
Tan Sri Lim: “Being sick is being abnormal.” TOPGLOV allows only 2 paid sick leave p.a. LHL please make a police report if what you says is true!

Publish date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021, 03:03 PM
Does Glove need a haircut?

Top Glove responds to LHL story in Focus Malaysia

LHL please make a police report if what you says is true.

The company allows only two paid sick leave per annum, and many staff have to take annual leave even when they are sick. Tan Sri Lim’s mantra is: “Being sick is being abnormal.” This is contrary to the labour laws.

LHL reaches out to Focus Malaysia to reveal what he believes are the goings-on in the company.


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I am not sure the vaccine is useful or not. CEO have better answer.

Do you have to wear GLOVES to give a vaccine shot?

I am holding my GLOVES. I will only sell when ASP come down but not stock price come down.

I buy vaccine logistic by using the GLOVEs profit as hedging to vaccine news.


I am reproducing Focus Malaysia article to my blog.

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Top Glove: Allegations of management hypocrisy and lack of integrity




A CLOSE friend of mine who worked for some years and later resigned from Top Glove, the world’s largest manufacturer of gloves, said he had enough of the hypocrisy by the management of one of the largest public listed companies in Malaysia by market capitalisation.

On the one hand, the management keeps drilling into employees, particularly those working in its corporate office, about integrity about the so-called “honesty, integrity and transparency” in the company.

We see the slogan everywhere. It is an image the company sought to project to outsiders. The company’s website is littered with such sloganeering. It’s the same on its various premises.

In fact, the chairman Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai aspires to live to over 100 years old based on such “ethics” and he has repeatedly drummed this in to his staff.

And while COVID-19 has made Top Glove’s share prices hit the roof, thanks to the spike in global demand for medical gloves, it has also exposed the shady side of the company for the whole world to see.

A huge portion of foreign workers’ salaries were cut to pay the commission for agencies which brought them in. This is akin to modern slavery. It is very sad considering that these are the very people who ensure the production lines continue running and made Top Glove the lucrative company that it is today.

The deplorable living and working conditions of Top Glove’s workers have also made news not just locally but in the international media. Up to eight or nine workers are crammed into a small room the cash-flushed company dared called a dorm that breaks even the most basic health and hygiene standards.

But the irony is that the management keeps stressing on healthy living. Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai lives by his “5 Quality Wells” – Clean well, Eat well, Work well, Exercise well and Sleep well.

But how well are his thousands of factory workers, physically and mentally?

The management is known to get their staff to brush their teeth regularly and even hands out toothbrushes as corporate gifts as it believes that good oral hygiene is key to good health.

It is also perhaps the only company in Malaysia to tie in some of the employees’ health to pay rise and promotions. Those who were obese stand a lesser chance to be promoted than his or her more physically fit colleagues. Even their bonuses are affected if they are found to be overweight!

The company allows only two paid sick leave per annum, and many staff have to take annual leave even when they are sick. Tan Sri Lim’s mantra is: “Being sick is being abnormal.” This is contrary to the labour laws.

But why is that a company that talks so much about health, hygiene and integrity lags so far behind in the provision of decent living and working conditions for its workers as well as their welfare? The hypocrisy is so obvious.

Perhaps Top Glove should come clean on what its slogans on honesty, integrity and staying healthy mean. Does it mean there’s one standard for the boss and top management and another for its lesser employees?

My friend chose not to stay long enough in the company to find out. – Jan 25, 2021


LHL reaches out to Focus Malaysia to reveal what he believes are the goings-on in the company.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.


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All the slogans are just for decoration.
In reality, hypocrites will never fulfill their pledge.

They don't do it openly but deploy their d*ck suckers to exert pressure on their employee. Best example, micro managing on those who they dislike.

These are untold stories in the keparat world.

2021-01-25 15:14


As of 21/Jan/2021
Top Glove still no.1 holding with 9.4% & Hartalega is no.3 holding with 8.10% in JP M Malaysia Fund. No change from end of November until 21/Jan.

Can google search the fund & check it out.

2021-01-25 15:30



2021-01-25 16:21


please make a police report if what you says is true!

