Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Summary of Xi Jinping’s speech at Davos - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Wed, 19 Jan 2022, 09:32 AM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

As you know, I have circulated President’s long speech at virtual Davos to about 160 people on my contact list.  Most people did not read it because it is too long and they thought it did not matter to them. They are wrong because it matters to everyone. It involves the economy and lives of everybody in the world. I trust you will read it and forward it to your friends.  

What is Davos?

The World Economic Forum is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation based in Colony of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on 24 January 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab. 

The flagship event of the World Economic Forum is the invitation-only annual meeting held at the end of January in Davos, Switzerland, bringing together chief executive officers from its 1,000 member companies, as well as selected politicians, representatives from academia, NGOs, religious leaders, and the media.  


President Xi Jinping of China called for stronger international cooperation in overcoming shared global challenges including defeating COVID-19, revitalizing the economy and addressing climate change, in the opening session of the World Economic Forum’s virtual event, the Davos Agenda 2022.

Xi outlined that the international community is still locked in a tenacious battle against what he called “a once-in-a-century pandemic”. Calling for greater global cooperation, he said: “The fight against the pandemic is proving to be a protracted one. COVID-19 is resurging with different variants and spreading faster than before. He added that shifting blame will only cause delays in response.”

Speaking in a special address to business, government and civil society leaders taking part in the week-long virtual event, he laid out a three-pronged approach to safeguard people’s health. First, countries need to strengthen active cooperation on research and development of medicines. Second, leaders need to build multiple lines of defence against the coronavirus. Third, countries need to fully leverage vaccines by ensuring equitable distribution, boosting vaccination rates and closing the global immunization gap.

Xi said that China is doing its part, having already sent more than 2 billion doses of vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations, to be closely followed by at least another 1 billion doses.

As the world emerges from the depths of pandemic gloom, Xi cautioned that several risks threaten to derail economic recovery, including disruptions in global supply chains, tight energy supply and rising commodity prices. He said: “If major economies take a U-turn in their monetary policies, there would be serious negative spill overs which will challenge global economic and financial stability.”

To fully unleash the vitality of the world economy, he also called for less protectionism, especially on trade. Economic globalization is an unstoppable trend which will not veer off course, he said, despite counter-currents along the way: “We should remove barriers, not erect walls. We should open up, not close off. We should seek integration, not de-couple.”

Xi highlighted China’s reform path. He pointed out that China’s domestic growth in 2021 hovered around a healthy 8% annually, with the country achieving its dual target of high growth with low inflation. Nevertheless, he also said Chinese leaders are aware of the further work necessary to achieve prosperity that benefits all people. “We remain committed to reform and opening up,” he said. “A rising tide indeed lifts all boats.”

On climate change, the Chinese president said that China stands ready to help the international community realize the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development and to achieve carbon neutrality in the long term. He outlined that China would honour its word to achieve carbon peaking by 2030 followed by specific industry plans towards carbon neutrality. Xi pointed out that China has the world’s biggest carbon market and clean energy capability.

Xi also cautioned that “weaponizing economic, scientific and technological issues will gravely undercut international efforts to tackle common challenges”. He said: “Developed countries should take the lead in honouring their emission reductions, deliver on their commitment to financial and technological support and create conditions for developing countries to address climate change,” he added.

World Economic Forum’s Founder and Executive Chairman thanked China.

Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum’s Founder and Executive Chairman, thanked China for taking an active part in collaborative global efforts to combat shared challenges. “The year 2022 will provide a unique opportunity for global leaders to work jointly towards a more inclusive, more sustainable and more prosperous world,” Schwab said. “We must unite despite the different views we hold; ultimately we belong to a single global humanity whose fate is increasingly interconnected.”

Summary of the above summary

China’s President Xi Opens Davos Agenda with a call for greater global cooperation to tackle common challenges.


1. To step up macroeconomic policy coordination and jointly promote strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of the world economy.


2. To abandon ideological prejudice and jointly follow a path of peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.


3. To close the divide between developed and developing countries and jointly bring about growth and prosperity for all.


4. To come together against global challenges and jointly create a better future for humanity.


5. We should stay committed to openness and inclusiveness instead of being closed off and exclusionary.


6. We should stay committed to international law and international rules instead of seeking one's own supremacy.


7. We should stay committed to consultation and cooperation instead of conflict and confrontation.


8. We should stay committed to keeping up with the times instead of rejecting change.


9. China will continue to take an active part in international cooperation on COVID-19, will continue to implement a win-win strategy of opening-up, will continue to promote sustainable development, will continue to advance science, technology and innovation, will continue to promote a new type of international relations.


