[duit] - To whom it may concern

[duit] - To whom it may concern

Publish date: Tue, 23 May 2017, 04:05 PM
To whom it may concern

Good afternoon.


For the first time I want to write "to whom it may concern" to tell what I think about you.

Again, after I post something to discuss in i3 there must be certain person(s) like to critic/comment/laugh. I do not know his/her intention till now. But one thing quite sure is that person will not feel tired. We know the reason.

To raise a person is difficult but to destroy is easy.
To praise a person need courage but to critic a person just easy as twist your head.
To compliment is not easy but to find fault to pin point is easy
Lastly, BLAME-storming always come before BRAIN-storming.

Although we hold different ideology in stock selection but I want to assure that every single point I commented in public has not been easy or through imagination. Most of the stock picks came after few days verification regardless of self analysis or insights from the "controller". I must admit throughout this process I had called some lousy stock calls which NEVER show good price performance at all. If I could recall I had not called any lousy stocks more than 7 within this 4 years but those long term investment pick consistently show steady profit such as SLP, PENTA, AYS, Pantech, AWC, GDEX, QL, REXIT which I just want to name some.

Important point here is I applied the same methodology and risk assessment to come out the conclusion before I make such a stock call. Therefore, I must say my stock picks are in very limited risk. I am not kindergarten and don't hope I will say my stocks are excellent or 100% sure win.

Again and again YOU (the so called whom) never stop to raise negative comments to hope that I will fail in my stock call. Frankly speaking, I am mature enough to handle this. I will at first seriously research again whether my calls have unforeseen disaster which I might overlooked it. Secondly, I will seek more evidence to evaluate my initial target still achievable. Nevertheless, I take care of public benefit who might already follow me in the mentioned stock.

To my friends and supporters. I am happy to read your complimentary notes and at the same time I appreciate constructive comments to make me improve further. I mustr highlight I have die hard fans who always support me at the back. Today I must thank you - smallstar, miss_secret, jackyle, hui-hui, VenFx, jjunie, KLCIraider, ahchan, hsteoh56, up_down... I see you and I appreciate it.

Once again, I thank you for the opportunity to learn and to grow together.

Trading with proper EXIT plan will never fail! Fight! Fight! Fight!

15 people like this. Showing 39 of 39 comments


Yaa, spirit must never tie tomorrow.

2017-05-23 16:22


Duit, u always carry the smart scanner .
This very hard to beat u .

2017-05-23 16:24


fight fight fight! Let the outcome speaks for itself!

2017-05-23 16:26


Duit always has 80% probability to win, i'm planing to borrow his smart scanner... but he want to sell it for Rm168/ to me @#@#$^?

2017-05-23 16:29


Duit, I am new to I3 but I have read your stock picks and explanations on the stocks. Continue posting your in-depth analysis and no use thinking about those ppl who only criticize but don't explain and give any analysis themselves.

2017-05-23 16:30


duit .. just do what u think is right and ignore all noises !!! cannot avoid cyberbully .. most importantly, there are tonnes of appreciation from others .. i think CPT got the worst bully but still stand tall :)

2017-05-23 16:50


oh ya u are right ... calvin also can stomach all positives and negatives :) bravo !!

2017-05-23 16:54


We don't live a life for others, bro. Cheers. With you. :)

2017-05-23 16:56


duit dont think I am his fancy already... he didnt put conjie and my name in his lists.. wakakakaa

2017-05-23 16:57


没关系,我买的都有止损。我知道我买的我自己负责。有赚就是duit功劳 =)

2017-05-23 16:58


ya man abangadik ... our names not in the list :(:(:(

2017-05-23 16:59


哈哈,of course la,我买车就靠你了 =D

2017-05-23 17:02


i 2 month old trader only, expect what? i beli digistar then it drop. buy dnex also drop. worse, but iwcity drb also can loss. haha

2017-05-23 17:05


For you, is always a LIKE.
Don't worry, I am straight. :)

2017-05-23 17:08


I don't anyhow 'goreng' people. Honest opinion.

2017-05-23 17:10


Keep it up, duit gor! <3

2017-05-23 17:12


not cut loss?

