kcchongnz blog

Young man/woman, do you wish to have a good financial future? kcchongnz

Publish date: Mon, 04 Jun 2018, 08:41 PM
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This a kcchongnz blog

“The biggest thing for your financial future is in yourself.”              Warren Buffet

KC, I am 24 years old this year and am not ashamed to tell you that my capital is as low as 2K at the point of time I wrote this; which I saved from my studying years. Thank god that I will start to work this incoming June, and I really need your advice on personal financing so that I can avoid overspending, and save some money to buy stock, emergency fund and etc. How much should I save from my capital to buy stock? I would love to have at least 100K in my portfolio one day.”


My personal experience

First of all I must congratulate you for your awareness of the importance of financial advice. How many youngsters know or care about personal finance and financial planning? I didn’t when I was as young as you. I borrowed as much as possible to buy a flashy car, Alpine Talbot which resulted me spending a lot of money in maintaining the car. I got personal loan, withdraw cash from credit card etc. and spend, without bothering about the high interest I had to pay. I was able to pay all those interest as I was earnings quite a bit as engineer, only left with nothing to save and invest.  I did not start saving until after I got married when we had double incomes. I could have saved substantial amount of money before, I was of a higher income than most people of my age then.

With the double incomes and sharing of household expenses, then only I could save some money and started investing a few years later. However, at that time, nobody taught me how to invest wisely. Instead of spending time to learn about it, I wasted a lot of time playing Mah-jong when I was a bachelor. The outcomes of my investment were obviously bad. That was because I did not have the faintest idea what investing in the stock market was, except for following rumours, hypes, fads and tips, chasing hot stocks when they had gone up, and sold at substantial losses. That was actually speculating and gambling. I can tell you for sure that most of my friends and colleague then experienced the same; losing money in the stock market. Numerous research has shown that 90% of retail investors lost money or under-performed in the stock market, some of them lost heavily, as just like me, they have not the faintest idea what investing is.

Later I read books, a lot of investment books by many super investors in the US, Peter Lynch (One Up Wall Street), Philip Fisher (Common stocks Uncommon Profit), Joe Ponzio, (F Wall Street), Robert Hagstrom (The Warren Buffet Way), Carol Loomis, (Tap Dancing to Work), Benjamin Graham, (Intelligent Investor), Roger Lowenstein, (When genius failed), Pat Dorsey (The 5 Rules), Tweedy Browne (What has worked in investing), Zack-Buckley (The road less travelled), later books by Howard Marks (The Most Impotent Thing illuminated”, Seth Klarman (Margin of safety), Joel Greenblatt (The Magic Formula) and many more. It forced me to think hard. So I embarked on my fundamental value investing journey. It was just about 10-15 years ago and the rest is history.

From the money I have saved from my career, and the good returns from investing, I was able to provide tertiary education for my three children, all full time education overseas. I am not rich, I could have been if I knew about this secret of success in building long-term wealth earlier in my life, but with not many needs and wants, I think I would be able to retire reasonably comfortably.  

Tis goeth down to a fundamental aspect that “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” Benjamin Franklin

You are luckier now as you realized early the importance and the need of guidance on your personal finance. You have a great future if you follow this proven way of personal finance and fundamental investing.


Spend within your means

Also congratulate you for having a saving of RM2000, all by saving from the meagre amount of money you have when studying. Few as young as you have much saving at all as you haven’t even started working yet. Even those who are working now, many of them, instead of having some savings, could be carrying some debts; credit cards debts, student loans, car loan, personal loans from banks etc., all because of spending money on the unnecessary items, expensive cars, unearned holidays, expensive clothes, frequent eat out in expensive restaurants, pubs and cafes etc.


I personally do not advocate living like a pauper, taking advantage of others when eating out together, not giving a token money to your parents every month, not have a nice meal in a nice restaurant once a while with your girlfriend etc., but live within your means. Spending RM10 for a cup of coffee in Starbuck, instead of a RM2 kopi, every day, would be a waste of money. Spending RM30 for a nasi lemak, mee rebus, chicken rice etc. every day in an expensive restaurant in Bangsar shopping centre will also be a waste of money. You can get better hawker food at many coffee shops at much cheaper price.  Drive a RM30000 second hand and low maintenance car such as Myvi instead of a new high maintenance RM250000 Volkswagen. Don’t buy every newest model of iPhone. Go dating with your girlfriend/boyfriend doing some outdoor activities such as walking in the park, a teh Tarik at mamak shop, instead of frequent wine and dine in expensive restaurants and pubs. Too many people overspend money they earned, or even haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t really need, to impress people that they don’t like.

