Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Does Malaysia still have a bright future? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Mon, 05 Sep 2022, 09:16 AM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Once upon a time not so long ago, Malaysia was the biggest producer of tin, rubber and palm oil. Moreover, we have petroleum. We are one of the largest petroleum producers in the world. Yet we could not make it into the ranks of the developed nations.

In 1970 our GDP per capita was about the same as Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea. In fact, observers of the Asian region 50 years ago recognized that Malaysia’s living standard was as high or even higher than that of these three tigers.

Today the Malaysian tiger has become extinct. In its place is a slum pussy cat - scrawny, flea ridden and asleep most of the time. Currently Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea GDP per capita are 4 times, 3 times and 2.5 times ours. Despite their lack of natural resources they have become developed nations. All these countries do not even have the same extent of forests to provide timber to build their houses. Yet today if you travel to their cities and countryside what will strike you is how rundown and shoddy our buildings and facilities are compared to theirs. And this goes for every aspect of our economy as compared with theirs whether it is in transportation, infrastructure, education or services.

Bumiputra Policy

In 1970, the Government introduced the New Economic Policy which was actually a pro-Bumiputra Policy. The intention was highly questionable but the implementation was even worse. Politicians abused their political power to give out large contracts and licenses without open competitive tenders.

This crony ridden non-competitive government procurement and expenditure system was extended into all the profitable sectors of the economy - examples can be found in the toll roads, license to import and export goods, contracts to generate electricity etc.

The biggest culprit behind why we have degenerated from a tiger to a pussy cat is corruption. Malaysia is acknowledged to be one of the most corrupt nations in the world.

A few days ago, our former PM Najib was sentenced to 12 years jail and his wife Rosmah was sentenced to 10 years jail.

Foreign observers have pointed out that the current court cases against the nation’s corrupt political leaders are really only the tip of the iceberg against corruption in Malaysia. If these court actions can be increased ten or twenty fold against corruption in the country, then perhaps there can be hope for Malaysia to become a developed nation.

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Once upon a time not so long ago, Malaysia was the biggest producer of tin, rubber and palm oil. Moreover, we have petroleum. We are one of the largest petroleum producers in the world. Yet we could not make it into the ranks of the developed nations.
Answer : We are running out of oil! In fact we are net importer of oil from Saudi! Fortunately we still have palm oil but it's in the hands of elite politicians and tycoons!
Don't even dream about better and brighter Malaysia! As climate crisis hit us around 2035, i think economy will be the least in that period!
Beside, one should ask, do we have corrupt free and competent lawmakers! We don't! You honestly think Harapan are saints! Anwar is surrounding by tycoons! LGE is so indebt to tycoons! Mat Sabu is just happy to get small reward to play sidekick to the Lims! Parliment session is a total joke! Nothing seems to be resolved by our lawmakers other than constant fighting over nothing!

2022-09-06 23:03

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