Sslee blog

My response to (CHOIVO CAPITAL) Remember Croesus

Publish date: Sun, 02 Dec 2018, 03:16 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

PLP Mean:

Initialism of Min Nan (Pho-lan-pha), Which literally means “to fondle someone’s scotum” but figuratively means to brownnose: one who suck up: a bootlicker, ass-kisser, sycophant

Dear CharlesT,

qqq3 is King of PLP, King of double talk, King of backstabber, King of poison slanderer, King of jealously, King of low life, King of bullshitting and talk cock, King of dishonest, despicable, distasteful, disgusting and evil, King of chicken trading and king of shameless thick skin that can even put our shameless MO1 to shame.

I refer:

Posted by qqq3 > Nov 2, 2018 01:43 AM | Report Abuse
kc u fail to understand, Jaks and Sendai are the 2 counters I made the most money...and why not? when I know the chong ker.....and I have the killer instinct.........

qqq3 still thinking very highly of himself that he will be able to make a profitable living by PLP super-investor Mr. Koon and make repeat profit from his chicken trading. LOL the world is laughing at qqq3 and even Mr. Koon has disgusting and disdain view on qqq3 quote “If qqq3 is so good, he is a millionaire by now” unquote.

CharlesT you are too naïve to think that Mr. Koon could listen to a PLP idiot like qqq3.and be conned by this PLP idiot. No doubt Mr. Koon has a big ego that needs constant feeding from PLP King qqq3, which qqq3 play to perfection but his decision on investment in JAKS and SENDAI are base on the insiders (Ang and TSN) that sweet talk and promised him moon and haven that trapped him.


Dear Jon Choivo,

Thank you for the list of quotes on investment; the encapsulate essence of the topic. Do not underestimate Mr. Koon when he often said he do not know how to read financial statement, he is just figuratively speaking of the important of knowing the business/business sense/big picture over reading the whole financial report. By the way he has a real qualified chartered accountant as his personal assistant so please save your-self of quick lesson over 2-3 hours of financial statement.

Mr. OTB is successful because of his FA and TA and his hardworking in monitoring the market price daily (Steel, Spread) that will have immediate impact on the next quarter result. He often recommended with a cut loss and TP for taking profit. But unfortunately he and I believe that sometime the insiders are actually not truthful in reporting the quarterly report or purposely report a huge impairment loss to spook the market for certain advantage to insider. This is where I came in with the tough questions to auditor and board during AGM.

Mr. Koon respect and love OTB dearly I enclosed a private email that touches my heart:

Dear Teik Bee,

When I saw you short of breath while you were lecturing on investment on 2nd June, I thought you had a heart problem. That is why I told to see a cardiologist. I am extremely happy to know that your doctor gave a clean bill of health. 

This is as good a news as that of Pakatan Harapan won control of Putrajaya. You must know that many people including I love you. 

Please circulate this article as attached. I think it is one of my best. 


Mr. Koon likes to write arrogantly, provocatively with big ego and often saying humility is not one of his strong points. He even gone against OTB citing OTB’s conservative FA and TA would only start recommend buy when the price passes its 70-day moving average and would never able to recognized a growth stock early.

At Mr. Koon’s age he is trying hard to discover stocks like, YTL, Public Bank, Apple, Alibaba, Facebook when these stocks were still at it infant stage where a normal FA and TA has no way to discovered it. He strongly believed he had discovered these stocks in JAKS and SENDAI with insider’s sweet talk or promised. He is hoping with these stocks in his charity trust fund his legacy of philanthropist works will be able to perpetual for eternality even after he long gone.

I believe of all the Sifu in i3 the one that will able to discover an awesome stock in it infant stage is none other than Jon. So Jon no need to PLP you only need o use your inborn unique talent and sharp observation to find such stocks for Mr. Koon.

Koon+ Bee + Choi = an awesome team a world champion. I’m looking forward for such a team and would like to be an early investor too if this team somehow can be formed

Thank you

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Sslee sometimes i do wonder u come fm which offence...just that i see u r very different...

2018-12-02 15:51

Jon Choivo

Thank you.

i must concede i am too arrogant sometimes, often out of spite that wells up unconsciously. Spite towards what? I have no idea, probably perceived stupidity.


2018-12-02 16:00

Jon Choivo

Sendai i doubt it. Its not an early facebook etc. The scaling etc is too hard.

Mr Koon, if you want to find those co. I suggest you start studying microfinance companies in china, and payment providers worldwide, esp those in developing countries.

Very interesting.

2018-12-02 16:01


Invest yourself la, why wan to pu your money on other people hand leh......if want to die also die at your own hand ma....
I am refereing to these statements

"Koon+ Bee + Cho = an awesome team a world champion. I’m looking forward for such a team and would like to be an early investor too if this team somehow can be formed"

2018-12-02 16:02


Dear Jon Choivo,
There are many routes leading to Rome or in Deng’s word; “it doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice” You only believe in “Moat Factors” in selecting your stocks to invest. You are a total disbeliever of TA chartist and q-q FA analyst. This is fine but to look down, ridicule and mock a hard working TA chartist looking at hourly, daily chart and FA analyst working hard in collecting all the relevant data from publication source to predict Q-Q earning is uncalled for and unacceptable behavior.