It’s a good idea to have a personal budget and track your spending for a week or a month to get an idea where your money goes, and cut down the high and unnecessary expenses.  Small but regular changes in expenditure can free up cash that you can use to build financial security.

The budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations.” Jacob Lew


Avoid bad debts, use only good debts

A company can take up loans to do business, but not an individual to do things like investing, going for a holiday, spending in night clubs etc. Avoid debts, except for “good” debts like a housing loan, or initial payment for a car you need for work. In fact, as soon as you can afford, put a down payment for a house. It is a form of forced saving too.

Avoid taking loans or using margin for investments as I have been deliberating often such as the link below. Only invest the money you can keep there for years.


You may have heard too often that others have made millions of dollars using margin in the stock market, by just following a simplistic “Golden Rule”. Believe me, that is a myth, just a sales pitch. It could be from the investment banks, or individuals with their self-interest in mind, not yours. When you think of getting rich fast and try to use other people’s money to do it, you will subject to a lot of unnecessary risk which can destroy you. Leverage in investing cuts both way. It is very painful when it cuts and hurt you. Besides it is a very stressful endeavour.

I have heard of some remisiers still working at the age of 70+ just to slowly pay off their debts 20 years ago to the investment banks they are working all these years because of the loss in using margin in stock speculating.


If it sounds too good to be true, it is

Remember this, if something sounds too good to be true, it is.

Do not be tempted by the allure of making quick buck and high return in this world of a jungle out there. Nothing comes free. This seemingly easy path to riches normally ends up with very severe burn.

There are many scams and Ponzi schemes promoted all the time with guaranteed high return in a short time; Swiss Cash, Genneva Gold, JJPTR, Sunshine Empire in Singapore, sure-win stock tips etc. We know how these eventually ended up with “investors” losing their pants and underwear.

Also remember this maxim, “In real life, there ain’t no tooth fairy”. Nobody is so noble to give you tips and help you to make money trading and speculating in the stock market, as speculating in the stock market is a zero sum game, your gain is his loss and vice versa. Whose interest comes first?


The Magic of Compound Interest

“Start saving now”. Those are the three most powerful words in personal finance. Learn to pay yourself first by socking some saving each month before expenses, not save what is left after all expenses. If you start saving $5000 a year starting at age 24 now, or less than 20% of the salary of a young graduate, and increase your saving every year by 4% when your salary increases, and earning 10% compound annual returns, you would have saved your $100k intended in just slightly over 10 years. If you continue to do that, by the time you retire at 60, you would have saved $2.2 million. Figure 1 below shows how your saving grows from year to year in an exponential way.

But wait until age 45 to start saving for that $2.2m and you'd need to sock away $60,000 a year. This is what Albert Einstein said:

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.”

With the growing Employee Provident Fund, plus your saving and investment in a safe manner, your total retirement sum can to a handsome $4-5 million when you retire.

See, one really needs not have to use margin finance, which is more likely to derail his financial plan, to become rich, but by just using the time arbitrage.

How to compound your saving at 10% a year? It is definitely not from putting you money in the bank.

How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.”      - Robert G. Allen


Invest in business, good business

Use whatever small saving you have and invest wisely and give the time for compounding to work. You may have a better chance investing in part of a good business, in the shares of a public listed company only when they are selling at reasonable price, to earn a return of 10% a year. In investing, the only reliable way to earn that kind of return consistently is through a proper and proven process in fundamental value investing.

I know of no other investing strategies which can provide that kind of good and consistent return. But first, you must avoid big losses in investing.

You must avoid big losses in investing by “Never buy any stock touted by anybody” in the link here,


You must also avoid big losses in investing by “Never be overconfident in investing” in the link here’


Goodness (plus cheapness) is the only investment that never fails.” (Henry David Thoreau)


Human Capital in You

 It is great that you will start to work next month. This is the most important thing for you at this stage, and not buying what stocks now. Utilize the human capital in you, focus on your career, do the best you can in your job, advance your career. Investing is just a side show at your age.

