Sslee blog

Am I a Chinese Chauvinistic?

Publish date: Sun, 08 Dec 2019, 09:18 AM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Another comment I posted at Tun’s blog

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

Please allow me to response to @twinpeaks. First of all I am not a Chinese chauvinistic or arrogant, I am all ear for intelligent discourse. You are young and intelligent, a future Malaysia leader. I am impressed with your two hour late meeting with Datuk Pengarah especially; “quote, So, I went ballistic, nicely of course. In a low but firm voice, I gave them a tongue-lashing. They were all shocked! Can you believe this??? My sarcastic response suddenly registered into their minds of these bureaucrats, and the meeting ended up with a promise by the Ministry to look further into the idea that I had just pitched to them. The two other invited Ministries also promised to do the same. So, these Ministries can expect to hear from me again, soon!. Unquote”

May I ask if @mubarakchan will to make appointment with Datuk Pengarah for a presentation meeting do you think Datuk Pengarah will even consider fixing a meeting?

Again I did not disparaging Malaysian national education system but strongly criticize those who keep blaming Vernacular school as cause of disunity but give a freehand to politicians exploiting the INHERENT fear in the general Malay and Native populace with race-baiting. I can’t agree more with you; “quote, we are not short of smart people in the Bumiputera community. We actually KNOW what needs to done and improved. It is not for want of knowledge, but willingness and desire to improve the system. Unquote”

I had heard this intelligent discourse many times so what holding back the willingness and desire to improve our national education system when the whole Malaysia future generations are at risk?

As I said before, it is our culture to push our next generation to do better than the last. Be smarter. Be stronger. Be faster. Be more righteous. Be more pious. Be more innovative. Be more creative. Be richer. Be everything that you can be in this lifetime.

I am an engineering graduate from UM, I am thankful to my parents for their many scarified in order to put me through university education and grateful to BN Government for giving me a place in UM to read engineering. (My third brother was not so lucky even with 2A and 2B in STPM result he was offered his last choice of Science with Education). Today all my three children passed their SPM examination with flying color and score many A’s even in Bahasa Malaysia despite been educated in SJK(C). My children all choose to go for private tertiary education. My elder son is now robotic services engineer after graduated from Monash University Australia. My second son pharmacist after graduated from NUS Singapore and my daughter now doing her mass-communication study in University of Huddersfield UK. As parents we are proud of our children achievement and our hard earned money was worth spending to give the best education to our children.

So to my future Malaysian leaders, these are what I want for Malaysia and if what I want make me a Chinese chauvinistic so be it.

1. A truly mature democratic society where two truly capable parties competing with each other on merit and idea to govern this country.

2. A JUST and CARING society where his entire citizen will have the opportunity to truly realise his/her full potential. And the weaker one given assistant and support to at least able to live a decent life.

3. A truly confident and competitive society where we can take on the best of the best globally.

4. A religion practices in moderation that promote acquired all type of worthy knowledge that will enhance our value system and make Malaysia a moral, ethical, scientific and progressive society.

5. A psychologically liberated, secure, tolerant and developed society that truly embrace and celebrate our diversity where different ethnicity, religions and cultures live in peace and harmony with mutual understanding, respect and acceptance.

6. An open and color blind society where issues can be debate constructively on its merit and demerit without fear and favor or name-calling.

7. Lastly a government that is Clean, Honest, Responsible, Competent, Just and respecting our diverse multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual heritage.

Thank you

Yours truly,


3 people like this. Showing 10 of 10 comments


Yes. Certainly you are one of them. Hehe. Jom, balik tongsan.

2019-12-08 10:09


Please don't said fake..All religion are good. It is just that humans' sin and vulnerable...We need revival...

2019-12-08 12:03

Red Tulip

The most absurd concept that ever been invented is humanity's sin. An unknown couple disregarded a divine's commandment and another one elusive individual died for it. If we could grow up dismissing the Santa Claus's myth, why not this one?

2019-12-08 13:00


Dear all,
I believe strength in diversity and Malaysia should preserve our diverse multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual characteristics.

As I said before:
While the words patriotism and nationalism were once considered synonyms, they have taken on different connotations. While both are the feelings of love people feel for their country, the values upon which those feelings are based are very different.

Feelings of patriotism are based on the positive values the country embraces—like freedom, justice, and equality. The patriot believes that both the system of government and the people of their country are inherently good and work together for a better quality of life.

History had told us, Hitler openly proclaimed his racialism as nationalism in order to gain support/blind royalty/power with “you are either with me or against me (the nation)”, the poison indoctrinate of racialism as nationalism which lead Nazi to power and blinded the whole German Nation into world war II.

“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism,” Macron said. “Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying our interests first, who cares about the others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential: its moral values.”

Thank you

2019-12-08 13:04


putting Anwar as the 8 PM will still not change anything.maybe a Azmin a hetter choice

2019-12-08 13:44


Posted by PureBULL . > Dec 8, 2019 2:08 PM | Report Abuse

Dear Sslee,
So SOLI. am from boh.chet.tak uni. I don't read. I read just your heading.

Am v lousy student all my life, But finally I made it to MU engine, amongst just 80 chosen chinese in our great country n blessfully graduated among the top.

Welcome back Sifu PUREBULL


See if you can find some really good digital stocks?

2019-12-08 14:15


Internet of thing. 5G. Industrial automation. Electronics. Go for MI. Keep for 5 year

2019-12-08 14:49


Post removed.Why?

2019-12-08 14:57


Shouldn’t it be “Am I a Chinese Chauvinist ?”

2019-12-10 08:42


Good morning Icon8888. Heard of the story when drawing a snake add in the arms and legs then it become the Chinese dragon.

2019-12-10 09:18

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