2021-01-25 16:26


I was an ex staff there... Tan Sri himself is very healthy, he said he has never fall sick for almost 10 years. And he himself is working everyday. That is why he wants his staff to be as healthy as him.

And another thing, staff are entitled for 16 days of sick leave upon joining and will increase based on years of service. But the sick leave taken will have an impact on your bonus and increment, that is all.

I dont know your friend work in which top glove or top rumours, but he is spreading fake news.

2021-01-25 17:22


THEY see a revival of Gloves and whatnot to start the nonsense again. US will pick up and drummed again

2021-01-25 17:28


希望top glove 出动lawyer

2021-01-25 17:31


All those invested in TG will stand on management side. Employee and business "suppliers" will relates themselves just like LHL. It's the truth in corporate world.

2021-01-25 17:41


需要强大的 大马 甚至美国

2021-01-25 17:48


大象 容易成为群狼 的目标。

2021-01-25 17:50


Just out of curiosity how many months bonus and % increment for normal year and current extra profitable year?

2021-01-25 17:56


yr friend cannot tahan the corporate world and resign.He miss to become millionaire and sourgrape will tell bad abt his previous employer

2021-01-25 18:00


fake news everywhere, eventually one day everyone will realize the real one

2021-01-25 18:03


please make a police report, if your friend is telling a true

2021-01-25 18:24


Can we lodge police report against Focus Msia for publishing fake news? I think the onus is on them to verify such allegations before publishing. Else mass media is no diff from a tom dick harry posting on FB.

2021-01-25 18:30


Yes, make a police report and so that TG can be investigated along with their past employees.

2021-01-25 18:33


LODGE a police report. police should investigate and take action if it is a fake report

2021-01-25 18:51


i will going to make Police report against LHL on this fake report investigation

2021-01-25 19:04


Report to labor department and dun just use media to cry father cey mother..

2021-01-25 20:21


This focus malaysia so obvious being paid by shorties.

Everyday speak bad news about TG. Has focus malaysia see the living situation for construction workers? Much worse than TG accommodation and yet focus malaysia never mention construction company lol.

Focus Malaysia??? Might as well change name to Focus Shorties

2021-01-25 21:28


Tats y i said. Even local engineer oso forced labor. My frend kena

2021-01-25 21:31


gemfinder why your fren kena force labor? he continue to work?

you like to do forced labor yourself?

2021-01-25 21:32


He stil work loh. Cari makan ma

2021-01-25 21:33


gemfinder so u like force labor la.

why then say force labor bad?

2021-01-25 21:34


this LHL is writer for CBmorgan..haha

2021-01-25 22:11


why not this LHL said how worth the share his friend get from Topglove..

2021-01-25 22:12


Though Topglove's ESG rating is quite horrible at this moment, there are other glove makers which are much better eg: Hartalega or Supermax.

I believe the investing community should temporary boycott TOPGLOVE and shift your investment to other glove makers and make a stand that we only support companies that treat their employees well.

2021-01-26 12:40


There is a Chinese saying.:' Hang the sheep's head, but sell dog meat" This describes TSL well.

2021-01-26 13:02


can tell is gemfinder who sent this letter, hahaha

2021-01-26 23:48


after hearing Top Glove official response to LHL story, now we know the reality from both side. Looks like there's a culprit behind this theory of conspiracy to bring down TG reputation by some motha#*&%$# agent. If this agent wanna tell some fishy story without any police report, then this agent truly got no balls than just being a keyboard warrior kid only following instructions from the hidden hands without any tiny brain than a mice.

2021-01-27 08:22


一旦市场供应良好, 价位一定再跌。
TG Supermx 最风光的时刻也许已经一去不回了。

2021-01-28 09:58

Lewis Lee

This Focus Malaysia is a big shame of malaysia !
I have long boycotting them (stopped buying their papers) !
If one day I come accross any Focus Malaysia old papers, I will use them to wipe my dogs' asses as shit are where they belongs and should Focus on !!

2021-01-28 12:41


We should promote Focus Malaysia as mainstream media.

They are doing good job of exposing companies without integrity.

2021-01-28 12:44


Fabricated BS story

2021-01-29 21:24

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