Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Sanctions on Russia is counter productive - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022, 03:48 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

NATO countries including US imposed economic sanctions on Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. All NATO countries are discouraged or forbidden to buy Russian products such as oil, gas, wheat and fertilisers. As a result, the prices of oil, gas, wheat and fertilisers has been surging and affected the prices of many other consumer products. That is why I said sanctions on Russia is counterproductive. It is hurting all NATO countries including US. Inflation in US is highest in the last 40 years.

Sanctions benefits China

Most Russian oil exports to China are delivered by the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean Oil Pipeline, operated by Kremlin-controlled Transneft Far East. Seaborne shipments have also risen in recent months as refineries seek to take advantage of relatively low prices.

China’s imports of Russian crude oil hit a record in May, as Chinese buyers took advantage of discounted prices after Beijing pledged to continue normal economic ties with Moscow despite the geopolitical fallout from President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

A year-over-year rise of 55 percent in May, to 8.42 million metric tons, meant imports from Russia overtook those from Saudi Arabia to become China’s largest single source of crude for the month, according to Chinese customs data released Friday. In April, Saudi oil accounted for 21 percent of China’s total imports, compared with 15 percent for Russian-sourced fuel, according to an analysis from Cinda Securities.

Over the first 100 days of the war in Ukraine, China became the world’s leading buyer of Russian fossil fuels, as many Western nations cut back on purchases to impose economic costs on the Kremlin for its invasion.

Russia made nearly $100B from fuel exports in war’s first 100 days, report says

The recent increase in imports reversed a period of low purchases immediately after Russia invaded, when Chinese buyers remained cautious about the risks of being sanctioned. The Washington Post has reported.

Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin put on a show of solidarity with a phone call on Xi’s birthday, June 15, in which the Chinese leader hailed steady progress in the bilateral relationship and reaffirmed support for Russia’s “core interests concerning sovereignty and security.”

The reaffirmation of close ties drew a rebuke from the United States. “Nations that side with Vladimir Putin will inevitably find themselves on the wrong side of history,” a State Department spokesperson said.

Speaking Friday at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Xi hailed the “high resilience and ingenious potential” of Chinese-Russian cooperation. Putin responded by stating that the relationship is powered by long-term prospects rather than “recent geopolitical events.”

Sanctions also benefits India 

India’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been distinctive among the major democracies and among U.S. strategic partners. Despite its discomfort with Moscow’s war, New Delhi has adopted a studied public neutrality toward Russia. It has abstained from successive votes in the UN Security CouncilGeneral Assembly, and Human Rights Council that condemned Russian aggression in Ukraine and thus far has refused to openly call out Russia as the instigator of the crisis. For many in the United States, including in President Joe Biden’s administration, India’s neutrality has been disappointing because it signalled a sharp divergence between Washington and New Delhi on a fundamental issue of global order, namely, the legitimacy of using force to change borders and occupy another nation’s territory through a blatant war of conquest. Whatever their views on the genesis and the precipitants of the Ukraine war, most Indian strategic elites would admit that their country’s diplomatic neutrality ultimately signifies what one Indian scholar has called “a subtle pro-Moscow position.”

Russian vessel docked at Mumbai port

US Consulate General wrote a direct letter to the Mumbai port authority, asking it to not allow Russian vessels to dock at the port due to American sanctions.

India on Wednesday took objection to the “suggestion” by the US consulate to block Russian ships at the Mumbai port and asserted that "it is New Delhi’s sovereign right to deal with global partners in the national interest."

Attempting to discourage India from importing cheap crude oil and other goods from Russia, US Consulate General in Mumbai wrote a direct letter to the city's port authority, asking it to not allow Russian vessels to dock at the port due to American sanctions against Russia. This photo of Russian vessel docked at Mumbai Port was taken on 9 July. 

The Mumbai Port Authority in turn wrote to the Directorate General of Shipping, which sought the intervention of the Ministry of External Affairs. According to reports, the MEA stated that it is India’s sovereign decision to engage with countries in national interests and that it will not deny permission to ships from any particular country from entering its ports.

Marred by Western sanctions, Russia has been offering big discounts on its energy exports, which prompted India to buy more from the country. In the month of May, Russian oil arrivals in India stood at 740,000 barrels a day, up from 284,000 barrels in April and 34,000 barrels a year earlier.

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Russia start offering citizenship to all Ukrainians is smart? I wouldn't call letting people whose families and home you killed and destroyed into your country smart. There's nothing smart about letting people who want you dead into your home lmao.

