Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Why Western media lie and spread misinformation about China? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Mon, 05 Sep 2022, 09:24 AM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

​Frequently I have seen CNN and US State Secretary Antony Blinken running down China, especially human rights violation in Xinjiang. As a Malaysian Chinese, I cannot stand the US propaganda. I did some research. I cut and paste this for your information.

Sino phobia and paranoia

Ever since China started "rising" 40 years ago and provided an alternative, socialist, people-led mode of development to the world – in stark contrast to the profit-hungry, corrupt and tyrannical Western approach – the U.S. has unleashed a massive propaganda campaign against it. China has been accused of committing every crime under the sun, including some of the worst crimes known to humanity, including that of "genocide."

All with zero evidence, of course. In general, one would imagine that the worse the crime, the more evidence needed to prove it. Yet, Western media believes in the opposite: The more severe the accusation, the weaker the evidence.

Consider the whole "Uygur genocide" propaganda narrative. It is based on such flimsy data that few believe it. Even social media sleuths often tear it apart. Yet, the Western media continues on their propaganda campaign, as if the question was settled and beyond doubt.

Most propaganda angles about China in the Western press are based on lies. The so-called debt-trap diplomacy propounded by U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken himself is a long-discredited conspiracy theory.

A new propaganda story they're pushing these days is that China is rapidly expanding its military. Yes, the military superpower with 800 military bases in 70 countries and a publicly revealed military budget 2.5 times that of China's – is concerned that China's military expansion is a threat to world peace.

Not playing fair

So what explains these relentless lies and propaganda? What explains the constant hammering of anti-China opinions down people's throats? Three key reasons could help explain and contextualize this phenomenon.

One is that it reflects Western values: racism, hatred, violence and a disdain for other cultures and peoples. This is manifested through Western propaganda in the form of Sino phobic "reporting" and racist and orientalist tropes.

Another is to keep local populations subservient and distracted from domestic problems. All difficulties at home can then be blamed on an imaginary enemy. Consent can then be manufactured for aggression against said enemy. Thus, in the U.S., everything from climate change to election losses is decried as a foreign plot.

When COVID-19 hit, the Western world's Pavlovian response was to blame it on China. Just like Nazi Germany's problems were once blamed on Jews and Socialists, America's problems are today blamed on China or Russia.

This saves governments the trouble of solving those problems themselves. Currently US has the most Covid 19 cases and deaths in the world as shown below:

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1 person likes this. Showing 19 of 19 comments

Lewis Lee

Why Koon Yew Yin continues to be brain washed by CCP fake news propaganda and " lie and spread misinformation about China" by ignoring basic human rights ??
Wake up Uncle, your write-up is as worthless as fake news spreaded by CCP !!
No wonder your blind faith cost you tonnes of money investing in conman's company ... Xin Quan !!

2022-09-05 10:18


Don't believe in CCP. They are the one spreading fake news and propaganda to their own advantage. Old man should be wise enough to make own judgement.

2022-09-05 10:30


OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China


2022-09-05 10:38


60% of human population are in Asia! Yet the western nations dominate global affair!
US obligachs or the enlightens are firing up war between Taiwan and China! I say Asia should not be duped into this domestic affair! Let China and Taiwan settle their difference on their own! Why the heck are the whites so intervening into chinese affairs! Unless of course, it benefit tremendously for the military arms suppliers of US of course!
It's time for Asia people to take charge of humanity destiny! Why all the time depend on western nations to decide!
China of course is the most population nation in the world and in Asia! So China can take leadership provided they do not intervene in domestic affairs of other Asia nations!

2022-09-05 14:26

Lewis Lee

Put those "chinese rubbers" eg. qqq3333 & unlce Koon in Xin Qiang re-education camp for months and let them personally experience the treatment of CCP themselves will be very wise ! lol

2022-09-05 15:27


Diplomats from 30 Muslim countries visited China's Xinjiang region


August 10, 2022

Algeria's Ambassador to China, Hassane Rabehi, was quoted by local media as saying, "The fruit here is so sweet, just like the life of the people here", adding that he got to know the "real situation" of Xinjiang, where the rights of people of all ethnic groups are well protected, said reports.

Following the event, a press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that envoys expressed that "freedom of religious belief and various rights of Muslims are duly guaranteed." And that what the delegation saw and heard along the way "is completely different from what some Western media reported."

2022-09-05 17:40



the delegation visited Kashgar, Aksu and Urumqi, visited mosques, Islamic schools, museums, old city renovation, grassroots communities, technology enterprises, green development and rural revitalisation projects, and worked with local religious figures and graduates from education and training centres.

They communicated with each other and learned about the real situation of Xinjiang’s economic development and prosperity, freedom of religious belief, ethnic unity and harmony, and people living and working in peace and contentment.

2022-09-05 17:52


It’s a lot simpler to make Xinjiang like camps here in Malaysia

2022-09-05 18:27


Malay lady visited Xinjiang


2022-09-05 18:28


Malay couples visited Xinjiang


2022-09-05 18:31


We can put all those who can’t converse in National language in these camps
Follow Xinjiang exactly, so wouldn’t have much opposition

2022-09-05 18:32


Only USA and its allies accuse China. The majority of the world nations don't support America's accusation. No Muslim nations and organizations support America's accusation. That means America is a devil state.

2022-09-05 20:13


Yup, that’s why it’s ok to be done in Malaysia too
Follow what’s done there, the entire Malaysia population will support

2022-09-05 20:16


Trump committed human rights abuses, at the border, in detention centers. war crimes, crimes against humanity. and state- sponsored terrorism, causing the deaths of American, Iraqi, Kurdish. and Afghani civilians, in domestic COVID deaths, and in military operations abroad, and the assassination of Iranian head of state, General in Qassem SoleimanI.

In 1492, there were 8-10 MILLION Native Americans in what is now the US.

In 2022, there are fewer than 500,000 left, most living on reservations in conditions that would not pass muster with the UNHCR, should they visit them.

2022-09-05 20:22


Posted by Up_again > Sep 5, 2022 6:27 PM | Report Abuse

It’s a lot simpler to make Xinjiang like camps here in Malaysia

Answer : The Brittish did that here in Malaysia! Remember 'New villages' where all local chinese were lump into camps so the communists cannot exploit them!
As for Xinjiang, CCP is doing it to prevent those extremists in Pakistan and Aghanistan from exploiting muslims in China! Only US and EU have problem with this because you know, then they cannot destroy China from within!

2022-09-05 21:12


OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China says CHINA IS GUILTY

but the President of UNHR resign and she does not intend to renew her contract due to evil US demoncrazy regime.

SHe was forced to accused China of genocide but she didnt sign the paper but her vie president. All skupid western readers, use brains because you are reading fake news

2022-09-06 03:55


the main issue is that lots of fools still believe the US and EU are the protectors of the press freedom. go read articles from the US and EU top newspapers about the ukraine russia conflict for the last few months. most are nothing but fake news and propaganda.

2022-09-06 05:37


some can't even understand the meaning of genocide . the population of Uyghurs in Xinjiang is increasing .

2022-09-06 06:15


You are free to visit Xinjiang! No, china won't confiscate your smartphone if you record over there!
Sure! There are those kept in some camp over there, but that's to prevent the extremists messy around in Xinjiang and the rest of China!
I used to be angry with myself how CCP destroy churches and mosque in China but once i understand why, i accept such wisdom!
You see, religions brought more suffering that actually helping society! We can live without religion especially extremist ones! But we can't live in society where lawlessness thrives!

2022-09-06 14:56

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