Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Why is Covid 19 not so infectious as you imagine? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021, 09:08 AM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,424
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Someone forwarded these statistics to me which I like to share with you. You should also read my comment at the end.



The number of deaths in the world in the *last 3 months of 2021*

      314,687 : Corona virus

      340,584 : Malaria

     353,696 : suicide

     393,479 : road accidents

     240,950 : HIV 

     558,471 : alcohol

     816,498 : smoking

  1,167,714: Cancer


 Then do you think Corona is dangerous? 


is the purpose of the media campaign to settle the trade war between China and America 


to reduce financial markets to prepare the stage of financial markets for mergers and acquisitions 


to sell US Treasury bonds to cover their fiscal deficit.


Is it a Panic created by Pharma companies to sell their products like sanitizer, masks, medicine etc.

Do not Panic & don't kill yourself with unecessary fear. This posting is to balance your newsfeed from posts that caused fear and panic. 


If you do contact Coronavirus, this still is not a cause for panic because:

81% of the Cases are MILD

14% of the Cases are MODERATE

Only 5% of the Cases are CRITICAL


Which means that even if you do get the virus, you are most likely to recover from it.

Some have said, “but this is worse than SARS and SWINEFLU!”  SARS had a fatality rate of 10%, Swine flu 28% *while COVID-19 has a fatality rate of 2%*


Moreover, looking at the ages of those who are dying of this virus, the death rate for the people UNDER 55 years of age is only 0.4%

This means that: if you are under 55 years of age and don't live out of India - you are more likely to win the lottery (which has a 1 in 45,000,000 chance)

Let's take one day ie 1 May as an example when Covid 19 took lives of 6406 in the world.

On the same day:


26,283 people died of Cancer

24,641 people died of Heart Disease

4,300 people died of Diabetes

Suicide took 28 times more lives than the virus did.

Mosquitoes kill 2,740 people every day, HUMANS kill 1,300 fellow humans every day, and Snakes kill 137 people every day. (Sharks kill 2 people a year)


Join to Spread *Hope* instead of Fear. 


*The Biggest Virus is* not Corona Virus but *FEAR !*

My comment:

After I read the above message, I Googled “how to improve my immune system against corona virus and I found this useful information.

Immune-Strengthening Strategies

Healthy living strategies you can do for your immune system include:

  • Exercising regularly – Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables – Use the MyPlate technique to determine portions and types of healthy foods that are best for nourishing your army.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight – Aim for a BMI of 25 or lower. The best way to lose weight is with exercise and a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Getting quality sleep – Set a schedule and routine for sleep and practice good sleep hygiene.
  • Reducing stress and developing good coping mechanisms – Include activities in your daily life that help you handle stress, like virtually connecting with loved ones, going outside, practicing meditation regularly, exercising, making art or other hobbies.
  • Quitting smoking – If you smoke, you can get support to help you quit.
  • Drinking alcohol only in moderation, if at all – Limit the amount of alcohol you keep in the house or limit the number of glasses/bottles you drink.


Taking steps to prevent infection.

  • To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
  • Maintain a safe distance from others (at least 1 metre), even if they don’t appear to be sick.
  • Wear a mask in public, especially indoors or when physical distancing is not possible.
  • Choose open, well-ventilated spaces over closed ones. Open a window if indoors.
  • Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Get vaccinated when it’s your turn. Follow local guidance about vaccination.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  • Stay home if you feel unwell.


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3 people like this. Showing 38 of 38 comments

Mynihar Nihar

558,471 : alcohol - No 3 , huhu but ban alcohol become isu in Malaysia huhu

2021-11-15 09:21


Cite where you got your data. Either you are plagiarizing or you are just plucking numbers from the sky.

2021-11-15 11:49


In Malaysia nearly 30k sudah mati , not so infectious meh?

2021-11-15 11:49

Thomas Chan Yeu Wai

KKY, suggest u take this post down. Imagine a reader that had loss his loved one due to COVID-19 read this post. He/she will become more frustrated and confuse.

2021-11-15 12:24


Eat pineapple n we all shall got long, prosperous n hapi life like kyy !

2021-11-15 14:17


sarcastic write up by kyy the goon

2021-11-15 14:17


Convid are welcome to visit uncle K

2021-11-15 14:41


It's the rapid rate of infections that is worrying. Fear of overwhelming the hispital capacity and fatal mutations.

2021-11-15 14:50


your article so good wan hahaha... no mention on wearing gloves a? haha

2021-11-15 15:21


Covid-19 is extremely infectious, just not so deadly as SARS, swine flu or Ebola. The old coot can't even get a simple fact right.

2021-11-15 15:54


81% of the Cases are MILD
14% of the Cases are MODERATE
Only 5% of the Cases are CRITICAL
Media causing fear only

2021-11-15 17:15


Con people... Covid will be afraid from u

2021-11-15 18:26


That is y kyy is save from Covid

2021-11-15 18:27


Most probably Grandpa Koon copied this article from some dead anti vaccine influencer! Yeah, the anti vaccine influencers are getting smaller because of of them are dead!

2021-11-15 18:33


From Covid!

2021-11-15 18:33


The fact that it can overflow our ICU within weeks makes COVID-19 an extremely dangerous infectious disease. Don't drop your guard. Our ICU is not just for COVID!!