2022-07-16 18:43


"I mean stay together with no energy and economy collapsing"

There are other oil producing states. Oil is just a commodity, it's just a matter of reorganising supply chains. US is also one of the biggest oil producing states, Norway also produces oil. Not unlike those high-tech parts that Russia needs to manufacture weapons which only western countries and its allies know how to make.

2022-07-16 18:46


"its smart because Putin is generous"...Generous at taking people's lives, both Ukrainians and Russia

2022-07-16 18:47


"Ukraine becoming a wasteland"

No thanks to Russian shelling

2022-07-16 18:48


It's Putin who should send his daughter to fight Ukrainian since he said the war is too important.

2022-07-16 18:56


"Ukraine becoming a wasteland because Biden..." Nah, it's russian missiles that are killing and destroying ukraine, not american.

2022-07-16 18:58


war? What war? russian media said there is no war or an invasion.

2022-07-16 19:01


What's natural is the Ukrainian defending themselves against the Russian invaders.

2022-07-16 19:04


Putin fighting the Ukrainian to the last Russians and Ukrainian.

2022-07-16 19:07


They did negotiate, didn't work, because Putin just wants to fight Ukrainian to the last Ukrainian and last Russian.

2022-07-16 19:08


Nah, what's natural is Ukrainian defending themselves against the Russian invaders. No country will just stand idly while their houses and family gets destroyed and killed.

2022-07-16 19:10


"want to increase their own population too"

At the rate Russians are dying in Ukraine, they're gonna need to. Although, those Ukrainian will probably sabotage the Russian from the inside as revenge for the killings of their families.

2022-07-16 19:13


"see how la................... fighting a no win war not very smart."

No win indeed. It's been 5 months, yet Russia is still no closer to Kyiv than at the start of the invasion. But now they have less troops, less tanks, less missiles, less generals even because a lot were killed. Russia should be smart and just withdraw from Ukraine, it has already failed.

2022-07-16 19:19


Says who? The Russian media that says that there is no war, no invasion happening? Lmao

2022-07-16 19:20


What fighting? Russian media says there is no war.

2022-07-16 19:21


If by weaker, you must mean the Russian, because they are not doing well in Ukraine.
As they say, Russia has the 2nd strongest army...IN UKRAINE lmao.

2022-07-16 19:23


And NATO is not encouraging Ukraine to fight. They're just helping Ukraine defend themselves against a big bully, just like how the US helped China defend itself against Japan in WW2. So the question you should ask is, why is Russia fighting with Ukraine in the first place, not why is Ukraine defending itself.

2022-07-16 19:27


But then, according to Russian media, there is no war, no invasion. It's western lies lmao.

2022-07-16 19:27


What fight? There is no war in Ukraine according to Russian media.

2022-07-16 19:30


Should watch Russian news media too, it says no war happening in Ukraine.

2022-07-16 19:37


But Chinese news media said got war. Aya, the CGTN tell lies lah, just like western media! Read Russian news media, no war in ukraine wan. XD

2022-07-16 19:38


According to Russian media, there is no war in Ukraine. Chinese news media need to do better coverage and get the facts right. How can they say there is a war in Ukraine, that's not true.

2022-07-16 19:57


No, even very recently, the Russia government said there is no invasion, no war. Read Russian news media, no war in Ukraine. They won't lie wan. How can you say there is war, that's wrong!

2022-07-16 20:11


Don't you dare shame Russia qqq3333. Xi Jinping declared Russia their partner of no limits. He wouldn't have done that if Russian was untrustworthy. You saying Xi's partner is wrong?? How dare you!

2022-07-16 20:14


For the sake of the partnership, Chinese news media need to stop telling lies about there being a war in Ukraine. There's no war. Can't even get their facts right. How Xi Jinping suppose to show his face to Putin when Chinese news media slandering Russia like that? Trust Russian media.

2022-07-16 20:35


Is that what Chinese news media are saying. How come?? Russian news media makes no such prediction. Russia has made lots of trade with western countries, they even share a space station together. They help each other out. This chinese news media love telling lies lah. Even say there is a war in Ukraine, which is just not true.

2022-07-16 20:39


fight? what fight? There's no war. Read Russian news media! Why is the chinese news media slandering Xi Jinping's partner of no limits! That's wrong!

