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HK cop: I didn’t shoot or hurt anyone

Tan KW
Publish date: Mon, 16 Sep 2019, 10:54 AM
Tan KW
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HONG KONG: With a burly figure and bald head, it is not easy for Lau Chak Kei to blend in with a crowd.
“When I’m off duty and go out now, my wife would ask me to wear a hat and sunglasses. That’s her way to protect me, ” the veteran Hong Kong police officer said.
“But I don’t think the disguise works.”
For the past over 20 years, protecting others in danger has been Lau’s unwavering faith.
Therefore, when the news came on the night of July 30 that a man was beaten unconscious by a mob because of his political views, Lau’s team immediately rushed to the site, knowing that they themselves would become the target amid the intensity of anti-police sentiment.
What happened in the next hour was overwhelming even for the veteran law enforcement officer.
“There were over 1,000 protesters outside the police station, and when they saw us coming, they surrounded us and attacked us with bricks and sticks, ” he recalled.
Besieged by the mob and separated from his team, Lau and another colleague were shoved around and lost their balance. Then, someone took off Lau’s helmet by force.
In the following seconds, fists landed on his head and Lau started to feel dizzy.
Stuck in the chaos, Lau could feel some hands attempting to grab his shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds.
“The moment I realised that those people were trying to take away the gun, all the dizziness disappeared, ” said Lau.
After securing his shotgun with the strength left, Lau pointed it at the mobs for warning. He did not fire a single shot that night.
“I never shot or hurt anyone that night, ” he said.
However, that moment was captured by waiting cameras. Without providing the context, some media and protesters immediately portrayed Lau as the poster child for police brutality in the unrest.
Then personal data of Lau and his family were disclosed online and he was bombarded with hundreds of threatening phone calls, among which some threatened to “kill the whole family”.
At online forums such as LIHKG, radical protesters spread rumours and distorted information about police, or simply vented their unrestrained anger. Lau is still a target.
After an off-duty Hong Kong police officer was stabbed by a trio of masked men last month, Lau and his family had to take the threats seriously.
“I felt nauseated at the ambush against that police officer and my wife broke down in tears, ” Lau said.
“How can you hurt someone who are strangers to you simply because they are policemen?”
As the unrest in Hong Kong entered the third month, prolonged and escalating violence by radical protesters has taken a heavy toll on Hong Kong’s law enforcement.
According to the Hong Kong Police Force, at least 200 personnel have been attacked and injured during the continued unrest. 
 - Xinhua 
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Hongkong police is ill-trained.
They don't know when they should act like an effective law enforcement officer.
They don't know they have the power of self-defense to the extent of causing death, even if they are not police officer. Worst still when they are police officer wearing police uniform and being attacked but dare not take action according to power vested unto them!

What the hell rioters can attack police station with petrol bombs?
Remember Bukit Kepong incident when Police Station was overran by CTs?
It could be the same if Hongkong police is weak as to let the rioters overrun the HK Police HQ !!!!!!!!!!!

What a shame to HK Police !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2019-09-16 13:15


its not lack of training.
its lack of effective leadership, of police operating with hands tied any other country, its time for emergency laws, no mask laws, cannot have police arrest , judges release, no bail laws, time to be tough,

cannot show leniency to rioters and criminals of all sorts, fake reporters, foreigners assisting the rioters,

there are signed of a failed state, teachers not doing their jobs, judges not doing their jobs, and people more interested in being anti China than in doing what is proper.....................

HK has become a trojan horse against China.

2019-09-16 13:53


the police is the only branch of government working...where are the other branches of government?

HK civil servants are more interested in serving London and Washington masters than in serving HK people and serving law and order...................................................

2019-09-16 14:00


The hk police are too lenient with rioters loh....!!

2019-09-16 14:11


HK can cure ?

HKRT and SCMP also anti China medias............all English media in HK still serving masters in London and Washington..................HK got cure?

2019-09-16 14:19


HK no cure...HK becoming ISIS territory with cockroaches ruling the state............

2019-09-16 14:20


Start label the rioter terrorist & start catching them, if they resist. start shooting a few of them , i bet this will sure stop within 1 day loh....!!

2019-09-16 14:23


HKG police has rights to shoot rioters by now. HKG protesters who defy and challenge law or authority has no right to talk about justice anymore. wakaka

2019-09-16 14:30


I not so optimistic...I think HK going straight to failed state status.......................

2019-09-16 14:31


I think 1 govt 2 system....the china govt do not want it to fail, thats why china tolerated the situation of HK until today loh...!!

Remember China Govt would not let Hk fail mah....!!

Posted by qqq3 > Sep 16, 2019 2:31 PM | Report Abuse

I not so optimistic...I think HK going straight to failed state status.......................

2019-09-16 14:35


China has announced the Greater Bay Area project and asked state firms to invest in HK in this time of crisis , both measures to improve the economy of HK..............

but if the police cannot control the situation, all will be for nothing and HK going straight to failed state status..............

2019-09-16 14:39


to me, HK is already a failed state

2019-09-16 14:59


4 groups make up the rioters.... the cows, the devils, the snakes and God..... cows, devils and snakes can still handle but God to powerful, too crazy

2019-09-16 15:02


God refers to the Christian groups who have infiltrated into the minds of the people especially the teens

2019-09-16 15:04


God too powerful

2019-09-16 15:04


Few rotton apples just don't care about any positive govt. initiative in anything, Greater Bay Area project. What they care is to create a black outcast state, with no intervention from China. Seems more like aim for an anarchy nation. Can a nation goes with no govt??

2019-09-16 15:05


its karma ....for holding 6-4 TNM anniversaries for 30 years, HK got its own teenagers who want to be heroes..............

2019-09-16 21:37


HK rioters create their own song Glory to HK............ which is based on an American Christian song with words to deal with this? it is almost impossible for China to deal with this.................conclusion, one have to be pessimistic about HK.............

2019-09-17 12:17


Post removed.Why?

2019-09-17 12:38


How do you rid HK of Glory to HK and replace with glory to motherland? its impossible.

Glory to HK is not One country two is two countries, two systems.

2019-09-17 15:18


all I want to say is HK just want to commit suicide and not even mighty China can help/.............

2019-09-17 21:44

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