2021-11-15 19:21


I totally agree with you.
Many countries like Italy had to chose who lives and who dies
But thats ok

coz ConYY has totally no idea what is an ICU

he thinks it stands for I Con U

Posted by mita29 > Nov 15, 2021 7:21 PM | Report Abuse

The fact that it can overflow our ICU within weeks makes COVID-19 an extremely dangerous infectious disease. Don't drop your guard. Our ICU is not just for COVID!!

2021-11-15 19:24


Thank goodness only 2% remain unvaccinated! We are among only 10 countries in the world which such high vaccination rate! And we are now back to business with no lockdowns!
A huge thank you to Khairy for his competency in getting vaccine ahead of others! Unfortunately Senior Lim seems to focus on attacking without brain!
And unfortunately for Senior Lim too, his politicking has not been well receive of late!

2021-11-15 19:30


The 2 year on/off lockdown has caused untold misery and economic hardship to millions of Malaysian. Economic destruction is definety of unparalleled in history. Business shut and closed, job loss, families forced into poverty, recovery will not be easy { when your savings and EPF is empty} job opportunities in the coming years will be tepid { bad news for thousands of school leavers}

2021-11-15 19:43


be careful

those Air Asia groupies will kill you
coz TF predict huge gigantic economic boom and streets of KL will be paved with gold.
Even chow kit, lorong haji taib and jalan alor Happiness Women will wear gold panties

puncturing AA balloons will be bad for your heath.
I worry that you might be physically harmed.

on that basis AA will take huge loans from banks and gobermen

Posted by Plantermen > Nov 15, 2021 7:43 PM | Report Abuse

The 2 year on/off lockdown has caused untold misery and economic hardship to millions of Malaysian. Economic destruction is definety of unparalleled in history. Business shut and closed, job loss, families forced into poverty, recovery will not be easy { when your savings and EPF is empty} job opportunities in the coming years will be tepid { bad news for thousands of school leavers}

2021-11-15 19:50


The death rate is low due to measures taken such as vaccination lockdown social distancing wasting hands wearing mask

If lassie faire 100 times more ppl would have been dead

2021-11-15 20:03


hate to agree, but KYY does have a point

it's true. Had Ebola became pandemic instead, the fatality rate is way higher than covid's.
mortality rate from covid is exaggerated as the media portrays.

2021-11-15 22:52


dun be a ConYY follower.

no way ebola can become pandemic coz

1) infected just dies off, too fast to spread
2) ebola is spread by direct contact. Its NOT airborne
3) symptomless ebola infected cannot spread virus

compare with covid-19

1) infected just dies slowly to spread virus
2) Covid-19 its airborne
3) symptomless covid-19 infected can spread virus

but actually you sound like all other known ConYY gang followers, just ignorant SOBs.

Posted by drken91 > Nov 15, 2021 10:52 PM | Report Abuse

hate to agree, but KYY does have a point

it's true. Had Ebola became pandemic instead, the fatality rate is way higher than covid's.
mortality rate from covid is exaggerated as the media portrays.

2021-11-15 23:08


The statistics for number of deaths in the world in the *last 3 months of 2021* is FAKE NEWS.

Here's the link to debunk KYY fake news - https://www.techarp.com/internet/covid-19-dangerous-statistics/

2021-11-16 00:23



ConYY essentially used Fake News to support his fake arguments.

reputable newspapers like nytimes also used excess death rates to compare deathly effects of covid-19.

thats also how nytimes evaluated effects of covid-19 inside Russia where statistics are murky.

Posted by Habislah > Nov 16, 2021 12:23 AM | Report Abuse

The statistics for number of deaths in the world in the *last 3 months of 2021* is FAKE NEWS.

Here's the link to debunk KYY fake news - https://www.techarp.com/internet/covid-19-dangerous-statistics/

2021-11-16 00:31


These articles should be banned

2021-11-16 07:40


1. In the list, only COVID-19 is infectious. Meaning, no matter what you do, you might get it if you are exposure to others who have COVID-19. The other death are personal exposure/risk/habit.
2. The reason why COVID-19 death is lower is because we have yet to return to normal lifestyle.

2021-11-16 09:27


Smoking cause more deaths, but 4D is the target.

2021-11-16 10:40


It is true loh!

There are less concern for covid since 90% of the people are vaccinated mah!

2021-11-16 10:55


Post removed.Why?

2021-11-16 11:32


Post removed.Why?

2021-11-16 11:57


good article......

2021-11-17 09:34

man hi

why rich people think covid is nothing and not willing to wear their masks at common area.

2021-11-17 10:54


My two cents, I think who are meticulous person will refuse to take "Covid" jab! Please kindly read and understand what is "Epidemic" & "Farr's Law".

2021-11-17 12:11


6288 today

Going up

What people don't understand is that the vaccination rate is going down from 90% to 80% to 70% to 60% to 50% to 40% to 30% as the vaccines effects wane

90% stil no herd immunity is totally bad news

stockraider It is true loh!

There are less concern for covid since 90% of the people are vaccinated mah!

16/11/2021 10:55 AM

2021-11-17 16:01


Original plan was to vaccinate 70% 80%

Then herd immunity and Covid would be gone

But covid mutates into alpha beta delta etc

Plan needs to change lo

Pfizer AZ oso going for booster

2021-11-17 16:15


U may be vaccinated now

6 months later u r not longer vaccinated

2021-11-17 16:18


why don't u say so when gloves stocks were rocketing? or did i miss it because i rarely come here?

2021-11-17 17:04

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