Sslee blog

How to make "sure win" investment decision.

Publish date: Sun, 09 Dec 2018, 12:13 AM
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Dear all,

Let’s us examine the below statement by Alex™ and a very good and interesting story by Halite in relationship with decision making.

Each trading position is a probabilistic decision, and should be made as unemotionally as humanly possible. - [Alex™]

Posted by Halite > Dec 5, 2018 08:10 AM

A monk asked a man: “Giving you a fishing rod and 500 pounds of fish, which one would you, choose?”
The man answered: “500 pounds of fish."
Monk shook his head and smiled: "You are too superficial. There is no more fish once finish eating. But, you can catch fish with the fishing rod and that last forever.”
The man said: “You don’t understand. I can sell 500 pounds of fish for $2000. I will buy 10 fishing rods with $500. And then spend $500 hiring 10 people to help me fishing. I will donate $500 to the temple and spend the remaining $500 to buy a mahjong set and table. While playing mahjong with friends, I can supervise the workers, and then sell more fish in the market. You see, I can earn money, have entertainment and donate for charity at the same time.”
Monk: “Oh…. Where are you from?”
The man said: “Jho Low's hometown, Penang".

Halite had made a great and excellent decision that benefited so many people.

Direct beneficiaries’ are:

  1. Halite himself.
  2. Fish trader that bought the fish from him.
  3. Fishing gear trader that sold him the 10 fishing rod.
  4. The 10 employees he directly employed.
  5. The temple where he donated $500.
  6. Traders sold him the mahjong set, table and chairs.
  7. His 3 friends that now enjoy his company.


  1. 50 customers of fish trader who each bought 10 pounds of fish and each then bought other ingredient from other traders to cook delicious fish dish so that the whole family can have a healthy and enjoyable together time of lunch or dinner.
  2. Fishing gear trader’s suppliers now have new order to make 10 fishing rods.
  3. 10 employee’s family who benefited with $ 50 for family expenses.
  4. Temple devotees who can now have the place to pray for peace of mind and do more good.
  5. Mahjong set, table and chair trader’s suppliers who now has new order to replenish the stock.
  6. His 3 friends’ family who enjoy the money won from Halite Mahjong’s losing streak.
  7. Halite now enjoying his 10 employee’s catches and can now sell more fish.

I called this a win- win decision as oppose to zero sum gain/game: Enriching others at the same time enriching own-self. A Must Do Activities. 利人利己,应为。Please give a thumbs up and round of applause to Halite.

Now let’s examine Alex quote: Each trading position is a probabilistic decision, and should be made as unemotionally as humanly possible.

Can human make unemotionally and yet humanly decision?

Let’s explore how Artificial intelligence (AI) made decision.

Artificial intelligence can be classified into three different types of AI systems:

  1. Analytical:  Analytical AI has only characteristics consistent with cognitive intelligence "the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses" It encompasses processes such as attention, the formation of knowledge, memory and working memory, judgment and evaluation, reasoning and "computation", problem solving and decision making, comprehension and production of language. Cognitive processes use existing knowledge and generate new knowledge. It use learning based on past experience to make future decisions.
  2. Human-inspired AI has elements from cognitive as well as emotional intelligence, “the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments and/or achieve one's goal” It understand human emotions  and capable of emotions consideration in their decision making.
  3. Humanized AI shows characteristics of all types of competencies (i.e., cognitive, emotional, and social intelligence “the capacity to know oneself and to know others”), able to be self-conscious  “the awareness that one exists as an individual being” and self-aware “the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself” in interactions with others.

In Alex's quote in order to be successful in stock market you need to make decision base on Analytical intelligence alone which I agreed but are we capable of making decision without self emotion without consideration of other people feeling and without self-conscious and introspection?

In Harry Potter you have “Dark Lord” who is so evil that every wizard dare not utter his unmentionable name for fear of total annihilation and refers to him as “You-Know-Who”, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” Rowling described Voldemort as "the most evil wizard for hundreds and hundreds of years" She elaborated that he is a "raging psychopath, devoid of the normal human responses to other people's suffering", and whose only ambition in life is to become all-powerful and immortal. He is also a sadist who hurts and murders people just for pleasure. He has no conscience, feels no remorse, and does not recognise the worth and humanity of anybody except himself. He feels no need for human companionship or friendship, and cannot comprehend love or affection for another. He believes he is superior to everyone around him, to the point that he frequently refers to himself in the third-person as "Lord Voldemort".

In i3 we have “Lord of Queer” refer him as “You-Know-Who” who lost his kuku bird in a bet in i3 and since then become unspeakable evil, devoid of: manhood, conscious, self-worth, dignity, decency, shame and introspection he is roaming i3 luring his victim with PLP flattering before going for the kill and suck out all the blood from his victims. His evil knows no bounds and someone had advised me a mere utter of his unmentionable name will bring bad luck for the whole year and any association with him will cause your investment to “lao sai” for one whole year. (True fact not hearsay as with the case of Mr. Koon and Calvintaneng) so be warned if you want to “Huat-Huat” in stock investment for year 2019 avoid him like a plague and don’t dare to even mention his name refer him  as “You-Know-Who” or “Lord of Queer”.

I wish everyone have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. May the light of festive season shine brightly with Hope, Peace, Love, Joy and Prosperities to everyone.

Thank you

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Post removed.Why?

2018-12-09 00:37


Sslee,u really are a vry good writer par excellence.