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震驚! 中國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕!【20220115】
步入2022,我們已經與新冠病毒共存2年了,回想起疫情爆發初期 武漢的慘狀,再到後來世界爭相追責,要求病毒溯源,直到現在中國死磕“清零”,嚴苛的抗疫措施與西方的“開放”陣營格格不入……這兩年,我們的很多話題都圍繞著疫情,其中,又以中國的疫情尤為受到大家的關注。可能是因為無論我們身在何處,都同是中國人,都心系故鄉的人、故鄉的事。但是有一個問題,我們從未去問、去探究過,最重要的是這個問題根本不可能得出答案,但我一說出來,你一定也很想知道,那就是:中國疫情這兩年,死了多少人?這是一個需要勇氣去想的問題,要是放在以前,沒人知道中國究竟死了多少人,可是現在,隨著時間的流逝,塵封的歷史,似乎正在被安排要一步一步揭開了。這2年,一直有科學家在研究新冠大流行下的真實死亡人數,這些科學家們通過收集全世界能收集到的所有相關數據,研究、建模、比對,希望能夠對人類戰胜新冠做出科研上的貢獻,比如想知道遏制病毒傳播的最佳方式是什麼?比如如何才能降低感染、住院、和死亡水平?而要想回答這些問題,Covid的死亡率是一個關鍵的指標。於是,繞不開的死亡率,牽引著他們嘗試揭開中國新冠死亡率,這個潘多拉魔盒的一角。今天我們就把這些科學家們的研究整理出來,講給大家聽,請各位屏息以待,收拾好你的勇氣和正氣,我們來看看:中國新冠可能死了多少人?


2022-01-19 21:25


Xi Jin Ping given the top honour as FIRST speaker at DAVOS

CHINA overtake USA as world namba 1 economic power

2022-01-19 21:33


Hollow call by Xi. The western world looked to the USA, not to China for leadership. When Xi called for "openness and inclusiveness" westerners will question how open and inclusive is china in regards to its economic opportunity to others and foreign investors. Even apps and netsites like whatapps, facebook and many more are not allowed in China.

Let's not talk about human rights which is even lower than any 3rd world country.

2022-01-19 22:10


US is failing nation! The world no longer looks to US for leadership! Asean leaders shun US when they tried to intervene in South China Sea dispute! The reason is obvious, US will only destroy Asean just like what US did with so many nations which end up in ruin!
As for Chairman Xi, he tends to say one thing but do another! It's like don't smoke but sell cigaratte anyway! So i don't really trust Chairman Xi as he has his own sinister agenda for the world!
Anyway, for Malaysia, we need to be neutral! We should not take sides at all!
Be like Singapore! A trade friendly nation!

2022-01-19 22:37


The Democrates are working to remain forever in the USA. Their agendas have to be more popular than the Republicans. The Democrates do not have things such as anti the immigrants, kicking out the mothers because the children were borne in the US and soon a law may be passed that any person who has remained in the USA for more than 30 day will be eligible to vote. It sounds unbelievable but that will make sure the Republicans will not be able to make their way back.

Egypt/Pharaoh was destroyed by God. The Greek (Alexander The Great), Roman Empire and even Ottoman also being vanished. What is USA?

2022-01-20 00:04


Crap la
Ban Facebook, ban google, ban all the competitors and they say inclusiveness. Lmao
Just war la and flatten middle earth

2022-01-20 00:08


So what cock is Xi talking then?

2022-01-20 00:50


Wasted my time reading, thought what ho liao. what is it for us in Malaysia ?

2022-01-20 01:59


Surrender your territory in 100 km of sarawak coast

2022-01-20 08:08



2022-01-20 10:05

Lewis Lee

another political propaganda speech keeps playing on and on ..... with distortion of facts , reality and ...
only people as naive and brain-washed as uncle Koon keeps worshiping this dictator !

2022-01-20 12:53


Posted by beinvested > Jan 20, 2022 12:04 AM | Report Abuse

The Democrates are working to remain forever in the USA. Their agendas have to be more popular than the Republicans. The Democrates do not have things such as anti the immigrants, kicking out the mothers because the children were borne in the US and soon a law may be passed that any person who has remained in the USA for more than 30 day will be eligible to vote. It sounds unbelievable but that will make sure the Republicans will not be able to make their way back.

