Sslee blog

What i3 stand for? Is Calvintaneng your friend or foe?

Publish date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021, 01:04 PM
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This is my blog
Dear all,
I3 stand for: Independent, Intelligent and informed
Independent mean i3 welcome people from different backgrounds, culture, experience, age group to contribute their unique opinion, philosophy, strategy and information to i3 with their comment and blog.
Intelligent and informed mean everyone is welcome to read the comment or blog and make their own intelligent and informed decision.
As a safeguard against abuse i3 admin will monitor the blog and readers are given the power to report abuse which can result in red flag (comment removed) and suspension of commentator or author.
I hardly report any abuse unless I felt the comment is racial ranting or disrespectful for other religion as I always welcome different in opinion and the more the different in opinions the better. But lately I am saddened that some commentators are ganging up to silent different in opinions and to keep some commentator/author suspend from posting in i3.
Society can only advance if we allowed different of opinion to flourish and encourage debate of any topics under the sun because by debating we sharpen our mind, broaden our view and learn to respect other people opinion and agree to disagree.
I always read all the investment articles published in i3 with a pinch of salt and do my own due diligent before invest in any so called “chun-chun” call. You can always find many faults with Calvintaneng’s investment articles as I regard his article as limitless stretching of imagination and story-telling but his articles are colorful unlike some other self-righteous “sifu” one dimensional view and insist that the only way to success is to invest long term in companies that can make stable, predictable and consistence revenue and earnings growth year after year disregard those stocks PE already very high.
I once wrote an article: A satire glimpse into I3investment Bloggers Day 2024 and feature Calvintaneng as one of the speaker:
A born again Christian preacher from Singapore and a know devil’s advocate in I3investor forum.
Like an Eagle soaring high in the air and can effortlessly zoom in to catch his prey at the bottom of a receding tide.
A prolific writer of:  “Calvin Tan Research Chun-Chun call” in his I3invester blog with over thousand articles and hundred over Chun-Chun call.
His Topic: Bjcorp my XXX Chun-Chun call at new high of RM2.50. Lesson learned and my next Chun-Chun call YYY
I did not realize that his account had been suspended temporarily. I am looking forward to read his blog article again as he had taught me there are many ways to invest: One Up on Wall Street’: Peter Lynch’s 6 Categories of Stocks
I need to say his call on Netx is a terrible misjudgment on his part but he had contributed much more than those who criticize him no end. And worst of all it had attracted some self righteousness unscrupulous people to self appointed themselves as vigilante to label others as conman.
For me what I would like to see in i3 is for those who wrote stocks recommendation should at least attend AGM with their prepared questions to verify with the Board the fact and figure they cited on their article and hold the Board accountable and responsible:
In Malaysia I am very sad that some of the CEO of public companies are self serving in dipping their hand into the cookies jar, treating the company as their own private piggy bank and their priority is Me first, Me second and Me third.
Nothing destroy the share value of the company faster than a self serving or a conman CEO and many people lose his/her life saving and some even commit suicide because of insider con job/scam. The conman/scammer get away with murder because good man do nothing until when the victim is his own family member or close friends then only they regret not doing something to stop or expose the scam.
We as minority shareholders are perfectly capable and able to stop it before it happen if we just care to attend AGM ask the hard questions and hold the BOD and external auditor accountable. Follow up and report any irregularities/red flags to SC/Bursa.
Ever since Bursa Senior Vice President, Corporate Surveillance & Governance was attacked by hired attacker with acid many things had changed for safety purpose with unintended consequence of Bursa and SC officers are keeping a distant and become unapproachable. I had learned to walk away and end my compliant to Aduan SC/Bursa with parting shoot: I am no more a shareholder and it is now up to Bursa/SC to do what is the best/right thing to protect minority shareholders interest. (In real life bad people sometime do win)
At my age of 60 year, a senior citizen the best advice from leno and i3lurker is to walk away from bad company, bad people and all those spammer/troll even though you are still young at heart, capable of exchanging blow for blow all day long with the spammer/troll in i3 as you do not need to stoop to their level with idiotic exchange and nothing good can come out from the unproductive exchange.
For those who fall asleep in front of TV like me, below some unsolicited suggestions for senior citizens:
*Unsolicited Suggestions For*
*S E N I O R    C I T I Z E N S*
▪When you get old, never teach anyone anything, unless requested, even if you are sure you are right. 
▪Do not try to help unless asked for. Just be ready & available for it if possible.
▪Do not give unsolicited opinion all the time.
▪Do not expect everyone to follow your opinion, even though you feel your opinion was the best...
▪Don't impose yourself on anyone on any subject. 
▪Don't try to protect your loved ones from all the misfortunes of the World. Just love them & pray for them.
▪Don't complain about your health, your neighbours, your retirement, and your woes all the time.
▪Don't expect gratitude from children. 
▪There are no ungrateful children, there are only stupid parents, who expect gratitude from their children. 
▪Don't waste your last money on anti - age treatments. It's useless.
▪Better spend it on a trip. It's always worth it.
▪Take care of your spouse, even if he/she becomes a wrinkled, helpless and moody old person. Don't forget he/she was once young, good looking and cheerful, may be he/she is the only one who really needs you right now.
▪Understand new technologies, obsessively follow the News, constantly study something new, a new skill, a new dish, a new indoor game, and do not fall behind in time. 
▪Don't blame yourself for whatever happened to your life or to your children's lives, you did everything you could.
▪Preserve your dignity and integrity in any situation till the end. 
▪Do your best, my senior Peers. This is very important. Remember, if you're still alive, someone needs you. Do your best and leave the rest to The Almighty.
▪I guess some friends are already following these tips. 
*All the Best*
Thank you
PS: I pray for the safety, health and wellness of old friend Icon8888. Old is gold.
9 people like this. Showing 50 of 314 comments


