Sslee blog


Publish date: Sat, 05 Oct 2019, 03:40 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

A comment I posted in Tun’s blog “”

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

With reference to below article, please allow me to response to the learned Professor what dignity are?

Quote, “KUALA LUMPUR: It is said that non-Malays are asking if Sunday’s Malay Dignity Congress is a regressive step in the multiracial, multireligious Malaysia. There are concerns about and even fear of the further strengthening of the so-called “Ketuanan Melayu” (Malay supremacy) narrative.

But the organisers are saying that the congress is a “response to challenges against Malays”. Professor Datuk Dr Zainal Kling, who heads the event’s secretariat, reportedly said there are many questions which not only belittle Malays but also question the Malays’ bumiputera rights, the position of the royalty as well as question Islam and cultural issues such as the national language.

“This is why we are organising the congress. Because all the questions have challenged Malay dignity so much so that they (Malays) do not only feel challenged but also played out, belittled and underestimated,” said Zainal at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur.

However, according to Malaysiakini, Zainal did not say who was doing the questioning. When contacted later, Zainal said he was referring to “certain non-Malays”, the news portal reported. Unquote”

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Articles 1 and 2

  1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
  2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.


: The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect

: A sense of pride in oneself; self-respect

Dignity is:  Don’t let others telling you that you need to depend on clutches and waste living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition and to be ambitious for the attainment of all that what you ought to be.

Dignity is: Don’t let others telling you that you need backdoor to enter public university.

Dignity is: Don’t let others telling you that your faith is so weak that seeing a cross will cause you to lose your faith.

Dignity is: Don’t let others fooling you that he is the champion of your race and religion and you had to pledge blind loyalty to him so that he can plunder the country with impunity.

Dignity is: Don’t let others fooling you that to be patriotic, you only need to learn in Bahasa Malaysia and study in national school but hypocritically they send their children to international school or study oversea, stay in oversea and help them to laundry their corrupt and dirty money.

Dignity is: Don’t let others fooling you only people of your race and religion are worthy of government even though they are pure incompetent, corrupt and dishonest, whereas competent, hardworking, honest, trustworthiness and dedicated people of other race or religions are second-class citizen.

Dignity is: Don’t let others fooling you that your race and religion are under siege, when they are the one playing race and religion card to seize control of your mind and manipulate your emotion so that they can remain/seize political power and enrich themselves and their cronies.

Dignity is: Don’t let yourself to become a boot-licker and sucking up to your boss and cover up his wrongdoing and unashamedly received 18 months year-end bonus or promotion.

Dignity is: Don’t dishonor your university reputation with cheap political publicity to suck up and please your political master.

Dignity is: Don’t undignified yourself when you can afford to buy house cost multi- million or afford to pay for your children oversea education but you still insist on bumiputra house discount or bumiputra scholarship.

So to the learned Professor, may I ask?

  1. Is it a serious concern that a race of people even need to discuss “dignity” when they have been subject to all sorts of positive reinforcement and affirmative action for over 48 years?
  2. Why are you not already honourable and/or respected? Is it because the political master hijacked all the affirmation actions to enrich themselves and their cronies but leave you with spoon-fed pride?
  3. Why it is always your side that goes on and on ad nauseam about non-Malays questioning Malays' bumiputera rights, the position of the royalty, the position of Islam and the position of Bahasa Malaysia, but I have yet to read any truthful research where this is actually the case?
  4. Can you ever have any dignity if you keep making fake stories about Malays, Islam and Malay royalty being threatened all the time?
  5. Can you ever have dignity if you keep treating others differently with your so called “Ketuanan Melayu” (Malay supremacy) narrative?
  6. Dignity only comes from within so tell me how to overcome this when caught red-handed for stealing they still smile and say “Malu Apa Bossku?

So please live a life with endeavour and purpose, contribute to society, being just and fair, take responsibility and pride with your work then dignity will naturally follow

Thank you

Yours truly,


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Malay congress to thwart Harapan’s succession plan
P Ramasamy | Published: Today 11:00 am

Tun was never supportive of New Malaysia, he is the grandmaster of political Tai-chi, only interested to harness the political strength of diverse groups for his own objectives.

Let's stay united and give unwavering support to leaders who work earnestly for a better future for all Malaysians.

2019-10-06 11:39


1. who is questioning the bumiputera rights?

2. who is belittling the Malays ?

3. who is questioning the position of the royalty?

4. who is questioning the Islam ?

5. who is questioning the national language ?

you talk cock lah......

"However, according to Malaysiakini, Zainal did not say who was doing the questioning. When contacted later, Zainal said he was referring to “certain non-Malays”, the news portal reported. Unquote”

2019-10-06 12:30


who make the malay feel they are more inferior than the Chinese ?

it is UMNO !!!!!!

2019-10-06 12:32


LOL. The Malays are afraid of the unseen and unknown. They are a victim of their own fear and exacerbated by the MAMAK KELING FROM KERALA. As long as, they are busy blaming other races, they will never progress. It is evident from majority of GLC failures despite conquering employment in private and public sectors.

They are not enterprising and blame the nons for their losses. They deploy various governmental agencies to suffocate non Malay businesses with all kinds of enforcement, certification, partnership and regulation. Even some educated Malays are hardcore racist. It is evident in their demeanour of fake smile and evasiveness. The nons, despite being severely discriminated, still survive.

2019-10-06 14:59


Do not bet on Anwar or any Malay for the matter. Simply put, Malays are untrustworthy.

2019-10-06 15:01


Dignity is what all school kids should learn - regardless of creed amd skin colours......

......the fact that it is a joke in bolehland

2019-10-06 16:39


The voters' HOPE manifesto was written not by plucking figures and facts from the sky... We had a laborious eight-month (period) of contestation of ideas on how to come about a manifesto that was pragmatic, practical and could be implemented. (Rais Hussin)

2019-10-06 16:42


Dignity is the opposite of disawowing the mandate given by the voters in general election - who voted in a new government on the basis of their manifesto.

People with dignity are ppl who practice 'Kerbau dipegang talinya, Manusia dipegang janjinya.

2019-10-06 16:48


Dignity is a joke when a student Union vice president outwit a univerity vice chancellor.

University Malaya Student Union vice president Yap Wen Qing has hit out at UM Vice-Chancellor Abdul Rahim Hashim (above) for making an allegedly racist statement at yesterday's Malay Dignity Congress
In a statement today, Yap called on Abdul Rashim to apologise to all Malaysians and resign because he had not solved problems at the UM campus.Yap alleged that at the Malay Dignity Congress, Abdul Rashim said the transition of power on May 9, 2018 (from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Harapan) had eliminated Malay political dominance while the privileges of the Malays was also being questioned.

2019-10-07 15:58


Dignity is a joke when a student Union vice president outwit a univerity vice chancellor.

2019-10-07 19:18

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