Halite analogy is a good example benefiting society… that person befitting Halite analogy is none other than Uncle KYY。

2018-12-09 04:59


Lord of Queer,really a good term for that creature。

2018-12-09 05:03


For future reference:
Posted by Halite > Dec 5, 2018 08:10 AM

A monk asked a man: “Giving you a fishing rod and 500 pounds of fish, which one would you, choose?”
The man answered: “500 pounds of fish."
Monk shook his head and smiled: "You are too superficial. There is no more fish once finish eating. But, you can catch fish with the fishing rod and that last forever.”
The man said: “You don’t understand. I can sell 500 pounds of fish for $2000. I will buy 10 fishing rods with $500. And then spend $500 hiring 10 people to help me fishing. I will donate $500 to the temple and spend the remaining $500 to buy a mahjong set and table. While playing mahjong with friends, I can supervise the workers, and then sell more fish in the market. You see, I can earn money, have entertainment and donate for charity at the same time.”
Monk: “Oh…. Where are you from?”
The man said: “Jho Low's hometown, Penang".

Halite had made a great and excellent decision that benefited so many people.

Direct beneficiaries’ are:

Halite himself.
Fish trader that bought the fish from him.
Fishing gear trader that sold him the 10 fishing rod.
The 10 employees he directly employed.
The temple where he donated $500.
Traders sold him the mahjong set, table and chairs.
His 3 friends that now enjoy his company.

50 customers of fish trader who each bought 10 pounds of fish and each then bought other ingredient from other traders to cook delicious fish dish so that the whole family can have a healthy and enjoyable together time of lunch or dinner.
Fishing gear trader’s suppliers now have new order to make 10 fishing rods.
10 employee’s family who benefited with $ 50 for family expenses.
Temple devotees who can now have the place to pray for peace of mind and do more good.
Mahjong set, table and chair trader’s suppliers who now has new order to replenish the stock.
His 3 friends’ family who enjoy the money won from Halite Mahjong’s losing streak.
Halite now enjoying his 10 employee’s catches and can now sell more fish.
I called this a win- win decision as oppose to zero sum gain: Enriching others at the same time enriching own-self. A Must Do Activities. 利人利己,应为。Please give a thumbs up and round of applause to Halite.

2018-12-09 05:27


Zhuge_Liang Do not worry, karma will hit hard on him.
A liar deserved to lose in stock market.

Yeap, he admitted loss ard RM60m+ in JAKS, and maybe another RM10M+ to RM20M+ in Sendai later

2018-12-09 07:02


Great writeup sslee bro hehe

2018-12-09 07:52


Just a good stories to tell but without any risk consideration.

2018-12-09 10:25


SSLee,what are you doing in i3?Go write a book,be like what Halite said,walk your talk.hahaha.

2018-12-09 11:54


Indeed a good story teller,nothing else.

Bruce88 > Dec 9, 2018 10:25 AM | Report Abuse

Just a good stories to tell but without any risk consideration.

2018-12-09 11:55


Dear all,
Ability to tell good story is a god given gift as we human being in the only species in Planet Earth than can use our limitless mind’s imagination to invent things or write imaginary story that unite us in million or billion for better or for worse. Do you know Ms. Rowling worth how much for her Harry Potter series?

When I read a good story I have this urge to share it with people I care as I believe in sharing is caring. Here another story to share:

As of Bruce88’s question “Just a good story to tell but without any risk consideration.” and Apabagus’s question “walk your talk”

Dear Bruce88,
The risk consideration is as below:
Rule number 1. Avoid at all costs the pitfall set up by PLP king “You-Know-Who”
Rule number 2. Avoid “You-Know-Who” like a plague if you do not wants to “lao sai” for another one whole year in 2019
Rule number 3. To be great at stock investment do and think like “Alex™”
Rule number 4. Remember rule 1, 2 and 3.

Dear Apabagus,
I do walk the talk of “sure win decision” by holding in my portfolio INSAS share.
By FEB 2020 Major shareholder Dato’ Sri Thong had to make decision whether to convert his INSAS Warrant to mother share.
1. If he converted the warrant then he need to do MGO at price of RM1.00 + the warrant market share price at that time.
2. If he did not convert the warrant then one INSAS share is worth 600/630 of Inari share plus all the Bank Deposit, Listed share held for investment, INSAS Credit and Leasing, A&M security and all the other subsidiary companies of INSAS.

Newly appointed CEO Dato’ Wong is slowly accumulating INSAS share and have give an interim dividend of 2 cents FY2019.
DATO' WONG GIAN KUI 03-Dec-2018 Acquired 136,000 0.740

Thank you

2018-12-09 15:43


oh yeah, u right, CharlesT, i forgotten about Sendai. So his losses doesnt just stop at jaks.

2018-12-09 17:30


CharlesT, is his previous gains during his heydays enough to cover his losses

2018-12-09 17:31


y hollandking > Dec 9, 2018 05:31 PM | Report Abuse

CharlesT, is his previous gains during his heydays enough to cover his losses

u got a share meh?

2018-12-09 17:37


U really think i knew everything ah

2018-12-09 17:38


Sslee > Dec 9, 2018 03:43 PM | Report Abuse

Rule number 1. Avoid at all costs the pitfall set up by PLP king “You-Know-Who”
Rule number 2. Avoid “You-Know-Who” like a plague if you do not wants to “lao sai” for another one whole year in 2019

should I laugh or cry? lost every thing already? including your underwear?

2018-12-09 17:39


sslee...I never knew u are such a fan...too bad......

2018-12-09 17:40

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