose any resolution to be voted on during the AGM.
If any minority shareholder felt short-charge by major shareholder in taking the company private they can seek the help of MSWG and lodged complaint with Bursa and SC.

Many people wish they can do a Datuk Dr Yu Kuan Chon did on HLCap to teach a lesson to those major shareholder tying to short-charge the minority shareholder.
Yu first emerged as a substantial shareholder in HLCap in February 2013 with a 5.94% stake or 14.672 million shares, essentially preventing founder Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan from taking the company private via his flagship Hong Leong Financial Group Bhd (HLFG) for RM1.71 per share.

Thank you

2018-11-03 20:16


Dear Calvintaneng,
Are you serious or playing joke with me in assuming that I have access to PM Tun Dr Mahathir? Stop pulling my leg I personally do not meet Tun Dr Mahathir before nor have access to his personal email address.

When Tun Dr Mahathir was fighting MO1 in his blog I did wrote in my comment in a respectful letter format to give him my support and rebuking some BN cyber-troopers point to point in order to win public opinion toward Tun’s cause. Since PH took over the government and Tun Dr Mahathir become our PM I had rarely wrote my comment in chedet. cc as chedet .cc now is full with many back seat drivers and place to PLP and gossiping.

To be true to you even though I had written many letters in comment I had not received any replied from Tun Dr Mahathir. This is understandable as Tun Dr Mahathir is a very busy man and now he has only so litter time to do so many things in correcting legacy problems of corruption and abuse of power by previous BN politicians and the whole machinery of government. He is racing against time to rebuild Malaysia so please do not further burden Tun Dr Mahathir with trivial things.

By the way isn’t any MGO, VGO or compulsory acquisition required a third party to do valuation and advices minority shareholders whether the offer is fair/unfair, reasonable/unreasonable and to accept or reject the offer?

As minority shareholder we need to learn how to confront BOD with your concern/grievance during AGM and if you are not satisfied with their answers you can seek the help of MSWG, substantial shareholder or make official complaint to SC/Bursa and work with them what legal action you can take or regulatory action Bursa/SC can take to redress your grievance.

Thank you

2018-11-04 08:31


One important thing to bear in mind previously whn jibby give u 5 cent he took rm 10

Now PH give less but no take lo

Overly encouraged by d budget

2018-11-04 10:20


Full term..? NO..!
Just stick to the promise..
Grateful & thankful to Dr M...without him BN will still be in power...
But at this critical moment we need a Deng Xiaoping not Mao Zedong of Malaysia..


2018-11-04 14:23


whether mahathir 2 years or 5 years, not up to ss lee .............

but I believe mahathir will keep his promise....

2018-11-04 14:34


but what happens if there is a financial crisis in 2020, world wide recession.....things may change....but it is not up to us to say what will happen....for the time being, just say mahathir will keep his promise.

2018-11-04 14:39


Dear all,
I feel pity and sorry for our PM Tun Dr Mahathir that at his ripe old age of 93 where most people already long retired to an easy and relax life but Tun still had to work so hard with litter rest trying to correct legacy problems of corruption and abuse of power by previous BN’s government and remake/rebuild the whole machinery of government. I can only wish and pray that with god’s blessing Tun shall be given 2 years time to carry out institutional reform that will restore good governance, provide for the effective separation of powers between the branches of government, guard our nation’s wealth with check and balance and secured our future before passing the baton of leadership to Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim.

Thank you

2018-11-04 17:44


the whole world needs more leaders like Dr. M....

its like they know life is just a ride ...a drama....need not be so serious...just play the game good to others genuinely and feel good

2018-11-04 17:54


Not like those motivated by ego...Trump & Koon for if like they are the chosen race...the chosen country...the chosen man....

unable to think in an 'all inclusive' manner...

2018-11-04 17:54


Dear Sslee & probability -

No need for two of you to feel pity and sorry to Tun M!

Two of his son is a billionaire because of his lopsided economy policies back then to his tenure as 4th Prime minister. And both of you still struggling making tiny profit in Bursa.

Never follow politician blindly! Be rational!

2018-11-04 17:59

KLCI Going Heaven

mind you who caused the culture of corruption and cronyism to start in the first place?