 We usually think that wealth is built through money management, but just as important is the management of another sort of capital—namely, the education, training, skills and experience that an individual brings to the workplace. These resources require investment, monitoring, rebalancing and diversification throughout one's life to produce the highest possible risk-adjusted returns.

Their ability to trade your human capital for goods and increase your earnings over the lifetimes will be critical to your financial survival, if not your success. Without the human capital and the rewards from it, one simply doesn’t have the financial capital to invest and grow his investment over time. None other return is more predictable as from the human capital, and from there you get the financial capital to advance in other returns.

Some people today are wandering generalities instead of meaningful specifics because they have failed to discover and mine the wealth of potentials in them.”           ― Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Notice I mentioned about human capital in you? That also includes other skills you acquire, such as this investment knowledge.



In summary, as a young person, focus on the human capital in you and concentrate in your career is the most important consideration now. Do the best in your job and advance your career. Have a plan, financial and non-financial. Spend within your means and save and invest wisely towards your goals. Avoid the financial pitfalls as there are plenty out there which can destroy whatever you have saved. The only way you can invest wisely and safely to build long-term wealth is to acquire some well tested investment strategies. It is a jungle out there. Believe that nobody can help you that, except yourself.

If you wish to have further knowledge about personal finance and investing, you may contact me at


Remember, you and you are the one who will determine the success (or failure) of your financial future.

Wish you good luck.


K C Chong

Certified financial planner

5 people like this. Showing 50 of 83 comments

Jon Choivo

Yeah. Just saying.

If you are super investor, with a small capital base (less than 500m), its possible. Probably a lot of volatility.

2018-06-05 20:32


to sell u insurance and unit trust products , first they scare you and then they impress you with a certified financial planner title.

stockmanmy, i must clap for you. well said! CFP lai liao!

2018-06-05 20:40


newbie8080 > Jun 5, 2018 07:05 PM | Report Abuse

@ Jon Choivo

I think 20% return p.a is not quite possible.
Somewhere between 10%-15% is more realistic.

whether 10%, 20% or higher volatility depends on your portfolio design ..........go sailang ,u can get 30% or more volatility a year easily.....

2018-06-05 21:49


y Flintstones > Jun 5, 2018 08:40 PM | Report Abuse

to sell u insurance and unit trust products , first they scare you and then they impress you with a certified financial planner title.

stockmanmy, i must clap for you. well said! CFP lai liao!

its something everybody knows , yet every body still uses

2018-06-05 21:51


Posted by qqq3 > Jun 5, 2018 09:49 PM | Report Abuse

whether 10%, 20% or higher volatility depends on your portfolio design ..........go sailang ,u can get 30% or more volatility a year easily.....

John was saying about return, the percentage earned each year.

Um, I never know people invest for "volatility".

Go "sailang" and get 30% or more volatility? Volatility for what?

"Sailang"? What has been the result of your "sailang" so far this year? Lost your underwear?

You just blurt out rubbish from your mouth without going through your brain!

2018-06-06 05:34


Posted by qqq3 > Jun 5, 2018 03:15 PM | Report Abuse

But sadly the financial advisory in Malaysia is still a lot to be desired. Most are focussing on selling products rather than giving comprehensive financial advice.
isn't selling insurance and unit trust products what it is all about?

Can't imagine the thinking of a 60+ old, accountant some more, has this type of extreme shallow, uninformed thinking.

2018-06-06 06:15


stockman, obviously this kc虫 only knows how to extrapolate data from past results lah. I am quite certain he will apply the same thing in his new financial planning business. You know what? Hes gonna ask you to put your money in 4% FD and show you nice charts 100 years into the future to convince dumbos he is smart!

2018-06-06 07:53


Kc虫 was a mediocre market speculator at best. Those who engaged his service will know. He knows too. And hence the change of career direction.

2018-06-06 07:55


Not logic to get a lousy car. Spend few more thpusands tp get a decent one. Thpse 5k in long run ypu spend more on maintenance

2018-06-06 08:14


I agree with goh. Je is the most consustent guy here. Worth to listen to his advise

2018-06-06 08:15


Posted by Flintstones > Jun 5, 2018 08:40 PM | Report Abuse
to sell u insurance and unit trust products , first they scare you and then they impress you with a certified financial planner title.

stockmanmy, i must clap for you. well said! CFP lai liao!