Egypt/Pharaoh was destroyed by God. The Greek (Alexander The Great), Roman Empire and even Ottoman also being vanished. What is USA?

Answer : Like i said, US is failing nation! Democrats are driven by the enlightens! All those LBGT thingy! Black lives matter! Transgender! While flooding US with new migrants! A very low quality migrants!

2022-01-20 13:08


Posted by Up_again > Jan 20, 2022 12:08 AM | Report Abuse

Crap la
Ban Facebook, ban google, ban all the competitors and they say inclusiveness. Lmao
Just war la and flatten middle earth

Answer : Like i said, Chairman Xi will say one thing do another! Talk about freedom in China but no Google, no Facebook, and so forth! But then again, if US social media are allowed, then you see anti CCP rising!

2022-01-20 13:09


Apa weed you smoking??

Moscow was the original capital, it was succeeded by Petersburg from the beginning of the 18th century. From the early 20th century onward Moscow again became the capital

Why don’t you say KL is the original capital of China. So that’s why they wanna take everything back

2022-01-20 14:47


Davos Gives a Pass to Xi Jinping's Hypocrisy | Opinion

The annual gathering of the global elite for the World Economic Forum is being held online this year. Although attendees are not able to meet in person in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, I am sure that they have found ways to let each other know how pleased they are that Donald Trump is safely out of the way in Florida. They never liked Trump. He dared to criticize their beloved global institutions. He refused to play the game. And worst of all, he took on their great friends in China. Perhaps this was why the online jamboree featured an address via Zoom by that perpetually cheerful fellow, President Xi Jinping.

It is important to understand who the Davos crowd are and what motivates them. They are the bosses of global businesses and big banks. They rub shoulders with leading political figures. In many cases, they have occupied these powerful positions for decades. To some degree, their collective decisions and policy stances are followed by aspiring world leaders. Yet for all their talk of global cooperation, of safeguarding the environment and of corporate social responsibility, there is a moral vacuum in their worldview. They think that a nationalist like Trump is a worse human being than the leader of the Chinese Communist Party.

This group must have been thrilled that their star guest from China agreed to address them. The feel-good speech that Xi delivered was straight out of the playbook of trendy global leaders. It was littered with nice phrases such as "giving support to developing nations." The benefits of multilateralism should, Xi said, include "technological exchanges." And, of course, there was the obligatory promise to combat climate change. Because the world continues to be torn to shreds by the COVID-19 crisis, Xi also had a word to say about the pandemic. He boasted, without a trace of irony, that China has sent 36 medical teams out to help struggling nations. No doubt he expected a round of applause and hearty thanks for this selfless mission.

I can only imagine that the lobbyists and the big money men were thrilled by all of this, probably telling themselves that the oration was powerful and historic. Perhaps if they lived in the real world, and if the Davos meeting was to have a semblance of credibility, the WEF organizers might have considered inviting another speaker along to provide a counterweight. I know that they would never ask me to attend but, given the chance, this is how I would have responded:

"I'm sure that the 36 nations given help by China were grateful for that medical assistance, President Xi. Unless I missed something, though, I did not hear a single apology from you for this pandemic which began in very dubious circumstances in Wuhan Province and which your officials tried to cover up. Despite this oversight, I am sure that your calls for removing trade barriers and opening up the world economy have gone down very well with the delegates. With that in mind, should I take it that the vindictive and punitive tariffs placed on Australia by your government will be removed forthwith? As for your worries about climate change, can I assume that they mean you will personally undertake to stop building scores of new coal-fired power stations in China every year? On the topic of responsibility, you are a leading member of the international community. Yet your support for the rule of law and trust in global institutions does seem to be at odds with your treatment of the Uighur Muslims in your country. Would you care to explain what you know of the detention camps in Xinjiang in which an estimated 1 million people are currently incarcerated? While we all know that there was some antipathy between yourself and Donald Trump's administration, one of its final acts was to describe your treatment of this group as genocide. What do you have to say to that?"

2022-01-20 14:53


Don't expect any of these questions to be asked by a single online attendee at Davos, of course. Most of them are happy to turn a blind eye to China's considerable crimes. Others are in their pay in one way or another. The rest don't seem to have a problem with China at all. Just consider the words of German chancellor Angela Merkel, who said this week: "I don't think it would do justice to many societies if we were to say this is the United States and over there is China and we are grouping around either the one or the other. This is not my understanding of how things ought to be." Merkel sees no difference between America and China.

