Sslee blog

Questions for the Gkent 69th AGM on 29th July 2020.

Publish date: Thu, 02 Jul 2020, 10:36 PM
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Dear Gkent IR

Please forward my questions to the Gkent BOD for the coming AGM in advance so that BODs have time to prepare the answers.

 Referred: Gkent Annual Report for Financial year Ended 31 January 2020

A.    Engineering

Tanjung Karang Hospital (Page: 14)

The group in October 2016 won through a competitive tender the award to design and build a hospital in Tanjung Karang, Selangor. Construction progress had surpassed 62%

Hospital Endokrin Putrajaya (Page: 14)

In December 2016, the group won through a competitive tender the award to design and build the 220-bed Hospital in Hospital Endokrin Putrajaya in Precint 7 of the national administration centre. The project has surpassed 76.5% completion.

Q1. It has already been more than 3.5 years since contracts awarded in Oct and Dec 2016. Are both projects on schedule? When will be the contractual handover date? And contractual delay hand-over LAD claim date?

Q2. What are the balance revenue and cost for these two hospital projects? 

Light Rail transit Ampang Line Extension (LRT2) Page: 13

Having received the certificate of Practical Completion on 7 may 2017, Our LRT2 team is now engaged in additional work for the Project. The team is concluding the final account for the project

Q3: When will be the date of concluding the final account for the project and the balance revenue and cost for this project?

 Light Rail Transit Line 3 (LRT3) Page: 14 and 145

The group continued to execute the LRT3 project, the contract for which was signed by our joint-venture company MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd (50% equity) on 25 January 2019 for RM11.4 billion.

Year 2019: Revenue RM 1,510,080,000: Profit for the year: RM 26,810,000: Profit Margin: 1.77%

Year 2020: Revenue RM 526,210,000: Profit for the year: RM 548,000: Profit Margin: 0.10%


KUALA LUMPUR, 22 February – The LRT Line 3 (LRT3) project, which has been a subject of huge debate in mid-2018, is firmly back on track as it marks a major milestone today with the signing of the Novation Agreement for LRT3

Signed between Prasarana Malaysia Berhad (Prasarana), MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd (MRCBGK) and nine Work Package Contractors (WPCs) at Prasarana’s corporate office in Bangsar here, the novation agreement is pursuant to the Fixed Price Contract that was signed between Prasarana and MRCB-GK on January 25. 

The Novation Agreement will allow the WPCs to migrate from the previous Project Delivery Partner (PDP) regime to the current Fixed Price Contract regime where MRCBGK is now the turnkey contractor while Prasarana takes the role as employer for the project

The nine companies signing the agreement today are infrastructure WPCs. They are

  • Mudajaya Corporation Sdn Bhd
  • WCT Construction Sdn Bhd
  • Gabungan Strategik Sdn Bhd
  • APEX Communications Sdn Bhd
  • Rahimkon Sdn Bhd
  • Sunway Construction Sdn Bhd
  • Pembinaan Jaya Zira Sdn Bhd
  • SN Akmida
  • Trans Resources Corporation (TRC) Sdn Bhd

Connecting Bandar Utama to Johan Setia in Klang, the completion date for the project under the new agreement is set for 28 February 2024

Q4. Is MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd financial end from 31 Jan to 31 Jan?  Will the Board kindly explain Year 2020 Revenue only RM 526,210,000 and super thin profit margin of 0.10%?

Q5. The completion date for the project agreement is 28th Feb 2024. Will the Board kindly share with us the MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd Revenue and Profit projection for year 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025?

Q6. Recently IBs raised concerns on Gkent rapidly thinning of construction order-book and no new contracts won. May I respectfully ask what is Gkent’s current tender-book and expected order-book replenishment?

B.    Meter (page: 15)

Our proprietary automated meter reading (AMR) solution is being put to the test through proof-of-concepts and pilot projects on the ground. The Selangor water authority had in September 2019 contracted the group to participate in a six-month pilot test. This pilot project, entailing the supply, delivery and installation of 5,540 water meters fitted with AMR solution, is central to the commercialization of our solution.

The Group also continues to take part in tenders under the non-revenue water initiative of Malaysia’s water meter replacement programme. This should accelerate local water meter sales.

Q7. What is the status of this six-month pilot test?

Q8. To-date the group had tendered in total how much RM worth of Malaysia’s water meter replacement programme and the successful rate?

C.    Investment holding and management company (Page: 68)

Comprise interest income, foreign exchange gain/loss and dividend income from investments in quoted securities.

Q9: What are the assets employed, revenue generated and profit/loss from this principal activity?