Finally I find our loyal follower of yours. Snakes and rats lying on the same bed.

2018-06-06 08:28


Posted by Flintstones > Jun 6, 2018 07:53 AM | Report Abuse

stockman, obviously this kc虫 only knows how to extrapolate data from past results lah. I am quite certain he will apply the same thing in his new financial planning business. You know what? Hes gonna ask you to put your money in 4% FD and show you nice charts 100 years into the future to convince dumbos he is smart!

So far I have written 318 articles in i3investor here,


And you have 1258 posts here,


It doesn't need a genius to differentiate who is likely to be a 虫, a parasite.

2018-06-06 08:33


Dear all,
My advice to all youngsters just starting your first job is to plan your career path. Set a target what you want to be in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 years from now.
For the first 5 year, you need to concentrate in investing in your human capital, be the first one to arrive and last one to leave. Learn from everyone the inside out of your trade, read book, get to know people, help/teach and prepare your subordinate to take on greater responsibility (higher post) and get yourself a good superior/mentor that can help or show you how things is done. Find pride in your work. Avoid office politics and keep a distant from those good for nothing boot licker. Build up a relationship with those sharing the same value/principle/hardworking/trustworthiness people. When you are ready and know your worth then it time for you to think what you really want in life. (You create your own fortune/luck when preparation meets opportunity)

I still remember I first bought my insurance Great Eastern Economic life when I get my first job (RM600/year with term raider) and nominated my mum as benefactor. That the least I can do for my parent and sending back RM200 to my parents every month.
On share investment, we actually apply for share during IPO and it was almost like getting extra bonus if you are lucky to get one. (Sure winner).

Thank you.

2018-06-06 08:54


property investment is good provided it is done correctly. it should be the gateway for your first pot of silver.

1) find the down payment 10% - this is always the challenge but it can be done. You just have to find the way - out of the box. If everyone can do it, no challenge already.

2) buy a property at the strategic location - must be ready to move in. Pay installment monthly = paying rental monthly. Lease out the excess vacant rooms = additional rental collection to ease burden of commitment. leverage on the housing loan. Some ppl get net income by doing this.

3) after properties appreciated in value a few years, you can decide to dispose it. The gain will be easily 6 digits. There goes your first pot of silver.

2018-06-06 08:58


This stock market now look like marriage agreement.
After marriage all become toothless lion already,
Real man become scare of women.
This is what happen to the stock market, investor become married to the director of the company who sell their useless derivatives. After marriage all investor become toothless lion already.
This is what happens when you highly regulate stock market just like how society highly regulate marriage market, it favours the inequalities over meritocracy.

2018-06-06 09:19


Who is the one tell you don’t get marry to the same company?
They failed to tell you how the marriage agreement work against your personal goal of life.

2018-06-06 09:26


Excellent advice ks55, gohkimhock, sslee, Sami-value.

sslee, I particularly like your comment below,

"keep a distant from those good for nothing boot licker"

2018-06-06 10:11



are you saying ? come , come to me, I give you compounding....Don't go there without me. That place is a swamp with many traps. Only I can show you the way to compounding.....

If only that statement is true, I leave you alone in peace.

The tool of certified financial planner is compounding....If compounding is your target, please be satisfied with fixed income securities....If you want compounding, leave equities alone because in equities every year is different. As individuals, you are not going to have sufficient diversification to come any where near compounding.

Good advisors, experienced advisers know....You got to tailor your recommendations to the clients....You cannot apply the same stick for all the audience in an internet forum. You are breaking the cardinal rule for advisors by trying to sell your stuffs here.

I like to see certified financial planners help themselves before they can help the world. I doubt if they can even help themselves......with all their certified financial planning tools and expertise.

2018-06-06 10:27


Posted by qqq3 > Jun 6, 2018 10:27 AM | Report Abuse


are you saying ? come , come to me, I give you compounding....Don't go there without me. That place is a swamp with many traps. Only I can show you the way to compounding.....


