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Luck and Skill: Can You Tell the Difference?

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 02 May 2014, 09:10 PM
Tan KW
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We should never underestimate the role that luck plays in investing, says Credit Suisse managing director Michael Mauboussin 


 Jason Stipp 13 June, 2013 | 1:46PM



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Whether in sports or investing, the role of luck in winning streaks is both underappreciated and increasing, said Credit Suisse managing director and author Michael Mauboussin during the kick-off keynote at the 2013 Morningstar Investment Conference in Chicago.

Discussing concepts from his latest book, “The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing,” Mauboussin--also an adjunct professor of finance at Columbia Business School--argued that human brains are, in fact, hard-wired to see skill, even when little or none exists. 

“Your mind is allergic to randomness,” he said. It wants to create a narrative to explain the effect you’ve seen. This is followed, Mauboussin explained, by a creeping determinism that begins to solidify that interpretation as the correct one, as well as a hindsight bias, causing us to believe the outcome was predictable all along. 

He pointed to the interesting case of the Mona Lisa. Why is it the most famous painting? Some may point to Da Vinci’s skill or technique, or the compelling expression on the subject’s face. But Mauboussin explained that for most of its existence, the painting actually wasn’t the most famous, or the most expensive, being valued only at about one-sixth of most famous paintings in the mid-1800s. What changed? No one knows for sure, but Mauboussin posits that the theft and subsequent recovery of the Mona Lisa in the early 1900s did a lot to raise the painting’s profile.

The opinions of others can also play into perpetuating the success of one thing over another, despite the skill involved. For instance, Mauboussin cited a Columbia University study that allowed users to rate songs by unknown bands. One song was ranked No. 26 by raters who couldn’t see the ratings of other participants, while it was rated No. 1 in another group that could see others’ opinions, and No. 40 in a third such group. 

So if skill and luck are so hard to untangle, how can we really tell the difference? Mauboussin offered a few reality checks to assist. Whenever you see an outlier, such as a very long winning streak, it’s likely the result of both extreme skill and extreme luck. Why? Consider the case of sports: Not all skillful players will have winning streaks, but all streaks are made by skillful investors. As a result, luck or randomness must be at play in the differing outcomes among those skilled athletes.

What happens following a streak of outperformance can also offer clues as to just how much luck and how much skill was involved. Reversion to the mean after an extreme outcome is expected to happen anytime there is luck involved, Mauboussin said, but the more skill is involved, the less the expected reversion.

The other issue is that skill is not a static quality--it can go up among a population over time, or decline as an individual ages. For instance, Mauboussin explained, our cognitive performance is a combination of crystallised intelligence (the knowledge base you build over time) and fluid intelligence, which dictates how you deal with novel situations. While crystallised intelligence rises throughout life, fluid intelligence peaks in our 20s. Mauboussin pointed to studies by Harvard’s David Laibson showing that the peak age of financial decision-making is 53 years old. Why not older? As we age, sometimes we get cognitively lazier, relying on preconceptions and spending less time working through the details and checking our work. The upshot: even when you find skill, it likely won't persist.

On the flipside is the rise in skill that can happen over time to a group, such as the improvement over time in marathon runners' race times, which, Mauboussin explained, can lead to a paradox of skill: As skill improves, luck becomes more important in the future outcome variance. For instance, as marathon runners got faster over the decades, the standard deviation among them also went down--the difference between the finish time of the first-place runner and the 20th place runner shrunk.  Because the runners are more tightly bunched, any streaks of outperformance are more likely to be attributable to luck versus skill differences.

Applying these concepts to investing, Mauboussin said that well-equipped financial institutions are increasingly competing against other well-equipped financial institutions, not mom and pop investors. As such, standard deviations are coming down, and it’s much less likely you will see the kinds of streaks you used to. And when you do, luck may be playing a bigger role.

Mauboussin argued that as investors, we need to focus on process, not individual managers, understand where the activity of investing sits on the skill/luck continuum, and, given our own human proclivity to seek out causality, never underestimate the role that luck can play.

