Sslee blog

Food for thought 2020: Your choice of Cabinet Ministers

Publish date: Fri, 06 Mar 2020, 09:17 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

I intend to post below comment at Tun Mahathir’s blog later, anything you would like me to add on?

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,

In the leap year of 2020 where Malaysia is supposed to achieve Tun’s Vision 2020 of becoming a developed country in our own mould by overcoming the nine challenges for our beloved MALAYSIA;

  • Challenge 1: Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race).
  • Challenge 2: Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society.
  • Challenge 3: Fostering and developing a mature democratic society.
  • Challenge 4: Establishing a fully moral and ethical society.
  • Challenge 5: Establishing a matured liberal and tolerant society.
  • Challenge 6: Establishing a scientific and progressive society.
  • Challenge 7: Establishing a fully caring society.
  • Challenge 8: Ensuring an economically just society, in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation.
  • Challenge 9: Establishing a prosperous society with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.

Instead on 29th Feb 2020, a leap day in the leap year, we Malaysians witnessed the ugly Malaysian political frogs leaping from one party to another and trading their SD from allegiance to one leader to another, making SD looks like toilet paper and unashamedly misled our beloved Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah with misrepresentation resulting in a back-door PN Government.

In GE14 Malaysians from all walks of life had broken the Karma cycle or endless knots of interlinking of cause and effect that continues eternally by a Kleptocracy/corrupt BN government into a new PH government with hope for the beginning of a “New Malaysia”

Quote, “I never imagined that I would live to see this day. The day the Rakyat showed their wisdom in choosing a new government for the next five years, and registering so strongly, their disdain and rejection of corruption, poor governance and abuse of authority.

The multiracial Rakyat of Malaysia has rejected the politics of divisiveness, parochialism, and xenophobia. They have placed a premium on unity and togetherness.They have given the contract to manage Malaysia for the next five years to a new party called Pakatan Harapan.

Helmed by our remarkable Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I am confident that there will begin the process of righting the wrongs, and putting the nation back on the right track in the context of development, social cohesion, focus on the young generation and all that is needed to bring back Malaysia to its glory days, and more, including to rebuild our tarnished image and dignity, and proudly take our rightful place in the world's fraternity of nations” Unquote.

To be fair, PH took over a government with a reasonable good economy but a corruption-riddled administration with the ominous presence of the deep state mentality and opposition party’s (UMNO-PAS-MCA-MIC-GPS) hell-bend on toppling the PH government by hook or by crook.

For the past 21 months, PH started off well with council of Eminent Persons to kick start the “New Malaysia.”  Appointment of reformists to head: AG, EC, MACC, BNM, RMP, Judiciary and etc. Lopsided contracts were renegotiated to save billions for Malaysia, Corrupt Powerful Politicians were brought to the court, GST is abolished, stolen money from 1MDB were slowly recovered, things look promising until crack appear within PH government many U turns on futile attempt to fulfill PH election goodies the nation could ill afford, cancellation of big property development projects due to sensitivity of foreign ownership, delay/indecision on infrastructure projects dragging all construction material manufacturers, suppliers and contractors into huge losses, billing out of failed GLC with billions of tax payer moneys,  budget allocating of billions to unproductive agency and endeavor, picked fights with our big trading partners, increasing spending with more borrow money and fire sale our Khazanah National Assets as tax collection unable to cover the shortfall. This is suicidal and as a result our current national debt is in trillion, a history high for our nation and our Bursa is the worst performance in Asia

Malaysia’s stock market has not managed to shake off its poor performance as one of Asia’s worst-performing major stock market following Pakatan Harapan’s victory in the 14th general election last year. Bloomberg data also showed that the FBM KLCI Index’s 12-month forward earnings estimate fell more than 12 percent since GE14.

PH performance (penny wise pound foolish, policy U turn in half fulfilled ill afford election goodies, economic hardship, increase cost of living, graduate unemployment and etc) basically fallen short of the expectations of even its most realistic and loyal supporters. Worst of all are inter and intra political infighting inside and within PH component parties; coupled with the lack of urgency and unity to act decisively against racism and extremism which was openly instigated by the Opposition. PH failure and falling apart is inevitable.

UMNO-PAS hands of friendships to PPBM are never sincere. They are now using their ill-gotten political power into engineering the fall of PH PPBM led State Government by buying over the ugly political frogs and forming an UMNO or PAS led PN State Government. I am very sure sooner rather than later Si Kitol like Mohd Azmin and Mohd Redzuan will again backstabbing PPBM and sold out PPBM lock, stock and barrel to UMNO. The return of UMNO’s crooks, kleptocrats, the OKTs and the generally corrupt will once again dominate The Corridors of Power. I shed my tears for you my beloved Malaysia.

Will Tun Dr Mahathir leave us to a pack of wolves in sheep clothing and let us face this inevitable fate alone? Or will Tun make a comeback to save our beloved Malaysia again?

Every cloud has a silver lining or a blessing in disguise. If Tun makes a comeback with a revived PH2.0, then it priority should be getting our economic running again and it is my hope PH component parties will self-reflect on their weaknesses and strengthen their party base by getting rid of all the Si Kitol out of party and injecting in new-blood and principled party members (Rafizi Ramli, Nurul Izzah, Fahmi Fadzil, Wan Saiful, Zaid Ibrahim and etc) into party leadership and the government. PH also needs to admit that some of their current top leaders lack the caliber to be Cabinet Ministers hence the needs for apolitical technocrats to be made senators and appointed to Cabinet Ministers.

