My 2 sen - BYSTANDER123

LIGHT n EASY WEEKEND - Chui Sui Time (1st published in ALCOM forum 13/1/18)

Publish date: Wed, 17 Jan 2018, 06:45 AM
just some views n observations on the stock market.

Please be aware that the writer may not b totally objective, n may have vested interests in the stocks he write about.
Hope u read , with a pinch of salt.

The writer is clearly not a qualified person to recommend shares to anyone. Should u be influenced to buy any shares mentioned, pls remember, you are responsible for your decision to invest n there are risks in investments.

Overheard at trading Gallery in a stock broking firm : 

Uncle A : ALCOM, now diversify into Industrial Park development for Small n Medium Enterprises 
(SME). 1st project can generate more than Rm500 m revenue n est. profit rm75 m over 
3-5 years timeframe 

Uncle B: that means 15 m a year, @ 11 sen per share extra income, to add to existing 
established Aluminium business. 

Uncle A : EPS can double by 2019, 2020

Uncle B : many big property TAIKO eyeing that piece of strategic vacant Kota Damansara land, 
but the new ALCOM bosses, group MD Dato Lim Chee Khoon,  Executive Directors Dato Eng Kim Liong and Mr. Ang Loo Leong, managed to snatch from right under their noses. 

Uncle A : this new mgmt get things done fast, can get 100% bank loan,..not many bank want to 
lend you 100%, unless got very good proven track record, n good prospects to do well 

Uncle B : Very good ! the loan n interest can recoup from the Industrial Park project sales. 
I heard these guys from SCLAND, done many big property projects since 2004. 

Uncle A : that's why, i monitor n target ALCOM already since last year. Best time to go in, last 
Dec. last year, can get clearance sale price 85-90 sen, collect some. 

Shoot up that day, to 1.05-1.08, give signal, can masuk already ! 

Uncle B : ..dont see it moving up this week...think of switching to 'holland' counters, no patience 
to wait so long 

Uncle A : Collection Phase now ! I play market 30 years already, know the pattern one !! 
got signal, can come in already. 

last week, 2 days volume almost 3 m shares done, shoot up to 1.08, now drop back a 
bit , on v. low volume. nobody wants to sell, just keep ! 

Uncle B : u mean, quiet down for 2-3 weeks is normal ?? 

Uncle A : sometimes can up to 5 weeks ! Squeeze the newcomers a bit, haha ! 
they think can make quick money, season players lay low, wait for these newbies to 
panic, see so quiet, quickly throw n run 

Uncle B: Wah ! u so pro !! must make a lot of money on ALCOM ? 

Uncle A : Got lah ! little bit... but this round..only manage to get back few shares so far..Haiz ! 

Uncle B : What happen ? 

Uncle A : Got some greenhorn lepak in I3 ALCOM forum, try to explain market action, talk 3 talk 
4, Sian Ah ! 

Uncle B : I3 forum good meh ? Why u say he is greenhorn ?? 

Uncle A : I3 forum is International one ! cover Malaysia, Singapore, US, other countries. Reach 
wider audience, more effective to spread news there ! 

Uncle A : this greenhorn only done basic course in..., in Investing Level 1, think can explain to 
people already ?? I only got SPM level but play market 30 years, make more money 
than him !! 

Uncle B: Why dont u go in and hentam him kuat kuat ? 

Uncle A: He lucky,... i difficult to type Chinese on my smart phone, no time to change my 
his english is so louyah, after i speak in proper english, he will pening already ! 

Uncle B : the greenhorn try to give confidence to ALCOM holders to stay, is good wat ! 

Uncle A : not good for season players, to collect back cheap,cheap what we sold earlier, 

Uncle B : now, must buy back at slightly higher price ? 

Uncle A : U must understand, ALCOM is good company, but cannot go up straight line one ! 

could b long journey up north, we play play a bit. keep 50-70% dont touch . 
(sometimes it suddenly lari, we susah) 

trade balance 30- 50%, more fun mah ! 

Uncle B : if no body want to sell low, no choice, have to pay a higher price lah ! 

Uncle A: So, i boycott a bit, dont want to make noise in ALCOM forum yet, he is blur, still dont 

Uncle B : noise ?? 

Uncle A; forum lingo , u dont know ? 

Uncle B: u mean to confuse newcomers ? 

Uncle A: Ya loh ! Now is Collection time, usually got generate lots of noise, good stk say lousy 
stk, want to buy say i sold all, want to sell, say, get ready to sailang ! 

Uncle B : i see the tagline on your phone is "TRUST NO ONE" 

Uncle A: X files, agent Mulder, my favourite TV pgm last time 

Uncle B : everyone in forum got own agenda, haha ! 

Uncle A: hello, bystander, u looking for someone ? stand by here , listen for so long ! 

Bystander: just passing thru, ALCOM can buy ah, Uncle ? 

Uncle A : I look so old meh ?? everyone here knows me, call me TAIKO ! 

Bystander: sori,sori, TAIKO ! can buy ALCOM ah ?? 

TAIKO: CAN,CAN..Solid fundamental, buy n keep,sure make money one !
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Welcome comments from everyone, can use any language that you like (that your folks read, face wont turn pink one) . If its in google translate, i will translate it, tq !

2018-01-17 14:13

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