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2021-03-03 07:56


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2021-03-03 07:58


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2021-03-03 07:59


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2021-03-03 08:01


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2021-03-03 08:04


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2021-03-03 08:07


My top 4:

2021-03-03 08:58


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2021-03-03 09:01


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2021-03-03 12:57


"The pot calling the kettle black" when both know very well Netx and Lambo are pump and dump goreng penny stocks.

I welcome everyone to talk down Insas price and even welcome i3lurker to short to 50 cents so that I can collect cheaply but I rebutted Philip unfound allegation of Insas gaming the account when he not even read the account nor attend the AGM nor ask questions to the Board for clarification nor know the CEO.

2021-03-03 13:19


Now the goreng all over liao, of course, I also dont care whoever talk down any shares. The time where U could make fast n easy money was at the 2nd to 3rd qr last yr, all lousy stocks with a slight promotion can run many time.

If not bec of my limited fund stuck at Lambo not moving, I would not have missed MQtech at 4.5 cts, the beginning of run up bec my broker required me to buy cash up front due to they had their maximum holding numbers.

Later it went up to above 50 cts, that is more than 10X, just buying 200K shares with 9K, I would be able to make almost 100K. This is just 1 of the example, there were many more.

2021-03-03 17:14


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2021-03-03 17:16


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2021-03-03 17:23


MQ Tech
Market Cap: 95 Million
NOSH: 731 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks): 19,538,250
4 Weeks Range: 0.09 - 0.15
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%): 66.67%
52 Weeks Range: 0.01 - 0.305
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%): 40.68%

2021-03-03 17:24


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2021-03-03 17:28


Dealing with money is very stressful, that liar dragonslayer turn into snake making havoc from the beginning of last yr. I ignored him also but could not stand anymore looking at what I missed bec of him, I started to retort n my posts all deleted.

The only mistake I made was I allowed this rascal to bark n delete our posts too long, should have reported to Admin from the beginning. We have to treat the animal the way the treat us, being kind to your enemy is being cruel to yourself. Only the victims will understand why we wont forgive that snake.

2021-03-03 17:28


If you like penny stocks maybe you can look into:

2021-03-03 17:30


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2021-03-03 17:33


It doesnt matter the exact upper price, I think I quoted the wrong counter, the concept is, if there were no interferences, we can used the money repeatedly from 1 counter to another. Most of those play up stocks were accumulated by MM, so my banker designated those shares, without cash U cant buy. I missed a lot of them due to this reason.

2021-03-03 17:47


I bought Ucrest at 4 cts 2 yrs ago, it shot up to above 50 cts, they were making money then but now they lost. This is not the time to collect penny stocks anytime market crash will bring it lower.

This kind of counters are for goreng, once their goreng seasons over liao, it would be very risky, just look at how keyasic went up to 17 cts lately now drop back to 10.5 cts. Anzo from 10 cts 2 days ago drop to 7 cts, that y I said goreng time over liao n that shit snake caused us to miss the golden opportunity to make money fast...