2018-11-04 18:15

KLCI Going Heaven

Now in Bursa, follow Tun related company confirm steady!

2018-11-04 18:18


Now, we know the true color of k why why...

in i3 his advice is a question mark with full of ulterior motives for self gains.

You all don't believe u see how he hentam Sultan Perak bcos he accused he was dismissed by Sultan as an advisor of Perak Gov.

I long time alredi saw he will be demoted from being an advisor of Perak Gov bcos of his arrogance in i3...
Now not only in i3 he has bad name... his name is also bad in whole of Msia now.

2018-11-04 18:31


no choice than to be blind a little ma...after all he is the best we got...

an intelligent crook is better than a dummy crook which kills the country

we all make tiny profit...but our happiness level same as the big profit makers ma..

Posted by Valuespec > Nov 4, 2018 05:59 PM | Report Abuse

Dear Sslee & probability -

No need for two of you to feel pity and sorry to Tun M!

Two of his son is a billionaire because of his lopsided economy policies back then to his tenure as 4th Prime minister. And both of you still struggling making tiny profit in Bursa.

Never follow politician blindly! Be rational!

2018-11-04 18:41



KYY Mahathir satu billionaire satu PM 2 kali listen to u and jadi apa? Like u? Lol 

Mereka difference levels u faham

So sudah la

2018-11-04 19:45



Can continue to write bt not dgn tone like u d one who know best

Oso ikut la i con 8888 tu use Executive Brief

2018-11-04 19:53


Anwar is an opportunist leh...i dont think he has any principles...

probably no deep analytical ability for the progress of the nation....

would prefer people like Azmin & Rafizi..

if its Malay, we need someone who is broad minded with good economic knowledge..

2018-11-04 20:28


Dear all,
I always have a soft spot for elderly people as I always say, “ Our entire elder desired our respect as we do not know what they have gone through so that we can have a better life.”

Of cause both Mr. Koon and Tun Dr Mahathir is not an ordinary people like me and you. Both are awesome and with unbelievable tenacity to thrive when the going gets tough. Both have many followers who admire them and at the same time many detractors who hate them. Both have experience a near dead situation that change their outlook on life and at their age they are always looking for the opportunity to die. Only when you prepared yourself for death will you start to live. Both are a very determine person and once they make up their mind no amount of advices will change their mind or maybe they will listen to their wife’s advice but their wife are such a lovely wife that most of us can only dream of and they do not interfere with their husband decision.

I had met with Mr. and Mr. Koon three times and I have make a secret pact with someone who telling me if you see sometime wrong with Mr. Koon’s writing tell him so. So please pardon me for using this blog to tell Mr. Koon what is wrong with his writing.

Thank you

2018-11-04 20:35


aiyo not compare Koon with Tun leh...

Koon himself admitted he made his money from stock market...

what was it great about Koon?

absolutely nothing...crook disguising as philanthropist

2018-11-04 20:37


if we put a a pail of sand in a a huge funnel with an exit hole at the bottom which only allows 1 or 2 sands to exit...

can the sand that exits claim itself great? just because out of the million and billions of sand was the few which manage to come out?

was there anything inherently with the sand that made it exit?

absolutely nothing...

just pure luck..being at the right place at the right time ...having the right contacts...

that guy has nothing to be proud of leh...

don't think his first wife kids deep inside respect him liao!

2018-11-04 20:42


the sandman that sslee thinks is made of gold liao...

Posted by dragonslayer > Nov 4, 2018 08:45 PM | Report Abuse talked who...sandman kah...aiyoyo...kikiki

2018-11-04 20:46


Dear probability,
A life threatening experience will change people outlook of life for better or for worst, only god knew. (You can read what Hitler go through during First World War that turns him into a heartless monster).

No one is without faults or regrets and there are many wrongs that we commit during our reckless year (Building political power or physical wealth) that will come back to haunt us. So should we live in an unforgiving and sorrowful past or should we forgive our past mistakes so that we can let go of our past baggage and move on with life and try to amend for our past mistake.

“Everybody deserves a second chance, because life is too complicated to get it right the first time”- SkyLug.
I wish all will find in their heart to forgive and to seek forgiveness to all the family members you might have hurt as in this word nothing is more important than family.

