Collection on KLSE.8K article


Publish date: Fri, 04 May 2012, 10:55 AM
Collection of KLSE.8k articles from a famous chinese forum in Malaysia.

He was a very dedicated investment guru who contributed his knowledge to the public.

I plan to share those old articles from my local archive to this community and hope everyone can enjoy and benefit from it.

More References: a post from another i3 member -

Published Date: 2002-02-27


上个星期 MWATA整个星期的成交量是433张,这个星期一单单一天的成交量就高达476张,这肯定是梁博士专栏的影响力所致。




因为我注重 ROE而梁博士不看重 ROE。
从梁博士出版的 SPG就可以知道 ROE并不是受重视的数据,因为SPG并没有列出挂牌公司的 ROE。

为什么梁博士不注重 ROE?

从梁博士为所选的股项所作出的解释中,我们就可以知道他是很注重每股净资产值( NTA)的。

MWATA现在的价钱只有 1.40零吉,而它的NTA却高达 2.55零吉。
所以用 1.40零吉的价钱买进价值 2.55零吉的股票肯定是很化算的。
(我想这就是梁博士选股所考虑的一个重要因素:股价比 NTA低。)

梁博士也指出现财政年MWATA的EPS可以达到 0.145零吉,所以用1.40的价钱来计算,本益比也只是 9.4倍而已。

我也发觉到梁博士是从来都不提 ROE的。

为什么我会这么注重 ROE?
因为我的投资思想已经受股神 BUFFETT的影响,他是很注重 ROE的!

ROE的计算法是:ROE = EPS / NTA

用这方法来计算,MWATA的ROE就是 0.057
(ROE = 0.145 / 2.55 = 0.057)

股神BUFFETT有指出 ROE要达到 0.15以上才合乎他的投资准则。
所以MWATA的 ROE就不符合股神BUFFETT的投资准则了。

为什么 MWATA的 ROE不能达到 0.15呢?
因为它的 NTA太大了!

如果MWATA的 NTA只有 1.00零吉,它的 ROE就可以接近 0.15了!
ROE = 0.145 / 1.00 = 0.145
如此这样, MWATA的 ROE就是 0.145。

从这例子我们就可以看出,高的NTA是不利于计算 ROE的!


股神 BUFFETT是不是很矛盾?
他竟然定出个投资准则,要我们先考虑 ROE。
而 ROE的计算法却偏偏要运用到低的 NTA。

这就是股神 BUFFETT特出的投资思想。


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Fat Cat Tim Buddy

ROE的计算法是:ROE = EPS / NTA .....................

are you a bot?

return on equity is = EPS / equity

nta = nett tangible assets

equity = total assets - total liabilities

equity include intangible assets while NTA does not! .... jeez

2012-05-04 11:15

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

its ok if u think you are right, but keep it to yourself, dun mislead other people.

2012-05-04 11:16

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

He was a very dedicated investment guru who contributed his knowledge to the public............

maybe he got experience at other sector of investment or whatever.. but his calculation of ROE is totally wrong..... how can a investment guru? make such mistake.

not only in 1 article , almost every article, the guru ROE calculation also stated as EPS/NTA......

2012-05-04 11:39


He's actually making calculation in a more conservative way, excluding intangible asset which has no value if the company is winding up. He explained it in one of his articles.

2012-05-04 12:45

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

stop defending the guru.. he dint even know the calculation and definition of ROE.

maybe instead of using ROE, he should invent a new ratio and call it - RO-NTA .

intangible asset have no value!? are you stupid enough to believe that?

if intangible assets have no value , microsoft facebook google will only worth 1/1000,000,000 of their total market value.

2012-05-04 13:12


maybe Buffet has been making MONEY out of the mistakes he never realized; for many ten years . . . ha ha

2012-05-04 15:11

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