2017-05-23 17:21


wa,got my name! hahaha! i got buy sunzen ler! support u

2017-05-23 17:37


so touching XD thank you

2017-05-23 17:40

Bon Bb

duit, close ears too. ignore those inconsistent ppl. earn time sifu sifu, lose time tipu tipu.

i follow duit's calls too but i nvr follow blindly. read 1st why buy, then assess urself then make ur own decision. IT'S UR MONEY!!

In regards to the lure pump and dumb..i dunno about fgv or sime, but duit had already told the plan before the price move. THOSE WHO READ THE CONTENT but NOT
ONLY THE TITTLE would have taken all the profit. do u understand why u buy? do u practice sell when the reason u buy already happened?

aisde to duit, i like ur "blame-storming", will ask oxford to put in their dick..dict.

2017-05-23 17:42


Duit sifu.. just ignore those comments that critic you.. we knew you are very kind and helpful people.. 你无私的分享和教导,我们都知道的。。我们大家都很衷心感谢。。不用去理会恶意的中伤。。做好自己就好了。

2017-05-23 17:44


Hello Bon!! hehehehehe.. hardly see u write so long.. I enjoy reading very much.. What happen to all the cute emoticons?

2017-05-23 17:45


bro, you should learn to be as thick faced as CP Teh. Then u might be in another level like 百毒不侵

2017-05-23 17:45


Duit sifu, I'm very happy got my name too! Haha! Always support Duit sifu! I got bought sunzen.,Sime c14 I cut loss already today follow Duit sifu call. Fgv no buy.

2017-05-23 17:49


duit.. that cave is bestla.. I prefer stay there. I buy I huat, I lose I cry, no blaming no fighting.

2017-05-23 17:52


Haha.. you are so funny Duit sifu.. I never can grow big one la.. I can only be a small star forever that support you always :)

2017-05-23 17:55

Bon Bb

duit, i am at least 10 yrs younger than u.haha..

abangadik..lately been very busy. cant really do much with trading except some longer term buy..ya, i rarely write long when i am not sharing my analysis but this round cannot tahan.

been in i3 for no less than 4 yrs. there is a group of great ppl who i learned from and i think u know who. i vouch for duit even though i did lose from his calls (those i agreed with his points) but i made more gain the losing. and i still remember how he did the JCY live show to help ppl out!! THAT, ...enough for us to revalue him..

2017-05-23 18:00

Bon Bb

lol..duit, i am kuailan because i am not a real trader. trader cannot hihi and haha..furthermore, u should know well who is more kuailan'er between us.hahahahaha

2017-05-23 18:03


hey duit... I didn't read what happen this morning but pls continue sharing... as I said before you can recommend anything and everything but when it comes to buying/selling, I MUST DO MY HOMEWORK!!!! Take care

2017-05-23 18:25


aiyo who so daring bully my sifu duit?

2017-05-23 18:32


CP Teh level? Lets not use him as an example...

Posted by gohkimhock > May 23, 2017 05:45 PM | Report Abuse

bro, you should learn to be as thick faced as CP Teh. Then u might be in another level like 百毒不侵

Posted by connie > May 23, 2017 04:50 PM | Report Abuse

duit .. just do what u think is right and ignore all noises !!! cannot avoid cyberbully .. most importantly, there are tonnes of appreciation from others .. i think CPT got the worst bully but still stand tall :)

2017-05-23 18:45


May be Sifu Calvin still ok...

2017-05-23 18:46


aiyo so many tin kosong in i3,ask rubbish truck come sapu them ah lui.

2017-05-23 18:50


it is ok lar,i3 members are intelligent ones,they are not easily influenced by ppl,they know who is contributing to i3 n who is a nuisance.

dinner time..see later

2017-05-23 19:00



2017-05-23 19:02


Yes, duit. I have been seeing you since long time. my nick might be new to you but you are not new to me for sure. Please continue to share.

2017-05-23 19:08


Bro Duit, u appeared in frontkn, mind to give some direction for tomorrow ? Thanks a lot.

2017-05-23 19:12


Duit gor, the annoucment postponed supposingly today. Tom is the board. When they will annouce to public, m not too sure now.

2017-05-23 19:48


So proud kena named in Duit sifu post. Don't forget to include me for your new project again o! Huat arr

2017-05-24 20:21

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