D.    Future prospect (page: 16)

The Group continues to pursue inorganic growth opportunities. We will further accelerate growth by substantially increasing our investments in water metering and rail projects through M&As and strategic partnerships. The group will also seek complementary business outside these fields and continue to participate in upcoming tenders.

Q10:  Can the BOD present more detail on the above:  M&As, Strategic Partnership, Complementary Business and upcoming tenders participate?

E.    General


George Kent Malaysia has suspended dividend payments to preserve cash.

Referred chairman’s statement for Annual report financial end 31 Jan 2019 (Page: 9)

Your Company believes in rewarding the enduring commitment of our valued shareholders. It has been our practice to pay our valued shareholders. It has been our practice to pay dividends thrice yearly since our financial year ended 31 January 2014.


Referred chairman’s statement for Annual report financial end 31 Jan 2020 (Page: 10)

Our balance sheet is healthy with a net cash position of RM 176.1 million. Return on equity stood at 8.4%, whilst our debt-to-equity ratio registered at 13.3%. Return on assets was 5.6%.

Your Company has paid two dividends totaling RM 13.44 million (FY2019: RM38.07 million) for the year under review. In view of the current uncertain business environment, your Board of Directors does not propose paying a further dividend.

Q11: Why only two dividends totaling RM 13.44million for the year under review? Will the BOD propose paying dividends for the financial end 31 Jan 2021?

Q12: I believe in paying dividend over shares buy-back for the reason that shareholders were given the choice to either use the dividend received to buy more Gkent or sell their shares after receiving the dividend. These will ride Gkent off short term investors and strengthen the Gkent price in long term. What is the Board opinion?

Q13. Refer (Page: 55) my appreciation to the Remuneration committee in reducing directors remuneration from RM 7,018,000 (2019) to RM 6,742,000 (2020). May I suggest, Directors use their Directors’ remuneration and dividend received to buy more Gkent shares from the open market? Insiders buying will always have a positive effect and build confidence in the share price.

Q14. May I suggest, BOD consider distributing treasury shares to shareholders as “shares dividend”?

Q15. Will Management publish the answers to my questions in Gkent website as AGM minutes or email the answers back to me? 

Referred: Gkent website

Q16: Why AGM 2018 - 67th AGM Minutes Summary available for download at the website but AGM 2019 – 68th AGM minutes was missing from the website?

 Thank you

Best Regards

Lee Soon Sheng

1 person likes this. Showing 36 of 36 comments

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Q1. It already more than 3.5 years since contracts awarded in Oct and Dec 2016. When will be the completion date for these two hospitals?
LoA was a 48 month contract as per tender requirements, please read the open tender documentation.

2020-07-03 14:16


are they able to get the new contracts for the next 10 years...

2020-07-03 14:20


if not i will not buy

2020-07-03 14:20


or can they make 5 to 10 times profit in next 2 years from this contract?

2020-07-03 14:21


if not i will not buy also

2020-07-03 14:22

Philip ( buy what you understand)

These are very insulting and challenging questions that is designed to incite argumentation. May I suggest a rephrase?

Q6. May I respectfully ask what is management current tenderbook and orderbook replenishment?
Q7. Directors remuneration is RM7 million for 2019, and total profit after tax to group is 41 million. Share purchase agreement of 10% from open market. May we propose remuneration conversion to share purchase agreement or reduction of remuneration to preserve cash?


Q6. For year many IBs recommended a screaming sell on Gkent due to rapidly thinning of construction order book due to no new contracts won. How is management going to rectify this rapidly thinning construction order book?

Q12. I prefer insider (Directors) to load up Gkent shares from open market rather than Share buy-back. If not mistaken the last time insider purchase is on 18th May 2018 by Dato’ Paduka (Dr.) Ir Hj Keizrul Bin Abdullah. May I know why insider not buying Gkent? May I suggest, Directors use the Directors’ fees and dividend received to buy more Gkent shares from open market?

2020-07-03 14:29


philip i missed u

2020-07-03 14:29

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Q1- Q3 very good questions.

2020-07-03 14:31

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Q4 is something called Pakatan harapan renegotiation.

2020-07-03 14:32


now i very scare next year will lose like shit n then missing fm i3

2020-07-03 15:07

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Q5 is simple answer. NO, as this is not pertinent to minority shareholder. This information is for board of directors that direct the company on your behalf as a shareholder. If you wish to micromanage everything, then it is to your benefit to take a BOD position in the company by virtue of ownership.