2022-07-16 20:39


1. USSR was dismantled during the time of Ronald Regan and Mikael Gorbachov.
2. People like Putin is very emotional when think about a huge union being torn into pieces. He would promise you that he will do his best to avoid any further dismantling about Russia and even dreamt of rebuilding this big country at any cost.
3.So, the western/US liberal/democrate politicians might have misread his political strategy and aspiration.

2022-07-16 21:53


1. In the collapse of any nation/company/family/, usually you can find that there was element of traitorship/betrayal.
2. The same with the USSR, element of betrayal.
3. You can see with today's political parties. Pengkianatan causing the collapse of a government.

2022-07-16 22:13


1. If they are sincere, might as well as Putin to join NATO, then problem solved.
2. If you have the courage to get a hand shake (friendship) from Putin, like what Jokowi did recently, then Putin will know you are his friend.
3. But these NATO/USA leaders do not have the courage and sincerity to do that, maybe as intended, they wished for evil unto Putin.

2022-07-16 22:24



"for hundreds of years already, Russia and Ukraine is one country until 1990......Ukraine return home to mother is very natural."

What? Chinese news media says Ukraine is a sovereign country whose borders must be respected. That's why until now China still recognize Crimea is part of Ukraine. You saying CCP is wrong and that Ukraine belong to Russia??? Xi Jinping very angry with you.

2022-07-16 22:59


The imperialism by the Westerners in China is an important lesson for the Chinese.

Today, they may want to encircle China by controlling countries that are neighbouring China. But China has expanded outward like engaging with neighbours and countries from Africa and the islands from the Pacific.

There is no militaty base being built by China at those countries like West/USA did. They intended to contain the influence by China in other countries.


2022-07-16 23:49


Fight? What fight? Putin said there's no war. You calling Xi Jinping's partner of no limit, Putin, a liar?

2022-07-17 21:51


Lies? You calling Putin, Xi Jinping's partner of no limits, a western liar?! Xi will be very angry with you to slander his best friend like that.

2022-07-18 00:31


Stop slandering Putin qqq3333. He said there is no war, and no invasion, so why doubt him?? Xi Jinping trust him.

2022-07-18 00:32



You are the one echoing western media lies that there is a war in Ukraine. Russian media say there isn't. Times up for you. Chinese media, as friends of Putin must also correct their mistake of saying that there's a war in Ukraine. Putin says there isn't. Stop slandering Putin, you're making Xi Jinping look bad.

2022-07-18 01:14



You're a western dog for saying there is a war in Ukraine. Putin says there isn't. China needs to give a statement and apology to Russia for also saying theres a war in Ukraine. Otherwise, China will lose Russia as its partner of no limits.

2022-07-18 02:43




2022-07-18 11:57



War? What war? Russian Media says there is no war! Putin says there's no war. You calling Putin a liar? Stop slandering Xi Jinping best friend XD.

2022-07-18 12:00



Why is China slandering Putin??? Russian government so good in an interview said there's no invasion of Ukraine, no war.

2022-07-18 12:04



You are a western dog for saying there's a war in Ukraine. Russian media said no war, must believe! Why you doubt China's partner of no limit. You western dog XD.

2022-07-18 12:07



You western dog. Russian media said there's no war in Ukraine, no invasion. Must believe, they never lie wan. It seems chinese news media is betraying Russia and siding with the west by saying there's a war in Ukraine. Xi must make correction before Putin gets angry and break partnership

2022-07-18 12:13



You are western dog by trying to cause problems between Russia and China. Russia said there's no war yet you say there is. Shame on you XD

2022-07-18 12:15



Whats evil is you slandering Russia by saying there's a war in Ukraine. Russian media says there's no war, no invasion. I just don't understand why chinese news media is telling the same lies. Xi needs to explain this to Putin so the partnership between the 2 countries can survive.

2022-07-18 12:47



2022-07-18 13:29



You are a western dog for spreading lies that there is a war in Ukraine. When asked about the invasion of Ukraine, Lavrov (Russia foreign minister said) "what invasion? We never invaded anybody". Yet, you continue to spread lies about there being a war. You are an enemy to Russia and China XD. Xi Jinping needs to tell the chinese news media to stop lying about Ukraine.

2022-07-18 14:28



2022-07-18 14:28



You saying Russia killed some Ukrainians?? You slandering Putin. You are just a western dog spreading lies that there is a war in Ukraine. Russian Media said there's no war. Chinese news media also so gullible to believe that there is a war in Ukraine. Xi must fix this for the sake of China-Russia relations.

2022-07-18 14:53



2022-07-18 14:53


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