If only that statement is true, I leave you alone in peace.

The tool of certified financial planner is compounding....


If compounding is your target, please be satisfied with fixed income securities....If you want compounding, leave equities alone because in equities every year is different.


As individuals, you are not going to have sufficient diversification to come any where near compounding.


Good advisors, experienced advisers know....You got to tailor your recommendations to the clients....You cannot apply the same stick for all the audience in an internet forum. You are breaking the cardinal rule for advisors by trying to sell your stuffs here.


I like to see certified financial planners help themselves before they can help the world. I doubt if they can even help themselves......with all their certified financial planning tools and expertise.


2018-06-06 10:37



don't pretend to an idiot.....I know you are not an idiot....You know exactly what I mean.

Hanging pig head to sell dog meat. A conman by any other name is still a conman.

2018-06-06 11:14


Hanging pig head to sell dog meat. A conman by any other name is still a conman.

How many of these certified financial planners types actually made money from the stock market? How many of them have a good track record to show? How many of them have superior performance?

2018-06-06 11:26


Posted by qqq3 > Jun 6, 2018 11:14 AM | Report Abuse
don't pretend to an idiot.....I know you are not an idiot....You know exactly what I mean.
Hanging pig head to sell dog meat. A conman by any other name is still a conman.

No, I don't understand you. As a matter of fact, most of the time I do not know what you are talking about. They are all jumbo mambo. Nobody understand you, I believe.

Who is a conman is easy to find out and make a judgement. Just read what they write and how they act. The writing is all over.

2018-06-06 11:26


Many roads lead to Rome....but all the roads are built on personal struggles.

no magic formula, only got struggles and effort.

2018-06-06 12:02



at least learn from someone with a proven track record ...practise better than theory ...........

Many roads lead to Rome....but all the roads are built on personal struggles.

no magic formula, only got struggles and effort.

2018-06-06 12:07


don't have to look far....just look at today's green colors....today is a better day most days in recent past......most of the greens are rewards for those willing and able to take some risks just when things look the darkest......

riks and rewards are inseperable twins.

2018-06-06 12:23


there is a Parkson here my house. I think Parkson is very badly managed.

2018-06-06 16:30


any share also can speculate....if you do it on your own account and do it secretly.....

but if you want to take out your certified financial planner credentials, you should do it with responsibility meaning only shares of a decent size, with excellent management and excellent prospects.......that way, even if shares go down, at least the company is still growing......

2018-06-06 16:34


Post removed.Why?

2018-06-06 16:37


Post removed.Why?

2018-06-06 16:40


if advisers restrict themselves to companies exceeding $ 1 billion market cap.....I think there is some sense of responsibilities with them......

2018-06-06 16:44


There should be a difference between bloggers ...and people collecting fees......

Those collecting fees should show a higher standard and should restrict themselves to companies with market cap exceeding $ 1 billion.....This , they would not do because there do not have the sense of responsibility to their clients.

2018-06-06 16:48


Posted by qqq3 > Jun 6, 2018 04:37 PM | Report Abuse
but if you want to take out your certified financial planner credentials, you should do it with responsibility meaning only shares of a decent size, with excellent management and excellent prospects.......that way, even if shares go down, at least the company is still growing......
but what i find happening is the opposite.....people like OTB and KC no business sense.....keep on recommending sunset companies / sunset industries just because they deem them value buys based on historical records.

Actually you don't realize. The more you spew out venom, the more you exposed yourself.

1) You have given out confirmation that how immature you are as a 60+ adult.

2) You confirm yourself without doubt that you aren't really a real accountant.

3) You have proven yourself you have no idea about what investing is

4) You have no idea about what a financial planner's responsibilities are

5) You project a terrible example to the youngsters and the public.

2018-06-06 17:06


stop speculating in untested small caps and collecting fees all at the same time

2018-06-06 17:19



write well...write conservatively but specializes in small caps because he think he can whack these easier.....

hanging pig heads to sell dog meat....no shame.