2020-07-03 15:07

Philip ( buy what you understand)

The simple answer is: Why? It is to the benefit and approved during last year AGM to issue 10% SBB in the open market.

FYI, how can we trust "shareholders" to act on behalf of the company and buy more gkent shares from open market instead of running away the moment they receive dividends? If the answer is you dont know, it is to the benefit of the company to do agreed upon SBB on behalf of the company.


Q11: Why only two dividends totaling RM 13.44million for the year under review? Will the BOD propose paying dividend for financial end 31 Jan 2021? May I suggest, stop the Shares Buy-Back and use the cash to pay dividend so that shareholders can use the dividend received to buy more Gkent shares from open market?

2020-07-03 15:11

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Posted by CharlesT > Jul 3, 2020 3:07 PM | Report Abuse

now i very scare next year will lose like shit n then missing fm i3

Why you scare next year you will lose like shit and then missing from i3?

So fast trying to escape from bak kut teh lunch? oh no tut tut tut. Lucky glove speculation continue, you were missing from i3 for a while already. now back to your cocky style, so funny.

2020-07-03 15:20


Philips curse....

after u make big fast money then u will lose badly next year...


2020-07-03 15:21


sort of urban legend in I3....

2020-07-03 15:22


Philip LRT3 profit margin of 10% now 2020 only show 0.1%.

2020-07-03 16:06


so can buy or not...better than glove co ah

2020-07-03 16:20


CharlesT so happy his new love Supermax at new high and philip's ex-love Topglove also at new high

2020-07-03 16:30

Philip ( buy what you understand)

That's not how construction works.

This is like you doing clearing of 1000 hectares in Indonesia for Palm oil plantation and commenting that the first year your profit margin is zero and the plantation is losing money. If this is your frame of mind it is very difficult to invest in mega projects.

Relax and look at the total picture.

You are basing on 2 billion progress claim to say that the company is not doing well?

If using that mental model, a new plantation with investor money and zero income from Palm oil that venture into Indonesia, spend millions to clear land, build refinery and plant Palm oil, the first 20% progress losing money the whole project is bad?


Come on. What are you trying to prove here?


Posted by Sslee > Jul 3, 2020 4:06 PM | Report Abuse

Philip LRT3 profit margin of 10% now 2020 only show 0.1%.

2020-07-03 17:46


Dear Philip,
Thank you very much for enlighten me that a renegotiated revised LRT3 contract from PDP to fixed price contract and signed by MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd on 25 January 2019 for RM11.4 billion is like clearing 1,000 hectares in Indonesia for palm oil plantation.

Should I congratulate MRCB George Kent management team for year 2020: Revenue of RM 526,210,000 and profit for the year RM 548,000?

2020-07-03 18:31

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Well it depends if you want to be a short term trader or long term investor?

Since you seem to want to earn money every quarter from your investment, you don't seem suited for analyzing long term investing.

Why don't you join CharlesT in investing in glove stocks instead?

Instead of congratulating or asking funny questions. Perhaps you can ask yourself:

How much was the returns of your oil palm plantation in year one versus year ten? Is it a straight line how much you put in, the percentage is your profit?

If you still seek to argue and belabor this point, then I will stop replying here as you do not understand construction industry at all.

2020-07-03 18:54


Dear Philip,
My apology, you are right I am totally do not understand the LRT3 contracts. I have only this for reference:
KUALA LUMPUR, 22 February – The LRT Line 3 (LRT3) project, which has been a subject of huge debate in mid-2018, is firmly back on track as it marks a major milestone today with the signing of the Novation Agreement for LRT3
Signed between Prasarana Malaysia Berhad (Prasarana), MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd (MRCBGK) and nine Work Package Contractors (WPCs) at Prasarana’s corporate office in Bangsar here, the novation agreement is pursuant to the Fixed Price Contract that was signed between Prasarana and MRCB-GK on January 25.

The Novation Agreement will allow the WPCs to migrate from the previous Project Delivery Partner (PDP) regime to the current Fixed Price Contract regime where MRCBGK is now the turnkey contractor while Prasarana takes the role as employer for the project

The nine companies signing the agreement today are infrastructure WPCs. They are
• Mudajaya Corporation Sdn Bhd
• WCT Construction Sdn Bhd
• Gabungan Strategik Sdn Bhd
• APEX Communications Sdn Bhd
• Rahimkon Sdn Bhd
• Sunway Construction Sdn Bhd
• Pembinaan Jaya Zira Sdn Bhd
• SN Akmida
• Trans Resources Corporation (TRC) Sdn Bhd
Connecting Bandar Utama to Johan Setia in Klang, the completion date for the project under the new agreement is set for 28 February 2024

Previously you wrote in your blog:
On 25 January 2019, MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd ("JV Co") signed the biggest turnkey contract the new Government has issued at RM11.8 billion. The JV Co has the necessary experience to deliver the project as both JV partners have actively participated in past rail projects in the country.
I'm assuming with the new contractuals from PDP to FPC we are looking at higher net profit for the cost absorbtion. assuming instead of 6%, they are going for 10% net margins, we are looking for around 1.18 billion net profit to be split between MRCB and GKENT. If GKENT performs and completes on time, this result will give GKENT 600 million in new earnings over the ensuing years, the entire market cap right now.

