Kenanga Research & Investment

Malaysia Consumer Price Index - September Headline Inflation Eases as Low Base Effect Fades and Demand Softens

Publish date: Thu, 24 Oct 2019, 10:10 AM

● Headline inflation eased to a 4-month low, below expectation (1.1% YoY; consensus: 1.4%; KIBB forecast: 1.5%; Aug: 1.5%)

- MoM: muted inflationary pressure (0.0%; Aug: 0.2%).

- Core inflation: edged down to lowest in 4 months (1.5%; Aug: 2.0%).

- Attributable to fading low base effect arising from the three-month GST zerorisation in 2018, low price ceiling imposed on domestic fuel prices, adjustment in the retail oil pricing mechanism at the beginning of the year, as well as lacklustre demand-pull pressure.

● Softer growth in prices led by the index of communication, food & non-alcoholic beverages and recreation services & culture

- Communication (-0.1%; Aug: 2.2%) and recreation services & culture (0.8%; Aug: 2.3%): drifted down on high base effect following the reinstatement of the Sales and Services Tax (SST) in September 2018.

- Food & non-alcoholic beverages (2.2%; Aug: 2.6%): moderated amid lower increase in prices of vegetables and fruits.

● Subdued inflation trend across most advanced and developing economies

- Eurozone (0.8%): dipped to near 3-year low, further below the European Central Bank’s target of 2.0%, due to cheaper energy prices.

- Thailand: withered to an 8-month low on lower transport cost and softer growth in food prices.

- South Korea (-0.4%): fell into the negative territory, reflecting the expanded free education for high school students and an increased coverage of national health insurance.

● 2019 CPI forecast maintained at 0.7% (YTD: 0.6%; 2018: 1.0%)

- Inflationary pressure to remain benign as global growth slowdown, continued uncertainties over the US-China trade feud and rising geopolitical tension in the Middle East are expected to negatively impact the domestic economic activity.

- Subdued inflation and moderating domestic indicators suggest higher likelihood of another 25 basis points rate cut by the BNM at its final policy meeting on November 5th, bringing the overnight policy rate to settle at 2.75% by year-end.

Source: Kenanga Research - 24 Oct 2019

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Do you really think inflation is at 1.1% YoY?
Do you send your car for services? How much was the charges compared with last year?
Do you go out for dinner? Increased by only 1.1%?
Have you renovate/ repair your house this year? Still the same charge?
Do you send your children for tuition? Tutors never ask you to pay more this year?
Do you send your kids to minder/ nursery? Never bother to ask how much more they charge?

All CPI is only good on book - Govt's book, not yours.
If the rate of inflation is so low, employers have the justification to give you a 2% salary increase.
If you want to plan for your retirement, and if you use govt figure, surely you are planning to fail!

2019-10-24 11:24


Set up your own CPI.
CPI varies with different age groups and different requirements.

For young people yet to get marry, entertainment/ eating out/ excursion/ overseas travel may be heavier components.

Young couples with kids will tend to have high weightage spend on kids.

Retirees will have different set of needs, especially on travelling, entertainment, health care, car replacement etc etc.

Young people should have a set of goals as how their retirement should be. Project estimated cost at the time of retirement 30 years down the road. Work out saving schedule, and give a realistic inflation rate as how much will be required at the first day of retirement.

Using official inflation rate will kill you half way through your retirement. Check with your parents (if they are staying on their own) to see actual rate of inflation based on their needs.

2019-10-24 11:44


From RM 1800 a month to RM 2400 in 4 years, work out to be 8% compounded. Not bad take into consideration rate of inflation is only 1.7% yoy.
Employer already giving much more than his fair share only if govt CPI rate boleh pakai.......

2019-11-03 16:48

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