As of EverendaiI if you are truly good at MOAT factor or competitive advantage then put yourself in an old school civil engineer shoes and tell me what Mr. Koon see in Eversendai.
I agreed with Koon on Eversendai competitive advantage but I do not have this emotional baggage and agreed with KCChong on the risk side of Balance Sheet, Cash Flow and Receivable. Mr. Koon often said you should not let your emotion clouded your judgment but unfortunately Mr. Koon is the one too emotion when defending his personal friend and have too much faith in the goodness of human nature. He even went berserk in defending Tan Sri AK Nathan:

Thank you

2018-12-02 20:30


Dear CharlesT,
I came from Milky Way, planet Earth located in the Solar system in a country call Malaysia, Kedah State, Alor Setar town.
You can have a glimpse for an answer from above link on my childhood memory growing up in the then laid back Alor Setar, Kedah where we live in a close knit kampong community and everyone know his neighbor and our neighbors are multi races and religions. My grandparent and parent speak the Kedahan Malay dialect. I attended the SJK(C) Keat Hwa (H) Alor Setar for my primary study where the four pillars of my ancestor culture/values 礼,义, 廉, 恥. displayed prominently.

Thank you

2018-12-02 20:48


I am not wrong...This SS guy is weird.

2018-12-02 21:02


stock market very easy one......

any stock also can trade...good bad ugly also can trade as long as price and situation is right.


Good management, good business and good numbers in that order......

if it does not look right, don't get involved...much easier than analysing KYY comments.......

the next question is....u want to be contrarian or you want to join the crowd.....

see....its easy....but this ss guy is weird because he doesn't seem to have a he goes off talking about any thing every thing except stock market........

2018-12-02 21:11

Fabien Extraordinaire

"I believe of all the Sifu in i3 the one that will able to discover an awesome stock in it infant stage is none other than Jon. So Jon no need to PLP you only need o use your inborn unique talent and sharp observation to find such stocks for Mr. Koon.

Koon+ Bee + Choi = an awesome team a world champion. I’m looking forward for such a team and would like to be an early investor too if this team somehow can be formed."

I mean no offence, but rather curious to find out your thinking process.

i did read your few writings before, including your comments in insas forum. you do seem to possess some, i would say, "out of the norm" radical suggestions with a tinge of naivety, considering that u r of elder age and with much more life experience.

i am quite surprised and at the same time perplexed.

2018-12-02 22:15

Fabien Extraordinaire

Koon+ Bee + Choi = an awesome team a world champion

My take on the above is the team would not happen and it won't work.

Simple reason being their investment philosophy and thought process is vastly different from each other.

Their brain is wired in a very different way.

2018-12-02 22:25


Dear Fabien Extraordinaire,
In the world that reward mediocre, pretender and half hearted effort. A raw diamond, rare talent and passionate work are indeed a very rare to find and when one comes along into i3 community we should welcome him and if possible give him some constructive critical review and help in polishing this raw diamond into a shining star. Jon is young, well read, knowing his subjects well, articulate, passionate and has the fire/braveness inside him to confront establishment with out of box idea and fresh air. These are the qualities New Malaysia needed the most from our Y&Z generation with critical thinking that can make an impact for the betterment of society and country.

Yours question:
Koon+ Bee + Choi = an awesome team a world champion
My take on the above is the team would not happen and it won't work.
Simple reason being their investment philosophy and thought process is vastly different from each other.
Their brain is wired in a very different way.

My take: In the place I work now there is this statement from our President Director;
Our Key Driver: People
We believe in developing a high performance team this is greater than the sum of its parts. Our team members contribute their unique backgrounds and cultural experiences to ensure high quality products to our customers.

It is because of vastly different thought, investment philosophy and across three different generations that will make this team awesome. Of the three, someone has told me Mr. Koon’s brain had already been hard wired for so long and impossible for change but reading Koon’s latest humbling article of JAKS Forced Selling. Please don’t count Mr. Koon out from this team yet.

Thank you

2018-12-03 08:54



I dont always agree with what you write but on this statement, I concur.

I will always relate Sslee with his foolish Hengyuan dividend resolution and laughable list of AGM questions which obviously went ignored as they were mostly petty. He describes himself as someone of a certain management level but his actions make him appear as though he has not 'seen the world'. And very naive too.

I lay partial blame of Hengyuan share price fall on him as a way for the major shareholders to teach minority shareholders a lesson. Put it this way, I strongly believe he insulted them and they didnt like it one bit.


Posted by qqq3 > Dec 2, 2018 09:02 PM | Report Abuse

I am not wrong...This SS guy is weird.

2018-12-03 12:27

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