So with year 2020: Revenue of RM 526,210,000 and profit for the year RM 548,000. How this revenue & profit come about and yours assuming instead of 6%, they are going for 10% net margins still valid?

Teach me how to rephrase the question in order to understand the FPC contract and the expected profit.

2020-07-03 20:49


Dear all,
Already amend some of the questions base on Philip's input comments.

2020-07-04 10:36


Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > Jul 3, 2020 6:54 PM | Report Abuse

Well it depends if you want to be a short term trader or long term investor?

Since you seem to want to earn money every quarter from your investment, you don't seem suited for analyzing long term investing.

Why don't you join CharlesT in investing in glove stocks instead?

investing in glove stocks??

not too long ago maybe just 2 weeks ago the same old Philip said whoever is speculating or gambling in overvalued glove stocks will likely burnt n missing fm I3 soon when the pump n dump is over....(the famous n scary Philip's Curse in I3 where Icon8888 is the first victim....)

2020-07-04 10:46


Haha charlesT,
You are confuse is OK but I listen to him and never bought any glove stocks during price correction
So now after new high he ask me to follow you and buy glove stock.
Should I listen to him?

2020-07-04 10:50


SSlee have u ever make money fm any stocks...just out of my curiosity...

u seems always in the wrong stocks..ever since from Xinquan few years ago

2020-07-04 10:51


come join us to pay rm1K to Otb...Scheme cepat kaya

2020-07-04 10:53


after xinquan, KYY joined him n he is a now happy oldman eating pineapples everyday..totally forgot abt his RM30M+ loss in Xinquan

2020-07-04 10:58


Haha charlesT,
Last year I make some from trading O&G stocks. Insas still my biggest holding still book loss. I still holding cash and hope to buy some gaming and bank stocks at end of year.

2020-07-04 11:06


Don waste time mah...!!

Have conviction buy more insas lah...!!

Posted by Sslee > Jul 4, 2020 11:06 AM | Report Abuse

Haha charlesT,
Last year I make some from trading O&G stocks. Insas still my biggest holding still book loss. I still holding cash and hope to buy some gaming and bank stocks at end of year.

2020-07-04 12:19


If i cannot find any year end discount sales on gaming and bank stocks I will accumulate more Insas.

Insas is now taking some profit on Inari to build even a bigger cash hoard for investment opportunities.

Buying Insas now should be a very save bet of paying X price for 3X worth of investment.

Philip will fault me in promoting Insas again.

2020-07-04 12:50


Forget about sohai Philip, he will never agree to your investment method mah.....!!

Posted by Sslee > Jul 4, 2020 12:50 PM | Report Abuse

If i cannot find any year end discount sales on gaming and bank stocks I will accumulate more Insas.

Insas is now taking some profit on Inari to build even a bigger cash hoard for investment opportunities.

Buying Insas now should be a very save bet of paying X price for 3X worth of investment.

Philip will fault me in promoting Insas again.

2020-07-04 12:52


Post removed.Why?

2020-07-05 10:27

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Yaa.... should listen to stockraider

He promised 2019 after Chinese New Year:
1. Insas will be RM1.
2. Sapura will be Rm3 after 3 years and 3 months.
3. Henyuan will be worth RM25.
4. Insas warrants will fly to the moon

Don't know which is the real sohai here:


Posted by stockraider > Jul 4, 2020 12:52 PM | Report Abuse

Forget about sohai Philip, he will never agree to your investment method mah.....!!

2020-07-05 10:36


Insas closed at 0.905 on 24/1/2020 on the eve of CNY. So General Raider missed the TP by 10%.

At 0.905 I would had earned book gain of 90K

2020-07-05 12:49





Posted by Sslee > Jul 5, 2020 12:49 PM | Report Abuse

Insas closed at 0.905 on 24/1/2020 on the eve of CNY. So General Raider missed the TP by 10%.

At 0.905 I would had earned book gain of 90K

2020-07-05 12:55

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