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Missed the Morningstar UK Investment Conference in London? Catch up on all the articles and video interviews here.
Whether in sports or investing, the role of luck in winning streaks is both underappreciated and increasing, said Credit Suisse managing director and author Michael Mauboussin during the kick-off keynote at the 2013 Morningstar Investment Conference in Chicago.
Discussing concepts from his latest book, “The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing,” Mauboussin--also an adjunct professor of finance at Columbia Business School--argued that human brains are, in fact, hard-wired to see skill, even when little or none exists. 
“Your mind is allergic to randomness,” he said. It wants to create a narrative to explain the effect you’ve seen. This is followed, Mauboussin explained, by a creeping determinism that begins to solidify that interpretation as the correct one, as well as a hindsight bias, causing us to believe the outcome was predictable all along. 
He pointed to the interesting case of the Mona Lisa. Why is it the most famous painting? Some may point to Da Vinci’s skill or technique, or the compelling expression on the subject’s face. But Mauboussin explained that for most of its existence, the painting actually wasn’t the most famous, or the most expensive, being valued only at about one-sixth of most famous paintings in the mid-1800s. What changed? No one knows for sure, but Mauboussin posits that the theft and subsequent recovery of the Mona Lisa in the early 1900s did a lot to raise the painting’s profile.
The opinions of others can also play into perpetuating the success of one thing over another, despite the skill involved. For instance, Mauboussin cited a Columbia University study that allowed users to rate songs by unknown bands. One song was ranked No. 26 by raters who couldn’t see the ratings of other participants, while it was rated No. 1 in another group that could see others’ opinions, and No. 40 in a third such group. 
So if skill and luck are so hard to untangle, how can we really tell the difference? Mauboussin offered a few reality checks to assist. Whenever you see an outlier, such as a very long winning streak, it’s likely the result of both extreme skill and extreme luck. Why? Consider the case of sports: Not all skillful players will have winning streaks, but all streaks are made by skillful investors. As a result, luck or randomness must be at play in the differing outcomes among those skilled athletes.
What happens following a streak of outperformance can also offer clues as to just how much luck and how much skill was involved. Reversion to the mean after an extreme outcome is expected to happen anytime there is luck involved, Mauboussin said, but the more skill is involved, the less the expected reversion.
The other issue is that skill is not a static quality--it can go up among a population over time, or decline as an individual ages. For instance, Mauboussin explained, our cognitive performance is a combination of crystallised intelligence (the knowledge base you build over time) and fluid intelligence, which dictates how you deal with novel situations. While crystallised intelligence rises throughout life, fluid intelligence peaks in our 20s. Mauboussin pointed to studies by Harvard’s David Laibson showing that the peak age of financial decision-making is 53 years old. Why not older? As we age, sometimes we get cognitively lazier, relying on preconceptions and spending less time working through the details and checking our work. The upshot: even when you find skill, it likely won't persist.
On the flipside is the rise in skill that can happen over time to a group, such as the improvement over time in marathon runners' race times, which, Mauboussin explained, can lead to a paradox of skill: As skill improves, luck becomes more important in the future outcome variance. For instance, as marathon runners got faster over the decades, the standard deviation among them also went down--the difference between the finish time of the first-place runner and the 20th place runner shrunk.  Because the runners are more tightly bunched, any streaks of outperformance are more likely to be attributable to luck versus skill differences.
Applying these concepts to investing, Mauboussin said that well-equipped financial institutions are increasingly competing against other well-equipped financial institutions, not mom and pop investors. As such, standard deviations are coming down, and it’s much less likely you will see the kinds of streaks you used to. And when you do, luck may be playing a bigger role.
Mauboussin argued that as investors, we need to focus on process, not individual managers, understand where the activity of investing sits on the skill/luck continuum, and, given our own human proclivity to seek out causality, never underestimate the role that luck can play.
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i dont believe in luck . believe in God lah

2014-05-02 21:45


Luck = be at the right place! Tikam the right stock at the right time.... And there are people who come and help you pick good stocks and advice you to jump out when it's going nowhere. ;)
Skill = talent to pick good stocks , ability to analyse stocks, understanding how the market works...
Experience is the best teacher. Sometimes must pay tuition fee before making good.

I believe all the above r equally important to be successful in stock market.

2014-05-02 21:56

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2014-05-02 22:02


skill + luck - hutang (no contra) :-) hihihi helps also

2014-05-02 22:07


I place very little hope on luck! Met so many boast that they are rich or successful because they are lucky! They are actually indirectly telling me that knowledge, skill, connection, even status were the reason why made them who they are!
Some become successful in business because they are lucky to have friends who support and share opportunity with them! Some of course very obvious due to their family status(especially if you are sons or daughters of politically effluent) having priorities over others!
But I yet to meet pure luck individuals who can boast they make millions from Genting or bought BJToto jackpot! So you see, luck in its pure form very rarely successful!

2014-05-02 22:15


How many of us here play stocks based only on luck! Zero knowledge of TA or FA or anything related to stock picking but 10 out of 10 make 1000% returns! I love to know such person! If he exist!

2014-05-02 22:17


dont worry my pal fortunebullz together we will toil the bursa paddy field together .. in search of true gems .. ha ha ha

2014-05-02 22:17


the reason u resent luck is bcos u have been unlucky whole life? no? haha

2014-05-03 02:11


Friends, wat u call this? Luck or skill? Hehehe!

Published: Saturday May 3, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Saturday May 3, 2014 MYT 12:18:23 PM
Man bets with tombstone numbers and wins RM8.6mil

PETALING JAYA: An Ipoh man won RM8.6mil from two Da Ma Cai jackpot games with numbers copied from his ancestor’s tombstone.

The man could have bagged a third jackpot of RM5.6mil with the same combination, but did not place a bet on it.

According to a Da Ma Cai press release, the middle-aged restaurant owner uttered “Oh my god!” when he was told he missed the chance to win a grand total of RM14.6mil.

It added that the man had used two numbers – 4298 and 8060 – which he got from the tombstone while performing a Qing Ming pilgrimage.

Da Ma Cai said the man used the numbers in the 3D Jackpot and the 1+3D Jackpot, but did not use them in the DMC Jackpot.

A spokesman said the company used to see big winners during the Qing Ming period, although not as great as this man’s winnings.

“The winner is truly blessed by his ancestor,” the statement added.

2014-05-03 21:36


Fully agree with OTB. Skill + luck = winning formula. Recalled back during the rubber gloves stock price run up. Aided by bird flu scare. Latexx-w from 20cts up to RM4.

2014-05-04 20:44

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