That is why it is vital that the Republican Party and populist movements across the world keep raising these issues and keep up the pressure on China. Be under no illusion: communist China is the biggest threat to our way of life in the West. The Davos crowd is simply too blind to see it.

Nigel Farag

2022-01-20 14:53


Write a comment..Don't expect any of these questions to be asked by a single online attendee at Davos, of course. Most of them are happy to turn a blind eye to China's considerable crimes. Others are in their pay in one way or another. The rest don't seem to have a problem with China at all. Just consider the words of German chancellor Angela Merkel, who said this week: "I don't think it would do justice to many societies if we were to say this is the United States and over there is China and we are grouping around either the one or the other. This is not my understanding of how things ought to be." Merkel sees no difference between America and China.

That is why it is vital that the Republican Party and populist movements across the world keep raising these issues and keep up the pressure on China. Be under no illusion: communist China is the biggest threat to our way of life in the West. The Davos crowd is simply too blind to see it.

Nigel Farage is senior editor-at-large of Newsweek's "The Debate" platform.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.


2022-01-20 14:54


KY. You are great supporter of China. Hurray...

2022-01-20 20:22


Communism was founded in the West/Germany, Marxism later being adopted in Russia (Lenin). China adopted communism as an ideology to organize the socioeconomic situation, which gained the support from the people where poverty was so rampant through out China then.

Russia communism transferred to China with the support from Russia.

Today, the West preferred to champion the ideology of democracy over communism.
But communism is no longer a threat to the West.

China is unlikely to be so powerful now if it is still under the administration of the Ching Dynasty or the Kuomintang. China had conveniently adopted communism and the idea of common ownership and erasing the social classes among the people during civil war have really attracted the peasants and poor.

China is not a threat to the West but...
In recent years, plenty of refugees from Syria/Middle east have entered Germany and France. When you look at France, which group of people is gaining prominence more and more? Germany, during the last Chancellor, plenty was absorbed into Germany. Europe is already being taken over.

Who destabilized the Middle east then that have caused many swam to enter Europe and to take over in time to come?

Fighting Russia, the West is also head on the armies of Russia that got many Muslim soldiers.

2022-01-20 20:42


beinvested never read about the history of CPC in China ka...

My question to you

1. What are the result of Mao's common prosperity policy ?

2. Does the policy of Mao continued after he passed away?

3. Why the Deng policy worked ?

4. Why is Deng new policy ?

2022-01-20 20:47


No need to talk so much crap. This round, Japan is on the same side.

2022-01-20 20:51


1. Mao 's policy managed to reunite the people from across the country to successfully defeated KMT...lands belonged to the rich were taken over by the government. Then, even after the civil war, the communist gov was still so poor. Poverty. Famine.

2. There were internal power struggle after the demise of Mao and his policies were continued for some while and later started to reform especially when Deng have stepped in.

3. Deng adopted the open market policy versus "close door" policy..to trade internationally. China is a big market, so the rest of the world participated. Inflow of foreign exchange is more than the outflow. Just tourism alone, how many tourists visited the Great Wall?

4. He has a vision. To conduct business transactions with the rest of the world.

2022-01-20 21:14


1. Wrong answer. I am talking about his common prosperity policy.

2. Wrong answer. Yes or No please ?

3. Wrong answer. My question is Why the Deng policy worked ?

4. What is Deng new policy all about ?

2022-01-20 21:23


Why are you talking about stuff that happened 30-40 years ago? how is that relevant to the present day?

2022-01-21 13:39


Zxvvbn this show that you don't understand the history of China. U need to understand how they works & CPC ideology behind them as they CPC are still ruling China till now.

2022-01-21 13:51


If now they no longer existed in China then their history will no longer essential but still important to serve as a warninbg what they can do to others in the past.

2022-01-21 13:53


We should stay committed to openness and inclusiveness instead of being closed off and exclusionary.????

can you check what CCP did in china against those who voice out their diff opinions ? lived so long you , read dead book only.

2022-01-21 13:55


Live in Malaysia butt dont understand

"" openness and inclusiveness ""

NEP is "" openness and inclusiveness ""

2022-01-21 14:24


Xi fanboys that support everything he says but when the same thing is done here, bising selected persecution

2022-01-21 14:32


Aslvin you lived in a country that far better than China la. U should try to live in China for few years in China then you will realise how CPC treated you. Especially those who don't have any connection at all.

2022-01-21 15:15

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