Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Tips to help you achieve your dream - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Fri, 27 Aug 2021, 10:44 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

What is your dream? If you have not achieved your dream, you should read and remember these tips.

1. You spend too much time doing things you don’t need to do

Whether you sit every night and watch television for hours on end or spend your time in front of your computer skimming through a social network, you should start taking your life more seriously. Think about the way you choose to spend most of your free time and ask yourself if it somehow helps your life move forward and helps you become better - do your actions help you create a foundation for the future you want to live? If not, you probably need to re-evaluate your routine and make changes.

2. You complain too much

Some people, without even knowing it, hate their lives, and they don’t stop sharing this fact with others. Do you think you’re like that? Do you complain about your boss, your salary, or your noisy neighbors? If so, you probably don’t do anything but project negative energy into your environment, and negativity doesn’t help anything, it just makes you stuck. Change the way you think, and talk to your friends about the things you love in life, not about the things that are bothering you.

3. You don’t feed your brain

We don’t stop growing after puberty, and if you don’t continue to learn new things and improve your knowledge in old age, you will degenerate and stay stagnant, just like a still lake which becomes scummy - that's what happens to your brain if you don’t keep it active and teach it new things. Thought provoking challenges help you expand your knowledge and improve your thinking, so don’t avoid them even if learning something new seems like a difficult task - you have to be a little bad at first to get better.

4. You aren’t inspired

Do you have a desire for something? There are many people who go to work every morning, go home, watch television and go to bed, and believe they have no passion for anything, but that's never the case. Each of us has something we enjoy doing which adds to our life, and you have to rediscover what excites you and put more of it into your life.

5. You have too many negative conversations with yourself

Sometimes our thoughts can ruin our day. Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can’t - you're right," which means that if you tell yourself that you are too exhausted to make a difference in your life, you're right because that's what you decided. However, if you tell yourself you're smart and talented enough to get promoted or start your own business, you're also right. Whatever you tell yourself will become your reality, so be aware of your thoughts and adapt them to the life you want to live.

6. You’re not planning for the future

While it is recommended for each of us to live in the moment, sometimes we have to look into the future and make sure we are on the path we need to be on. If you don’t have a goal or a plan of some sort, you’re like a sailor on a boat sailing the sea without a sail expecting to get to a good place, but chances are that that won’t happen. You have to create a plan of action which will help you reach your safe haven - just like choosing a destination on a GPS. Once you have a goal in mind, you’ll know which opportunities will take you to it.

7. You spend too much time with people who don’t contribute to your well-being

It is very easy to get stuck with negative people who don’t help us feel that we are better people than we think we are. Sometimes, we even call these people friends, but it's important that you know that these people are pulling you down with them. People like this are sometimes called "energy vampires" because they draw the spirit of life from others and do not give anything positive in return. Instead of spending too much time with such people, identify the friends and acquaintances who make you feel proud and happy, and surround yourself with them.

8. You are addicted to your smartphone

The smartphone is one of the most useful gadgets added to our lives in recent years,  but you should be aware of the time you spend on it. Think about how the use of a smartphone affects your relationship in your home environment or while you're with friends; are you locked onto the screen at dinner with your family, or are you communicating with acquaintances while you sit for a cup of coffee with a friend? If so, you are missing out on the meaningful entertainment and intimate relationship with the people you love.

9. You spend money on things that don’t matter

There is a big difference between "want" and "need," and certainly your parents tried to teach it to you at a young age. However, the line between these two has become very blurred in today's society, and some people fail to pay their mortgage but still manage to spend their money on non-essential products. If you stop for a moment and think about it, you’ll find that there are very few things you really need in life; water, food, a home, and love are part of that list. All other things are extra, so think about your expenses and make changes accordingly.

10. You don’t get enough sleep

You don’t have to be a doctor to know how important sleep is to our health. If you're awake till the early hours doing chores, you’re probably wasting your free time during the day on things that are not necessary. This is a bad habit that should be stopped because poor sleep can cause fatigue that will rob you of the desire to do the things you need to do to sustain your life.

11. You don’t take care of your body

Beyond the fact that adequate sleep is important for health, it is also necessary to keep the body active and maintain its health, just as you would your car. Your body is the vehicle that drives your soul, and you must help it stay healthy by eating a balanced, healthy diet and exercising, not just for weight loss, but to maintain its strength. It will affect you mentally and change your attitude toward life. Start with small changes, and if you see that you persist in them consider increasing your efforts - the more you do to keep your health, the better your life will look.

12. You don’t step out of your comfort zone

It’s easy to stay in a comfortable place, but if we don’t take calculated risks in life, it’ll never be able to improve enough to satisfy us. Note that there is a difference between "risk" and "calculated risk", since just any risk can lead to a negative outcome, but a calculated risk is one in which our chances of achieving a positive outcome are higher. Just think of a plan of action and go with it wholeheartedly.

13. You don’t love your life

Success and happiness come hand in hand, because the way to test how successful a person is, is to measure his level of happiness. Do you feel happy? If not, you may need to make a significant difference in your life. Even feelings of satisfaction or contentment aren’t indicative of a life lived to the fullest - life needs to excite you! If you don’t enjoy your life, you have to make some changes that will lead you to a better place.