Posted by Sslee > Mar 3, 2021 5:30 PM | Report Abuse

If you like penny stocks maybe you can look into:

2021-03-03 17:58


Get ready the money to buy INSAS-WC when listed on 5th March if there are panic selling.

2021-03-03 18:57


those who follow calvin con gang buy into plantation stocks going holland now, where to ask for compensation? LOL

2021-03-03 21:45


Dont catch the falling knife, u never know how low they are going to fall.

Posted by Sslee > Mar 3, 2021 6:57 PM | Report Abuse

Get ready the money to buy INSAS-WC when listed on 5th March if there are panic selling.

2021-03-03 21:55


The important thing is not whether catching falling knife or chase high but buy what you know.

2021-03-03 22:04


No, the most important thing is to buy what can go up, chase high will be stuck for a long time that's risky. I need capital to run around, now t2 not easy to play contra..

2021-03-03 22:10


I got a lot of friends play share market.
Every single one of them try to teach me.

Luckily they are very honest friend.
They told me sincerely that they lost a lot of money.

I told them, i make a lot of money, aren't they suppose to learn from me.

They tell me, this is share market.
Loser cannot learn, only can teach.
Do not ask why, it is a nature law.

So, i stop trying to teach them.
I also thank them for telling me this.
It save me a lot of time and energy.

Now, leno come here for fun.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH ... this is a true story.
Wish everyone all the best.

2021-03-03 22:44


when u are in share market to punt,
then punt, don't lie to self that u are investing.

We see ppl buy 4D ... they also call it investing.
Invest RM 2, can earn RM 2,000
But it is really investing ?

They know it is not investing, but calling it punting or gambling sound not very nice.

But when u keep saying gambling is investing so many time, u will start to believe your own lies. There is no getting out from it until something bad happens.

But, what else can we do ?
Wake up also painful.
Keep dreaming also painful.

Better wake up and go find other useful hobbies.
That is my humbly advise.

2021-03-03 22:57


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2021-03-04 07:43


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2021-03-04 07:46


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2021-03-04 07:48


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2021-03-04 07:50


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2021-03-04 07:52


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2021-03-04 07:56


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2021-03-04 07:58


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2021-03-04 08:02


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2021-03-04 08:57


Very funny the question he should ask himself is why not buy INSAS now when it is a fact Insas still hold 545 million Inari at the listing cost and what is the Inari shares price now?

2021-03-04 09:15


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2021-03-04 17:27


My tukang tilik sifu says Insas upside powerful above Rm 1.00 by march end.

My Senior analyst estimates Insas fundamental worth above Rm 2.75 mah!

My 009 investigators found out hidden reserves of Insas excluding Inari comprises mainly properties & investment value is more than Rm 700m, giving insas another Rm 1.00 gain besides NTA Rm 2.75 & inari mark to market gain of another Rm 1.75.

Thus Insas intrinsic value can reached something like Rm 2.75 + Rm 1.75 + Rm 1.00 totalling = Rm 5.50 loh...!!

U buy insas for Rm 0.915 v Rm 5.50 intrinsic value is a real steal mah...!!

2021-03-04 18:48


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2021-03-05 10:23


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2021-03-05 10:25


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2021-03-10 22:20



Mphbcap limit up last week

Kps limit up this week!

Which one will be next chun chun limit up call?


2021-03-11 07:52


leno was provoked by you know who (accused her of using multi ID) to react and retaliate. Also please refrain from labelling people as conman unless you know they are insiders of the pump and dump syndicate and profited from the pump and dump.

I wrote the below message for her:
Dear leno,

Michelle Obama: "When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don't stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high."

It's easy to go low. It's easy to lead by fear. It's easy to resort to the hurtful, mean-spirited trolling tactics. It's easy to make people feel afraid.

When I want to go low, it's all about my own ego. It's not about solving anything.... It's about seeking revenge.

Be respectable and "going high" . Going high doesn't mean you won't feel the hurt or have emotions when faced with a troll. "It means that your response has to reflect the solution. It shouldn't come from a place of anger or vengefulness.

2021-03-11 08:25


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2021-03-11 21:09


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2021-03-12 13:23


The lady suffered a mood swing. Cannot treat a lady like how you treat Ularsawa. Must treat a lady gentlemanly.

2021-03-12 15:46


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2021-03-12 17:28


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2021-03-13 17:35

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