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There's Company Research Downgrade and then there is the (Aisayman!!!) "Company Research Downgrade" - Salvador Dali

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020, 09:39 AM
Tan KW
0 457,847

Thursday, September 10, 2020

There's Company Research Downgrade and then there is the (Aisayman!!!) "Company Research Downgrade"


 I have not been holding any glove stocks for the last 3 weeks. So I try to be objective here.

Fact 1: 29 May 2020, research report by Macquarie, Outperform TP RM13.10.

Fact 2: 25 August 2020, research report by Macquarie, Outperform 12 month target RM30.40.

Fact 3: 9 September 2020, research report by Macquarie Downgrade to TPRM5.40.

Fact 3: First two reports by Denise Soon. The downgrade report by Prem Jearajasingam.

Fact 4: Macquarie is one of the top covered warrants issuer in Malaysia.

Fact 5: Ex basis the RM30.40 would have been equaled to RM10.13. Which is to say the down grade wasn't just 10% or 20% in target price. The downgrade to RM5.40 is an astounding 46% cut in TP.

Fact 6: 46% cut in TP all in a matter of 15 days. Pray tell what were the variables that caused such a decision.


Bursa and SC need to look into this closely cause I am sure you have already received a lot of complaints. I guess you cannot have the same analyst do all 3 reports as that would have been tantamount to harakiri for the analyst. The change in analyst has to be questioned. Apparently, Prem is the Head of Research, and Denise has left her position. Still, Prem would have had to approve the previous reports.

The "new analyst" halved the TP on the basis that "ASP cannot sustain forever". What changed the analyst's forecast within this short 2 weeks? Did he suddenly talk to industry leaders worldwide to realise that ASP will not last forever? 

Analysts/research heads have very little power as they do not bring in the big bucks. Before investors focus their ire on them, remember that. But this does not feel right. It leaves a very bad taste in our mouths. The integrity of the markets and the participants are at stake. We need answers and clarity.


THE FUNNIEST THING ... and its a big mistake by Macquarie... look at the table for projections. The first table was by on the upgrade to TPRM30.40. The estimated revenue for 2021 and 2022 were RM12.14bn and RM7.413bn respectively. Reported profit for 2021 and 2022 were RM4.646bn and RM850m respectively.

THE DOWNGRADE REPORT projected revenue for 2021 and 2022 to RM19.058bn and RM9.023bn respectively. The expected profit for 2021 and 2022 were RM10.259bn and RM2.022bn respectively.

How da-macha? The massive downgrade report had a substantive upgrade in revenue and profit. SUDDENLY the valuation parameters changed???

It is not even funny, when within 15 days one can revised the profit UPWARDS from 4.64bn to 10.259bn (+110%) for 2021 and from 850m to 2.022bn (+138%) for 2022 ... and at the same report downgrade the TP from RM10.13 to RM5.40 (-46%).

Please explain.






















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Macquarie bastards, never again

2020-09-11 09:47


Please treat all MQ reports as toilet paper.

2020-09-11 10:03



2020-09-11 10:13


burn down their office! hang those bastards outside their burnt office.

2020-09-11 10:15


Tan KW, you did us a great service by writing this article. It shows that how busuk all these IBs are playing us.

2020-09-11 10:16


Thank you too Tan KW

2020-09-11 10:38


Macquarie WC just ignore.. this kind of unethical issuer just aim to drain all the blood from inexperience retailer. posting all research without any facts and evidences. becareful ppl

2020-09-11 11:06


Big MAC, Please bring back the SMARTEST Denise Soon

2020-09-11 11:34


It is the big funds that are selling. MQ would probably influence ikan bilis but I do not think it influence big funds as well. I have posted in other blogs here that after 5 Elliott waves up, an ABC correction would correct the prior 5 up waves. It reached wave 4, the support level.

The question now is whether the correction is already over. I would peg the steep decline as wave 3, the upwards correction as wave 4 n we have probably another leg down.

2020-09-11 12:10


the above refers to Harta. The same pattern is also seen in TG

2020-09-11 12:11


I think must be typo error. It should be target price RM 15.40 instead of RM 5.40.

2020-09-11 12:46


I believe Dennis Soon, ex-analyst of Macquaries has intention to further upgrade Top Glove target price. But was asked to downgrade the target price and against her research findings. That was the reason why the original write up was very optimistic about the prospects of Top Glove and was amended at later stage by another analyst to downgrade Top Glove.

2020-09-11 13:12


Con job done by prem

2020-09-11 14:36


never buy any macqurie call warrant from now onwards. contradicting each other, while still coming out the overly expensive call warrant to trap those uneducated trader

2020-09-11 15:40


Mr Prem... shameful ..senior anal..list

2020-09-11 18:51


A job well done by MacQuarie. Glove is the next TULIP.

2020-09-11 18:59


MQ not only lost all integrity...Bursa and SC must investigate if they have intention to manipulate glove market

2020-09-11 19:27


Analysis is an art, not science !!

2020-09-11 19:28


MACQUARIE is the best research company.
It should receive an award.

All losers are howling like wounded canine.

2020-09-11 19:54


Not only MacQuarie but all those that made announcements on vaccine development. Malaysia couldn't even produce a decent car without the technical support of foreign partners, don't you think it is a joke that Malaysia could produce vaccines with all those dubious China centric partners. All must be investigated & punished. It isn't different with insider trading as most Malaysians are gullible. BTW I'm not a victim of these "scams" or schemes.

2020-09-11 20:01


from my personal experience, clients of Macquarie like to sell. Whether they are short selling or not, I have no idea and I have no evidence.

I always look at the securities' firm name that is selling to me. Most times Macquarie sells to me. Very rarely Macquarie buys from me.

we should expect a bout of selling by Macquarie clients ?????

2020-09-11 20:02


i dont know edi, nowadays companies cannot earn more money, earn more, then TP kena downgrade. LOL

2020-09-11 20:39


Maalaysia DO NOT HAVE FACILITIES AND EXPERTISE WITHIN OUR BORDERS TO DEVELOP VACCINE, LEAVE ALONE MASS PRODUCING ANY OF THAT. We only in-charge of exporting life sciences experts to Australia and other countries okay, our "vaccine production flow" stop right there. Dont say vaccine, a product so chim, some of those less-chim oral swallow tablets also cannot produce. We at most can make generic medicine like paracetamol only. Even lotion and shampoo, many are made in Thailand.

2020-09-11 21:14


lotion and shampoo are made in Thailand coz Bosses dun need to buy 4 inch mattresses there

nowadays anything can be made anywhere.

Europeans always build factories overseas coz dun want to pollute their own country and buy 4 inch mattreses for "others".

You can make more money putting the factories overseas. Only Malaysians are stupid enough to build factories just next to their own house for "convenience"

lu paham tak paham?

////lotion and shampoo, many are made in Thailand.///

2020-09-11 21:20


////lotion and shampoo, many are made in Thailand.///

Almost all products come from Thailand and Indon.

We are paying premium price for poor products.

Leeches of a kind sits in plum position in these MNCs are milking the consumers,

2020-09-11 23:33

baby shark

macq same like goverment, makan tidur lan教

2020-09-11 23:39

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