My 2 sen - BYSTANDER123


Publish date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018, 07:13 AM
just some views n observations on the stock market.

Please be aware that the writer may not b totally objective, n may have vested interests in the stocks he write about.
Hope u read , with a pinch of salt.

The writer is clearly not a qualified person to recommend shares to anyone. Should u be influenced to buy any shares mentioned, pls remember, you are responsible for your decision to invest n there are risks in investments.

The stock market is a funny place where often the obvious  expectation may turn out to be the wrong  choice, at least in the initial days.

Like you thought a good fundamentally sound share eg. ALCOM , should b going up n you bought in with keen anticipation.

Mr. market shows you that you  are wrong , at least for this trading week , ALCOM close down 4.5 sen to end at 93 sen, on relatively low volume of 253,600 shares,  compared to previous friday's closing of 97 sen.

Contrast with  a fundamentally goreng share eg.  SUMATEC, which your six sense warn you to avoid.

Mr. market prove you wrong again, at least for this trading week, SUMATEC close up 3.5 sen to end at 10.5 sen on huge volume of 313.4 million shares, compared with previous friday's closing of 7 sen.




No wonder, day traders, contra players  n players who just want the thrill of a quick bet turn lucky, prefer to stick to goreng shares.

But, they know that it is just a short term bet.

When the music stop, the ones left holding the baby, will have to hold for a long time, in hope of a recovery in the price.

Or, they may have to cut loss quickly n run.


Contrast with someone who has just picked a good fundamentally sound share, eg. ALCOM but the price went down, a bit.

They know that, they are in for a longer term, as long as it takes, for Mr. market, to prove that they were right all along.

You see, good fundamental stocks like ALCOM, will stand the test of time.

In fact, it need some time for it to show its true growth potential n value.

But, unlike the goreng stocks, you can keep it safely store away for a good future returns in dividends n share appreciation, as the company grows.

Just like a durian tree mah !  hope its a musang king !

Yes, uncle A alias TAIKO is right ! 

TAIKO: CAN,CAN..Solid fundamental, buy n keep,sure make money one !



p/s writer got some ALCOM shares






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Welcome comments from everyone, can use any language that you like (that your folks read, face wont turn pink one) . If its in google translate, i will translate it, tq !

2018-01-22 09:20


Perihal 'quick bet' & 'short term bet'

perlu ekspain sikit , 'bet' yg d pakai sini bukan judi, BURSA MALAYSIA ada judi ke ? mana dpt lesen judi ?

'bet' sama makna dgn belian/buy/risk , ini script utk Bursa maa !

sama dgn orang london cakap, " the boss shoot down my idea..', bukan tembak dgn senapang ya, hihihi

paham lah , ini script writer awal awal sudah britahu, baca, bawa garam sikit ( london - read with pinch of salt)

writer, semua tahu, belum masuk tadika punya, tulis secript utk suka suka sja.


2018-01-23 18:43

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