I hope to see a day where important Cabinet Minister post is given to outstanding and exceptional Malaysian and I envision as follows;

  1. Finance Minister: Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz
  2. Education Minister: Dr Sharifah Munirah Alatas
  3. Economic Minister: Professor Jomo Kwame Sundaram
  4. International Trade and Industry: Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican
  5. Defend Minister: Brig- Jen (Rtd) Datuk Mohd Arshad

Political fighters like LGE and Mat Sabu should only hold Minister in PM’s office so that they can participate in Cabinet Minister meeting and be part of collective government decision maker.

Thank you

Yours truly,


PS: Malaysia biggest problem lies with our political party system where political elites, political warlord, chauvinist politicians using money politics, political string and blatant chauvinism to win over grassroots support and climb the political party hierarchy. Once they are in position of power they succumb to the corruption tendency of power as corrupt money is needed to feed their grass-root supporters.

It is my hope that political party leader will have their foresight in fielding outstanding and exceptional Malaysian from NGO or Social Activists as their MP candidates in GE15.

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Datuk Seri Rick Walker

To be fair, PH took over a government with a crippled economy and a corruption-riddled administration with the ominous presence of the deep state mentality and opposition party’s (UMNO-PAS-MCA-MIC) hell-bend on toppling the PH government by hook or by crook.

Answer : No, when Pakatan took over, our economy was solid! Our fiscal policies were impeccable! In short, A plus fundamentals! No, don't quote me, even IMF and World Bank were singing praises!
In only 2 years, Pakatan has destroyed our economy! Compounded further by Mahathir habit of making enemies with others! India stop buying palm oil from us! The bigges palm oil buyer!
Yes, problem with BN was the overwhelming abuse of power! Leakage was so bad, we are looking at billion of losses from each ministry! Yeah, i was glad BN was defeated! But has corruption and abuse of power drastically decrease during Pakatan! No, it was even as worse! National assets were sold at a song!

2020-03-07 09:43


same bed different dreams.....

2020-03-07 10:22


even in i3 u got people like walker...... how to solve?

2020-03-07 10:24


Malaysia will always be dictatorial.... only good dictator or bad dictator

2020-03-07 10:25


politics won, principles lost.... in just 4 simple words, Mahathir summarised the whole thing.

2020-03-07 10:36


cash is king.... 3 simple words but accurately describe the Najib regime... again from Mahathir

2020-03-07 10:38


ideology Vs practical man.... practical man will win every time

2020-03-07 10:42


Dear Tan Sri,
Your comment noted with thanks and will amend as below:

To be fair, PH took over a government with a reasonable good economy but a corruption-riddled administration with the ominous presence of the deep state mentality and opposition party’s (UMNO-PAS-MCA-MIC-GPS) hell-bend on toppling the PH government by hook or by crook.

For the past 21 months, PH had tried hard in plugging leakage with time consuming contracts renegotiation, fulfilling PH election goodies our nation can ill afford, spending billions in billing out failed government GLC, allocating billions in budget to unproductive agency and endeavor, cancelling big item projects because of sensitivity to foreign ownership, picked fights with our big trading nations, increasing spending with more borrow money as tax collection unable to cover the short fall. This is suicidal and as a result our current national debt is in trillion a history high for our nation and our Bursa is the worst performance in ASEAN.

PH performance basically fallen short of the expectations of even its most realistic and loyal supporters. Worst of all are inter and intra political infighting inside and within PH component parties; coupled with the lack of urgency and unity to act decisively against racism and extremism which was openly instigated by the Opposition. PH failure and falling apart is inevitable.

2020-03-07 11:37


Malay unity govt can be achieved by bersatu running back to PH and forming a govt comprising of;

1. Muhiddin- PM
2. Anwar- DPM
3. Mahathir- Senior Minister PM dept
4. Rafizi/zeti- Finance Minister
5. Mat sabu- Internal Minister
6. Nurul Anwar- Education Minister

Dap should not accept any cabinet post but should be a back benchers govt pro party in charge of ombudsmen appointment and parliament reformed so that can keep all malay unity govt in check for the benefit of all malaysian loh....!!

A president council comprising all the supporting parties like bersatu, pkr, amanah, dap and warisan should be appointed to oversee and balance the power of PM so that we will never fall back to dictator regime loh...!! This president council should be headed by shafie abdal of warisan loh....!! The President council will oversee the appointment of the quality of cabinet minister loh...!!

This all malay cabinet team plus Daps as umpire should serve well for malaysia until next general election loh...!!

With Muhiddin run back & anwar as DPM that will reinforce PH & bring back confidence loh...!!

They should be a racial & religous harmony law and anti hopping law loh...!!

Sosma will be abolished loh....!!

MA63 will be honored but the monetary payout to sabah & Sarawak will be incremental increase over 8 years until it achieve target loh...!!

2020-03-07 11:41

Datuk Seri Rick Walker

SsLee! Most of the re negotiated mega projects are bad! Instead of better deals, Pakatan made lousy ones with more cost added! Even PLUS highway was a disaster deal for EPF and Khazanah!
It's hard for Pakatan to convince us again that they are better alternative, they are not! They have to accept the self inflicted wounds! Don't blame anyone outside of Pakatan!

2020-03-07 12:41

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