Thank you

2018-11-04 21:53


yup...greatness is not about being the smartest...the richest or the one that live longest.....

is about having abundance of love

2018-11-04 22:05


so this SS guy, no talent to talk about stockmarket find himself talking about Kyy....

2018-11-04 22:09


why? just to get some fans? to attract attention to himself

2018-11-04 22:09

Donald J. Trump


2018-11-04 22:11

Donald J. Trump

Correct Winter Is Over, the only person talking sense here. Read the book Malaysia Maverick by Barry and you will know the greatness he did!

2018-11-04 22:19


SS...... it's too bad u lost money on Xinguan and others.... but u got to move on...
others have moved on

2018-11-04 22:19


msian suka tipu sesame sendiri,that's why cannot success....hehe

2018-11-04 22:21

KLCI Going Heaven

Vietnam is the real tiger here ya... We can keep dreaming

2018-11-04 22:25


I have heard it say.... don't cross an SS guy.... be careful

2018-11-04 22:26


Aiyo qqq3...what...cross lah...he grumble only...cos...Uncle dragonslayer...conned him lah...aiyoyo...kikiki

2018-11-04 22:36


Dear qqq3,
Yes I got conned in Xingquan. Yes I felt anger, outrage, disdain and despite the shameless behavior of Xinguan CEO Dato’ Wu and the auditor. I only blame myself for my own mistake and have move on and turn my anger and disdain to expose those conman in i3 and you qqq3 is the shameless conman.

Thank you

2018-11-05 09:07



u ss officer, i where got con anybody?

2018-11-05 09:53


Dear qqq3,
I refer below: Do I need to say more?
Thank you

Posted by qqq3 > Nov 2, 2018 01:43 AM | Report Abuse
u fail to understand, Jaks and Sendai are the 2 counters I made the most money...and why not? when I know the chong ker.....and I have the killer instinct..........

When shares were promoted with "sailang" and margin financing calls with prominent "chong ker" and its accomplice, and as a result, naive newbies chased the shares to RM1.80+ and RM1.20+ and lost a fortune, but he himself made a "killing", again and again, I don't think it is a great thing to boast about.

It is really a very sad state that our society has gone through such a terrible state of morality.

2018-11-05 10:08


talking about biz, there are many out there who do biz dishonestly, they don't know the consequence. Instead of doing biz long term, they prefer short term gain. Long term is about building your reputation, credibility, customer base. I give an example, there are some ads selling stuffs they used the word "FREE" for pricing to get your first impresstion or sell property, they used the price for per hectare in front , then when u clicked in, you see what is going on. This is cheating. When I see this kind of seller, I don't bother looking at them anymore, bcoz this is dishonesty. Another type of seller are those looking for short term gain, thinking there are many suckers around, raised price high high. Is it greed or stupidity(no common sense) ?

2018-11-05 10:12


another thing, there are some very stupid property seller, not much info, just show a few closed up pic, how ppl going to buy when u don't show enough pic what that house looked like.

2018-11-05 10:14



nature of stock market...up and down....I make money does not mean I con any body.

I think u still do not understand nature of stock market, that is why I say stock market not for u.......

2018-11-05 10:47


it's true that sultans selling title for cash....

2018-11-06 19:05


Why WASTE precious time & energy on people who are already firmly in the past tense & in the rear view mirror with one foot in the grave? Includes najib, all the cronies mentioned & the one who is turning into a centenarian next year[ if he lives that long!] One famous ex-fin minister already croaked recently...

2 months ago


KYY is not your average ordinary person. Whether he has done more good than harm or more harm than good is not for us to judge him. It is between him and his god.

But one thing for sure he make full use of what life has to offer.

2 months ago

Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

In 2018, TDM was held high by those who voted his party in. He was a great disappointment in his 2nd term as PM.

2 months ago


TDM was given a second chance as PM to carry out "reformasi" to save Malaysia from UMNO Kleptokrasi alas he failed miserables as he sucuumb to his true self of ketunan Malayu ideology as a leopard can't change its spots

2 months ago


many ppl already lost respek for TDM. he blew it!

1 month ago

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