2018-06-06 17:43


Marriage agreement just as dangerous as stock market
“Invest for the long terms and diversified” just like “marry to a same wife long terms and diversify into many kids”
It is very bad idea.
Personally I will prefer just pump and dump any girl. If they manage to bear my child, I will just take the child and dump their ass too.
No fine dining or wining to the girl that just want to take away all my resource but don’t want to bear my child at all. Long terms into a gold digger and fine dining and wining? Unless you have very thick wallet.
Now take a look at stock market, invest for long terms “blue chip” aka gold digging young women, and wasting your resource for long terms, it is a losing game no matter what you do.

2018-06-06 17:56


by PlsGiveBonus > Jun 6, 2018 05:56 PM | Report Abuse

Marriage agreement just as dangerous as stock market

do whatever pleases u...at least no hanging pig heads to sell dog meat.

2018-06-06 18:02


Cost of living very high already and the one who put food on the table. Who’s is it? It has never changed for so many years, the jobs market will always favours one gander over another, I still remember the first time I go for job interviews and I need to go for many interviews just to get one job offer, but the other gender just get the job almost instantly, yet who’s the one put food on the table without any source of stable income? But luckily they get lazier and don’t want to take up the low paying job anymore so the other gender can grab the job much easier now. Then the low paying job all go to even cheaper labour. Inequality always existed just accept it.

2018-06-06 21:47


I will tell my kids when they grown up, to go and pump and dump as many girls as possible when they are still young, get married or dump her and take the kids, it is the best time to do so because they have nothing to loss in term of a divorce, it all become complicated when they get older, they all become can’t afford to loss, the gender problem could be the only core problem of all the other following problem we face today.

2018-06-06 22:21


hang pig head to sell dog meat , no good

want to gamble, gamble la
want to speculate, speculate la
do whatever pleases you, be true to yourself.

But, There are reasons why EPF and conservative funds insist on putting their money in big caps.

They do not want to risk workers' retirement money in risky small caps with insufficient track records.

kc...why you want to talk nice, talk conservative and insist on whacking small caps?..... the well being of your clients not your concern? You no responsibility for their well being? Their choice, not yours?

2018-06-07 15:23


Already say stock market = women
You better understand a woman first then you proceed to understand a lot of women
Look carefully it is women (plural) = a lot of woman, not one only.

2018-06-07 16:08


stock market = women

then choose wisely
some choose wisely some don't

some hang pig head sell dog meat.

2018-06-07 16:53


Like I tell you I very understand women, you see I got a lot of analysis of how women work and got fundamental got fair value got margin,
In comparison, like I tell you I very understand stock market.
Do you really understand stock market (women)? just because you can write a book?
Even if you behave like women to better understand them? Or you decide to become transgender so you can become them? Will it help?
Or you may be just a beta who think they very understand women and slept with thousands of them.

2018-06-07 17:17


don't have to understand all women....just have to choose wisely so you can have a happy life.

2018-06-07 19:01


choose wisely

its not the maths formulas
its the business sense in your brain.

look around you...all the successful investors are not due to maths formulas but to business sense inside their brains

you got to believe what your eyes sees, ( about the world around you) not what maths teachers tells you.

I got nothing against maths, just got to have common sense with you.

its not the maths, its the characters that makes a man.

2018-06-07 20:11


when people tell you margin of safety....ask them to invest in FDs.....don't even bother with equities.

margin of safety comes from your business sense, not from the math formulas.

2018-06-07 20:14


there was a famous margin of safety guy in i3.....his name is stockraider...... He tapao already.

2018-06-07 20:16


you must be joking,stock mkt is peanuts to me but women,they said to know her heart is like finding a needle beneath the sea...wakakaka

2018-06-07 20:20


so how many have you slept? sure you din catch vd?

PlsGiveBonus > Jun 7, 2018 04:08 PM | Report Abuse

Already say stock market = women
You better understand a woman first then you proceed to understand a lot of women
Look carefully it is women (plural) = a lot of woman, not one only.

2018-06-07 20:22


have to make sure it is not Roshmah

2018-06-07 20:33


This is a very accurate comparison
I will use a 1% rule.
Hookup successful rate of 1% and compare to stock market successful rate of 1%,
It is not exaggeration, it is actually very good comparison.
It also imply all your knowledge about how stock market work only can make you 1% more chance to win only. Good luck to win by the 1% chance unless you have very deep pocket, but for hookup, you no need to spend any money, you can increase the odds by significantly increase the hookup count per day.

2018-06-07 22:51

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