kcchongnz blog

The role of luck in investing kcchongnz

Publish date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014, 08:19 AM
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The role of luck in investing

“Success is never accidental”

“You make your own luck”

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

You often hear stock market players making millions of Ringgit, 500%, 700%, or even 1000% return from Bursa in a year; even in months. They would cite those phrases above convincingly and relentlessly. How often have you heard somebody confessing that he has loss a fortune in the stock market, and not blaming it on bad luck?

In reality, luck plays a much greater role in short-term investment results than many investors may think, though skill may play a role as implied by those phrases above.

For an investor to both be right and make money in the market:

  1. His analysis of the company’s performance and his view of its future must be correct.
  2. The things he thinks will happen, such as the convergence of price and value have to actually happen, and
  3. Those things have to happen on schedule or ahead of schedule.

Let us examine the return of my portfolio set up on 1st August 2013 and see how much is the performance or non-performance is attributed to luck or otherwise. The portfolio can be viewed from the link below, with the courtesy of a regular contributor, Mr Tan KW:


There is some difference in the returns due to the timing of recording, weighting used, and exclusion of the dividends as in the link and my data. For example the average return in my record is 44.6% compared to 36.8% as on 22 January 2014, and there are a couple of losers (small though) in mine as compared to none in the link. For discussion purpose, I will use what is provided in the above link. All the stock selections come with detailed analysis as provided in the link below:



The return of my portfolio

The KLCI rose in the half year period from 1773 on 1st August 2013 to 1815 at the close on 21 January 2014, for a return of 2.4%. On the other hand, the portfolio returned 36.8% as shown in the link. In other words, the excess return, α is 34.4%. None of the stock in the portfolio of 11 stocks made a loss as all had positive returns and two of them are below the return of the market; they are Kumpulan Fima (+1.3%) and Pintaras (+1.1%).

Seven out of the eleven stocks in the portfolio made double digit return with Datasonic at a whopping +226% return in less than half a year. Many others also shows exceptional return such as Homeritz (+63%), Fibon (+59%), and Willow (+54%), etc.

The return of Datasonic of +226% is an outlier, no doubt, and how can I say it is not mainly due to luck? But even if I exclude this from the portfolio, the return of the portfolio will still be well above +25%, in less than half a year, still a very lucky number.

So the answers to the above questions of:

  1. If my analysis of the company’s performance and his view of its future correct?

Answer: I won’t say so as half a year is really a short time. Moreover somebody has to objectively verify if my analysis is actually correct or not.

  1. The things I think will happen, such as the convergence of price and value have to actually happen, and

In general the convergence of price and perceived value does actually happen, hasn’t it?

  1. Those things have to happen on schedule or ahead of schedule.

They do seem to happen ahead of schedule, haven’t they?

With that, I can’t help myself to conclude that luck plays a more prominent part in my investment portfolio in this short period of time. In general, I believe successful in investing requires a significant degree of luck, whether in the short-term or the long-term, but not forgetting that one must also have a certain degree of skill too.


KC Chong (22 January 2014)


2 people like this. Showing 8 of 8 comments


Yes luck does play a small part I would say. However, it is the hard work that goes before ( in your case the FA knowledge and the in-depth probe of the stocks) that contribute to the success of your portfolio . Congrats .
99% perspiration 1% inspiration .

Thanks for your generous sharing.

2014-01-22 08:42


Luck no doubt to a certain extent plays a part, however one would require sharp analysis with experience in this particular field to excel ! Cheers! 加油 !!!

2014-01-22 21:44


In investing, there are simply too many variables with high level of abstractions; the unpredictable and unknowable future; the highly emotional of human being of greed and fear.

Often investment analysis (if any done) projects a detailed and complex world onto a smaller subspace. But extrapolation in the smaller space can be unreliable.

Unlike in Science you’re playing against God, and He doesn’t change His laws very often. Here I would agree that for success, there is “99% perspiration, 1% inspiration.”

In finance and investment, you’re playing against God’s creatures, agents who value assets based on their ephemeral opinions. “sharp analysis with experience in this particular field” may help in the outcome though.

Investment analysis is not the physics of markets. It is not even close to that. Similarly speculating with the believe that knowledge of a stock’s past behaviour can help to predict its probable future behaviour to me is even more abstract.

In my humble opinion, luck must play a bigger role in investing.

“Learn to be honest with yourself about your success and failures. Learn to recognize the role of luck has played in all outcomes. Learn to decide which outcomes came about because of skill and which because of luck. Until one learns to identify the true source of success, one will be fooled by randomness”.
Paul Johnson

2014-01-24 06:41


i love to read your writings but did you have your own criteria for selling? Do you mind to share?

2014-01-24 14:54


When to sell?
Posted by cykoay > Jan 24, 2014 02:54 PM | Report Abuse
i love to read your writings but did you have your own criteria for selling? Do you mind to share?

This is my principle


2014-01-24 15:03


Luck is like Betting. In market we are Betting on Mispricing. Investment is about Mispricing. SO INVESTMENT is equal to LUCK ??

I would say In short term, market is a voting machine. Long term is a weighing machine. All luck factors/noise will be smoothed out/filtered out.

Common sense and statistic says that you cant be lucky for 30 years.

2014-08-03 14:45


Sometimes i would think that too much emphasize on the market returns year to year until we forget about the survivalship issue.

Stock Diversification?
Portfolio management? Cash level?
Stock picks for Long term?
These are Right things to do to sacrifice for Market return BUT in exchange for survivalship.

Why survivalship? Yes compounding for Long term. Yes i survive this year. I can compound for this year.

2014-08-03 14:59


Ha, if I survive Long enough I will have all lucks factors at my side.

2014-08-03 15:12

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