1.) 去那裡開戶 ?
2.) 開戶多少錢 ?
证卷行开户口(Trading Account - Nominee Account / Direct Account)和CDS户口。
Trading Account户口收费每间正卷行不一样,有些是免费。
CDS(Central Depository System) Account,就是电子储存股票的户口,这是马来西亚政府规定的。
然后就是交易户口(Trading Account):
- 你可以开Direct Account,所有的broker都有提供这种服务。你买了的股票将会放上你的大名,也就是说该公司会知道你是他们的股东之一。至于股息,公司会直接寄 支票给你。如果公司要发附加股,凭单等,你需要自己去办手续(填表格,交支票等),全部要亲历亲为。
- 或者,你可以开Nominee Account,一般的银行都有提供这种服务。你买了的股票将会放上银行的名义,可是是benificial to你的大名,也就是说该公司并不知道你是他们的股东之一。至于股息,公司会寄钱给银行,然后银行转账进你的交易户口,不过银行会收一些费用(RM2左 右)。如果公司要发附加股,凭单等,银行会帮你搞定,你只需要付少许的费用,不必亲历亲为。
Nominee Account还有一个好处,因为它是银行的服务之一,所以你可以直接从你的银行户口直接转帐进入你的交易户口,拿钱的时候也可以直接转帐进入你的银行户口,不过就需要签名。
不论是Direct Account或者是Nominee Account,你都可以从网上买卖股票,不过你要问清楚该银行或股票行,如何从网上进行买卖。
当然,如果你从网上买卖,因为不需要通过任何remisier,所以brokerage fee就便宜些,大约0.42%左右,如果你打电话给remisier,叫他帮你买卖,那么你就必须付比较高的brokerage fee,大约0.7%左右。
3。馬來西亞一張是多少股 ? 是不是最少都要買一張 ? 能不能舉實例說明,買一張大概多少錢 ?
这里称为1LOT,1LOT=100SHARE。这也就是说若股价=RM1.2,那1lot的价格就等于RM1.20X100 = RM120.00。
a. Brokerage
大多数的股票行,打电话的brokerage fee是 0.7%,上网的是 0.42%。IntraDay 0.10%。
还有一个叫做 minimum brokage,打电话的是RM40,上网的是RM28/ RM12(有几个公司的最低是12,如pbbank, hongleong bank)
假设你买一个股票,总数 RM 2000。
打电话就被charge RM 14块,但由于你没超过 那个 40块的最低限制,所以你就被逼给RM40的水钱。
上网的话,本来应该被charge RM 8.4,但因为没超过12块就被逼要给12块。
b. StampDuty
c. Clearing Fee,多数都是charge 0.03%
2000块的股票才收你 6毛钱。
5. 转证卷行费用(Moving Cost)
6. 一间上市公司的基本条见是什么?
7. 请问股票有没有expiry date??
除了Warrant之外,股票是沒有expiry date的.如果你是用100%本錢來購買股票,你可以享有無期限的持有此股票,除非這間公司經營不當,導至交易停牌或削資,否則是不會影響你手中的股票.
8. 买卖股票
9. 场外交易,就是 “公开市场以外的交易” 。
direct deal = 场外交易
married deal = 私下交易 ,算是场外交易的一种。
只要涉及的股票数额很大的话 (比如说关系到 “top 30大股东” 的利益) , 那么,几天后, 就要呈报,annoucement 是可以找到的。
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
yes, i am holding megan, baswell, pilecon.where can i sell it those delisted
2012-08-19 16:09
very illiquid shares you have now. you have to sell to private buyer, something like a Sdn Bhd. you cannot do it in open market anymore! that's the problem with delisting!
2012-08-19 16:28
if it was delisting, using SC guidance, it means the company is no longer profitable. So it is very doubtful you can sell back to the management of the delisted company. All it is, is just a remaining Bhd without the listing. Hence, it no longer comes under the purview of SC and you have to deal with interested parties, usually the stakeholders themselves, if they wish to purchase back the shares.
On the other hand, if a company is taken private by a listed company, usually a General offer for your shares is given. the underwriter, acting as advisor will come back to you with the management's offer upon approval by the shareholders thru AGM/EGM.
That is basically the major difference.
2012-08-19 19:36
KC, hold on.
I read that PACmas is going for liquidation and winding up.
If thats the case, the company will no longer exist.
Meiling, just like human being liquidation means got dead ceritficate, kaput no longer exist. At the same time the birth certificate also no use. So if a company is under liquidation and winding up, the company no longer exist. You are sell shares which is has no name or birth certificate, no value liao
2012-08-19 20:26
liew kimguan
thank you very much^_^
2012-08-18 08:32