A few words to sum up If these 13 signs sound familiar to you, don’t be discouraged. You can change your life, but first, you have to get rid of the little voice in your head telling you it's impossible. Most of the times our biggest obstacle is the pattern of thoughts in our heads, so start by making a linguistic change. Change your way of thinking and speaking and gradually the way you perceive and experience life will change as well.



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7 people like this. Showing 34 of 34 comments


making people feel guilty is a solution to their problems meh?

nothing wrong even don't have a million bucks...............now China also want to ban 996 and promote relax be happy.

2021-08-27 22:53


Jack Ma used to be very good in giving such advises ( when he was number one)...now hiding.

2021-08-27 22:59


Koon, don't forget to look into new share kpower.

2021-08-27 23:02


Very good article.

2021-08-28 00:27


That's a good writeup. Always treat others like you want to treat yourself. Don't ever cheat and deceive them just to make more money. The world is bountiful. You don't hv to cheat to achieve your dreams.

2021-08-28 06:49


Just want to remain Mr. Koon the below saying by i3lurker:

When you speak the truth, money flows into your bank account everyday like rivers of gold non-stop.

There is totally no need to beg people aka suiyee sucker bilis to buy the fooking share.

The truth will set you free.
When you speak the truth, there is totally no need to remember what you said.

Be free, speak the truth.

Money is nothing.
I make a lot of money everyday coz I speak the truth

2021-08-28 08:13


khyeap That's a good writeup. Always treat others like you want to treat yourself. Don't ever cheat and deceive them just to make more money. The world is bountiful. You don't hv to cheat to achieve your dreams.
28/08/2021 6:49 AM

Yes Yes Yes

2021-08-28 09:22


Mr Koon should share chicken soup advice that he most accomplished of, that is "how to cheat and deceive ppl out of their money and still can sleep sound remain clear conscience". Come on Koon can do it, we all eagerly want to know bcoz we r really bad at this.

2021-08-28 09:29


14. Dont sell shares quietly when u ask others to buy
15. Dont buy shares quietly when u ask others to sell

2021-08-28 09:32


16. When I ask to buy, you sell.
17. When I ask to sell, you buy.

2021-08-28 09:39


1. Become a keyboard warrior and con readers
2. Buy before writing an article
3. Sell after posting an article
4. Repeat 1.

2021-08-28 09:41


20. Always do the opposite as I said.

2021-08-28 09:47


100. I make money using my keyboard.

2021-08-28 09:49


18. Don’t promote your stock with your write ups when you want to sell.
19. Don’t demote a stock with your write ups but at the same time you are secretly buying it.

2021-08-28 09:51


by trum > Aug 28, 2021 9:51 AM | Report Abuse

18. Don’t promote your stock with your write ups when you want to sell.
19. Don’t demote a stock with your write ups but at the same time you are secretly buying it.

u think he do that? No evidence that is what is happening. Plenty of evidence lots of ego involved.

2021-08-28 10:09


things happen. There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns.

2021-08-28 10:12


things don't always happen logically. Things get entangled.

2021-08-28 10:14


Warren Buffet: Never forget rule No. 1

2021-08-28 10:15


on the hierarchy of needs, ego is supreme to old koon.

2021-08-28 10:17


Tips to help you achieve your dream

unwritten,,,,,,,,,,I got it, u want it come and get it.

2021-08-28 10:20


I make a lot of money everyday coz I speak the truth

over valuation of truths.... only for kids.

if only people really knows the truth all give up already.

2021-08-28 10:43


Posted by trum > Aug 28, 2021 12:27 AM | Report Abuse

Very good article.

I am not sure making people feel guilty is the way to go.

define dreams.

2021-08-28 11:19


Don't meet covid, else you are nothing.

2021-08-28 16:26


神经病的 qqq3, 故作高深却气量一滩尿这么深。

2021-08-28 16:41


101. U cheat u deceive u got ill-gotten money, then u take a token of the money u donate to needy undergraduate, then u deceive urself that u hv been forgiven.

2021-08-28 16:43


Eastern....motivations can be ego or money....but ego more likely

2021-08-28 17:11


thank you mr koon

2021-08-28 21:17


Thank you Mr Koon. Sincerely

2021-08-28 22:15


these tips obviously to help us.

the stock tips that u give, is to realize YOUR dream right?

2021-08-29 08:25

Daniel Yong

Thank you, Mr Koon, for a very positive and forward looking article. Was actually looking for something like this. Will share.

2021-08-29 12:40


ABBA - I Have A Dream (From The Late Late Breakfast Show, England 1982)

2021-08-29 15:40


Daniel yong, u thank him? Wait till one day he stab u then u know. This KONG YOYO words is full of shit

2021-09-02 22:44


My dream is : the world restoring to pre-covid era. fxxk new normal.

2021-09-02 23:45

Jameslee Wah

Old people are going to talk like this because they know is time to kick the basket

2021-09-03 07:09

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